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Pocket: Your Personal Economy
Pocket: Your Personal Economy
Pocket: Your Personal Economy
Ebook70 pages33 minutes

Pocket: Your Personal Economy

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About this ebook

Reading Pocket will help you to better understand and deal with your financial reality, regardless of whether you are a spendthrift or a frugal person. The challenges of money lie not only in controlling overspending but also in getting rid of the obsession with thrift.
Release dateSep 16, 2021
Pocket: Your Personal Economy

Amr Muneer Dahab [email protected] Amr Muneer Dahab is a Sudanese born writer, poet, essayist, literary critic and electrical engineer. He has an experience of over twenty years as a columnist in opinion journalism and is widely acknowledged for his critical essays tackling controversial cultural, literary, intellectual, and political issues worldwide, and in the Arab world specifically. His over twenty years’ experience as a columnist in opinion journalism, in addition to his academic engineering degree and relevant practical career, allowed his words to be architected in a skillfully depict reality with honesty, objectivity, and creativity. Amr is a senior member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers in the United States of America. He has more than twenty five books published in Arabic, and his book “Damn the Novel” had been translated into English and published in 2018. Amr wrote in English “Facing Troublemakers”, “You Are Always Good to Go”, “Life Painkillers”, “Cuisine”, “Reading”, “Pocket”, “Inspire”, and “Criticizing”; they were published in 2020 and 2021. Amr’s collection of poems “Stubborn in Love” has been translated into English and published in 2021.

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    Pocket - Amr Muneer Dahab


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    Published by AuthorHouse 09/15/2021

    ISBN: 978-1-6655-3828-2 (sc)

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    If You Are Spendthrift by Nature

    If You Are Miserly by Nature

    In the Mall

    On Vacation

    The Best Investment

    Employee and Businessman

    Professional Consultation versus Traditional Advice

    Budget Control

    Virtual Financial World

    When Your Finances Run Low

    When Your Income Increases

    Your Debts

    Your References in Spending and Saving

    Taking Risk

    Your Retirement Plan

    Your Wish List

    What Does a Blessing Mean?

    Money and Happiness

    To everyone who is trying to control their budget in vain.


    The people most able to give financial advice to others are not always those who have received academic training or those who have great saving abilities and organizing skills. Sometimes the most troubled person in their financial affairs may be able to determine exactly what a wasteful person should do to get their finances right, even if the person who advises is not able to apply their advice to themselves.

    I do not at all claim to be a financially disciplined person, nor do I, in return, think I am remarkably extravagant. Nevertheless, what I can say with confidence is that I am attentive to my spending problems and to what I must always do to rectify my finances, even if I am not always able to bring my plans accurately into reality.

    I hope that reading Pocket will help you to better understand and deal with your financial reality, regardless of whether you are a spendthrift or a frugal person. The challenges of money lie not only in controlling overspending but also in getting rid of the obsession with thrift.



    39101.png Spendthrift people are creative in inventing ways to spend money. If you are unable to completely control your spending, at least try to invent ways to spend as an investment that will bring you a constant or even immediate return.

    39101.png A wasteful person cannot be confident in controlling their spending, no matter how many consultations they receive and

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