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A. S. X. Advanced. Seduction. X
A. S. X. Advanced. Seduction. X
A. S. X. Advanced. Seduction. X
Ebook122 pages24 minutes

A. S. X. Advanced. Seduction. X

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About this ebook

This is a book from the field of seduction to motivate yourself through poems related to this topic. 

It is a book to gain strength, courage and determination to face the hard battle that is seduction.

PublisherJohn Danen
Release dateJul 28, 2022
A. S. X. Advanced. Seduction. X

John Danen

Español. Soy un hombre vividor y divertido que busca el lado bueno de las cosas siempre.  Mi experiencia es el campo de las relaciones personales y de la seducción. Por eso tras dedicarme larguísimas décadas a ello, quiero trasmitir mis conocimientos. Para que las nuevas generaciones tengan unos conceptos que les den una ventaja competitiva sostenible y poderosa en el campo del amor. Quiero ayudarte a a conseguir tus metas. Portugués. Sou um homem animado, e divertido, que sempre procura o lado bom das coisas.  Minha experiência está no campo das relações pessoais e da sedução. É por isso que, após décadas de dedicação a ela, quero transmitir meus conhecimentos.  Quero ajudá-los a alcançar seus objetivos. Inglés I am a lively and fun man, who always looks for the good side of things.  My experience is in the field of personal relationships and seduction. That is why, after decades of dedicating myself to it, I want to pass on my knowledge. So that the new generations have concepts that give them a sustainable and powerful competitive advantage in the field of love. I want to help you achieve your goals Français Je suis un homme vif et drôle qui cherche toujours le bon côté des choses.  Mon expérience se situe dans le domaine des relations personnelles et de la séduction. C'est pourquoi, après m'y être consacré pendant des décennies, je veux transmettre mes connaissances. Pour que les nouvelles générations disposent de concepts qui leur donnent un avantage concurrentiel durable et puissant dans le domaine de l'amour. Je veux vous aider à atteindre vos objectifs.

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    A. S. X. Advanced. Seduction. X - John Danen


    This book contains writings that I produced over the years when I felt a sudden inspiration and wrote them down immediately.

    The main theme is seduction and self-improvement. Sometimes they take the form of narration, sometimes of verses. They are a potpourri of ideas written at the time, which helped me to overcome myself and to express my vision of things. There are also works of a more mystical and profound content.

    Thanks to these self-help writings that I wrote myself, I managed to overcome my shyness, my insecurities and they really were a bulwark on which I leaned.

    I suffered a lot of criticism, misunderstanding and envy in my youth. Life itself hit hard and the anger, frustration, struggle, the wear and tear of defeat and victory, made these texts visceral, hard and forceful. This is where I expressed my victorious ideas. And I charged hard against the critics.

    These are not sweetened texts or politically correct language. They are genuine and drawn from experience. My vision of all this was that of a struggle, a full-fledged war of winners and losers.

    Suffering, pain and joy are evident in every line. I don't see things that way now, but I find these writings very interesting because they contain the essence of what I was at that time.

    Humility is conspicuous by its absence. They are heart-rending cries of victory. Youthful joyful songs in a sea of struggle. I leave the original slang to keep the essence of them, a word du hast appears a lot, that is the word we used to refer to sex.

    Although it may not seem so from some of my writings, what moves me is desire without any commitment, I respect and value women. But I believe in a mission that was assigned to me before I was born and I dedicate myself to it. I never lie, I never cheat, I had it hard many times, but I do no harm. If I offend someone I forgive them and I forgive myself as well.

    This book is not a typical seduction manual, but deeper reflections that contain the essence of a manual on seduction, self-improvement and self-help and ultimately spirituality.

    The book is short and with poetic touches, I recommend reading very slowly sometimes stopping to understand the intention of the message. Every word is that and it is there for a reason. Everything has a message. It is short but very intense. It is intended to be a book for self-improvement and its ultimate goal is transcendence. When someone practices something until it is perfect, whatever it is, they become enlightened.

    I have seen everything I put in mystical-loving-sexual outbursts. Sometimes I go a little overboard, with the mystical touch, but I like that so much. I couldn't resist. Sometimes mystical sometimes very material, both are compatible. From superficiality comes depth. From frenetic sexual practice also comes enlightenment and understanding of life.

    I hope you like it.

    The power of the winner

    I have the power and the strength,

    That which makes one triumphant.

    It is a gift that very few possess.

    I become aware of that power, I think of the successes.

    And I ask myself, "Can anyone do that? Of course not!

    I have gait, a lot of nerve, I'm brave, persistent.

    I am very good looking.

    With these qualities and many others that I develop more and more every day.

    I can and do achieve,

    Everything what I want.

    Because I was born and developed as a winner.

    The predator

    How easy

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