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Chronicles of Tarc 545-4: Husband and Wife
Chronicles of Tarc 545-4: Husband and Wife
Chronicles of Tarc 545-4: Husband and Wife
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Chronicles of Tarc 545-4: Husband and Wife

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Chronicles of Tarc is a journey of adventure, love, and hope in a future when a past has been difficult and bleak. Through effort and perseverance, dreams can come true and "happily ever after" is more than three words when it's walked hand in hand with a true partner and companion.

In Husband and Wife, as Ore and Ilena learn what

PublisherJ. Kassebaum
Release dateJul 15, 2022
Chronicles of Tarc 545-4: Husband and Wife

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    Book preview

    Chronicles of Tarc 545-4 - Jiryü Räsen

    Table of Contents

    Ch. 56 Young Love in Castle Nijou

    Ch. 57 New Family Arrangement

    Ch. 58 Family Lessons

    Ch. 59 Courtly Lessons

    Ch. 60 Duties of the Director

    Ch. 61 Distracting Rei Unlocks Another Clue

    Ch. 62 Surprises

    Ch. 63 Lord Falcon’s Hollow

    Ch. 64 Family Gathering

    Ch. 65 Steward of Falcon’s Hollow

    Ch. 66 Petroi and His Princess

    Ch. 67 Ilena’s Treasures

    Ch. 68 King Sasou Acts in Rei’s House

    Ch. 69 Touch of Corruption

    Ch. 70 Mizi Can’t be Denied

    Ch. 71 Formal Approval

    Ch. 72 Measuring the Swords

    Ch. 73 King Sasou’s Arrival

    Ch. 74 Toukas Together

    Ch. 75 Messages

    Ch. 76 Royal Wedding and Triple Announcement

    BONUS STORY: Sasou & Thailena

    A1. People and Places





    Jiryü Räsen











    J. K


    This novel is entirely a work of fiction. The names, characters and incidents portrayed in it are the product of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or events or localities is entirely coincidental.

    July 15, 2022 3rd Edition Expanded and Revised

    Second Printing October 24, 2023.

    Paperback ISBN 978-1-949359-08-4

    eBook ISBN 978-1-949359-09-1

    © Jiryü Räsen. All rights reserved.

    Published by J. Kassebaum, Indianapolis

    Cover background ©Sumners Graphics via


    Jiryü Räsen asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work. All rights reserved in all media. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the author and/or the publisher.


     Ch. 56 Young Love in Castle Nijou

     Ch. 57 New Family Arrangement

     Ch. 58 Family Lessons

     Ch. 59 Courtly Lessons

     Ch. 60 Duties of the Director

     Ch. 61 Distracting Rei Unlocks Another Clue

     Ch. 62 Surprises

     Ch. 63 Lord Falcon’s Hollow

     Ch. 64 Family Gathering

     Ch. 65 Steward of Falcon’s Hollow

     Ch. 66 Petroi and His Princess

     Ch. 67 Ilena’s Treasures

     Ch. 68 King Sasou Acts in Rei’s House

     Ch. 69 Touch of Corruption

     Ch. 70 Mizi Can’t be Denied

     Ch. 71 Formal Approval

     Ch. 72 Measuring the Swords

     Ch. 73 King Sasou’s Arrival

     Ch. 74 Toukas Together

     Ch. 75 Messages

     Ch. 76 Royal Wedding and Triple Announcement

    BONUS STORY: Sasou & Thailena

     A1. People and Places

    CHAPTER 56 Young Love in Castle Nijou

    First Prince Rei Touka of Ryokudo, Regent of Suiran, woke in his rather large bed in his room. His mind woke up first, before his body which was quite relaxed and not really interested in moving. He decided that he’d be kind to it and just lay there on his side, his hands warmly heavy in front of him.

    The room was warm, which was nice. It had been very cold over the winter. Oddly enough this room didn’t have a fireplace. Odd because Suiran was in the northern third of Ryokudo, bordered on the north by tall, rocky mountains. Here in the northeast part of Suiran, Nijou Castle and its attached city of Nijoushi were built where the rocky northern mountains finally started to peter out into rolling hills. The snow this past winter might not have gotten higher than seven feet at the deepest here, but it had still been very cold. Farther east, on the border of Brulac and Ryokudo, there were more hills and then green–sided mountains as the border traveled to the south and the Inner Sea. Over in the northwestern corner of Suiran where the university city of Kouzanshi was built into the feet of the worst of the mountains they could receive as much as twenty to thirty feet of snow over the winter.

    Now that it was nearly summer Rei didn’t have as many blankets on the bed, but perhaps he had one too many. He was still too warm and heavy to move. But then, perhaps he was also finally relaxed. One of his worries had been lifted yesterday.

    Rei smiled a little as he remembered it. His second pair of aides and supports kneeling before him in the green grass of the courtyard outside his office, their matching black hair and darker looks, their golden tawny eyes had sparkled up at him. Lithe and strong, Rei’s third knight Ore had finally asked for permission to marry his partner, Ilena. It had been even better that Rei’s love, Mizi, whom he’d set the pair behind, had been holding his hand so tightly in anticipation and excitement that he’d been able to let some of his own out by holding just as tightly back.

    He’d been afraid he’d lose the pair before Ore could ask. They’d had to wait for permission from his older brother, Sasou. Only the King could give anyone permission to marry Ilena. She was their cousin in hiding, princess of two kingdoms: their own and her native country of Selicia where her family had been killed in a coup when she was seven. That permission had finally come yesterday morning.

    Being of the stubborn sort, Ore wasn’t going to be forced into anything, so the rest of them knew to let him come to it on his own. Even with the permission, Ore had been quite stubborn about it all from the beginning, having to relearn to love Ilena in his own time and way over the last three months when he’d in truth already loved her for the last nineteen years. Rei’d not quite known how to face Ore to see him again so soon after reading him the letters that had come from Sasou. An hour later was quite fast.

    Still, it had been a wonderfully relieving thing and this morning he felt that weight gone from his shoulders. They were so difficult, that wild pair. Knowing they’d be together happily now to continue to walk with him and strengthen him and Mizi made Rei want to fall back to sleep. He couldn’t. As a nineteen–year–old Regent, he still had a long way to go in the eyes of the lords of Suiran. But he could be lazy every once in a while in the morning.

    What was ahead now was rather exciting, actually. He was quite looking forward to it. He’d already seen his first and second knights, Andrew and Mina, married six days before. His turn was next. Rei sat up in bed, that much excitement pulling him out of his lazy rest. Ilena was helping Mizi and things seemed to be moving forward sufficiently. He was a bit panicked, truthfully, which pulled him out of bed and walked his feet for his bath, already drawn and waiting for him. He covered a yawn and ran his hand roughly through his short pale blond hair to wake up a little more.

    Rutherford, I can’t wake up. Come help me, he said on the way. He didn’t often ask his manservant to help him with the daily personal chores. He was perfectly capable of bathing and dressing himself, after all, but some days it was nice to have the help — like this morning.

    Rei slumped down on the washing stool and realized he really was still not quite awake. Rutherford had removed his clothing on the walk in and he’d not even noticed. He gave a laughing smile at himself. I’m going to be an old man lord in no time, Rutherford, he said.

    Warm water slid down his body as the familiar soft warm voice said, No old here for a long time, Master Rei. Just as familiar hands scrubbed and lathered his hair. You’ve become a fine lord, though.

    Thank you, Rei murmured, his eyes mostly closed as he tried to not be so relaxed as to topple off the stool.

    What has you so relaxed today, Master Rei? You may as well have stayed in bed to be so unable to sit even. I don’t think I’ve seen you so since Lady Mizi returned to the castle after her studies in Kouzanshi.

    Mm, Rei agreed as water poured over him again to rinse his hair. He sat more properly upright so Rutherford had something to push against to get the rest of him clean. Ore finally married Ilena yesterday, Rei sighed. They aren’t going to break, and — after today — they’ll finally be able to focus back on Mizi’s preparations properly.

    Congratulations! Rutherford was softly happy for him. Rei had always appreciated that Rutherford was always genuinely concerned for him, from a young age. While Andrew had become the second older brother for Rei after Sasou had appointed him guardian of the younger prince when he was eight and they were seventeen, Rutherford had been the one to step in and become the almost–father to replace his own that had died when he was only three and a half.

    Many were the times that these warm hands had bathed and dressed him when he’d been full of fear, rebelliousness, sorrow, and even anger although that wasn’t common. Many were the times the kind voice had been his only anchor to know he was real and there were those in his life who could both serve him and love him. Probably Rutherford was his best kept secret, actually. He’d learned he wanted to tenderly love those closest to him and have them love him from Rutherford.

    Rutherford’s light pull on his fingers brought Rei back. He rose to his feet and put his arms around the shoulders of the man, a little surprised to discover he was now taller than Rutherford. Thank you, he said softly. Likely he’d surpassed Rutherford’s height last year. It had been a while since he’d been feeling sentimental in the morning.

    Relaxing did that, as did happy times like yesterday’s private marriage. When he’d been small and the rare hugs had been more around Rutherford’s knees or waist, those times had been usually not so relaxed or happy.

    Rutherford came out of his brief shock and gently put his arms around Rei for a brief moment. You’re welcome. Then he was steering Rei for the bath for his brief soak. You likely shouldn’t stay long, or you’ll be asleep again. Rei chuckled.

    He wasn’t surprised when Rutherford stayed sitting on the edge of the bath. If there was any chance of Rei falling asleep and slipping under the water to drown, Rutherford was required to see it didn’t happen. Rei looked up at the shorter–than–average, thin man next to him. His hair was still brown and cropped short, and his warm brown eyes still held that sparkle of life he carried around with him.

    His hair was beginning to show signs of white and grey here and there, and the face wasn’t as youthful either. Still Rutherford wouldn’t be old for a long time either. It would be a sad day when Rei had to call up an assistant to learn Rutherford’s place. He shook that thought away. It wanted to call up some of the other sad thoughts.

    Andrew and Mina weren’t walking with him at the moment. As soon as they’d been married, they had to return to Yosai. Well, it was a return for Mina. It was probably the first time Andrew had left Rei’s side. It wasn’t all bad. Rei was happy for them that they’d finally given in to get married to each other and they were getting time together.

    At twenty–eight and twenty–four respectively, Andrew and Mina had already waited a long time and walked with him and Mizi over–long. Mina’s father, Earl Durand, had required Mina back for training to become the next Earl of Yosai. The two really hadn’t been sure how to handle walking with Rei and run Yosai, but when Earl Durand had come for Mizi’s ball, he’d brought his candidate for a second wife with him.

    Rei had been quite happy to witness their wedding announcement, under the stipulation that any son that came from the union would become the eventual heir of Yosai. Mina would be the one to watch over the Earldom until he was old enough to inherit if the Earl died unexpectedly. Rei had forced the agreement Mina would be required to stay his aide so that relations between the older sister and any so–young male heir wouldn’t result in civil war in his region. Everyone was okay with that arrangement, thankfully.

    Rei’d been able to relax some at that point. He’d still sent Andrew and Mina to Yosai. They had to know how to help run it until it could be passed on to any young male heir, if one even was born. They were also the front–line against the current covert war activities Tarc, the nation to the northeast of Suiran, past the rolling hills, was enacting against them.

    That was the main topic occupying Rei’s thoughts these days. Tarc and the man they were calling the Lord of Tarc who was the man behind the internal and external insurrections of the area for the last twenty years. Ilena had brought Rei the information he needed, and the people, to see the Lord of Tarc was blocked and overtaken. Ending the war with Tarc was Sasou’s final test of Rei, to see if he could really be a Prince of Ryokudo.

    Rei leaned his head back against the bath wall and sighed. He really didn’t want to pick that burden up yet. When he got to the office would be soon enough. Rutherford had raised an eyebrow at him, so he said, Sometimes it seems so odd to be the youngest to get married. Even Ore and Ilena are twenty–seven and twenty–four. Sasou and Aryana were twenty–five and twenty–four nearly three years ago. I really thought I’d be able to slip away from the lords a lot longer than nineteen. Mizi’s not even nineteen yet. Not until next month.

    Still, you’ve been waiting for her for five years, now, Rutherford smiled, knowing how much Rei had sweated and worried he’d lose her, and then had helped him through the difficult two plus years she’d been at the university.

    Yeah, waiting to have her walk with me formally has been hard, Rei had to admit. His fingers could still feel the softness of her gold–burnished red hair. Her green eyes always caught him. They glittered dangerously when she was angry, but when she was blushing a pale complement to her hair their soft shyness made his heart melt. It feels so close now in comparison I feel even more impatient now than before. I’m very much looking forward to what Ilena does with her.

    Rei rose from the water and Rutherford wrapped a towel around his waist. He stepped out of the bath and let Rutherford rub him down, since he’d already started from the beginning. Sometimes Rei let him do it because he didn’t want Rutherford to feel like he was unwanted or useless. To allow someone competent do their appointed and chosen tasks let them know they really were wanted and appreciated.

    Rei had always tried to appreciate all the people around him, and Rutherford most of all — once he’d gotten past the rebellious phase and Andrew had scolded him into understanding it. Andrew had been very good for him, too. Rutherford had been able to relax after that, having an ally to help Rei settle down.

    It’s been amazing what she’s done for Ore, actually, Rei continued. He was glad Ilena had come, that Mizi and Ore had found her and nursed her back to health, and that she wanted to walk with him. She’d also been good for him. To have a cousin who understood what it was to be royalty that he could rest with and rely on had also helped him immensely to calm down.

    Coming to the Regency, barely knowing the lords because he’d been brought up in the south at Ichijou, his stress and his burdens had been great and his anxiety worse. He’d worked hard and had made good progress, but facing Ilena and confronting her with the evidence he knew who she was had given him his first opportunity to really set those burdens down. To rest just long enough to breathe so he could see rightly to rearrange his priorities and take the burden back up properly.

    Rei slumped onto the end of his bed and lifted a foot for Rutherford to put his sock on. I think that’s what it is. From the beginning Ilena’s been helping me by taking on worries of mine, setting them straight, and completing them. Enough of them have finally been answered to that I can finally face just the ones I need to face and relax, knowing she’s got the rest.

    He smiled down into Rutherford’s face as he looked up from tying the boot. Rei had missed his blue pants going on, like he’d been oblivious of many details this morning. Everyone helps me as much as they can, and I know I need it, but Ilena’s been helping with all the tasks I couldn’t ask for help with before. There wasn’t anyone to do them. Now that I know she’ll be with me, I’m not so worried generally.

    Rutherford moved to the other foot. Rei lifted it helpfully. As the sock went on it, Rutherford asked, Are you worried about if His Majesty will take her eventually?

    Rei gave it some consideration. "Not really. Sasou wants her to stand in her place here or he’ll have more work rather than less. I’m probably more worried I’ll botch the war in front of the lords. No one else can get my reputation for me in front of them. I think that’s the main worry left. Once the lords and I all have an agreement, I’ll be able to relax and just do my work."

    Rutherford gave a nod as he worked the second boot onto Rei’s foot. Rei focused on helping with that, then picked his pale gold shirt up off the bed and slipped his arms through the sleeves and pulled it over his head. Rutherford helped with the details of that and then helped him get his blue jacket with gold piping and buckles on. Usually Rei wore his pale gold suit with the blue piping that matched his brilliant blue eyes.

    Rei frowned slightly and looked at Rutherford. Did Andrew remember to train Tairn to give you the schedule?

    Yes, Master Rei, Rutherford said properly. He said you mentioned to him that you wanted to send a message today before the lords set against Lady Mizi.

    Rei wouldn’t see them until after lunch, but his quarters were in an odd location since his mother was living in self–imposed seclusion in the official Regent’s wing. That meant Rei preferred to get dressed once instead of changing multiple times throughout the day to fit the brief occasion when the trip back and forth to his room was longer than the meetings (well or so it seemed to him).

    Rei looked at what was left on the bed with a critical eye. He passed the short pale gold cloak. That would be the proper contrast. He rather automatically picked up his sword in it’s white sheath, stamped with the crest of the Touka’s, and buckled the white belt around his waist. Something was still missing.

    His eyes continued on around past the side tables on either side of his bed to the other side of the room where there was a little–used desk. The wardrobe was by the door. The settee was on the other side of the door closer to the bed. Ore hadn’t bothered him to sleep in it since Ilena had come, except the one time he’d made her mad.

    I think the simple crown and crest today, Rutherford, he said, not seeing what he wanted already set out.

    Yes, Master Rei. Rutherford walked to the wardrobe and reached high for a shallow wooden box set up on the shelf in the top of it. He carried it to the desk and pulled out a ring of keys hung around his neck. He selected a small key and set it into the lock of the box.

    Rei walked up to look over Rutherford’s shoulder as he pulled out a thin gold circlet. Rei mused on the other things in the box, then pointed to a pin of gold. The eagle, with the wings spread wide had above it an arch of alternating stars and roses. On its head was a crown and in its claws was a sword. Hanging from the sword was a tear–drop of sapphire blue as big as the end of his thumb. It was the crest of the First Prince of Ryokudo.

    That one for the cloak, in the obvious location. And this one, Rei pointed to a slightly smaller pin that was a gold mountain in front of an azure circle, on the jacket. He wanted the Regent’s badge secondary to the royal crest this time, to send them a message.

    It was also to remind himself of what Sasou and Ilena were trying to teach him. He was a Prince of the Realm first, and he’d been given the trust of the King to rule the Region. He no longer needed to prove his worth to the King. He only needed to train the lords to what he would and wouldn’t allow to happen underneath him. He was still required to learn how to work with the lords, and he wasn’t really wanting to create enemies anywhere. But he wasn’t supposed to allow his age to dictate how he related to them. He wore the mantle. The lords didn’t. It was that simple.

    Usually, in order to maintain the peace, he wore the Regent regalia when he was in court or needed formality before the lords, muting his position as First Prince. Today, he needed to remind this particular set of lords that he was their Prince, not a figurehead to manipulate.

    He’d already decided he’d bend just enough to interview the top candidates on the list he’d been given while still at Ichijou for potential brides. They wanted egregious details included in what he had to do, that were only made to make it impossible for him to select Mizi. She was only a titular Lady from another nation, having been born a commoner of Yamanzar, and gifted the minor title from the First Prince of that nation, Amiran.

    Regardless, Mizi had all the internal qualities of strength, moral fortitude, and ...well the list was endless and finding them all in one person who could push Rei forward gently without fear or simpering had been like finding a precious gem lying on the ground in the woods. That she’d been willing to come back with him to the castle and then work hard to support him had only made him love her more. Everything she did made him want her by his side.

    He had to regularly fight himself from giving up before these lords. Not to take who they wanted him to have, but to shut their mouths and make them take his choice regardless. Today, he’d use the hint of that against them. He’d already chosen Mizi. He was merely humoring them in his offer to interview the other three. The details were irrelevant.

    Rei held still for Rutherford to put the cloak around his shoulders. The buckle was clicked into place in front of his right shoulder. Then the large crest was pinned on the cloak centered to his body so it would be the first thing seen when people looked at his clothing. Then Rutherford had to do the difficult job of pinning the Regent’s crest to his jacket on the right side where it would be seen where the cloak hung open from the buckle. I’m glad you have to do that, Rei said to him. Last time I needed it while we were gone from the castle Mina scolded both Andrew and I quite fiercely for being too fumble–fingered. She had to pin it properly.

    And every time you grow the cloak hangs differently, Rutherford agreed, marking his own current frustration with the task. He got it pinned, then stepped back and looked at Rei critically. I think you’ve broadened out in the shoulders again, actually. You’re going to be more like your father, in the end.

    Rei sighed. "Is it bad enough I need to get measured again?"

    Rutherford frowned, then finally shook his head. We’ll see next week.

    Only one week? Rei moaned faintly. Every time he had growth spurts he had to be remeasured and have a whole new wardrobe sewn all over again, which was why he stuck to two suits most of the time. Really, what do we do with all the barely worn clothes? It’s so wasteful. He’d just gone through another round as they came out of winter and entered spring, not even four months ago.

    Rutherford smiled. It’s okay, Master Rei. You’ll stop growing soon. Another six years or so, I’d think.

    Six, Rei moaned yet again.

    He stood patiently while Rutherford brushed his hair then placed the circlet on his head properly. Everything not held down by the circlet in that very moment would pop back up again by the time he walked out of the door. That was why he didn’t usually care about brushing his hair much unless he did have to wear a crown. It didn’t look all that different either way. That’s what he got for wanting to keep his lightly curly Touka hair short.

    Okay, Rei took a deep breath. Now, back to bed. That wore me out.

    Rutherford gave him a pained look. Rei gave him a gentle smile. Thank you, Rutherford, for putting me together again. Would you go out for me and be me today, instead?

    Rutherford shooed him out the door with complaints at that. Rei chuckled, knowing he’d made Rutherford smile.


    Nijou castle was quite different from Ichijou, the main castle of Ryokudo. Ichijou was one large sprawling castle. Tall with many interconnected wings. Only the greenhouses and the stables were separated from the castle itself on the sprawling green manicured lawns and gardens.

    Nijou castle was the northern castle and seat of the Regent of Suiran. It was located in a defensive position against Tarc to the northeast and Brulac to the east. The sprawling separated buildings on the grounds of Castle Nijou made it look like it was a frontier village, although the Suiran capital city of Nijoushi sat just to the west of it and was quite metropolitan. Each set of buildings on the grounds of Nijou was a different office or department, or had its own function.

    The garrison in the northeast corner — to be closest to the most difficult international corner of the country — housed the castle guards and a full garrison of soldiers. They’d sally to the rescue of the garrisons that monitored the more volatile borders of the east and northeast. The last battle to be fought against Brulac had been in Rei’s father’s time, a brief affair to test the mettle of a lord married into the kingship. The last battles to be fought against Tarc had been seven generations before Rei’s time. It was sad that peace had to be broken now in his time

    Mizi’s brow was furrowed as she considered such things as she hurried from the medical wing which was set just to the west of and close by the garrison, to her duties in the Rose office, housed in the wing of the royal and Regional offices. The walk between them was the longest walk of the day for her. She’d stopped by her office in the infirmary briefly to check on some of her experiments.

    Her days began and ended in the wing that housed all of the direct aides of the Regent. It was a smaller one built right near the north wall close to the western corner. She was housed there with her friends and supports, Ore and Ilena. They’d moved Ilena’s Department of Intelligence into the suite half, on the north side of the building so Mizi was often returning there in the middle of the day as well.

    Mizi spent much of each day being trained by Ilena in just how to become an acceptable candidate for Princess to Rei. More than she liked of the lords of Nijou were set against her becoming Rei’s princess. They’d seen Ilena as a perfect alternative to becoming Rei’s princess. Those same lords didn’t know Ilena was Rei’s cousin. The King still needed to come test her himself and acknowledge her officially.

    It was a serious court game that they were playing now as they waited for Sasou to come to Nijou. Mizi still had a lot to learn about courts and the noble life. She was working hard on her lessons from Ilena. Rei was working hard to set it into the minds of the Lords that he’d already made his decision on who’d be his wife and they needed to accept it. He and Mizi had been together for five years now and loved no other. It was a wait that had become painful. Mizi was oh, so grateful Ilena had come and knew what to do to turn it from more waiting into final resolution. Mizi had run out of patience a year ago, and Rei three years ago. They’d just not known how to pass the final hurdle.

    Having finally passed by and through several other buildings, Mizi arrived at the royal office building and headed up the stairs for the central office rooms. The royal office complex was set not too far from the central portion of the western wall of the castle grounds. It had it’s own protecting wall around it in addition to the tall wall that surrounded all of Nijou’s grounds. That outer wall was tall and wide, built to hold defenders and handle siege and war. Rei’s office, the Rose office, was in the center of the royal office building on the west side. Her newest office, the Lotus office, was just north of that.

    Although she was a healer by training, and Rei’s personal Royal healer, in order for her to understand the courts better and be seen by the lords more frequently, he’d made her his Adjunct and Assistant over Petitions. He’d liked how she’d handled petitioners who came early to their meetings and tried to gain early favor. She’d listened to them politely when they’d trapped her between the Rose office and the assisting Rosebud office across the hallway, answered their needs very practically on her own, and then removed them from his meeting schedule as a result.

    Now she met with them regularly in the Lotus office during her afternoon office hours. Her secretary, Leanna, was a young lady of the court as practically minded as Mizi. They’d become companions during the time Ilena had been teaching Mizi how to go to and host teas with the other young ladies of the court.

    Mizi ran a hand through her golden–red hair as she reached for the handle on the Rose office. Another hand interposed itself and opened the door for her. Ah, sorry. Thank you. Lost in my head, she smiled wryly at the guard on the door. He smiled back kindly, already understanding she was still in training. Thus why he’d interposed to remind her. His partner on the other side of the double doors was just as professional and just as kind, Mizi knew. She’d had to walk past them a lot carrying paperwork between the two offices of the Regent.

    Good morning Dane, Tairn, Lord Aiden, Mizi said as she walked into the office. Rei hadn’t arrived just yet, it looked like. The blue curtains at the glass doors that opened onto the balcony were pulled back to let in the morning sun.

    Rei’s dark mahogany desk and cushioned chair were closest to that natural lighting so Rei could make use of it’s fullest effect. The white walls not taken up by bookshelves or the fireplace reflected the outdoor light to make the whole room bright. The blue roses with gold accents on the upper part of the walls were a beautiful addition that didn’t distract people working in the room. At night they used the gas lamps that were in plentiful supply in the room. Rei hated to get eye–strain headaches when he needed to be fully capable of getting all of his work done.

    Good morning, Lady Mizi, Aiden answered as she passed his desk first. It had been Ore’s desk before Ilena had claimed him as her Deputy Director of Intelligence.

    Rei had called up Lord Aiden as an experienced member of Suiran’s court to assist him and be an advisor. He was the calming hand on the office when all of the rest of them — all under the age of thirty — got a little out of hand. The more–grey–than–brown hairs on his head were his badge that made them listen respectfully.

    Princess Mizi, Dane tipped his head at her and gave her one of his bright smiles.

    Good morning, Tairn said, mostly distracted by the work he was doing. He was more serious than his younger brother, being the heir to the Earldom of Nakaba.

    Both brothers had the light brown hair and brown eyes that were common to Suiran. They were well built, with Dane being slightly taller than Tairn. They were good men. Tairn was one of the king’s intelligence agents and Dane had agreed to be one of Ilena’s, so Rei had immediate contact with both the Kingdom Ministry of Intelligence and his own Department of the same.

    The two desks closest to Rei’s were empty right now. His first and second knights and head aides, Andrew and Mina, were in the field directing the defense in the northeast against the Lord of Tarc. They were highly missed in the office and as companions, but their job was very important.

    Mizi checked the stack of mail and reports that had been left on Rei’s desk. Not finding anything she should comment on, she turned for her own stack on the table normally used to view maps on. She kept it neat out of natural and personal habit or Andrew would’ve never allowed her to use it. That was his secondary work table and he always kept it clean for whenever Rei might need a map. That was rather frequent with the war and battle things going on in the office.

    Good morning everyone, came from the door again as Rei walked into the office.

    He received his welcoming good mornings as he walked through the room along a similar path to what Mizi had walked. Only he detoured to her table first to give her a kiss and brief hug. Mizi blushed slightly. Good morning, Rei, she said.

    He rubbed the top of her head. Any difficult petitioners today? he asked.

    Mizi nodded. One. That’s why Tairn’s working hard already. He wants to get his report to me as quickly as possible so he can get back to his usual work. She smiled at Tairn, grateful for his help.

    Isn’t it usually Dane? Rei asked as he walked for his desk.

    I’m behind, moaned Dane. He’s faster and was willing to take it on.

    Tairn clicked his tongue at his brother, not having time or attention to talk. Mm, Rei murmured his understanding. You have a long way to go to catch up to Mina, then.

    Sorry, Dane said apologetically and got back to work.

    He’s not used to paperwork, getting the second son’s training of dealing directly with the people, Tairn said, standing up with the completed report in his hands. He walked over to Mizi and handed the folder to her. I suspect it’ll have to go up to Rei. You might have him read this report so he’s prepared.

    Okay, I will. Thank you so much, Tairn. Mizi took the report and began reading.

    In the Rose office it was just another day. Mizi was very happy those days now included getting to see Rei. When she’d been only a court medic in the medical wing and infirmary, she’d only been able to see him on the rare occasions he’d break away from his work to specifically visit with her. Often that had been once during any given month. This was so much better.


    Ilena woke slowly, an arm draped heavily over her shoulders, warmth at her back. She rolled over and snuggled deeper into Ore’s chest. They were officially husband and wife for one day now. She was ever so grateful to finally be in his arms, and to be allowed to hold him in hers.

    Still, this seemed familiar.... It had happened once before....

    Oh, yes. The morning after Mizi’s debut ball:


    Ilena asked Henry to leave her and her wheelchair in the open atrium in the residential wing the aides shared. She couldn’t bring herself to enter the closed space of her own office and rooms, even as large as they were. He was concerned, but she ordered it and promised she’d go in soon, so he reluctantly left her.

    She sat there, despondent. She knew her partner Ore was needed by their mistress, Mizi, to stand behind her until the ball was over, but she wanted him all the same — since he’d been nearly assassinated just before she’d come back here to rest. She needed to hold his hand, to touch him so she knew he was still okay. The need couldn’t be helped. They’d only just reunited a few months before after almost thirteen years of being separated.

    She sighed and looked around the open space. Another story up were the balconies of the second floor where Mizi and Mina’s rooms were, and on the other side of the hall the second suite above hers where Henry had gone. It was her secondary office and where her guards and male aides resided. Now, if only there were lights up there in the ceiling to imitate the night sky, like in the ballroom. ...But there wasn’t any fresh air to stir this room, and she couldn’t get up the stairs to enter the small garden she’d heard about.

    Ilena looked around the main level again, single rooms on the main floor on the right as the wing was entered, the same as above, and on the left side, her suite. Hers on the main floor was just like the one above, or so she’d been told: two bedrooms to either side of a central shared sitting area. Her secretary and personal maid shared a bedroom in that suite. The other was hers.

    Her eyes went to Ore’s door in the corner closest to the stairs and under Mizi’s room. Without thinking about it much, she wheeled herself over to it, wondering if he was neat, or as messy as she believed. It didn’t take too much to pick the lock and she was in, closing the door behind her and relocking it out of nightwalker habit.

    She was right. He was messy, but it was obvious the maids kept up after him. It wasn’t as complete a mess as it could’ve been. She was kind of disappointed, so she went to his bathroom. It was just the same.

    Returning to the main room, she looked around in more detail. It was larger than her own bedroom, but not as large as the main sitting room she used as her office. It seemed a good size. The bed was centered, with a wardrobe on the door wall and a desk on the wall opposite the bed with a small fireplace shared by the next room over. Under the window was a sitting bench, like in her own bedroom.

    It looked like Ore had more foot traffic on the bench than he had sleeping practice in his own bed. She supposed it shouldn’t be much of a surprise since neither he nor she slept well in noble manors or castles like this one, and as a nightwalker Ore had kept to his ways of having windows be his entryways more frequently than doors.

    Ilena wheeled herself over to Ore’s wardrobe. She wanted out of the uncomfortable black formals of the knights of the Regent of Suiran she’d worn to stand (well, sit) behind Mizi that evening. Riffling through his clothes, of which there weren’t really that many, she managed to find a shirt the maids had missed, crumpled in the bottom.

    She pulled it out. She wanted to at least have the scent of Ore with her, even if she couldn’t have him. Then she pulled out a white three–quarter length cloak like what the soldiers wore in the winter. It also had his scent, and the scent of the outdoors on it. Wheeling to the bed, she put her treasures on it, then proceeded to wriggle out of her formals.

    While her left hip was healing properly, it wasn’t so easy to undress herself yet. She managed, regardless. She moved to the bed before putting the shirt on. That was a lot easier than dealing with pants. Crawling into the middle of the bed, she pulled the cloak over her like a blanket, putting the hood over her head, and was finally able to relax — enough to fall asleep.


    For Ore’s part, it had been a while since he’d been able to enjoy himself while watching Rei and Mizi having fun, so while he was concerned about how Ilena was doing, he was able to stay still and do his job at Mizi’s debut ball properly. After all, Ilena was supposed to be sleeping.

    He still wouldn’t be done even after he’d seen Mizi safely back to her room, anyway. He’d told the soldiers who took away his assailant to let Doctor Elliot know that he was a test subject. That meant Doctor Elliot was to give the assassin the Little Death in the portion that would allow them to interrogate him while he was talking in his sleep. Ore wanted to be there for that. He was pretty sure the assassin was from Tarc and he had some questions to ask.

    After the ball was over, already late at night, Rei walked with Mizi to her room. As traditional, they decided they’d steal a little alone time in the small garden outside the second floor of the aides’ wing. Since four guardians were there to watch over the Regent and his intended, Ore begged release to go and interrogate the prisoner. He decided that on his way he’d change out of his very uncomfortable formals. After all, his room was right there.

    Ore unlocked and opened the door and walked in, focused on the stiff silver jacket buckles of the formal uniform he was trying to unlatch. He was brought up short, one foot still in the air, as his peripheral vision caught sight of unusual things in his room. There was a wheelchair next to his bed, surrounded by scattered clothes.

    His eyes continued to look up. There in the middle of his bed was one of his cloaks, all lumpy, with a set of toes sticking out from under it. He sighed, stilling his surprised heart as he walked over to stand at the side of his bed. Even though he’d entered the room, she was still sleeping soundly — unusual for Ilena.

    Ore took a moment to inspect Ilena. Her long black hair was still braided and bound up to her head from her service to Mizi, although some of it had escaped to be seen loose, escaping even the hood of the cloak which had fallen slightly from her lightly dark face so much like his own. One hand was still clutching the cloak to her. He sighed to himself, but he really couldn’t blame her. He’d have done the same thing in her place.

    He turned to the wardrobe and finished undressing. Putting on more comfortable interrogation clothing, he decided he’d better at least let Leah and Rio know they could stop waiting up for her. The nurse and maid might know she was here, but they might not know she was sleeping soundly.

    He looked at Ilena’s sleeping form again one more time before leaving his room. He’d decide what else to do about it later. After all he’d never seen his partner sleep this deeply.

    Considering how far the prison cells were from the residential wing, and that the night was already getting very late, he was lucky he made it for the sleep–talking session at all. When he walked in, there was one soldier there who was already asking questions, and Doctor Elliot observing and taking notes.

    Ore glanced at the notes and saw that the questions were still very basic, and not really helpful. It was good he’d come. He listened for half a minute to see what the state of things was, then he indicated to the soldier doing the questioning that he was going to jump in.

    Why were you ordered to take out Lord Ore and Lady Mizi? That much had come up in the questioning.

    They stand in the way of the Princess being in her rightful place next to the Prince. Good, he had one of the guys he wanted.

    Why does Tarc want the Princess to stand next to the Prince? The soldier standing next to him looked at him in surprise. It wasn’t a question he’d have asked, obviously.

    The High Lord will come to claim her shortly. He’s been waiting sixteen years and is pleased that she’s nearly ready to receive him.

    Ore had gotten all he was going to get. The prisoner had fallen into the transition phase between sleep–talking and pain. It would’ve been nice to have been able to ask more questions, but the answer had been worth the trip. He didn’t need to stay for the screaming. He nodded to Doctor Elliot, That went well. I’ll leave you to it.

    He headed back to his room via the quickest route. That meant he entered his room via the window. The fresh air that came in with him stirred Ilena into awareness. Ore removed his outer layers of clothing as he walked over to the bed, dropping them as he went, as was his usual fashion. With other people around to take care of clean up, he didn’t need to bother.

    "If you’re going to come to my bed, Princess, you have to understand the rules are different." He was kneeling on all fours on the bed next to her.

    Her hand snapped out and grabbed him. The fact that I want you isn’t any different, she answered. She wasn’t going to make this easy, was she? But maybe you’d better tell me the rules anyway, she relented a little.

    Since it’s my bed, I get to sleep in it, too, he removed her fingers from his shirt and crawled to her other side so her back would be to his chest. He slipped under the cloak and flipped up the blanket behind him to cover them. And I get to hold you, he wrapped his arm around her.

    Mmm, she snuggled into him.

    And I get to tease you.... He kissed her behind the ear, letting his breath tickle her.



    You said you’d given up being mean. ...If you tease me too much, I’ll have to believe you’ve decided to fall in love with me.

    ...You still know how to take all the fun out of teasing, he complained. But she wasn’t wrong. She would have to believe that.

    I don’t think I can be sorry.

    Probably not. Not yet anyway. You’d probably really enjoy it, if you could, knowing you.
    Ore sighed and held her close, beginning to fall asleep himself. Up yours, High Lord of Tarc, with your sixteen years. We’ve been waiting for nearly nineteen years, ...and she’s still waiting.


    They’d woken up the next morning, the same as today, Ore’s arm still around her. He’d had her sit on the edge of the bed, then helped her hobble to the bathroom. You go to the bathroom, I’ll go draw the bath.

    Bath? she’d squeaked. Her face burned now, remembering, and she wiggled just a little in embarrassment.

    Ore opened a tawny cat–eye and looked at her. He gave her a lazy smile. Remembering?

    Her face went redder and he grinned. That’s kind of neat. You’re getting teased by the same event twice. I think I’ll remember it too. She squeaked again now, but it was too late: he’d closed his eyes and was smiling.

    She struggled, but he held her head to him so she’d be still. "Shhh," he shushed her, and she gave up with a sigh.

    That was too easy. You really do like getting teased in the end, don’t you? he chuckled at her. He closed his eyes and held her, feeling her hair in his fingers and remembered that morning after the ball:


    Playing nurse was one way Ore could tease Ilena, and he wasn’t going to miss this opportunity. Besides, he had an ulterior motive: his burning curiosity. He’d started the bath running, then realized he couldn’t do it.

    He’d already promised Rei he wouldn’t do anything that would get him into trouble. But, he could still get them both clean. He quickly washed himself as the water finished filling the bath, dried, and pulled his pants on. Then he went and retrieved Ilena.

    He carried her, blushing all the way, into the bathroom. He moved the stool to be next to the tub with his toe and set her on the stool. He handed her everything she needed, and put a folded towel on the side of the tub. Get clean. Let me know when you’re ready, and I’ll come fetch you out.

    He couldn’t help it, one last tease.... Arms up, he ordered. Ilena clutched his shirt to her and shook her head. His eyes sparkled and he grinned. Very well, but it’ll get wet.

    N-no it won’t. She shook her head violently. He shrugged and walked out, closing the door behind him.

    As he thought about it, looking around the room with the clothes scattered, she couldn’t very well roll out of this room in his shirt, and she certainly didn’t need to wear her formal uniform today. He gathered up her clothes off the floor into a pile on his bed.

    Ore spread out her jacket, rubbing a finger over his sleeping–cat badge on her left breast pocket. He looked at it closer. It wasn’t quite the same as the one on his jacket. He leaned over to his jacket, also on the floor, and picked it up to compare them.

    He was certain. She’d done it, the one on her jacket. It was pretty good. He looked at her falcon badge again — the one on his jacket that she’d made for him. He unpinned it and rubbed it gently between his fingers.

    Finally, Ore stood up and put Ilena’s favor back in the drawer of his side table, on top of the history of Selicia that had told him just who and what she was back before they’d understood it. He hung his jacket back in his wardrobe. It didn’t need to get more wrinkled.

    He could hear Ilena finishing, pouring the rinse water over her. He picked up the pile of her clothes and opened his door a crack. No one was out in the hall yet that he could see or hear, although the breakfast cart had appeared. It should be okay.

    He slipped out and closed his door. The hall was empty. He went swiftly to the door that only he used — the one that went directly into Ilena’s room — and slipped inside. Thankfully Rio had already set Ilena’s clothes out on her bed for the day. Unfortunately, she was just turning his direction from having done so.

    Master Ore! the pretty young maid said reprovingly, as stern as the coiled braid on her head. You said Mistress Ilena was with you, but that does not mean you may keep her all night.

    I didn’t do anything, I promise! He held up his hand in innocence. Henry brought her back early last night and when I arrived I found her sleeping very soundly in my bed. I just watched over her from there.

    Rio sighed. Please help her maintain her dignity, please.

    She said please twice! Again! Of course, Ore said obediently. He set the pile of Ilena’s formal uniform down on her bed. He heard everyone else entering the hall. All of a sudden, that wasn’t going to be so easy. He sighed. Ilena did like to make his life difficult. May I have her clothes, please? She’s just bathed.

    Rio reached into the wardrobe and added two articles of clothing to the pile and handed it to him, still staring at him accusingly. Ore frantically tried to come up with an excuse for coming out of Ilena’s room only half dressed.

    He opened the door to find everyone else on the main floor gathering around the breakfast cart, and Ilena just opening his door, supporting herself in the door frame, ...and wearing only his shirt again. Gods above, woman, he moaned to himself. Ah well, at least it looked like they’d slept in different rooms.

    I found her sleeping in my bed when I got back last night, Ore told the astonished faces looking at him. So we traded places. It wasn’t a lie. He usually slept on her settee in her room.

    He closed the door behind him and headed over to Ilena. I’ve got your clothes here, Miss Ilena. Let’s get you dressed, shall we? He grasped her around the waist and kicked the door closed behind them. And just what do you think you were doing, hmm? he asked as he dumped her and the clothes on the bed.

    Saving your reputation? She looked at him innocently.

    He snorted. Thanks. And ruining yours?

    She grinned at him. Nah. They already thought I was a lot like Ore. Now they know it.

    He looked at her and sighed. He wanted to grab her and tickle her mercilessly until she caved. Instead he took his shirt from her and started getting her dressed, ignoring her red face. If she was going to be indecent to everyone, she may as well put up with it from him who’d been her nurse for over two months.


    Returning to the present, Ore did tickle Ilena. She jumped. What was that for?

    Payback, for coming to the door dressed only in my shirt.

    Ilena shrugged. Well, it was all I had, you know. I had to dry myself, put it on, then crawl through the room to get to the door, and claw my way up the door frame, all to open the door in time for them to see us in different rooms. I didn’t even get to enjoy the bath you took the time to draw. ...You know, it still amazes me that I can hear better than you. But, it worked out in the end.

    Hear better? What does that have to do with it? Ore was confused.

    Leah had just asked Rio to bring my clothes over to your room. If you’d just finished getting dressed, she would’ve been at your door handing you my clothes, with you fully dressed. It would’ve spared us all some embarrassment.

    Ore was indignant. If you knew that, why didn’t you say anything?!

    ...It was my turn to see what an embarrassed Ore looks like. You’d had entirely too much fun already that morning. ...I was afraid I’d get the door open too late. It was good I was just in time. Ilena’s look said she was remembering what his face had looked like when he’d walked out her door.

    Grrrr! This time he did tickle her mercilessly, her laughter ringing out through the room until she was gasping for air.

    Hmm, Ore said reflectively when he’d gotten his irritation out of his system. You know, that wasn’t what I originally intended that day, when I first went in to draw the bath. Then I remembered I’d promised Master I wouldn’t get into trouble. Ore looked at her. She shrank back, not trusting the look in his eyes. But now I’m supposed to get into that kind of trouble. Ilena shook her head. Oh, yes, I think so. He climbed to the edge of the bed. Don’t go anywhere. He stood and went to the bathroom and started the bath water. He pulled together the tools for cleaning her, getting out several towels, then went back to the bedroom.

    She’d been obedient and was waiting, not that she could get far with her hip still healing from the surgery to replace the tendon. She could hobble with help now, as daily she healed more and more. At the time of the ball she could stand and balance, but not walk. Her

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