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Shadows of the Mind: A Collection of Poems
Shadows of the Mind: A Collection of Poems
Shadows of the Mind: A Collection of Poems
Ebook200 pages1 hour

Shadows of the Mind: A Collection of Poems

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This book is a result of reflective thoughts over many issues in life over many years. The inspirations to write some of the poems in this book come from everyday the experiences of the author, his friends and TV news items. The poems and expressions in this book cover human relationships, such as love, family, friends, fear, and economic and sociocultural themes. Everything we encounter in life does shape our thoughts and personality. The words we speak from our hearts when we reflect on our experiences tell what happens inside our soul. These emotions open like the cherry blossom flowers on a spring day. Poetry captures our experiences and milieu that mold our philosophy each day. The poetry in this book is in the freestyle tradition, which is an expression of my thoughts in a way that captures the freedom of the human soul to soar in the sky like the eagle or the hawk, looking for a prey. I feel emancipated when I put my thoughts on paper.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateAug 3, 2016
Shadows of the Mind: A Collection of Poems

Richard O. Djukpen Ph.D.

Richard O. Djukpen (a.k.a. Richie O’Fasah) enjoys writing freestyle poetry and prose. He has written over two hundred poems. He loves to read and discuss his poems informally. He created the Facebook group “Poetic Expressions,” where members have published over three hundred poems, pictures, and prose. He has published some of his poems on the group’s Facebook page “Poetic Expressions.” Over five hundred members and counting are in the group, enjoying reading poems and making useful comments on poems written by members. “The Shadows of the Mind” is the second book in the Mind Series, and the first was “The Bleeding Mind,” which captures his thoughts, experiences, and reflections as he navigates many turns in life. In addition to poetry, he likes to play his ukulele and do painting and permanent marker pen sketching. He does photography of landscapes and its elements.

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    Book preview

    Shadows of the Mind - Richard O. Djukpen Ph.D.

    People in My Life

    People in my life

    From yesterday, before I came into existence

    I have no control, just there to make or break my personality

    Today, my choice to make – friends, and foes alike

    Tomorrow, I will make them as the sunrises and sets

    People in my life

    Good folks who motivates me to higher heights –

    ‘Teachers’, ‘Spiritual Counselors’ ‘Neighbors’

    I meet many people in my journey through the jungle of life

    Many folks are like the rock, steady and encouraging

    Some people in my life

    Annoying like the mosquitoes in the wee hours of the morning and twilight

    …as stress machine, making lemonade from the ‘lemons’ of life and,

    Poking me from all angles as the tattooing machine

    …like swamp pests – blood-sucking leeches

    They are like Monkey on my back

    People in my life

    Real or Imaginary

    Online - connected through social media –

    Here today and tomorrow as mirage,

    Disappear into the thin air – blocked, deleted, spammed.

    People in my life

    Memory of past adventures and experiences

    Reliving all today and tomorrow

    Creating joy today to cope with tomorrow’s catastrophic melancholy

    Because of the people in my life,

    My life is a song, to be sang, and it is worth singing

    People in my life, complete the cycle of my life



    Dove – the harbinger of good tidings and harmony

    You tower above birds

    Another cautious harbinger – the Serpent

     And the harbinger of courage – Lion

    Higher in ethos than the power of the Bull

    Calming the nerves of mankind in the vagaries of gloom

    Let your innocence transform us


    You are the harbinger of peace

    The carrier of the green leaf

    The pictogram of peace and

    The pillar of hope, today and tomorrow

    You are the constancy of stability

    That of hope and joy to the people down there


    You tower above many birds

    You are the harbinger of sweet memories

    Your innocence is pure like the dew of dawn

    Impeccable as the white linen of snow on a winter day

    …Covering the impurities of the land

    Yet majestic in appearance and soothing to the troubled soul


    Let me be like you, bringing the Olive leaves to the downtrodden

    Hope to the hopeless

    Faith to the faithless

    Courage to the fainthearted

    Dove, giving to the despair the optimism of life

    Hope that sustains like the blood in our veins


    My African Queen

    My African Queen

    You build my life, one piece at a time

    You bring sunshine

    The sunshine that cut through thick gloomy clouds of hurricanes

    You are like the slivers of the early morning sunlight through the leaves

    My African Queen

    You make every day and moments special

    You are one reason I ride the waves of oceanic turbulences

    You are as constant as the moon, and soft as its light

    You give me hope, that one day I will reach the mountain top

    My African Queen

    You’re there when the goings get tough

    You are like the Rock of Gibraltar…

    Earthquake proof, tornado safe as the bunker below

    Yes, you are like a rainbow… a covenant of life and peace

    My African Queen

    You prod me to reach the zenith

    You are like the cheerleaders on the field

    When the team whirls in defeat, they chant, dance and nudge the players

    You push me on …take courage you say and fight the fine fight till evening

    My African Queen, thank you

    Thank you for laying building blocks in my life, one piece at a time…

    Making my circle of life complete

     And letting my sunlight bright as in noontime

    Thank you…my African Queen


    Threshold of Love

    Love grows

    Love blossoms

    Love is like diamond, glitters forever

     After refining in the fire of despondency

    Love then conquer all fears

    No dreads will overcome love… your love, our love and my love

    Love matures like the wine with time

    Splendid to taste and drink in a party with confidants

    Love gives succor as the rain gives life to the plants

    It soothes the thirsty soul in the hot wilderness of life

    True love is dependable as the faithful witness in the night sky—the Moon

    Love is the daylight you deserve after the night of horror

    When love is at the threshold

    At the prime, full of grace and might

    It excels all thoughts

     And all valleys of qualms and reaches the crest of hope

    Love is as solid as the Rock

    Unmovable now and forever, yes at the threshold of love


    Mother …Oh Sweet mother

    In the wee hours

    In birth pains, you brought me forth

    You gave me shelter for many days,

    In your womb as a comforter during cold nights

    No winter, No harsh ‘harmattan’ breeze

    No scourging heat of the sun

    Sweet Mama you cared constantly

    Like Mother Nature, ever nurturing, ever loving

    In times of distress

    In the tempestuous days

    You were a succor, like a skiff

    Your courage hoisted, like the ‘rock of Gibraltar’

    Your love is solid

    I can touch it, my dear mother

    Your kindness is superlative

    All around me is your fragrance of goodness

    Hard work is your virtue

    Teach me, that quality that endears multitude to you

    You are sweet like the honey; that many ants swarm and fly hover over

    Mom you mean the world to me

    Mama you are the pillar of my life

    The best medical personnel I ever knew

    The excellent chef and nutritionist

    The propelling force for my academic ride to the top

    In the wee hours, you wake me up,

    Son, go do your assignments, read your books

    Stay focus at school, aim for the best

    The sky is your limit, go beyond the horizon, mama says.

    Soccer mama, the best coach on earth

    The best Bible teacher

    The discipline is worth it.

    Dedicated wife of my father – Big Daddy

    My mother, I shall laud you

    You are great, in your forthrightness

    You lived your words, never tolerated injustice

    Injustice stinks like the rotten steak, infested with maggot of politics

    I love you mother

    With other mothers you fought for community development

    Creating a better world for all children

    Mother, you left me too soon

    On my way to the echelon

    I celebrated the last of the diploma without you

    Your grandsons and daughters are here to see your dream

    Mama you were a happy soul, always so happy

    At my spiritual progress and appointments

    My heart glow with delight

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