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Maxie’s Magnificent Adventures: Volume 2
Maxie’s Magnificent Adventures: Volume 2
Maxie’s Magnificent Adventures: Volume 2
Ebook42 pages29 minutes

Maxie’s Magnificent Adventures: Volume 2

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In Volume 1, Maxie took Kira and Macy Catalina cruising. In Volume 2, she introduces Evan and Grayson to some Minnesota mysteries while they are visiting Nana and Papa Ed at their lake home in Detroit Lakes. Here they meet the big old bear Barney, who shares with them stories of his long and special relationship with the Larson boys.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateApr 29, 2019
Maxie’s Magnificent Adventures: Volume 2

Ed Larson

About the Author I’m just a grandfather who loves his grandkids and loved his dog.

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    Maxie’s Magnificent Adventures - Ed Larson

    Minnesota Mysteries With Evan and Grayson


    Evan and Grayson made their first visit to see their Nana and Papa Ed at their cabin in Detroit Lakes, Minnesota last summer. Detroit Lakes is the small town where Papa Ed grew up and occupies the high ground just north of Lake Detroit. Lake Detroit is actually two lakes, Big Detroit on the East and Little Detroit on the West. The two lakes are separated by a long shallow sand bar into which has been cut a narrow channel to allow boats to pass between the two lakes. Newcomers sometimes make the mistake of forgetting about the sand bar resulting in some pretty spectacular crashes which are often followed by long strings of profanity. The lake is fed by the Pelican River that comes into Big Detroit from the north and exits on the southwest side of little Detroit and from there travels through a long chain of lakes to the South. Over the years, many kids have paddled down the Pelican by canoe, often traveling as far as 30 miles on their ventures.

    Big and Little Detroit are well known for their wide variety and abundance of game fish. Anglers come from all around to try their luck. There are big schools of pan fish (sunfish and crappies) that, once found, provide young fisherman with much action as they can handle. There are also big sporting fish like Muskies, Northern Pike and Walleye Pike and there have even been sightings of lake sturgeon over six feet long. Naturally, the big fish are less plentiful than the pan fish and are much more challenging to catch. The Northerns and Muskies are the most exciting because they are big and really give a good fight. They’re not that great to eat though. Most anglers release them so they can keep growing even bigger. Walleyes are another matter. Along with the smaller pan fish, walleyes are about the best tasting fresh water fish you can find. They are hugely popular and all the restaurants in the area are certain to offer walleyes prepared in many different ways. A common topic of discussion among the locals is who makes the best walleye dinners.

    The cabin rests on a small hill on the west side of Big Detroit. There are huge boulders mingled with bright green juniper bushes along the shoreline to prevent erosion to the yard. Majestic old oak trees are

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