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The Life Story of Sultan Banoo: What Goes Around Comes Around
The Life Story of Sultan Banoo: What Goes Around Comes Around
The Life Story of Sultan Banoo: What Goes Around Comes Around
Ebook83 pages1 hour

The Life Story of Sultan Banoo: What Goes Around Comes Around

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This is a true story about a poor, honest, broken heart and brave woman which lost her husband which love so much. Her family left her, nowhere to go to rise her two children at age of 17. After two years of hard work as a maid, a miracle happens and all her prayers answered by God. She found a good God loving man to married her and raise her children. In the next two years of her marriage she had a new baby girl which she loved so much. After the daughter grew up and became a woman with helped of her husband stab her mother and killed her father. She caused her mother to lost love of her life and everything, and dead lonely with broken hearth.
I hope when you finish reading the life store of Sultan Banoo, you will find to answer this question. Was God watching and listened to Sultan Banoo and punished her daughter and her husband or all these things occurs by coincidence. You must decide, as we each decide paths every day.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateJul 26, 2022
The Life Story of Sultan Banoo: What Goes Around Comes Around

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    Book preview

    The Life Story of Sultan Banoo - Joe G. Ahmadifar Ph.D.

    Copyright © 2022 by Joe G. Ahmadifar, Ph.D.

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    Rev. date: 07/20/2022







    Chapter 1In the Beginning

    Chapter 2Sultan Banoo’s New Life

    Chapter 3City of Abadan

    Chapter 4Sultan Banoo’s New Life in Abadan

    Chapter 5Beginning of the Change

    Chapter 6Mirza’s New Game

    Chapter 7Nazi’s Role in Deadly Game

    Chapter 8Final Stage of Deadly Game

    Chapter 9Life without Abe

    Chapter 10Fall 1980

    Chapter 11Life after War

    Chapter 12Mirza, Nazi’s Final Chapter

    Chapter 13Mystery of Hakim’s Death

    Chapter 14Joe’s Life Stories

    Chapter 15The Greatest Moment of Joe’s Life

    Chapter 16Do You Believe All These Things Occurred by Coincidences?


    I dedicate this work to Sultan Banoo, who became single mother at the age of seventeen with two small children and did everything humanly possible to raise her children. nd to all the single moms who live with a dream of better life for themselves and their children.

    Also, I dedicate this to my father, who lost his head in the 1981 Iran-Iraq war.

    I would like to express my great appreciation to my mother, whose unwavering faith in me has been the driving force in my life. My mother’s unconditional love and prayers remain my unremitting source of strength.


    This book is the window into my belief that what goes around comes around.

    I decided to write the true story about a poor, honest, hardworking, and brave woman, who lost her husband whom loved so much; her family left her with a broken heart; and she had nowhere to go to raise her two children at the age of seventeen. After two years of working so hard, long hours baking bread and worked as maid, a miracle happened and all her prayers were answered by God. She begin to see the light and found a good man to marry her and keep her children. In the next two years of marriage, she had a new baby girl, Nazi, who she loved dearly, but when the daughter grew up and became a lady, she stabbed her mom and caused her to lose everything, including the man she loved. All her dreams were gone, and she’s dead with a broken heart.

    I hope when you finish reading the life story of Sultan Banoo, you will find to answer to this question: Was God watching and listening to Sultan Banoo and punished her daughter and her husband or all these things occurs by coincidence? You must decide as we each decide paths every day.

    Joe Ahmadifar, August 12, 2022

    Chapter 1

    In the Beginning

    Sultan Banoo’s life began in the city of Dezful. She was born in 1905 and raised by a poor family in the southern part of Iran. Early in 1900s, most of the people of Dezful worked on the farm, and the population was around ten thousand. Josef Jotea’s family lived in an old part of town, worked on the farm, and raised animals.

    The name Dezful is derived from two words: dezj, which means fortress, and pol, which means bridge. Dezful is a city in the Khuzestan Province in Southwestern Iran. The city houses a bridge that dates back to 300 BC.

    The population was about 250,000 by 2010. Dezful is 120 kilometers north of the city of Ahwaz, which is the capital of the state of Khuzestan. In 1980, the war between Iran and Iraq started and lasted eight years. Iraqi aircrafts regularly attacked Dezful and destroyed most of the historical buildings. Thousands people got killed. Dezful is primarily a commercial state and one of the main producers of agricultural products in Iran. The people of Dezful are known as Dezfuli, which is also what their language is called.

    Josef lived with his wife Goldie and four children, two boys and two girls. The girls were named Sultan Banoo and Batool, and their boys were Mohamad and Hossain.

    Even though the children were too young, the boys were working hard, helping Josef with his farming, while Sultan Banoo helped her mother bake bread and took it to the market for sale. Batool, the younger daughter, was too young to work. Sultan Banoo, as the eldest child, had a very strange personality. Most of the time she had problems with her mother and the rest of the family. When she was fourteen, her mother found a thirty-eight-year-old rich man to marry her, but Sultan Banoo refused. She repeatedly told her father that if her mother continued to push her, she would kill herself.

    She continued to work at the house and helped her family. Her mother kept pushing her

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