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The Coronavirus Pandemic: (President Trump Gone Awol Mentally)
The Coronavirus Pandemic: (President Trump Gone Awol Mentally)
The Coronavirus Pandemic: (President Trump Gone Awol Mentally)
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The Coronavirus Pandemic: (President Trump Gone Awol Mentally)

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About this ebook

This book is about the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) in the United States without a qualified national leader in the Oval Office to lead the country in handling this pandemic, and exactly why the American people need to get him and Congressional Republicans backing and defending his foolishness and recklessness out of office. America needs qualified and moral people that will ensure the health and safety of all Americans, including immigrants seeking to become American citizens.
Release dateSep 4, 2020
The Coronavirus Pandemic: (President Trump Gone Awol Mentally)

Larry Murphy

I am a graduate of Fayetteville State University, Fayetteville, NC. I have a Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Administration, with a major in Accounting. I pastored 20 years in the AME Zion Church and worked for the federal government for 20 years, mostly as a federal investigator. I have a passion for research and fact finding and was recognized by the federal government for this particular skill set. I believe myself inspired of the Holy Spirit to seek the truth and bring a knowledge and understanding to those seeking consolation in these perilous times.

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    Book preview

    The Coronavirus Pandemic - Larry Murphy

    Chapter 1

    Biden Preferred Over Trump

    Majority of Americans Want Biden Handling

    Coronavirus Response and the Economy

    Not the incompetent and lying Donald Trump

    Most Americans would rather see former

    Vice President Joe Biden in charge of both

    The United States coronavirus response and

    The economy than current President Trump

    According to data from a new NPR/PBS

    NewsHour/Marist poll, however while Biden


    Biden may have the upper hand in polling

    In those areas, the results fall strongly along

    Party lines with Republicans and Democrats

    Out of those surveyed, 55 percent (55%)

    Of those surveyed chose Biden over Trump

    To handle the coronavirus pandemic

    While 40 percent (40%) of those polled

    Said they would rather see Trump handling

    Coronavirus issues in the United States

    87 percent (87%) of those who supported

    Trump in that arena identified themselves

    As Republicans and likewise 87 percent (87%)

    For Biden labeled themselves as Democrats

    Although Trump has taken credit for creating

    A strong U.S. economy before the essential

    Lockdown of the country due to the coronavirus

    Only 44 percent (44%) of those polled say they

    Would rather see Trump handle the economy

    A little over half or 50 percent (50%) would

    Rather see Biden take the economic reins

    Biden garnering 51 percent (51%) of the poll

    Those who were unsure about which candidate

    They would choose numbered 6 percent (6%)

    Democrats made up the majority of Biden’s

    Support for handling the U.S. economy with

    86 percent (86%) throwing the presumptive

    Democratic presidential nominee their support

    However, 92 percent (92%) of the Republicans

    Polled wanted Trump to handle the economy

    With only 7 percent (7%) of Republican voter

    Leaning toward former Vice President Joe Biden

    Overall, 48% of Americans disapprove of how

    Trump is handling the economy which represents

    A 3 percent (3%) increase of March’s poll when 45

    Percent (45%) of those polled indicated they did not

    Approve of how Trump is handling the economy

    Trump’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic

    Garnered a larger jump in the disapproval rating


    While 49 percent (49%) of those surveyed

    Voiced their disapproval in the March poll

    55 percent (55%) now say they do not approve

    Of Trump’s response to coronavirus pandemic

    Which is a 6 percent (6%) increase from March

    Biden suggested during a Monday interview

    On April 27, 2020 with CBS Miami that he would

    Take a more global approach to economic matters

    Former Vice President Joe Biden on the matter said

    "I would get much more engaged in the world

    We can’t step back, if fact, for example we solve

    The problem in the United States of America

    And you don’t solve it in other parts of the world

    You know what’s going to happen, you’re going

    To have travel bans and you’re going to not be able

    To do and have economic intercourse around the

    World when it’s America first, it’s America alone!!!"

    Although stay-at-home orders issued by

    State governors have impacted businesses

    Forcing many to temporarily close or shut

    Down completely, Trump has envisioned

    A rapid rebound for the U.S. economy on

    Tuesday, April 28, 2020 during a meeting

    With Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, saying

    "I think the fourth quarter is going to be really

    Strong and I think next year is going to be

    A tremendous year; that’s what’s building

    Third quarter is a transition quarter

    Second quarter is what it is!!!"

    Business closures forced the U.S. Gross

    Domestic Product (GDP) to fall at an annual

    Rate of 4.8 percent (4.8%) for the first (1st)

    Quarter of 2020, which represents the

    First (1st) decrease in the GDP since 2014

    Anthony Stephen Fauci is an American

    Physician and immunologist who has served

    As the Director of the National Institute of

    Allergy and Infectious Diseases since 1984

    Since January 2020, he has been one of the lead

    Members of the Trump Administrations White

    House Coronavirus Task Force addressing the

    2019–20 coronavirus pandemic in the United States

    Fauci is widely seen to be one of the most trusted

    Medical figures in the United States of America

    The White House will not allow the leading

    Immunologist on the coronavirus task force to

    Testify to Congress next week calling the request

    Counter-productive to the administration’s efforts

    To contain the coronavirus pandemic

    Dr. Fauci’s testimony had been requested

    By the House Appropriations Committee as

    Part of an investigation into the White House’s

    Response to the COVID-19 pandemic

    A House Appropriations Committee s

    Spokesman Evan Hollander on Friday

    May 1, 2020 stated the following

    "The Appropriations Committee sought Dr.

    Anthony Fauci as a witness at next week’s

    Labor-HHS Education Subcommittee hearing

    On COVID-19 response

    We have been informed by an administration

    Official that the White House has blocked

    Dr. Fauci from testifying!!!"

    Fauci has become one of the most well

    Recognized experts in the administration’s

    Coronavirus response team and often speaking

    Publicly during task force briefings, and at times

    Seeming to contradict statements made by Trump

    A White House official on the matter said

    "We expressed openness from the White House

    To having him testify but requested we be given

    The parameters of what the hearing would entail

    So we could determine if he was the best guess

    Or if it was someone else’s jurisdiction!!!"

    The White House official in a statement added

    That the Chairman didn’t follow-up, saying

    "If this was truly a serious effort to have someone

    Testify on the appropriations need around

    Coronavirus they certainly didn’t handle it

    Like it was!!!"

    On Friday, May 1, 2020 White House

    Spokesman Judd Deere said in a statement that

    "The administration was committed to working

    With Congress to offer testimony at the

    Appropriate time!!!"

    Chapter 2


    As we all can clearly see who care to see

    That even during this coronavirus pandemic

    In which more lives have been lost than lives

    During the Vietnam War, which also known as

    The Second Indochina War, and in Vietnam as

    The Resistance War Against America or simply

    The American War was a conflict in Vietnam

    Laos, and Cambodia from 1 November 1955

    To the fall of Saigon on 30 April 1975

    This Vietnam War lasted for two (2) decades

    Or Twenty (20) years and this Coronavirus

    Pandemic is now just in its beginning stage

    The Trump administration with the support

    And backing of Congressional Republicans

    Both in the United States House and Senate

    Continue to play dangerous and deadly partisan

    Politics with the coronavirus pandemic facts

    Affecting the health, safety, and welfare of the

    American people including family members

    Who have gotten sick and many ultimately dying

    From this coronavirus pandemic unnecessarily

    Two (2) months before the novel coronavirus

    Is thought to have begun its deadly advance

    In Wuhan, China, the Trump administration

    Ended a $200-million pandemic early-warning

    Program aimed at training scientists in China

    And other countries to detect and respond to such

    A coronavirus pandemic threat

    The project launched by the United States

    Agency for International Development in 2009

    Identified 1,200 different viruses that had the

    Potential to erupt into pandemics, including

    More than 160 novel coronaviruses

    The initiative called PREDICT also trained

    And supported staff in 60 foreign laboratories

    Including the Wuhan lab that identified SARS

    CoV-2, the new coronavirus that causes COVID-19

    Peter Daszak, President of EcoHealth Alliance

    A key player in the PREDICT program said

    "Field work ceased when the funding ran out in

    September 2019 and organizations that worked

    On the PREDICT program laid off dozens

    Of scientists and analysts!!!"

    On Wednesday, April 1, 2020 USAID granted

    An emergency extension to the program, issuing

    $2.26 million over the next six (6) months to send

    Experts who will help foreign labs squelch the

    Coronavirus pandemic, but program leaders say

    The funding will do little to further the initiative’s

    Original mission of detecting and responding and

    Peter Daszak, President of EcoHealth Alliance said

    "Look at the name: Our efforts were to predict

    This before it happens. That’s the part of the

    Program that was exciting and that’s the part I’m

    Worried about

    It’s absolutely critical that we don’t drop

    The idea of a large-scale, proactive, predictive

    Program that tries to catch pandemics before

    They happen

    Cutting a program that could in any way reduce

    The risk of things like COVID-19 happening

    Again is, by any measure, shortsighted!!!"

    It is unclear whether another five-year grant

    Would have dulled the impact of the current

    Coronavirus, but the Trump Administration has

    Come under increased criticism for its past moves

    To downgrade global health security, including

    Proposals to slash funding to science agencies

    And the elimination of the National Security

    Council’s key global health post

    Spokesman for USAID on the matter said

    PREDICT was just one component of USAID’s

    Global health security efforts and accounted for

    Less than 20% of our global health security funding

    A new initiative to stop the spillover of viruses

    From animals to humans is scheduled to be

    Awarded in August 2020!!!"

    The PREDICT project, which operated on two (2)

    Five-year funding cycles that formally concluded

    Last September 2009 enrolled both epidemiologists

    And wildlife veterinarians to examine the types of

    Interactions between animals and humans

    That researchers suspect led to the current

    Outbreak of COVID-19

    Jonna Mazet, Executive Director of the One

    Health Institute in the UC Davis School of

    Veterinary Medicine, who served as the global

    Director of PREDICT for a decade stated

    "The pandemic didn’t surprise us, unfortunately

    The work had been ongoing for some time and

    When the crisis hits, everybody stands up and

    Takes notice and says, ‘OK, we believe you!!!"

    The PREDICT project launched in response

    To the 2005 H5N1 bird flu scare gathered

    Specimens from more than 10,000 bats and 2,000

    Other mammals in search of dangerous viruses

    They detected about 1,200 viruses that could

    Spread from wild animals to humans signaling

    Pandemic potential

    More than 160 of them were novel coronaviruses

    Much like SARS-CoV-2

    They also took blood samples from people

    In rural China, and learned that, in living among

    Wildlife they had been exposed to coronaviruses

    A clear sign that if those viruses spread easily

    Among humans, they could take off, Mazet said

    "That raised the red flag

    Coronaviruses were jumping easily across

    Species lines and were ones to watch

    For epidemics and pandemics!!!"

    "The program also trained nearly 7,000 people

    Across medical and agricultural sectors in 30

    Countries in Asia, Africa, and the Middle East

    To help them detect deadly new viruses

    On their own and one of those labs was the

    Wuhan Institute of Virology, the Chinese lab

    That quickly identified SARS-CoV-2!!!"

    The Wuhan lab received USAID funding

    For equipment, and PREDICT coordinators

    Connected the scientists there with researchers

    In other countries in order to synchronize

    tracking of novel viruses before SARS-CoV-2

    The project’s second funding cycle concluded

    On September 30, 2019, less than two (2) months

    Before the new coronavirus probably began spreading

    It was granted a zero-dollar six-month extension

    Through March 2020 to write up final reports

    Dennis Carroll, a widely respected scientist

    Who headed USAID’s emerging threats division

    Oversaw the initiative for its duration, but retired

    Around the time it was shut down

    Carroll did not respond to an inquiry from The

    Times, but told the New York Times last year

    That by January 2019, the program had essentially

    Collapsed into hibernation," and that its

    Conclusion was due to "the ascension of risk

    Averse bureaucrats!!!"

    Other members of the consortium included

    Columbia University’s Center for Infection

    And Immunity and several institutes that manage

    Major United States zoos

    Earlier this year in 2020 as COVID-19 took off

    United States lawmakers expressed frustration

    Over the program’s end as Senators Elizabeth

    Warren and Angus King wrote a letter to USAID’s

    Administrators earlier this year in 2020 asking

    For details on the decision stating on the matter

    "Addressing and preventing the spread

    Of coronavirus and potential pandemic

    Disease outbreaks is a serious matter

    That requires adequate resources for and

    Cooperation between experts throughout

    The federal government!!!"

    On Wednesday, April 1, 2020 the PREDICT

    Program was extended through September 2020

    To offer emergency technical assistance to foreign

    Labs battling the coronavirus pandemic

    Peter Daszak, President of EcoHealth Alliance said

    "To date, PREDICT-supported labs in Malaysia

    Thailand and Indonesia are actively testing

    For coronavirus and he has been sending

    Reagents and other supplies to assist them!!!"

    Jonna Mazet, Executive Director of the One

    Health Institute in the UC Davis School of

    Veterinary Medicine, who served as the global

    Director of PREDICT for a decade said

    "Meanwhile, in Rwanda, scientists who had been

    Trained in the PREDICT program triggered early

    Social distancing measures and I do think that what

    We were doing has changed the outcomes for a lot

    Of countries, but unfortunately, not our own!!!"

    Peter Daszak, President of EcoHealth Alliance said

    "He’s eager to further examine the hundreds of

    Wildlife samples collected during the PREDICT

    Initiative over the years, looking to identify whether

    Any of them could have been intermediate hosts

    For the virus currently sweeping the globe

    But with the limited budget and timeline, efforts to

    Continue in-depth field work under PREDICT will

    Be minimal and most of the extension funding will

    Be focused on squelching the current outbreak

    And not preventing the next outbreak!!!"

    "It’s common sense to know your enemy

    Instead, we’re all hiding inside our houses as we

    Wait around for a vaccine and that’s not a good

    Global strategy to battling a dangerous virus!!!"

    Chapter 3

    Protests Against Lockdowns by States

    Hundreds of people protested outside the

    Michigan Capitol building in Lansing on

    Thursday, April 30, 2020 with some pushing

    Inside while the Legislature was debating an

    Extension of Governor Gretchen Whitmer’s

    State of emergency in response to the coronavirus

    Pandemic and in according to NBC affiliate

    WDIV of Detroit, protesters held signs, waved

    American flags and even carried firearms

    While some chanted

    Let us in! and "This is the people’s

    House, you cannot lock us out!!!"

    Others tried to get onto the House floor

    But were blocked by state police and

    And sergeants at arms

    A state police spokesman told NBC News

    That it is legal in Michigan to carry firearms

    As long as it’s done with lawful intent and the

    Weapon is visible

    Michigan United for Liberty organized

    The protest dubbed the American Patriot

    Rally to call for the reopening of businesses

    State lawmakers who are Republican led in

    Both chambers on Thursday night, April 30,

    2020 declined to extend the state’s emergency

    Declaration before it expired at midnight

    Instead, they voted to bring a lawsuit to

    Challenge Whitmer’s authority and actions

    To fight the coronavirus pandemic

    The Democratic governor quickly issued new

    Orders stating that an emergency still exists

    While also declaring new 28-day states of

    Emergency and disaster

    Democratic Governor Whitmer after the

    Legislature’s vote said in a statement

    "Republican lawmakers are putting their

    Heads into the sand and putting more

    Lives and livelihoods at risk

    I’m not going to let that happen!!!"

    Whitmer, who has faced fierce backlash

    For her strict stay-at-home mandate

    Extended the order earlier this month until

    May 15, 2020, but she eased some restrictions

    On public activities as the state’s coronavirus

    Cases stabilize, Michigan, however, still has more

    Than 40,000 cases and is one of the hardest-hit states

    Who is wise and understanding among you?

    Let him show by good conduct that his works

    are done in the meekness of wisdom. (Ja. 3:13)

    But if you have bitter envy and self-seeking

    in your hearts, do not boast and lie against

    the truth. (Ja. 3:14)

    This wisdom does not descend from above,

    but is earthly, sensual, demonic. (Ja. 3:15)

    For where envy and self-seeking exist,

    confusion and every evil thing are there. (Ja. 3:16)

    The emergency declaration gives Whitmer

    Authority to issue executive orders during

    A crisis and its extension is separate from that

    Of the stay-at-home order

    According to NBC affiliate WOOD of Grand

    Rapids, as the protests moved indoors from the

    Rainy steps of the Capitol, police took the

    Like the Operation Gridlock demonstration

    April 15, 2020 over Whitmer’s stay-at-home order

    Many demonstrators appeared to be supporters of

    President Donald Trump, donning "Make American

    Great Again" campaign hats and in one instance

    Putting on a dance routine by two (2) girls wearing

    Masks that appeared to be of President Trump

    And former President Barack Obama

    The Coronavirus Pandemic Crisis is far from

    Being over and it is not by any means whatsoever

    Under control and these facts those who are wise

    And understanding have received and accepted

    And seek to follow recommended guidance

    From medical experts specializing in this field

    Of studies to stay at home and be safe and social

    Distancing from one another of at least six (6) feet

    However, there are those who are being wise

    In their own eyes strongly pushing against medical

    Experts’ recommended guidance who strongly seek

    For things to be normalized as they were before

    The outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic

    Demanding states’ stay-at-home orders and

    Social distancing guidance be lifted or rescinded

    In spite of the possible dangers and likely deaths

    That could and most likely will occur from such

    Unrecommended gatherings during this deadly

    Coronavirus pandemic crisis still lingering

    And the tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity.

    The tongue is so set among our members

    that it defiles the whole body,

    and sets on fire the course of nature;

    and it is set on fire by hell. (Ja. 3:6)

    For every kind of beast and bird, of reptile

    and creature of the sea, is tamed and

    has been tamed by mankind. (Ja. 3:7)

    But no man can tame the tongue.

    It is an unruly evil,

    full of deadly poison. (Ja. 4:8)

    With it we bless our God and Father,

    and with it we curse men, who have been

    made in the similitude of God. (Ja. 3:9)

    Out of the same mouth proceed blessing

    and cursing. My brethren, these things

    ought not to be so. (Ja. 3:10)

    Does a spring send forth fresh water

    And bitter from the same opening? (Ja. 3:11)

    Can a fig tree, my brethren, bear olives,

    or a grapevine bear figs?

    Thus no spring yields

    both salt water and fresh. (Ja. 3:12)

    The heart of the righteous studies

    how to answer,

    But the mouth of the wicked

    pours forth evil. (Prov. 15:28)

    Do you see a man

    wise in his own eyes?

    There is more hope for a fool

    than for him. (Prov. 26:12)

    Do you see a man

    hasty in his words?

    There is more hope for a fool

    than for him. (Prov. 29:29)

    U.S. President Donald Trump speaks during

    A Fox News town hall at the Lincoln Memorial

    In Washington, D.C., on Sunday, May 3, 2020

    Anxious to spur an economic recovery without

    Risking lives, President Donald Trump insists

    That you can satisfy both, see states gradually

    Lift lockdowns while also protecting people from

    The coronavirus pandemic that has killed

    More than 66,000 Americans

    President Donald Trump fielding questions

    From Americans Sunday night, May 3, 2020

    In a virtual town hall from the Lincoln Memorial

    Acknowledged valid fears on both sides of the issue

    Some people are worried about getting sick

    Others are reeling from lost jobs and livelihoods

    But while Trump increased his projection

    For the total U.S. death total to 80,000 or 90,000

    Up by more than 20,000 fatalities from what

    He had suggested just a few weeks ago

    President Trump struck a note of urgency

    To restart the nation’s economy declaring

    We have to reopen our country, saying

    "We have to get it back open safely

    But as quickly as possible!!!"

    After more than a month of being cooped

    Up at the White House, Trump returned from

    A weekend at the Camp David presidential retreat

    In Maryland for the virtual town hall hosted

    By Fox News Channel.

    The president said of his monumental backdrop

    We never had a more beautiful set than this!!!

    As concerns mount about his reelection bid

    Trump stuck to his relentlessly optimistic view

    Of the nation’s ability to rebound soon, saying

    "It is all working out

    It is horrible to go through

    But it is working out!!!"

    Many public health experts believe the nation

    Cannot safely reopen fully until a vaccine

    Is developed, however, Trump declared Sunday

    He believed one could be available by year’s end

    U.S. public health officials have said a vaccine

    Is probably a year to 18 months away

    But Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation’s leading

    Expert on infectious diseases and member of the

    White House coronavirus task force said in late

    April 2020 that it is conceivable if a vaccine is

    Soon developed, that the vaccine could be in wide

    Distribution as early as January 2021

    Though the Trump administration’s handling

    Of the coronavirus pandemic, particularly its

    Ability to conduct widespread testing has come

    Under fierce scrutiny as Trump tried to shift

    The blame to China and said the United States

    Was ready to begin reopening its businesses, saying

    "I’ll tell you one thing

    We did the right thing and I really believe

    We saved a million and a half lives!!!"

    But Trump also broke with the assessment

    Of his Senior Advisor and son-in-law Jared

    Kushner, saying on the matter

    "It was too soon to say the federal

    Government had overseen a success story!!!"

    Trump’s impatience also flashed out

    While noting that states would go at their own

    Pace in returning to normal, with the ones harder

    By the coronavirus pandemic going slower

    He showed his impatience and push saying

    "Some states, frankly

    I think aren’t going fast enough!!!"

    President Trump singled out Virginia which

    Has a Democratic governor and legislature and

    He urged the nation’s schools and universities

    To return to classes this fall in 2020

    Federal guidelines that encouraged people

    To stay at home and practice social distancing

    Expired last week on April 30, 2020

    Debate continued over moves by governors

    To start reopening state economies that tanked

    After shopping malls, salons and other nonessential

    businesses were ordered closed in attempt to slow

    A coronavirus pandemic that has killed more

    Than 66,000 Americans according to a tally

    Of reported deaths by Johns Hopkins University

    Chapter 4

    The United States Economy Suffers

    The United States economy has suffered

    Shrinking at a 4.8% annual rate from January

    Through March 2020 the government estimated

    And roughly 30.3 million people have filed

    For unemployment aid in the six (6) weeks since

    The coronavirus outbreak forced employers

    To shut down and slash their workforces

    President Trump’s advisors have nervously

    Watched his support slip in battle ground states

    And Trump was told by his advisors last month

    If the presidential election was held on that day

    He would lose to former Vice President Joe Biden

    As such, the urgency of Republicans placing

    The reopening of the economy above the health

    Safety and welfare of the American people

    For President Trump’s re-election interests

    Should be noted and emphasized as inhumane

    Totally without compassion for the misery and

    Suffering for the American people during this

    Coronavirus pandemic for his personal interests

    President Trump’s aides believe "restarting" the

    Economy even with its health risks, is essential

    To a victory in November 2020 and are pushing

    For Trump to pivot away from discussions

    About the coronavirus pandemic and onto an

    American comeback story

    How is it that any decent and moral person

    Having sympathy and empathy for others

    Especially and in particularly those who have

    Suffered and died during this coronavirus

    Pandemic support and defend this idiot

    Of a president that is only concerned about

    Himself and himself only, seriously think

    About and think about it seriously

    These are thoughts and intentions of a wicked

    Man with only his personal interests at heart

    And to that end, Trump will begin traveling again

    With a trip to a mask factory in Arizona planned

    For Tuesday, May 4, 2020 and he is set to speak

    In June 2020 at commencement for the United

    States Military Academy at West Point

    West Point students returning to campus for

    Commencement will require graduates to self

    Isolate for fourteen (14) days, but Trump insisted

    That the event poses no risk to the cadets

    The town hall which included an appearance

    By Vice President Mike Pence included a rare

    Mea culpa or an acknowledgement for one’s

    Own fault or error as Pence said he should have

    Worn a facemask during a visit last week to

    Minnesota’s Mayo Clinic in which his failure

    To wear a mask violated the Mayo Clinic’s

    Guidelines and drew significant criticism

    Elsewhere in Washington, the Senate planned

    To reopen Monday, April 5, 2020 despite the area’s

    Continued status as a virus hot spot and with the

    Region still under stay-at-home orders

    The House remains shuttered as debate continues

    On what the next stage of the economic recovery

    May look like as state and local governments are

    Seeking up to $1 trillion in coronavirus costs

    Which has been met with some objections

    By congressional Republicans

    Trump said that while he thought common

    Ground could be found with Democrats over

    An infrastructure package, he concluded saying

    "We’re not doing anything

    Unless we get a payroll tax cut

    That is so important

    To the success of our country!!!"

    President Trump’s proposal has been met

    With objections from both parties

    The leaders of California and Michigan

    Are among governors under public pressure

    Over lockdowns still in effect while states such

    As Florida, Georgia and Ohio are reopening

    Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer

    A Democrat said Sunday, May 3, 2020 that

    "The armed protesters who demonstrated inside

    Her state’s Capitol "depicted some of the worst

    Racism and awful parts" of United States

    History by showing up with Confederate flags

    Nooses and swastikas!!!"

    Trump on Sunday night, May 3, 2020 singled

    Out Whitmer and Washington Gov. Jay Inslee

    Also, a Democrat for criticism even as he praised

    The federal coordination with most governors

    Trump also complained that some Democrats

    Would rather people get sick than given him

    Any credit for pushing the use of a malaria drug

    For treating COVID-19, though it has not been

    Proven to be safe and effective for that use

    Chapter 5

    Assessment of Trump’s Character 2016

    On May 4, 2016, about six (6) months prior

    To the November 2016 presidential election

    Bart Rossi a prominent political psychologist

    Who holds a doctorate from Fordham University

    Based on observation and not a medical

    On Republican presidential frontrunner

    Donald J. Trump make said the following

    Trump has trouble with the truth and he has said

    Things that he’s quite frankly wrong about and

    That appear to be flat-out lies and fabrications

    Rossi, whose career has included psychological

    Evaluations of prison inmates and police officers

    On President Donald Trump went on to say

    "That doesn’t mean he’s pathological

    Though I see him as a master manipulator

    He’s deliberate in his fabrication

    Pathological means that someone is going

    To go from one lie to the next to the next

    Possibly without control; in Trump’s case

    It could very well be the opposite

    Trump doesn’t appear to be delusional

    He knows what he’s saying is wrong!!!"

    In the world according to Cruz ironically

    The man Trump nicknamed Lyin Ted while

    Accusing him of underhanded campaign tactics

    Trump would ostensibly fit the profile

    Of a pathological liar

    For example, Cruz claimed that practically

    Everything Trump says is bull

    Which would match the description at hand

    Ted Cruz unleashed a stream of invective at

    Republican presidential primary foe Donald

    Trump on Tuesday, May 3, 2016 as voters

    Headed to the polls in the crucial Indiana primary

    Among the now-departed Cruz’s pronouncements

    Trump is a pathological liar!!!

    The blustering billionaire frontrunner does

    Display traits of an authoritarian personality

    Based on observation, not a medical examination

    "What happens is a lot of these so-called

    Authoritarian figures, they really stretch things

    They spin and they make things up that are really

    Really not true and in Trump’s case to present

    Himself as this authoritarian figure

    He will basically say almost anything to get

    More attention [for] himself!!!"

    On top of that Trump’s penchant or habitual

    Liking for something or tendency to do something

    For exaggeration may feed on itself because Trump

    Derives what Rossi called secondary gains as a result

    He gets encouraged because he can say things

    That are outrageous and get away with it

    And he goes down that road again

    In short, Trump a former reality show star

    Knows what his audience wants to hear

    And how to convey it

    "With Trump, it’s not the accuracy of what

    He says that’s most important to his followers

    They don’t even care if he’s going to build [a]

    Wall on the U.S.-Mexico border as he’s promised

    To do (on Mexico’s tab)

    By saying he will build the wall he positioned

    Himself as a strong leader who cares about

    Bolstering national security or protecting American

    Jobs supposedly being pilfered or stolen by immigrants

    And anyway, as Rossi puts it, his followers want

    Him to be a smackdown and putdown artist

    Trump’s talk, whether claiming President Barack

    Obama was not born in the United States or by

    Some other unproven remark, has been lethal

    To his opponents and Cruz is potentially next

    On the chopping block as he stares down what

    Could be his seventh (7th) straight loss in

    Tuesday’s, May 3, 2016 Indiana GOP primary

    If Trump becomes the nominee and Hillary

    Clinton defeats Bernie Sanders for the

    Democratic nomination, Rossi has a bit of advice

    for the woman Trump calls Crooked Hillary

    "They should [call him] Bankrupt Donald

    I don’t think she should get into the gutter with

    Him, I think she should have a pushback!!!"

    From Rossi’s observation and my personal

    Observation of Trump’s behavior practices

    He has major problems with the truth

    Has said and continues to say things that are

    Quite frankly wrong and have proven to be

    Flat-out lies and deliberate fabrications

    He appears to hold idiosyncratic beliefs or

    Impressions that are contradicted by reality or

    Rational argument with false convictions

    Not shared by other reasonable and sensible

    Of honesty and integrity qualities

    He is a master manipulator with his lies and

    Uses his lies to gaslight those drawn into his web

    Of deception filled with conspiracy theories about

    Anything he opposes from his personal viewpoints

    Whatever it takes to exalt himself he will do it

    At the expense of belittling and crushing others

    With his profoundly perverse and filthy mouth

    Lying and stealing is the art of the deal from him

    When Trump claimed Muslims celebrated

    In New Jersey after 9/11, he set off a hunt

    For evidence that did not materialize which

    Never matter though to Trump because he had

    Just completed another fabrication liken unto

    The Obama birthism which has emboldened him

    To be able to say anything and get away with it

    Trump does not only present himself as an

    Authoritarian figure but desperately desires being

    An authoritarian figure like other strongmen he has

    Admired and praised over the years reflects why he

    Really stretch things, spinning and making things

    Up premeditatedly and deliberately that are really

    Not true while basically saying almost anything

    To bring or to get more attention for himself

    Which Trump does often and very often

    This wicked man’s character is the same today

    In May 2020 as it was the in May 2016

    As a leopard never changes its spots applies

    With Trump’s character as to how impossible

    It is for him to change his wicked character

    When he enjoys what he practices doing daily

    His wisdom is earthly, sensual, demonic

    But the wisdom that is from above

    is first pure, then peaceable, gentle,

    willing to yield, full of mercy and good

    fruits, without partiality and without

    hypocrisy. (Ja. 3:17)

    Now the fruit of righteousness

    is sown in peace by those

    who make peace. (Ja. 3:18)

    The wisdom of Donald J. Trump

    Is certainly not from above but is

    Earthly, sensual, demonic, and filled

    With envy and self-ambition that drives

    Him to boast and lie against the truth

    Chapter 6

    Ruin and Devastation in America

    The American people are experiencing this high

    Degree of ruin and devastation as a direct result

    Of the reckless and careless handling of the

    Coronavirus pandemic by the Trump administration

    The handling of this coronavirus pandemic is one

    If not the worst failure in United States history

    The United States leads the world in the number

    Of total coronavirus cases with 1,208,101 and total

    Deaths with 69,579 as of May 4, 2020

    Which equates to 13.7 times the total number

    Of cases and 15.01 times the total number

    Of deaths in China Mainland as of May 4, 2020

    Spain is second (2nd) to the United states in the

    Number of total cases with 247,122 which equates

    To 4.9 times less cases than the United states

    Italy is second (2nd) to the United states in the

    Number of total deaths with 29,079 which equates

    To 2.4 times less deaths than the United States

    What has the United States done so terribly that

    Has caused so many cases and deaths

    Something went terribly wrong and that wrong

    Was generated within the Trump administration

    New models predict dramatically more deaths

    As states relax shutdowns and social distance rules

    An influential coronavirus model often cited by

    The White House is now forecasting that 134,000

    People will die of Covid-19 in the United States

    Nearly double its previous prediction

    The model, from the Institute for Health Metrics

    And Evaluation at the University of Washington

    Had predicted 72,433 deaths as of Monday

    Morning, May 4, 2020

    Relatedly, a Trump administration model projects

    A rise in coronavirus cases and deaths in the weeks

    Ahead, up to about 3,000 daily deaths in the U.S.

    By June 1, 2020 according to an internal document

    Obtained by The New York Times

    Over the past week of April 27 thru May 3, 2020

    About 2,000 people died daily in the United States

    According to data from Johns Hopkins University

    The sharp increases in the two (2) models are tied

    To relaxed social distancing and increased mobility

    In the United States across the country, including


    And SOUTH CAROLINA have eased restrictions

    In attempt to revive a sputtering economy and

    Calm restless residents in their impatience

    Impatient dead people cannot work and impatient

    Dead people have no need to be calmed from their

    Restlessness here on this earth any longer

    HME Director Dr. Christopher Murray told CNN’s

    Wolf Blitzer that other factors included states adding

    Presumptive coronavirus deaths to their statistics and

    The rising number of cases in some meatpacking plants

    In the country, states have to balance their actions, saying

    "I think the challenge for us all is to figure out what’s

    The trajectory of relaxing social distancing on a

    Measured pace that will protect us from big increases

    Or even a full-scale resurgence!!!"

    The projections make clear

    That these re-openings come with fatal risks

    CNN’s Senior Medical Correspondent Elizabeth

    Cohen stated on the matter of re-opening

    "It’s simple logic: When you tell people

    Hey, you can go to bars, you can get your

    Nails done, you can go to a restaurant

    Those numbers are going to go up!!!"

    The novel coronavirus’s incubation period

    Or the time from exposure to developing symptoms

    Ranges from two (2) to fourteen (14) days

    According to the CDC and the coronavirus can even

    Spread among people who show no symptoms at all

    With widespread testing still limited

    The consequences of these re-openings

    May not be evident for several weeks.

    Ali Mokdad, a Professor of Health Metrics

    Sciences at IHME told CNN’s John King that there

    Are several reasons for the increased projections, saying

    "One of them is increased mobility before the

    Relaxation, premature relaxation, of social distancing

    We’re adding more presumptive deaths as well, and

    We’re seeing a lot of outbreaks in the Midwest

    For example, multiple variables impact infections

    Like heat, testing capacity and population density

    But the most important one is mobility; Right now

    We’re seeing an increase in mobility

    That’s leading to an increase in mortality

    Unfortunately, in the U.S.!!!"

    Coronavirus has killed more than 68,000 people

    In the United States and infected more than 1,180,000

    According to data from Johns Hopkins University

    President Donald Trump had previously said

    He expected 65,000 Americans to die, but on

    Sunday night, May 3, 2020 he revised that

    Estimate death toll up to 80,000-90,000 people

    It may not be the last upward revision

    Dr. Deborah Birx, a White House Coronavirus

    Task Force official, said projections have shown

    Between 100,000 to 240,000 American deaths

    Even with social distancing in place

    In CALIFORNIA, anger had been rising at

    Governor Newsom for keeping some beaches closed

    Two (2) beach cities in Southern California

    Dana Point and Huntington Beach "voted to file

    An injunction" last week against the governor’s order

    To temporarily close all beaches in Orange County

    Newsom said Monday, May 4, 2020 that two (2)

    Other cities, Laguna Beach and San Clemente

    Can reopen on a limited basis: law enforcement

    In those areas put together an outstanding plan

    To reopen the beaches and that other beach opening

    Announcements could happen in the coming days

    Governor Newsome also said Monday, May 4, 2020

    That some stores in California will be allowed to open

    At the end of the week (around May 11, 2020)

    Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti said he does not

    Think the city will reopen earlier than May 15, 2020

    And SAN FRANCISCO Mayor London Breed said

    They may need more time to open businesses

    Responsibly so they don’t undo progress made

    Against Covid-19, at a press conference saying

    "We’re talking about new guidelines for restaurants

    Now and we’re talking about new guidelines

    For gyms and other places, but can we say

    Definitively that those businesses are going

    To be open this Friday, May 8, 2020

    No, we can’t, and we don’t want San Francisco

    To go backwards!!!"

    Chapter 7

    Further Re-Opening of the Economy

    Among the other states re-openings that started

    Monday, May 4, 2020 are the following

    In COLORADO offices can reopen at 50% capacity

    With other guidelines, including allowing 6 feet

    Between employees’ desks and increased cleaning

    Still, the state encourages businesses to allow

    Telecommuting when possible

    In FLORIDA phase one (1) of reopening begins

    That phase allows non-urgent surgeries and

    Restaurants can open for outdoor dining with 6

    Feet between tables and indoor seating at 25%

    Capacity and can reopen at 25% capacity

    Other businesses including bars, gyms and

    Hair salons will remain closed and three (3)

    Highly populated counties are not included

    In NEBRASKA most churches, salons and

    Restaurants can reopen

    In SOUTH CAROLINA, the work-or-home

    Order is being made voluntary and restaurants

    Can begin outdoor dining

    In VERMONT Governor Phil Scott expects

    Thousands of residents to return to work after

    An executive order that allows them to operate

    With new safety rules and manufacturing

    Construction and distribution businesses

    Can operate with ten (10) or fewer employees

    Stay-at-home orders also expire Monday

    May 11, 2020 in KANSAS and WEST VIRGINIA

    Even in reopening states, officials continue

    To recommend people stay at least 6 feet away

    From others, wear a face covering outside the

    Home, wash their hands frequently and avoid

    Touching their face

    The public pressure to ease restrictions is rising

    Even in states with significant outbreaks, and this

    Weekend, thousands gathered in CALIFORNIA

    To protest coronavirus restrictions, leading to 32

    Arrests at the state Capitol

    In MASSACHUSETTS demonstrators on Monday

    May 4, 2020 gathered outside the State House

    In Boston and CNN affiliate WCVB said some

    Of the hundreds of protesters wore masks

    As is required, but most did not.

    In CHICAGO, the nation’s third most-populous

    City with 2.7 million residents has reached the sad

    Milestone of 1,000 coronavirus deaths and

    According to Mayor Lori Lightfoot at least 1,014

    Have died according to the city’s health department

    In two (2) months the number of coronavirus deaths

    In the city of CHICAGO has now more than doubled

    The amount of homicides in the city in 2019

    NEW YORK Governor Andrew Cuomo reported

    That the number of intubations in the state hit

    Hardest by coronavirus is down, and the total

    Number of hospitalizations is below 10,000

    For the first (1st) time since March 2020

    Still Governor Cuomo has expressed frustration

    With the slow decline in cases, especially compared

    With how rapidly cases increased initially, saying

    "We’re on the other side of the mountain

    But the decline from the mountain is not as

    Steep as the incline, but the improvement does

    Not mean the nation can let down its guard!!!"

    BOSTON Mayor Marty Walsh said numbers

    In his city have been steady for a few days

    But he is concerned about relaxing restrictions

    On CNN’s "The Situation Room With Wolf

    Blitzer" Mayor Marty Walsh stated

    "I appreciate that people are wanting to open

    Up the economy; I want to open up the economy

    "I also want to save people’s lives

    And I find that that’s my job right now

    And that’s what every governor and every

    Mayor in the United States of America’s job

    Should be right now, is saving lives

    And reducing the spread of the virus!!!"

    White House Coronavirus Task Force member

    Dr. Anthony Fauci also warned that lifting

    Measures prematurely could lead to a "rebound

    Of the virus" that could put the United States

    In the same boat that we were a few weeks ago

    And a second (2nd) round of the virus is inevitable

    Its severity will depend on how prepared the

    Nation is!!!"

    People flooded outdoor spots amid "relaxed

    Restrictions" and a heat wave, and police had

    Challenges at some outdoor spaces, including

    A "lack of social distancing and "limited use

    Of face masks"

    For example, the Miami Beach Police

    Department announced it would close South

    Pointe Park again until further notice due to


    Across Miami Beach over the weekend more

    Than 7,300 warnings were issued for failure

    To wear a face covering according to police

    More than 470 warnings were issued for

    Failing to social distance and more than 1,300

    People were asked to leave parks after closing

    In NEW YORK where parks were full of socially

    Distanced sunbathers this weekend, Gov. Cuomo

    Said Sunday, May 3, 2020 that not wearing a mask

    In public is disrespectful to others

    NEW YORK CITY Mayor Bill de Blasio

    Announced Monday, May 4, 2020 "to solve

    That New York City is distributing 7.5 million

    Face coverings at various locations around the city"

    Five (5) million three-ply non-medical masks

    And 2.5 million cloth face coverings will be

    Distributed wherever social distancing guidelines

    Are enforced, including grocery stores, public parks

    And the Staten Island Ferry; The face coverings will

    Also be made available at New York Housing

    Authority sites and city-provided meal program sites!!!"

    Former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie

    Said Monday, May 4, 2020 that the country

    Needs to reopen, despite separate key coronavirus

    Models forecasting that thousands may die daily

    In the United States from Covid-19 and that more

    Than 100,000 may die in total, told CNN’s Dana

    Bash on The Daily DC Podcast stating

    "Of course, everybody wants to save every life

    They can but the question is towards what end

    Ultimately and are there ways that we can thread

    The middle here to allow that there are going

    To be deaths and there are going to be deaths

    No matter what; that we’ve got to let some of these

    Folks get back to work, because if we don’t we’re

    Going to destroy the American way of life

    In these families and it will be years and years

    Before we can recover!!!"

    Christie, a Republican tapped to lead President

    Donald Trump’s presidential transaction team

    In 2016 comments made Monday, May 4, 2020

    Echoed similar characterizations by other

    Republicans including President Donald Trump

    That the economic impact of coronavirus is just

    As devastating to the nation as the virus itself

    When Bash pressed Christie on whether people

    Would be able to accept reopening in light of news

    Of a Trump administration model projecting a rise up

    To about 3,000 daily US deaths from coronavirus

    By June 1, 2020 Christie responded saying

    "They’re gonna have to

    We’re in the midst of a pandemic

    That we haven’t seen in over 100 years

    And we’re going to have to continue

    To do things!!!"

    With governors facing mounting pressure

    Mounting to reopen their states’ economies and

    Trump itching to scale back on social distancing

    Nationwide as soon as possible, more than half

    Or 50% of states had lifted aspects of their stay

    At-home orders as of Monday, May 4, 2020

    Yet, a separate influential coronavirus model often

    Cited by the White House is now forecasting that

    134,000 people will die of Covid-19 in the US

    Which nearly double its previous prediction

    The model from the Institute for Health Metrics

    And Evaluation at the University of Washington

    Had predicted 72,433 deaths as of Monday

    Morning, May 4, 2020

    Christie, asked Monday, May 4, 2020 what his

    Messaging would be to the American public if he

    Sat in the Oval Office responded saying as follows

    "The message is that the American people

    Have gone through significant death before!!!"

    Christie pointed to the first and second World

    Wars as examples of how we’ve gone through it

    And we’ve survived it; We sacrificed those lives

    "We sent our young men during World War

    II over to Europe, out to the Pacific, knowing

    Knowing that many of them would not come

    Home alive and we decided to make that sacrifice

    Because what we were standing up

    For was the American way of life

    In the very same way now, we have to

    Stand up for the American way of life!!!"

    Former Governor Christie lamented the "economic

    Devastation" as equally sad, and told Bash that

    "While he wasn’t advocating for crowded public

    Gatherings like rock concerts or football games

    We have to let certain people get back to work

    Because I can see my own state here!!!"

    Christie encouraged vulnerable populations

    To stay indoors, as they’re the ones who are gonna

    Really swallow this burden badly, the elderly and

    Those with respiratory diseases, depressed immune

    Systems from cancer treatments or other things, saying

    "Those folks are going to have to be even more

    Careful than the rest of the population

    I don’t know what the choice is!!!"

    Chapter 8

    President Trump Blames China

    On Thursday, March 19, 2020 Trump blamed China

    President Trump emphatically blamed China

    For the coronavirus pandemic and again made

    A point of using the term Chinese virus,

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