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Proven Ministry: Holy Spirit Personal Testimony
Proven Ministry: Holy Spirit Personal Testimony
Proven Ministry: Holy Spirit Personal Testimony
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Proven Ministry: Holy Spirit Personal Testimony

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God Gives the Best Thing in Life
In reading my book, Proven Ministry, not only you will know Jesus Christ and divine intimacy, but also other key topics. You will know topics like new level, Holy Spirit fresh touch, dynamic ministry, gospel impact, Christian living and 21st Century move. You will realize that the Lord Jesus Christ wants you also to be the best person and do the best in your profession. He wants you to have intimacy with him and do world service. You will discover three places that God took Paul the great apostle, to become a witness of Jesus Christ and minister of the gospel. What are these three places of great interest? Good question! Relax and receive the answer. The three places with God are Arabia, Antioch and Athens. Now each place has a significance. Firstly, Arabia is a place of devotion with Jesus Christ. Secondly, Antioch is a place of local church, where you receive pastoral ministry. Thirdly, Then comes the top place of all, which is Athens. It was at Athens that the apostle Paul did his world service away than church service at Antioch. God wants you to experience devotion with the Lord Jesus Christ, be part of a local church and have a pastor (sound minister), and finally do world service in your lifetime. You will also know two places of giving, known as Macedonia and Achaia. These two places of gold and silver supported financially the gospel ministry and apostleship of Paul. And finally you will know the godly couple of Aquila and Priscilla, who are living testimony to us all. That as a Christian couple, you too can worship and serve God together.
My aim to write this book: Proven Ministry is so that the Holy Spirit may teach you, impart and make a testimony in your life. Seek the Lord Jesus Christ, be the best person and do the best in your profession ministry. Find divine intimacy with Jesus Christ and do world service to the people near you and far, both local and global. This is the best time (21st Century) to impact the world by the gospel of God.
Release dateJan 13, 2017
Proven Ministry: Holy Spirit Personal Testimony

Benjamin Maira

Benjamin Maira is divinely called, empowered and sent by the Lord. A minister of the gospel set apart by the Holy Spirit for the Holy Service. He is a writer, ministry specialist and speaker. Pastor Ben is founder and senior minister of Sent One Ministries and Set Minster Chapel. As an accomplished minister he takes the gospel and work of God to the people. His purpose is world cause of the Lord Jesus Christ and to witness his Name. Benjamin and his wife, Flora reside in London, UK with their godly children.

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    Proven Ministry - Benjamin Maira

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    Proven Ministry

    Holy Spirit Personal Testimony

    Ministry Edition


    First published in Great Britain in 2016

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    Published by AuthorHouse     01/05/2017

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    Chapter 1    Jesus Christ and Divine Intimacy

    Chapter 2    New Level

    Chapter 3    Holy Spirit Fresh Touch

    Chapter 4    Dynamic Ministry

    Chapter 5    Gospel Impact

    Chapter 6    Christian Living

    Chapter 7    21st Century Move



    Jesus Christ, My wife and children, sound ministers of the gospel, and fellow Christians

    To my wife Flora, thank you for your love, support and contribution.

    To my sons: Benson, Boniface and Barry. I encourage you to know Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour in your own life. Thank you for allowing me to write.

    To fellow Christians, let this book make you the person with a testimony like Jesus Christ who never failed but succeeded and did well.

    To Jesus my Lord, thank you for your divine intimacy. I have learned that you are the Holy One and Just One that God has made for us by the cross. I thank and praise you for all things you have done for me and all people of the world. Thank you Jesus, for make it possible for me, and whosoever love and honour you, so that I can have intimacy with you and do world service. Lord Jesus, I make a promise to be faithful in my relationship with you and in the ministry of the gospel that you have given me.

    To the sound ministers of the gospel who taught me and helped me in the early days of my personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Thank you all, and may God bless you and reward you for the work you did. Today I am a Christian and a minister because of your discipleship and impartation. I thank God who sent and anointed you to teach me dynamically and touch me by the Holy Spirit. My life has never remained the same. In those days of my life as a new Christian, I witnessed the presence and power of God, and my life has been transformed for ever. Although the enemy threw temptations and offences, but by the help of God I thrived regardless of the test of time. God’s victory and great deliverance to me in those early days of my relationship with Jesus Christ, have shown to me God is faithful to his promises.


    To unsaved people, all people and teams of leaders

    To the unsaved people, this book is for you. I exhort you to know Jesus Christ. He is the Lord and Saviour of the world, his divine intimacy will transform your life forever. If every sinner will know personally Jesus Christ, your life will never be the same again.

    To all people of the world, I edify you to know and practice the relationship with God in your life regardless of your race, religion, colour, age and gender or region. Divine intimacy is the special thing for your life than any other thing.

    To the ministers of the gospel and secular world leaders, I exhort you serve with divine intimacy from above. Like the Lord Jesus, you can know God personally and minister to the people of the world. To the Lord Jesus, I thank you for making me to know you personally and to serve you in 21st Century world.


    I was a sinner, I never knew who is Jesus Christ

    Who is Benjamin Maira? My full name is Benjamin Blasius Maira. Also known as Benjamin Blasius Freeman Best. The first full name, I was given by human parents. The second name that I am known by, is my divine identity from God. Because of the Lord Jesus Christ, I am free and he has made the best in me. Thus is why my new Identity is Benjamin Blasius Freeman Best. My first two names Benjamin and Blasius out of four are Hebrew and Italian in their origin. I was born on 2nd March 1969. My mum and dad their names are Jane and Ezekiel Badi. I am the first born among the three brothers. My young brothers are Erick and Matthew. I was born in Mwanza, a city in Tanzania, East Africa. My mum tribe is Sukuma and my dad tribe is Jita. Sukuma people comes from Mwanza. While Jita people comes from Mara in Tanzania. Recently, I saw a book by a Tanzanian author claiming that Jita people originally came from Ethiopia. I am proud to know the origin of my dad tribe. When I was four years, my mom took me and my young brothers to our grandfather in Urambo, Tabora. Also in Tanzania. My grandfather name was Titus Malongo. He was man with Christian heritage. His father was a pastor and apostle of the gospel, his name was Jonathan Malongo. My grandfather was also a church elder. It was testified to me by one of my uncles, his son Christopher, that elder Titus Malongo was a good preacher and teacher. Whenever he was elder on duty, people will come in large number to hear his message. So for nine years, since 1974 to 1983, we lived in Urambo, Tabora. My mum used to live in Dar-Es-Salaam, Tanzania. Annually she used to visit us. She used to bring us gifts and clothes. She also granted our grandfather with money to help us live well. I remember 1980, she had a work trip for more profession studies in United Kingdom, and when she came back she brought us gifts and clothes from this best foreign country.

    In 1983, my mum came to Urambo, Tabora and she agreed with my grandfather to move us to Dar-Es-Salaam. I was standard five, or year five in primary school. In Urambo, Tabora I went to a school called Azimio. I remember I was chosen to be a bank signatory for all students. When I was leaving my head teacher and the rest of teachers were very sad. But I had to move on. There I left fellow pupils who we used to play sports together and learn together. To this day, I hardly remember anyone. The same year in Dar-Es-Salaam, I joined a new primary school. It was known as Uhuru Mchanganyiko, meaning independence boys and girls mixed primary school in Swahili. In 1984, I passed my standard seven, year seven to go to secondary school, Tambaza. I can testify, my time at Tambaza was not good. I was a sinner not a saint. I was hanging around with bad boys, and my behaviour was worse. I was not at my best. I never regarded school education and Christianity as the best things in life. Oh, yes there were other students who were devoted Christians but I was not. I sinned against God in my words, thoughts, actions, belief system and false religion. Although my mum was a Christian and my dad was not. I began to copy false worship and try to be someone I was not called to be by God and his grace. At the age of nineteen years old I completed O’Level studies, I was a sinner and failure. My secondary education results were not the best performance. All I had was two C’s in Geography and Mathematics. In science and language subjects I did so worse. This made me to repeat, re-study and re-do my examination next year so I can have three C grades. This means I needed one more C grade.

    So in 1989 two things happened to me. First, I become a Christian and second, I did my examination papers again and got one more C grade to join A’ Level studies. Firstly, in becoming a Christian, let me testify how I was saved and knew Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour. In one day, I can’t remember, I saw darkness and was fearful. I went through spiritual attacks, I could not go out and was resting on bed as days went on. Then it came to pass, one day, I was resting at home, little did I know my mum gave invitation for a pastor and an elder to visit us and share Holy Scriptures. I remember to asked them many questions and they gave me the answers from the Holy Bible. Then they led me to the prayer of salvation, and I thanked the Heavenly Father for sending his Son, Jesus Christ who died and rose for me. That day, I repented of my sins and lifestyle without him. I received Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour. At that time I did not know the Holy Spirit and his power. Neither did I know about how to worship and serve God. But all of these things came later. The best thing that day was, I was saved and belong to God. I knew I am his son and heir of salvation. Today, I thank God for his purpose

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