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The Demolition Block Party
The Demolition Block Party
The Demolition Block Party
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The Demolition Block Party

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The Demolition Block Party is about four ex-junkies and alcoholicsGrant, Lefty, Bob, and Suewho are existing through their dire social circumstances, having been made to survive and live on benefits and handouts in the most desperate of situations whilst in a somewhat vain and eager attempt to try to prove and justify their reasons for living upon a council estate with no real prospects of a certain future. Then they find themselves in the vain hope of reaching a redemptive point of deliverance through their testimonials as assessed by Mr. Selby, along with their dealings with the local council and social services, only for them to struggle in maintaining their well-being and to reach a positive conclusion or outcome by simply expressing themselves through the trials of their haphazard reality and lifestyle and for their point of view to be realized with some kind of recognition and reconciliation back to humanity.

Also, the council property that they all inhabit and dwell within this derelict community is under threat from being demolished, which is challenging for their unique friendship and experiences together as they come to understand and realize that if they do not change by themselves, then circumstances beyond their control may force change upon them. As Lefty, Bob, and Sue all look up to Grant as being the main source of leadership amongst their peer group, it is left to Grant to figure a way out of this mess and to somehow find the meaning of providence.
Release dateApr 4, 2017
The Demolition Block Party

Clive Alando Taylor

As a young boy at school, I always found myself playing with words & rhymes especially when it came to writing poetry, it wasn't the fact that I was especially gifted or talented but it was mainly my enthusiasm, and style & ability to be creative with words and rhyme in my own unique way, although in this day and age some may regard this as a small degree of autism but I’m not quite certain about that, as many of my peers could be just as challenging and inventive about writing prose. When I left school at the age of 16 I attended dance school and was as far removed from literature as anyone could possibly be, but I always kept a diary and also decided to study English Language part time. During break time and in between classes once again I would find myself writing & exploring various themes using rap, rhyme and spoken word to amuse myself and my fellow classmates with. At that time I didn't take it too seriously but I loved the fact that through expression along with the effect of creative writing was becoming an inspiration to me as well as a positive tool for expression.

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    Book preview

    The Demolition Block Party - Clive Alando Taylor

    © 2017 CLIVE ALANDO TAYLOR. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse 02/24/2017

    ISBN: 978-1-5246-7853-1 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5246-7854-8 (e)

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    Above a busy high street there stands a large industrial looking block of flats off the main road and not far from a local community hall which is being used as a makeshift drop in centre, where several ex-junkies, ex-alcoholics and solvent abusers sitting in a room having a discussion about life and their social experiences, claiming to have survived and lived through the most dire and desperate situations and circumstances, whilst in a somewhat vain and eager attempt, in trying to prove and reach a redemptive point of view through their testimonials in order to justify and reach a positive conclusion, by simply telling and expressing their stories as mental users, sufferers and survivors, if only to have their point of view realized with some kind of recognition and re-conciliation back toward society and humanity, and yet as the whole drama unfolds which is being facilitated by an out-reach worker who they all refer to as Mr Selby.

    As we close in on the main characters we begin with an over casting view of the internal workings of a busy community hall with a dimly lit spotlight now positioned focused existentially on a girl named Lefty, who is at this time sitting on a chair amidst the confusion, as if being singularly selected to give an account of personal thoughts, as it is at this point that everything else fades into the background as we hear Lefty’s voice begin its’ narration


    Every week we use to go to the local drop-in-centre which was just another hub for social services, keeping an eye on what was to be potentially re-branded user-led services, although most of us were either drop-outs or ex! A.A alcoholics association recovers, although none of us have really quite managed to quit or give up the booze entirely, as some of us were also reformed or rehabilitated as mental health users, but you could never really escape the stigma that goes with that label, plus in my book we were just another poor excuse of social drop-outs who couldn’t quite handle or get on with the rest of society, which always seem to compound itself as a constant fixture against our non-existent reality, although most of us would wait on the street corner scrounging for a quid or two, so we could get a can of larger or cider, who knows maybe even something to eat or some fags, there was only the four of us, of those who really always stood out and stuck together, that was me, Bob, Grant and Sue, although Grant was the main piss head of the group, as we all looked up to Grant, even though he was a bit of the greatest person I ever knew, whereas Bob and Sue were as thick as thieves, living out of each other’s pockets, completely winging it and wining all the time about nothing, acting like a married couple, never really knowing if they were boyfriend and girlfriend or just thrown together by circumstances beyond their control, although I really didn’t care or give a monkeys, anyway we were all mates singled out and thrown together by our social class and deprived position in society, as none of us were bothered about anything really, as most things seemed trivial, as all we ever did was just get pissed, head down to the local takeaway, and prance about on weekends in the local pub, and crash out at each other’s gaffs, scrounge a bit outside the local railway station as we only had a few quid coming in on benefits and all, but not enough to make a real difference to any of our lives, so we would all meet up religiously at the drop-in centre’s a couple times a week, but I hated it, I really did, coz if I had a chance to change or get out, I would grab it with both hands, but I just didn’t know how too.

    Mr Selby

    You couldn’t make it up if you tried, I mean all of you have suffered with the emotional and physical scars to prove it, and I might hasten to add that all of you are survivors with the potential to help others with who may at some point go down a similar path with the hindsight of experience to avoid the pitfalls, especially with some of the testimonials that I’ve heard some of you mention here today, and so I only hope that our sessions and today’s final meeting have been a beneficial and positive influence on all of you, and that you can also gather some insight from these practical sessions, thank you.

    The group becomes silent for a moment.


    What is that it then, no more weekly sessions Mr Selby?

    Mr Selby

    Yes I’m afraid so Bob, that’s it unfortunately


    I Knew it, I fucking knew it, all the time we was coming ere’ was a bloody waste of time, it wasn’t for us, it was for us at all, it was for them and their bloody research

    Mr Selby

    That’s not exactly true Bob, this is how we provide and monitor services that even you may need to access from now and in the future


    What bleeding services, they’re cutting everything round ere’ how we spose to socialize if we ain’t got nowhere to go, and where we spose’ to go then eh’ tell me that then eh, and how we spose to get sorted out if we ain’t got no social club or community hall to go to, what then eh’ what’s next?


    It’s no different from what they normally do then is it, just leave it alone Bob, fuck it, I need a fucking drink, anyone coming?

    Grant gets

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