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Ebook64 pages29 minutes


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About this ebook

Reading should not be just a mission. Reading is pleasure.
This book aims to make your relationship with books, and reading in general, one that goes beyond the mere desire to hurry to finish a heavy task, or even the aspiration toward cognitive benefit, to the pure love of reading.
When you reconcile with reading and love it, all its desired benefits will flow to you on their own.
Release dateAug 25, 2021

Amr Muneer Dahab Amr Muneer Dahab is a Sudanese born writer, poet, essayist, literary critic and electrical engineer. He has an experience of over twenty years as a columnist in opinion journalism and is widely acknowledged for his critical essays tackling controversial cultural, literary, intellectual, and political issues worldwide, and in the Arab world specifically. His over twenty years’ experience as a columnist in opinion journalism, in addition to his academic engineering degree and relevant practical career, allowed his words to be architected in a skillfully depict reality with honesty, objectivity, and creativity. Amr is a senior member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers in the United States of America. He has more than twenty five books published in Arabic, and his book “Damn the Novel” had been translated into English and published in 2018. Amr wrote in English “Facing Troublemakers”, “You Are Always Good to Go”, “Life Painkillers”, “Cuisine”, “Reading”, “Pocket”, “Inspire”, and “Criticizing”; they were published in 2020 and 2021. Amr’s collection of poems “Stubborn in Love” has been translated into English and published in 2021.

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    Book preview

    Reading - Amr Muneer Dahab

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    Published by AuthorHouse 08/25/2021

    ISBN: 978-1-6655-3648-6 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-6655-3649-3 (e)

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    To those who adore reading.

    To those who are eager to improve and

    develop their reading skills.

    To those who believe that there are other means

    of knowledge more important than reading.



    The Purpose of Reading

    What to Read

    How to Read

    Fast Reading versus Slow Reading

    Fat Books versus Slim Books

    Reading a Poorly Written Book

    Avid Reading

    Reading Cover to Cover

    Judging a Book by Its Cover

    Addiction to Reading a Specific Genre

    Reading in Another Language

    When Will You Benefit from Reading a Book?

    Do Reading Habits Change over Time?

    Stop Reading for a While

    A Unique Contest

    How Do You Review a Book?

    Isn’t the E-book a Real Book?

    Reading versus Other Means of Knowledge


    Reading should not be just a mission. Reading is pleasure.

    All that you read solely to help you complete work or as a duty may enable you to achieve that purpose, but there is more to the joy of reading, without which you will miss what should remain forever in your subconscious: inspiration and its manifestations in various aspects of your life.

    This book aims to make your relationship with books, and reading in general, one that goes beyond the mere desire to hurry to finish a heavy task, or even the aspiration toward cognitive benefit, to the pure love of reading. When you reconcile with reading and love it, all its desired benefits will flow to you on their own.



    39527.png One of the loftiest goals of reading is pleasure. If you feel pleasure while reading, you don’t need to be in a hurry to find another purpose to justify adoring

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