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Shulamite Bride
Shulamite Bride
Shulamite Bride
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Shulamite Bride

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The preparation for the second coming of Christ, The book is especially made for those newly entering the Kingdom of God, those wanting to build a according to His Heavenly design and blueprint. The book is also designed to bring a deep understanding of Family, Marriage and Intimacy with God.
Release dateJun 1, 2022
Shulamite Bride

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    Book preview

    Shulamite Bride - Lavern Poisson



    Lavern Poisson

    © Copyright 2022 - Lavern Poisson

    ISBN: 978-1-776375-80-6

    eBook: 978-1-776375-81-3

    Scripture quotations marked NKJV are taken from New Kings James Ver- sion of the Bible. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson Publishers.

    Scripture quotations marked KJV are taken from the King James Version of the Bible, also known as the Authorized Version.

    Scripture quotations marked AMP are taken from Amplified Bible, Copy- right © 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by the Lockman Foundation.

    Emphasis has been made on some of the Scriptures at the author’s discretion.

    Published by: Faithland Publishers (Pty) Ltd,

    234 Malibongwe Drive, Northriding, Johannesburg, 2169 South Africa

    +27 72 931 6810

    [email protected]

    Proofreading & Copyediting: Ronnet Perumal

    Cover Design: Rylen Daniel De Esclana

    This book was printed in South Africa.

    To order additional copies of this book contact: Faithland Publishers (Pty) Ltd

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmit- ted in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the copyright owner except for brief quotations


    Firstly, I thank you my (Papa), My Love, My Husband, My Friend, My First-Born Brother, My Heavenly Father and My Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ for making everything possible

    and, for affording me the time to sit at His feet. I am grateful to Him for giving me insight and wisdom to understand the way the Kingdom of Heaven functions and our role to play in His eternal plan for our lives.

    I thank My God for grafting me into His eternal plan and giving me the gift of grace, so that I can walk in this lifetime as an example of Christ to those that are still to enter the Kingdom and be present for such a time as this.

    Thank you to my Family, especially my children (6 in total and 1 grandchild) for allowing me the time away from them and the quiet space I needed to fill the pages of this book as I was being led by the Spirit of God.

    Thank you to my Pastors and the leadership. Each one is a true example of the pages written in this book. Sitting under a spirit filled, spirit led, deep word-based church has also played an import- ant role in my life and stirred up the gifts within me. My pastors have taught me the importance of staying connected to the vine so that our resources will never run dry.

    I would like to also convey my heartfelt thanks to:

    My mentor, Andrew Lewis who has been a great support to me, Rylen & Robayne De Esclana for designing a meaningful and provoc- ative cover, Cristelle Barbeau for adding your expertise in graphic design.

    Pastor Shane Pretorius for helping me to compile & order my thouhts, Ronnet Perumal for proof reading & second edit and The Faithland Publishers team for their dedication & commitment to my book.

    Finally, I would like to thank God for me. I should, as it took dis- cipline to achieve the task that was set before me. One day when I stand before Christ, I am going to give an account for the time that God had given me. I want my Heavenly Father to say: "my good and faithful servant, I am pleased with you."


    I have read the book, The Shulamite Bride , and it gives me great pleasure to recommend it as a worthy investment of your time and attention. The author, Lavern Poisson has been serving in

    our ministry team for as long as I can remember, and we have watched her grow. Her character most certainly shines through this book. Her insights are thought provoking, Scripture filled and well presented.

    I believe this book will impact this generation tremendously on the importance of biblical covenant and intimacy with Jesus. If you are reading this book, I have no doubt you will finish it richer in spirit and you will certainly be more blessed.

    Pastor Shane Pretorius


    The title of this book Shulamite means peaceable and perfect. The Holy Spirit impressed upon me to share His goodness; and to bring His people to a place of understanding His perfect will which produces peace. The book can be used as study material and to gain insight into Christ, guided by the Holy Spirit.

    I pray you be blessed with every chapter of the book and that your eyes be opened to truth.

    I am laying on my bed twelve months earlier and suddenly I feel a heavy burden come over me. I begin to feel all sorts of feelings of loss, despair, frustration and jealousy. I know that I was not feel- ing this earlier, so I began to search my heart and cry out to God asking, where these feelings were coming from all of a sudden, as I was extremely happy earlier. I cried out, Lord, search my heart to see if there is anything that I could have done to have allowed these feelings to enter. We are called to watch and pray. It was, however, for me to have prayed and interceded. Many times, we feel a certain way because we are Spirit beings, and we pick up on stuff before it happens. We should learn to pick up in the at- mosphere the different temperaments to pray effectively. God was training me in those moments, and I was unaware.

    Immediately I was taken into a place. It felt like my spirit left my body. I see myself in this absolutely beautiful wedding gown. I am standing before the Lion of the Tribe of Judah. God’s appearance in that moment filled the entire room -literally. God really does fill every incomplete space within us. What I was experiencing was an outer body experience. God allows us to see through visions. Our sight enables us to feel and learn His presence. Wow!!! No words could really describe everything. The room that I was in was ex- tremely large. God was showing me through this vision that no one can enter His presence that has not done a heart check. The only thing we take to Him is our heart and that is why we are to guard our hearts with everything. God is holy therefore when we enter His presence, we are made holy. God is pure and when we are in His presence purification and holiness is inputted within us. I be- lieve it was three months afterwards when God started impressing on my Spirit to write this book. The book is based partly on this vision that I encountered in Christ.

    I have come to realise that every encounter in God’s presence refines us. We must learn how to access this dimension as it is in this process of refinement and purification that we learn our pur- pose. We begin to desire the things that God has prepared for us, and a deep awakening of the Love of God is poured in us.

    Our lives are renewed and transformed by His Holiness. God is an all-consuming fire so when we are caught up in His presence change must come. A new thing is birthed with every moment and every encounter in His presence.

    I pray the Spirit of the Living God be released over you right now in Jesus Name. May you experience His all-consuming fire. May there be a refinement as you step into His Holy place and may a release of the purpose and plan for your life be revealedA special prayer from Paul and now from me to you. My readers - be blessed by the Spirit of God.

    I’m asking God to give you a gift from the wealth of his glory. I pray that he will give you inner strength and power through his Spirit. Then Christ will live in

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