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Seedenomics: The Financial Foundation For The Kingdom of God
Seedenomics: The Financial Foundation For The Kingdom of God
Seedenomics: The Financial Foundation For The Kingdom of God
Ebook230 pages4 hours

Seedenomics: The Financial Foundation For The Kingdom of God

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In this book you will learn principles that will change your Economics by the teaching of Jesus on Seedenomics. In the four synoptic gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John Jesus taught forty three parables. Twenty seven of these parables teach how your seed into God’s work, increases your harvest in your work.

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateAug 23, 2022
Seedenomics: The Financial Foundation For The Kingdom of God

Dr. James Payne

Dr. James Payne is founder and president of JAMES PAYNE MINISTRIES in Nashville Tennessee. James is celebrating 46 years of full time ministry. He has preached over 5000 crusades and continues to be in great demand for revivals and camp meetings concerts and television appearances. James has been anointed by God to break the SPIRIT OF CONTAINMENT in the church. James travels worldwide teaching on Seedenomics. A revelation God gave him on the Power and Practice of Seedtime and Harvest from the parables of Jesus! In the last few years he has raised the money and paid off numerous church mortgages in his meetings. James is also a Grammy nominated songwriter. He has authored over 2000 songs and recently released his 33rd recording project. James has been inducted into the Christian Country Hall Of Fame and has received the Living Legend Award as well as the Lifetime Achievement Award and most every award music has to offer. The Washington Post and many other National magazines have done stories on his music. He has seen 83 of his songs go to number one on the charts. A who’s who of singers and artists have recorded songs written by him. His classic signature song “The Night Ole Jack Daniel’s Met John 3:16, debuted at number one on the gospel charts, then crossed over to the country charts and reached number four on the independent country charts. It reached number one on many large country music stations and stayed there for several weeks. It was also nominated for song of the year . James was raised from the dead in 1968 and delivered from drug addiction and alcoholism. James has been anointed and assigned to break the spirit of debt and release the spirit of abundance in people’s lives and to help them fulfill their destiny. He is a preacher who sings…not a singer who preaches.

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    "When we live our lives according to the truth of prosperity, it liberates us from poverty." (Dr. James Payne, Seedenomics, Page 137)

    The author is what you would call an expert in "the power of the seed." I've read a few books on seedtime and harvest, and in my opinion, this book outpaces them all that I've read so far. Seedtime and harvest is mentioned in the first book of the Bible-Genesis. It reads:

    "While the earth remains,
    Seedtime and harvest,
    And cold and heat,
    And summer and winter,
    And day and night
    Shall not cease" (Genesis 8:22)

    Therefore, seedtime and harvest is an eternal law; there's no escaping this law. It's like the law of cause and effect: for every effect there is a definite cause, likewise for every cause, there is a definite effect. Different seeds produce different effects. Each seed produces after its kind. If you plant corn seeds, you'll get corn. If you plant apple seeds, you'll get apples. And the same law works with money. Financial seeds produce financial harvests. An example of this would be in investing: if you invest money into a good business or real estate, you should reap a harvest from that investment.

    The author also teaches how people can eat all their seeds or consume all their money rather than invest it. He says there's some seed for eating, but we've got to take some of our seed and reinvest it to keep the law of seedtime and harvest going.

    One of my favourite teachings in this book was on renewing your mind for prosperity. He says, "Knowledge is power over the cycle of poverty...Knowledge determines how you think, reason, and respond to teaching about prosperity. Knowledge is essential if you want to achieve prosperity. To prosper, you must first break the cycle of poverty thinking." He gives you three steps to renew your mind:

    "1. RECOGNIZE poverty thoughts
    2. DESTROY poverty thoughts
    3. REPLACE poverty thoughts with thoughts of prosperity."

    This book will teach you how the economy of the kingdom works; what he calls seedenomics. The kingdom of God does not operate like the economy of the world. God's ways are always wiser.

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Seedenomics - Dr. James Payne

Copyright © 2022 Dr. James Payne.

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ISBN: 978-1-6642-7259-0 (sc)

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ISBN: 978-1-6642-7258-3 (e)

Library of Congress Control Number: 2022913251

WestBow Press rev. date: 08/12/2022



Chapter 1 Seedenomics Vs. Economics

Chapter 2 The Creation of the Seed

Chapter 3 The Gospel According to a Seed Packet


Chapter 4 The Millionaire’s Seed

Chapter 5 The Solomon Seed

Chapter 6 The Third-Day Generation Seed


Chapter 7 Weedenomics Vs. Seedenomics

Chapter 8 The Weeds of Deception

Chapter 9 The Weeds of Voices


Chapter 10 Five Characteristics of Sowers

Chapter 11 Five Reasons to Sow in Tough Times

Chapter 12 Seeing The Invisible

Chapter 13 Poor Vs. Rich


Chapter 14 The Sustainer’s Seed


Get ready for explosive information on one of the most neglected and evaded truths in God’s Word! Dr. James Payne’s book on Seedenomics will take you beyond the realm of experimenting with the teaching of seedtime and harvest! The revelation in this book will launch you into the manifestation of prosperity in the proportion God has always wanted you to experience!

For years, we have merely attempted to operate in this concept, but now—through Seedenomics—Dr. James Payne carries us beyond what former teachers and preachers have expounded! He clearly and simply explains what farmers and horticulturists know about the mysterious methods of super multiplication. Having written fifty-two books, pamphlets, and workbooks on Biblical Economics over the past twenty-five years, it is my opinion that Dr. Payne’s book takes us beyond anything revealed to us on this subject previously.

Prior to now, we have only scratched the surface of the subject of seedtime and harvest. Dr. Payne methodically and masterfully compares the natural with the spiritual by using the forty-three parables of Jesus, pointing out that they were taught to primarily farmers. He tells us that approximately 97% of the economy in Jesus’ day was agricultural! With the information in this book at your fingertips, you can now move into the more than you can ask or think dimension of Christianity.

Make no mistake about it, for as long as the Lord tarries His coming, this book, Seedenomics, will hold a place in the libraries of those who believe God wants to prosper His children. It will be a textbook for speakers, teachers, and preachers, as well as a guideline for Christian businessmen and their employees. Having heard Dr. Payne speak on this subject many times, it is my honor to write the foreword for Seedenomics! James has been like a son to me, and I want to thank him for taking the revelation God gave me well beyond the level God allowed me to take it.

Dr. John Avanzini

Corpus Christie, Texas


My mother and father had nine children. I was number eight. My parents and my siblings are all wonderful people. My dad was a factory worker, and my mom did washing and ironing for other people to help supplement the income. They never owned a house, so we moved a lot when I was a kid. They were both hard-working people, but they could never get ahead and make ends meet.

In elementary school, I learned the reproach that comes from poverty. The school bought shoes and clothes for me and occasionally gave me my lunch because my parents could not afford to do so. We were looked down on by neighbors because we always lived in the worst house in the neighborhood.

I started drinking alcohol when I was eleven years old just to try to deal with the pain I felt inside. We stole the alcohol from my friend’s dad’s liquor supply. At thirteen years of age, I started experimenting with drugs because the alcohol was not helping. No one ever told me about Jesus that I remember. My family never went to church, prayed, or served the Lord. The drugs and alcohol led me into a life of violence, hatred, addiction, and hostility. Poverty fueled the anger I felt because of my circumstances. No one will ever convince me that God wants you to live in poverty.

Just to give you a little more background about how this revelation of Seedenomics was birthed, let me take you back to the beginning of my Christian experience. I was married at seventeen and had a child by the time I was eighteen. I took a job at the same factory where my father worked. I made $52.00 a week. I sold drugs on the side, just to be able to pay the bills. The first two years of marriage were filled with lots of anger and strife. No one could stand to be around me. My wife should have taken our son and left, but she did not. Instead, she went to church, received salvation, and began to pray for me.

I ended up in the hospital from my third overdose of drugs. I do not have space here to share my entire testimony, but it is available on my website. I will just let you know that Jesus visited me in the hospital. He told me He was going to raise me up, and I was going to carry the gospel to the world. I gave my life to Him the next day. I spent the next forty-five years trying to make up for the two years I treated my wife and child so horribly. One month and eight days after our 47th wedding anniversary, God took Ruby to heaven.

The church my late wife and I attended taught us how to scripturally support our poverty. They told us that God loved the poor and rejected the rich. We believed them, and I felt like we were the most spiritual people in the church because we were the poorest. I have come to realize that the most dangerous doctrine is the one that supports your bondage. These were good people who meant well—they were just deceived. I see godly people struggling today because either the culture or their church told them that it was God’s will for them to be poor and that they should not seek prosperity.

Around that time, an evangelist who came to our church for a revival told us that God wanted us to prosper. I did not have a car and was walking to work. I was nineteen years old with a wife, a son, a rent payment, utilities, and groceries each week. My tithe was $5.20 because I made $52 a week.

When the evangelist came, it was late November. I had saved up $20 to buy my wife and son a little Christmas present. That was a lot of money in 1968. After he preached, the evangelist said, I am going to receive an offering, and I want you to sow your best seed. I understood seed because I spent the summers with my grandfather who was a farmer. The evangelist went on to say, Some of you sitting here have $20 in your pocket.

I wondered how he knew that. Something inside of me let me know I was supposed to give that $20. Sitting there, I questioned how I was going to be able to buy a Christmas present for my wife and son if I gave that money. Before I knew what was happening, I had gotten up out of my seat, walked to the front of the church, and handed the evangelist my $20. When I started back to my seat, he said, Come here, young man. I walked back to the front, and he looked at me and said, God told me to tell you that your ministry and your music will go around the world.

That was strange because I did not preach or sing at that time. Those words were tattooed on my spirit. I knew one day they would come to pass. As I write these words today in this book, I have written, co-written, or recorded eighty-three number one songs. Last week, we had three number one songs in one month on three different charts. I have also been on television for the last thirty-five years in over two hundred countries preaching the gospel around the world.

My seed of $20, which was all I had at that moment, birthed my destiny. Also, before I left the church that night, I had five $20 bills. The next morning, my brother who was not a believer at that time, came by my house and gave me one of his cars. You can never beat God giving.

The words of the visiting evangelist changed my life that night. He challenged me to plant a seed that would move God’s hand in my life. I am eternally grateful for his instructions. My life has been one of continual seedtime and harvest since that moment. My prayer is that the words of this book will do for you what this evangelist’s words did for me so many years ago. Read it with an open mind. Take notes and re-read it until it becomes part of you. Seedtime and harvest is not an event, but a lifestyle.

God bless you! May His best always be yours. He has given you the "power to get wealth, that he may establish his covenant" (Deuteronomy 8:18 KJV).


Dr. James Payne

Nashville, Tennessee





Seedenomics Vs. Economics

Hearing From the Holy Spirit

One day, I was driving home in my pickup, praying about how to explain seedtime and harvest in a way that people could understand. I was thinking about how the revelation God had given me about finances had revolutionized my own life. I wanted the people to whom I ministered to be able to take hold of that same truth and apply it in their lives.

As I turned into my driveway, a word came up in my spirit that I had never heard before. It was the word seedenomics. I knew right away that this was the answer I needed. This was the way I would be able to explain the concepts of giving and receiving that were so real to me! Here was the answer—straight from the Holy Spirit!

Since then, the Holy Spirit has been teaching me and giving me new revelation daily on the difference between economics and seedenomics. I have spent numerous hours in the Word of God and have read thousands of articles on seeds. I am known throughout the world as The Seed Man and The Apostle of Seedenomics. This word has become the focus and purpose of my life. I believe God has put me on this earth to help His people understand the principles of seedtime and harvest. That is why I felt compelled to write this book.

I believe the information and keys in this book will change how, when, and to what level you will prosper. When you apply these Holy Spirit-inspired principles in your life, they will bring prosperity to you and your family. Throughout this book, you will read testimonies from people just like you who have taken hold of this revelation and have begun prospering.

In the following pages, we will examine truths from God’s Word, and we will uncover the deceptions and misinformation that have kept the body of Christ from prospering the way God intended. It is my prayer that this book will challenge you, empower you, and bless you. I can’t wait for this revelation to spark a new level of giving in your life. Let’s get started!

A New Word for a New Mindset

You may be asking yourself the same question that I was asking when this revelation first entered my spirit. What is seedenomics? We will answer this question throughout the rest of this book, but before we dive in too deeply, let’s look at and define economics, in order to establish a foundation to compare with seedenomics.

Economics is a social science describing the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. It serves as the financial foundation of society. It’s based on buying and selling, saving and investing. The study of economics deals with the relationship between supply and demand. Economics tells us that when supply is small, demand is great, and prices increase. However, when supplies are great and demand is small, prices decrease. When there is a rise in prices, there is inflation. When there is a fall in prices, there is a recession.

Those who are schooled in economics—and understand this system—can use it to become rich and successful. Economic success is attained through human talent, education, and brainpower. Economics is driven by man’s ability to cooperate and manipulate the laws of economics. Understanding trends, fads, or fashion can help individuals cash in on them and make them work in their favor.

The English word economics is derived from the ancient Greek word oikomonia, which refers to the management of a family household. Business-minded people extended it beyond the home into the world. History tells us Aristotle introduced economics around 350 BC. He described it as the study of wealth.

In the 1700s, a man named Adam Smith picked up on Aristotle’s thinking and defined economics in his book The Wealth of Nations, the Science of Wealth.

Now let’s contrast economics with the word seedenomics. Seedenomics is the financial foundation for the kingdom of God. It is based on seedtime and harvest. Unlike economics, which is based on science and cannot promise absolutes, seedenomics is predictable because it operates on a law given by God and on principles set in place by the teachings of Jesus. Economics is driven by man’s ability; seedenomics is driven by the Holy Spirit’s power.

Jesus went to great extremes to explain seedenomics in the four synoptic Gospels. He did so by speaking in parables. A parable is

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