My Italian Angel
About this ebook
Lotte Søs Farran-Lee
Lotte Søs Farran-Lee is a Danish based author and body therapist, who has travelled the world in the quest of understanding herself and us humans psychically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. She has a huge curiosity in understanding whether we are a part of a written script or in full free will. She is a great healer and a mother of two boys. She has written “My Italian Angel” as a presuccessor of “He doesn’t follow the script”, and “Let’s Talk Tantra”.
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My Italian Angel - Lotte Søs Farran-Lee
Copyright © 2017 Lotte Søs Farran-Lee.
Cover illustration by Toril Bækgaard
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.
This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, names, incidents, organizations, and dialogue in this novel are either the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.
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ISBN:978-1-5043-8696-8 (sc)
ISBN: 978-1-5043-8725-5 (e)
Balboa Press rev. date: 08/23/2017
ONE The Fucked Up Soul
TWO Interrail
THREE On Her Way
FOUR The Angel Boy Is Born
FIVE The Pain Of Life
SIX The Angel Boy Is Growing
SEVEN England… The Hotel
EIGHT She Is Like An Italian Woman In
NINE Someone Transforms Into An Angel
TEN Love, Love, Love
ELEVEN Back In Italy
TWELVE Arriving In Rome
THIRTEEN An Angel Arrives
SIXTEEN A Crystal Of Heart
EIGHTEEN The Letting Go
The Fucked Up Soul
She had fucked-up! That was for sure…Her actions had riddled her soul with pain, but she felt that there was simply no choice: she had to do it.
…She had purposely fallen in love with a man but not just any man: her therapist! It had been a conscious decision and it wasn’t about becoming his lover, but to get closer to the pain she felt so deeply within her soul.
That pain… she couldn’t recall a day in her life where it hadn’t felt like a shadow hanging over her constantly reminding her in every situation of life how different she was from every one else. At times, it felt like she had jumped into the wrong theater play, like she was supposed to be in an entirely different one, a play where she didn’t constantly feel like she was from another planet.
She was married, married to Mads and he was fantastic, so why on earth had she put herself in this situation? She felt like an idiot and a fraud, but the only thing she really wanted was to get rid of that pain, so she could get closer to her husband, so she could learn how to love and be loved more deeply.
She felt that deep within she did know how to love with passion and depth, but that it needed to surface somehow and her mission was finding the key to unlock it.
In order to heal she had desperately gone to many different kinds of healing and therapist processes over the years and every time challenging herself more and more. The therapists had talked a lot about love, the unconditional love, but when she had expressed her feelings and the longing in herself to meet that part, they had all failed to guide her to that encounter.
They had just spoken the beautiful words devoid of any direction as to how to bring that into a reality. They were all afraid of actively showing that love in action. The big love… the love that connects us all.
She felt they were all frauds.
Only owning words without substance.
But no courage to live it.
She thought she had control when planning the falling in love thing.
Was she wrong?
Very wrong.
And boy had she fucked up… Her soul, her biggest pain in life had just become even greater and now she had to face the fact that she had put herself in a situation where she was again so different to all others and not just a little different but majorly.
She felt something had changed within her system. It was the flood of feelings within her that had truly become uncontrollable, so much so that a therapist just wouldn’t be enough any longer, she needed a teacher, a wise teacher.
The worst part was that she didn’t know where to go and she was too scared to talk to anyone about it. She wanted to call someone and say: I fucked up my soul
. But who to call? The phonebook didn’t respond to fucked up soul’s or at least the phonebook she had.
She knew what had happened to her in that the falling in love part with her therapist. She had woken up her soul, her full potential; the problem was that only her mind was accepting it and not her body.
It felt like she had built a rocket that could be taken into space to discover the truth.
Her innermost truth of how she fitted into the grand plan of life and all she had to do was to learn how to love unconditionally. That was her lesson.
But how on earth do you learn that?
Therapy felt to narrow to even bringing small parts of that learning process in the light to be learned.
But she was in the shit, she knew. The feeling of her mind being so open, so open that she felt that she was loosing it. Loosing her mind. That part had not been a part of her plan.
She could hear herself when taking to her friends that she was not in a good place, she spoke about love, she spoke about that energy…the energy that she felt in herself that had gone so terribly wrong. The energy of the rocket that was out of control… none of it made sense to anyone she knew.
Katrin was terrified; terrified that she had fucked up her soul so badly that she would never be able to return to something that she could call even the slightest bit normal. Not that she had ever felt normal in her life, but now… it was so out of hand, so non-reachable that she doubted that she could ever be… or feel… just a little bit… like she belonged here too… here on earth.
What was the way back?
Or was there a way back?
Back to her.
But she didn’t even like going back.
She wanted to be her.
Now everything was fucked.
So fucked up.
She hung onto something.
Hung to the little…
That little crack of light.
That little crack of hope.
Were the equation was.
Learning how to love.
Then she would be home with herself.
She knew it sounded like an impossible task to solve, but the thought of loosing her mind was not an option. She was not destined to be locked up with others that had lost their mind. She wanted to be whole, she wanted to be her.
Katrin went to see a healer one day… She had said to him that she had fucked up her soul, that something had happened to her. She felt like it was an awaking to her soul. An awakening that the Indian’s would call Kundalini. She didn’t much care about the name given to the experience.
He had said, I can heal you
She had told him to get his hands off.
She had just wanted confirmation that she was right.
That it was a spiritual awakening.
That she had fucked up her soul.
He didn’t agree that she had fucked up.
He said it was beautiful.
She felt it was hell.
A common mistake of healers.
Or that was her opinion.
That hell was seen to be beautiful when covered in some spiritual name.
She felt that was a lie.
She had gone to the woods, felt Mother nature in her system when hugging the trees, smelling the earth. She wanted to disappear, disappear in the woods, letting Mother nature absorb her and not let her back into reality.
It was as if God had heard her prayers or at least someone with her email address, because out of the blue a body therapy seminar was due to be held in Northern Ireland. She knew… she had to go. Every time a little light felt brighter at a place she had to go. She had to follow the small trails being put out in front of her.
She was of course always arguing with herself about the logical side of it every time those hunches and nudges to attend came about… but in the end she always did it.
It was about control.
She wanted to go one way, get the damage she had done undone. Fix it and then return to the life she had created so far.
Was that possible?
Was she about to get surprised?
And out of control?
Yes, indeed!
21524.pngShe was on the train, heading towards a small town in Northern Ireland. Katrin had been attending seminars for quite some time now. She had found some that really made a difference.
She was travelling a lot.
Taking classes in Europe, north, south, east, west… wherever. As long as the pain became a little bit milder every time, she was happy.
It felt, that it was not just about learning new information, but also that the travel itself offered valuable knowledge or valuable friendships for her.
There was an Italian woman onboard the train, she glanced at her, and could see that she was checking her out; she felt that this woman would also be on the seminar she was heading to.
Where are you going?
The Italian lady asked.
I’m going to a bed and breakfast
I knew it was you when I saw you
What do you mean?
I knew a Dane was coming, and I could just sense it was you
Are we going the same place?
Yes, we are
That is so great. I know the guy from the bed and breakfast is coming to get us
Yes, he is here with his car
They started talking about where they came from, family etc. Once people started talking, she had the ability to sense their whole life, their energy and their pain. The Italian woman, Rosa, began to talk about her whole family and her mother who she was living with momentarily. How intense she found her and the arguments they were having.
She felt a touch of craziness from Rosa. It