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Master in Seduction
Master in Seduction
Master in Seduction
Ebook218 pages2 hours

Master in Seduction

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About this ebook

In this book you will learn to seduce and sexduce, to achieve personal growth in the fields you want, not only seduction. Through empowering your mind you will be able to achieve all your goals.

It is a compendium of all the wisdom achieved in decades of experience. In it you will learn to be everything you want to be, a tremendous seducer or whatever you desire. You will be able to get your ex back, or find a girlfriend. It's all here, seduction, personal growth, and even secret techniques I use that border on magic. 

Thanks to the experience I have captured here you will learn how to: Seduce difficult women. Transform your current self into your ideal self. Have charisma and magnetism. Neurolinguistic programming. Attract girls with your presence alone. Know how to successfully approach girls. Pick up girls, get girls, seduce women, get women, fall in love. Have interesting conversations with girls. Seduce on the Internet. To be attractive. To make yourself respected, to respect yourself. Be independent. Improve your social skills. Seduction techniques. Become a master in seduction. Be seductive, attract girls. With it you will be able to attract, seduce and get girls and women. Kiss, conquer, fall in love. In short, you will learn how to seduce. If you put these tips into practice you can gradually become a seducer. If you internalize the teaching well and practice a lot in the long run you will become a master of seduction.

Get girls, pick up girls, seduce girls, seduce women, get women, fall in love. Seduction. Attract girls, be seductive.

PublisherJohn Danen
Release dateJul 26, 2022
Master in Seduction

John Danen

Español. Soy un hombre vividor y divertido que busca el lado bueno de las cosas siempre.  Mi experiencia es el campo de las relaciones personales y de la seducción. Por eso tras dedicarme larguísimas décadas a ello, quiero trasmitir mis conocimientos. Para que las nuevas generaciones tengan unos conceptos que les den una ventaja competitiva sostenible y poderosa en el campo del amor. Quiero ayudarte a a conseguir tus metas. Portugués. Sou um homem animado, e divertido, que sempre procura o lado bom das coisas.  Minha experiência está no campo das relações pessoais e da sedução. É por isso que, após décadas de dedicação a ela, quero transmitir meus conhecimentos.  Quero ajudá-los a alcançar seus objetivos. Inglés I am a lively and fun man, who always looks for the good side of things.  My experience is in the field of personal relationships and seduction. That is why, after decades of dedicating myself to it, I want to pass on my knowledge. So that the new generations have concepts that give them a sustainable and powerful competitive advantage in the field of love. I want to help you achieve your goals Français Je suis un homme vif et drôle qui cherche toujours le bon côté des choses.  Mon expérience se situe dans le domaine des relations personnelles et de la séduction. C'est pourquoi, après m'y être consacré pendant des décennies, je veux transmettre mes connaissances. Pour que les nouvelles générations disposent de concepts qui leur donnent un avantage concurrentiel durable et puissant dans le domaine de l'amour. Je veux vous aider à atteindre vos objectifs.

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    Master in Seduction - John Danen

    Prologue by Alex The Executor.

    Much has been written on the subject of seduction, there are several masters and gurus on this subject, some with a commercial tinge, others are apprentices and some were born with the gift of seduction and based their teachings on experience.

    But you my reader friend who bought this book, maybe have several reasons to do it, it could be to conquer that girl you met at school or work, or it could also be that you are desperately looking for an answer to the reason for your loneliness, or maybe you connect with someone but you can't get another date. Let me tell you that you bought the right book, in this book and from the hand of seduction master John Danen, you will understand and comprehend the world of seduction from the point of view of someone who knows it from experience. Every concept in this book was put into practice by the author. You will have the answers to the questions that motivated you to buy this book.

    In my experience, I went from being shy and lonely to being a seductive person with great social skills, overcoming many obstacles and barriers imposed by society's programming.

    With John's teachings, I understood that many limitations are only in the mind, I learned to strengthen my character and my inner game, no doubt it is something that will change your perspective of seduction and life. Since these teachings can be applied to women, business, or any field in which you interact with people.

    Once you acquire the power of seduction, you will no longer be able to deactivate that power even if you want to, that power will turn you into another person, into someone more self-confident, into a man with goals and a holistic view of life.

    Undoubtedly John Danen is a great master of seduction and has been proven to transform lonely lives into full and seductive lives. I trust that by applying these teachings you will achieve your goals in this art and that, just as he contributed to my personal development, he will do the same with yours.

    Good luck and success in your journey in seduction!


    The Executor


    This is a book that you should read after having read and assimilated all the others, or at least the most important ones, Seduction 5.1, JD Method, Complicated Girls, Alpha Male, S.A.X., The Art of Pleasing Yourself. I am going to put here the missing brushstrokes to make the work round. I am going to mix seduction, personal growth, and a little mysticism.

    In my previous books, I have talked about a lot of things and I feel that I have practically covered everything about seduction, but there are still a lot of issues to deal with. In the book Seduction 5.1 I deal with the life of a master seducer and how to become one. I emphasize the positive aspects of this life.

    The book The JD Method deals with the technical process of seduction. The moments when we talk to the girl, how we behave, the inner game, our deployment of skills. It is a very technical book and if not the most important one, it is very close

    This is a seduction book seen from the perspective of an experienced man. You can't get enough of girls, this subject of seduction is so simple that it makes me laugh. Simple in theory but complex in practice. That's why there is always something to add and something to learn. I have one mission which is to teach you what I know and that is why I am writing this to you. The other mission I have is to be with the beautiful girls.

    Personal growth


    You have to find yourself . Seducing you have a good time, but there will come a time when you will want to look inside yourself and find out what are the things you like. As long as you're with the dozens of girls, you won't have the time or peace of mind to find them. You will need a rest. In girls, you will find almost everything, partying, fun, ego, enjoyment, self-esteem, and self-confidence. You will find a lot of things but there are some things that you can only find in you.

    Girls are not bad at all, but you have to reserve some time to be with yourself and know what things you feel like doing, besides flirting around. You have to look inside yourself; you can only find them through solitude and self-knowledge. From there, from your meditation, comes mysticism, self-knowledge, and all the things you have to do to feel good about yourself. There you have the time to program your mind for victory, program your mind to be happy, or just rest and think. Girls give fun, but not peace and serenity.

    You must have a personality, a charisma, an attractive essence. Knowledge, culture, experience, serenity, wisdom, and know-how to communicate all that huge inner world.

    If we don't work on our attractive personalities, all we will do is go after them and they will run away. Cultivate yourself and they will be attracted to you as soon as you establish contact. Fill yourself up with knowledge and an interesting personality, so they have something to follow, don't offer yourself empty.


    Observation of everything that interests you. An attentive and relaxed observation. Put yourself in the place of the person or thing observed. Notice all the details and become aware of the situation and its implications.

    Investigate what you observed, look for information, deepen to the maximum each thing that interests you, look for books, watch documentaries, read, take notes, and extract the learning.

    Experimentation. Put into practice what you saw and researched. Take the best of everything. Make your world and your personality with what you have acquired.

    Enjoyment. Have fun with the qualities and or knowledge you have acquired and put them into practice by enjoying your new capabilities. It also refers to the simple fact of enjoying it for the sake of it.


    Aperson who wants to progress in any field of life must cultivate detachment. Detachment from the outcome of the courtship, detachment from the girl once obtained, detachment from material goods, from the concepts you have of yourself, or what you think you are.

    As Brad Pitt said in Fight Club -You are not your car, you are not your house, you are not your job, you are not your pants-. You have to know yourself and who you are at your core. The one who is not attached to anything or anyone because he lives joyful, free, carefree, without depending on results, without depending on people, or depending on events.

    People live in a matrix in which they work, earn a little money, invest that money in things they don't need, and have to keep working to pay for those things they don't need. In the end, the only thing you have that is valuable is you and your time. The here and now. Time to develop yourself as a person. Time dedicated to peace of mind, culture, attentive observation, experimentation, contact with nature, meditation, planning, visualization, enjoyment, or simply doing what you like. All of this is time well spent.

    I advocate getting out of the system and dedicating yourself to doing only what you like. Only by doing what you feel you were born to do, or that is super interesting to you, will you enjoy working and be happy.

    Therefore, you must isolate yourself from the worldly noise, and practice the techniques that I am going to explain to program your mind for everything you want to be, or for everything you want to happen to you.

    He who needs nothing has everything.

    People live enslaved by work. I remember very well one day when I was at the river having a few beers, feeling the sense of well-being of being there, planning what I wanted in my life and I talked to my friend the executor. The man was working with no time to devote to himself. I remember he was amazed that I could be doing that. I sent him a video of the river flowing with some words that said.

    - Enjoy.

    - Research.

    - Experimentation.

    Fortunately, my friend the enforcer is coming out of the matrix as well.

    With women, you have to be detached from picking them up and you don't have to be affected by the possibility of losing a girl you have. Nothing matters, nothing affects you, because you are fine with yourself. Of course,

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