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Divine Dialogue
Divine Dialogue
Divine Dialogue
Ebook153 pages1 hour

Divine Dialogue

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About this ebook

Prayer is one of the most mysterious aspects of the Christian walk and life. There is only one name through which God answers prayer: Jesus Chris. God hears and answers prayers.

In this exhilarating volume, Pastor Johnson Odesola gives a vivid insight into the art of prayer. He explores the depth, necessity, power and indispensability of dynamic prayer in navigating through the vicissitudes of life. You will find a lot to glean in this book.
Release dateDec 27, 2019
Divine Dialogue

Johnson F. Odesola

Johnson F. Odesola is a seasoned multi-disciplinary professional. His qualifications and experience range from Theology, Law, Education, Engineering, and Administration. An accomplished author of more than 100 books and many research publications on Education, Theology, Law, Sociology, HIV/AIDS, Cultural issues, Missiology, History and Health related Issues. He began with a Diploma in Civil Engineering from the Polytechnic, Ibadan before turning to Theology where he holds a BA (honours) degree from Greenwich School of Theology, London; MTH in Missiology/Anthropology from Queen’s University and another Ph.D in Christian Education from Ashlan University and another Ph.D in Intercultural Studies from Trinity International University. He also holds a LLB (Hons), LLM (Labour Law) and is currently researching for PhD in Law (Human Rights) from the University of Africa in Zambia. He is a professor of Divinity with Trinity International Institute of Advance Studies and widely sought after resource person in Youth, Leadership and Church conferences across the glob. He is Pastor in the Redeemed Christian Church of God and is married to Rachel Adebisi, a Pastor and Child Educationist and they are blessed with three Children, Titi, Uche and Enoch and Grand Children.

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    Divine Dialogue - Johnson F. Odesola

    2020 Johnson F. Odesola. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse 12/27/2019

    ISBN: 978-1-7283-4139-2 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-7283-4138-5 (e)

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    Scripture taken from The Holy Bible, King James Version. Public Domain



    T his book is dedicated to Daddy and Mummy E. A. Adeboye under whom I learnt the art of praying. They wrote at the blank table of my life by their exemplary lives of devotion.



    I am am indebted to several people who have to the reality of this book. My contributed beloved wife Adebisi for her advise; Pastor E. A. Odeyemi, my immediate boss for his unswerving encouragement. My special thanks goes to members of staff of C.R.M. who proof read, and supervised the printing to bring it to the final stage as it is now.






    Chapter 1: The Venture of Prayer

    Why Are We Drawn To Prayer?

    By Prayer

    A Pipeline for God’s Power

    Prayer as War Strategy

    Energy through Prayer

    You Are Not For Defeat

    The Prayer Structure

    A Pattern For Prayer

    Open the Door of Prayer with Adoration

    Way To Adore God

    Confession: A Neglected Art

    Expressing Thanks

    Asking For Assistance

    Acts Methods In Prayer

    Chapter 2: Telephone to Glory

    The Prayer Answering God

    The Mind Of God About Prayer

    Keeping On In Prayer

    Jesus Prayer Principles

    Prayer Learned By Praying

    Apprenticeship In Prayer

    The Person In Prayer

    Chapter 3: Secrecy of Prayer

    The Secret Place

    The Silent Spaces Of the Heart

    The Mountain of the Lord

    Thine Inner Room

    The Closed Door

    Creating a Speech Atmosphere

    To Secure the Closed Door

    Chapter 4: God’s Prayer Manual

    Word Of God In Prayer

    It Helps Devotion

    Devotional Use Of The Bible

    The Word Empowered Prayers

    Chapter 5: Power for Prevailing Prayer

    Praying In His Name

    Whatsover Ye Shall Ask In My Name

    In The Name of Jesus Christ

    Praying In The Spirit

    Fellowship Of The Spirit In Prayer

    Holy Spirit Helping Our Infirmities

    Speaking In The Spirit

    Praying With Faith

    Faith Is A Command Duty

    You Can Get Anything By Faith

    Faith Is In His Word

    God Is Trust Worthy!

    Faith And Divine Healing

    Chapter 6: The Mysteries of Prayer

    Mystery Of Answered Prayer

    Importunity and Persistence

    The Mystery Of Unanswered Prayer.

    Untenable Requests

    His Love Compels Him Not To Say Yes

    Motives Is Important

    God’s Glory or Your Own?

    Our Father Knows All Things

    Prayer Saboteurs

    When Heaven Gives No Response

    Everything By Prayer

    Polluted By Cheating

    Unhealthy Relationship

    Narrow Focus

    Failure To Listen To The Poor

    Unconcerned Toward His Word

    The Wrong Key

    Yes To Our Prayers.

    Chapter 7: God’s Line Is Never Engaged

    He Is Capable To Handle It

    Only Believe

    His Ability over Circumstances

    Surprised At Answer

    He Has Control Over Lives

    You Are Personally Invited

    He’s Waiting for Your Phone Call


    Other Books By The Author



    W e are in the era that telephone to glory is like a spare Tyre: we resort to it after human knowledge and endeavors have failed. How often the Lord’s work suffers and languishes because we do not dial the direct line to God. What a terrible thing that God’s people live in poverty, in sickness, in disappointment and defeat because they do not telephone the Headquarters of God.

    Our heavenly Father says that the gold and silver are His and the cattle on thousands hills. He has lovingly invited us to tell Him all our needs. He says:What things so ever you desire, when you pray. He promised us great and mighty things which thou knowest not (Jer. 33:3). Yet we live at a poor dying rate in physical, mental and spiritual bankruptcy. We do not have because we do not ask. Our mouths are never full because we never need. Will you today take to heart His blessed promises and begin your telephone to glory now? It will be amazing to you the response that will come from the heavenly Headquarters.

    It is my prayer that your blessing and benefits need. Will you today take to heart His blessed promises and begin your telephone to glory now? It will be amazing to you the response that will come from the heavenly Headquarters.

    It is my prayer that your blessing and benefits

    Chapter 1






    P rayer is a common but unnatural activity. From birth we have been learning the rules of self-reliance as we strain and struggle to achieve self-sufficiency. Prayer, in the face of those deep-seated values, is an assault on human autonomy, and an indictment of independent living. To people in the fast lane, who determine to make it on their own, prayer is an embarrassing interruption.

    Prayer is alien to our proud human nature. Yet somewhere, sometime, probably all of us reach the pints of falling to our knees bowing our heads, focusing our attention of God, praying. We may look both ways to be sure no-one is watching; we may blush; but in spite of foreignness of the activity, we pray.

    Why Are We Drawn To Prayer?


    There could be two possible explanations to this: The Inexplicable Firstly, by intuition or experience we understand that the most intimate communion with God comes only through prayer. Ask people who have faced tragedy or trial, heart-break or grief, failure or defeat, loneliness or discrimination. Ask what happened in their souls when they finally fell on their knees and poured out their hearts to the Lord. Such people have often said, I can’t explain it, but I felt as though God understood me.

    Others have said, I felt surrounded by His presence. Or I felt a comfort and peace I have never felt before. The apostle Paul knew this experience. Writing to the Christians at Philip he said. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. (Phil. 4:6-7).

    By Prayer


    Prayer has not always been my strong point – for many years. Even as an assistant pastor in a well-established church. I knew more about prayer than practiced in my own life. I have a racehorse temperament, and the tug of self-sufficiency and self-reliance are a way real to me. I didn’t want to get off the fast track long enough to find out what prayer is all about.

    Several years ago, the Holy Spirit gave me a leading so direct that I couldn’t ignore, argue against, or disobey it. The leading was to explore, study and practice prayer until I finally understand it. This I did by moving closely with my father in the Lord, his wife and my immediate boss. And then I did something radical: I prayed. The greatest fulfillment in my prayer life has not been the list of miraculous answer to prayers I have received, although that has been wonderful. The greatest thrill has been the qualitative difference in my relationship with God. And when I started to pray, I didn’t know that was going to happen.

    God and I used to be rather usually related to one another. We didn’t get together and talk very much. Now, however, we get together a lot, not talking on the run, but by substantial, soul- searching conversations every morning for a good deal of time. Without doubt I have known God a lot better since I have started praying.

    If the Holy Spirit is leading you to learn more about prayer, you are about to embark on a wonderful venture. As you grow in prayer, God will reveal more of Himself to you, breathe more of His life into your spirit. That will be the most fulfilling and

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