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A Hunter's Tale
A Hunter's Tale
A Hunter's Tale
Ebook225 pages3 hours

A Hunter's Tale

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All Hunter wanted to do at school was play dodgeball. When the new PE teacher decided to ban it, Hunter was angry. When a chance came up to bring dodgeball back, Hunter went for it.

Unfortunately for Hunter, this opened up a whole new world of assassins, shadow organizations, and world travel.

All because Hunter wanted to play one more game of dodgeball.
PublisherXlibris AU
Release dateJan 13, 2016
A Hunter's Tale

Andrew Reid

Andrew Reid (ThD, Ridley College) is the inaugural principal of the Evangelical Theological College of Asia in Singapore. He previously served as the lead pastor of several churches in Australia and as lecturer in Old Testament, hermeneutics, and Hebrew at Ridley College Melbourne. He was one of the founding council members of the Gospel Coalition Australia and is editorial director of the ministry, training, and leadership channel of TGCA’s website.

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    A Hunter's Tale - Andrew Reid


    Hunter was quite cheerful on the days leading up until the obstacle course race. While at High School, Hunter always succumbed to food poisoning the day of the challenge and he always felt bummed about missing out. But this year, he was going to make it. As crazy as it seems, he was sure his parents were doing it on purpose. But this year Hunter had a plan. Hunter would go out for dinner at a friend’s house.

    Hunter was a seemingly normal teenager. He had a few close friends with whom he enjoyed playing on the Xbox 360 blasting away in Co-op games as well as multiplayer games. He had a girlfriend, whom he has been dating for about seven months. Hunter also helped his friend’s study, when they weren’t gaming, and their grades were improving. Things were looking very well for Hunter.

    The only thing Hunter hated was his PE teacher. A former US Marine Corps Drill Sergeant by the name of Hanson. While Hunter enjoyed the games especially dodge ball, the ‘Drillbit’ as the kids called him behind his back, was very quick to stamp that game out.

    Hunter decided to focus on the obstacle course first. His friends told him how gruelling it was and Hunter groaned enviously. But this week nothing could stop him from doing that obstacle course. With growing excitement, Hunter sat quietly in PE class when Drill Sergeant Hanson approached the class with a glint of malice in his eye.

    ‘As you all undoubtedly know, I have stamped out dodge ball from the activities during PE class. And as you are all aware that tomorrow is the big obstacle course day’, Hanson said loudly, building up the excitement as he strutted around.

    Murmurs started to rise but were stamped out by Drillbit’s glare. ‘I have spoken with the Headmaster and he has said that if any student can beat my time in the obstacle course tomorrow, dodge ball will be reinstated. Starting with a game of dodge ball after everyone has recovered from the obstacle course race’.

    Excitement arose again as people began to brag about their prowess at previous obstacle courses. Hunter, however, cocked his head slightly and looked at Drillbit Hanson. Something seemed wrong with the situation. Hanson kept strutting about with a smug grin on his face. Recognition clipped Hunter around the ears. Hunter realised what was going to happen tomorrow. The obstacle course would be much tougher than normal obstacle courses. This would be a gruelling USMC Obstacle Marathon.

    While everyone rushed from class early, Hunter walked away mulling over what he clicked to. He just couldn’t understand why Drillbit Hanson was so anti-dodge ball. But Hunter was determined to beat this bully at his own game. He walked home, barely paying attention as he walked. His friends would try to invite Hunter over as planned, but Hunter waved them off, mumbling about plans he forgot about.

    Heading up the driveway, Hunter decided he would need to do research about what USMC obstacle courses consisted of. With a slightly happier mood, Hunter walked in. Hunter’s mother was busy cooking dinner in the kitchen. Just like last year, the night before the obstacle course…, Hunter thought to himself.

    ‘Hey, Hunter, how was school?’ his mother chirped happily.

    ‘Oh, hey, Mum. Not bad, Drillbit, I mean Mr Hanson has challenged the class to beat his time over the obstacle course so we can get dodge ball back, and I think he has changed the rules of engagement’. Hunter replied, realising he almost blurted out the nickname the kids gave Mr Hanson.

    ‘What do you mean by rules of engagement?’ asked his mother cautiously.

    ‘You know the rules. He will be using a modified version of the USMC obstacle course, most likely’, Hunter replied with a shrug.

    Hunter’s mother just looked at Hunter as if she had never seen him before. The bowl she was carrying slipped from her hands and shattered onto the ground.

    ‘Mum!’ Hunter shouted as he raced over to help clean up the mess.

    Snapping out of her reverie, Hunter’s mother quickly realised what happened. ‘Oh, clumsy me’, she chirped happily.

    Grabbing most of the large shards of glass, Hunter placed them into the recycling bin. Hunter then grabbed the mop and started to mop the floor. While Hunter was busy cleaning up, his mother went to the phone. About half an hour later, while Hunter did his homework, his dad returned home with a couple of pizzas.

    ‘Hey Champ! So how are things going for you with your girlfriend, Michelle, I believe her name was?’ Hunter’s father asked happily.

    ‘Things are fine, Dad. We are going to be watching that new Twilight movie’, Hunter replied with a groan.

    With a laugh, Dad set the pizzas down in the lounge. If Hunter hadn’t been so distracted, the unusualness of the situation would have pointed something was weird. But Dad put in a DVD for the family to watch as they eat pizza. Hunter had a great night with his parents. And it wasn’t until Hunter decided to go to bed that his mind pointed out the flaws in the night. His mother was never clumsy and at times reacted as if she possessed heightened reflexes. She once caught a dropped wine glass without dropping a drop.

    His dad who was normally serious when he returned from the security offices of his company, was happy when he returned and he never inquired into Hunter’s personal life. They never ate in the lounge because his mother didn’t want any stains on their designer furniture. They never acted like a real family. They were all fairly independent with little need to co-depend. But tonight they watched a couple of DVDs and played board games! That never happened in Hunter’s life, never.

    Then a wave of exhaustion came from nowhere and bowled Hunter over. He was asleep before he hit the pillow. As Hunter slept, his mind seemed to expand. When he woke up the next day, it was the crack of dawn. Hunter felt refreshed as if he has just woken up for the very first time from a proper sleep. Hunter decided to go for a short jog while he waited for school to start. Chucking on a pair of shorts and T-shirt, Hunter headed out for a morning jog.

    He decided to go for a circuit of the nearby reserve. It normally took him about an hour and a half, which should take out a nice chunk of time until schools starts. With casual strides, Hunter started the circuit passing the early morning dog walkers and fitness enthusiasts. After one circuit Hunter headed home. When he got home, he saw that only an hour and twenty minutes had past.

    Oh well, at least I have plenty of time for a shower, Hunter thought as he headed to the bathroom. Taking his time Hunter had a nice long shower. As he walked to his room, he felt energised. Despite the long jog, Hunter had energy left, which was good if the obstacle course was as gruelling as he was expecting.

    Deciding to head to school early to get a lay of the land, Hunter headed off for school at 7 a.m. He felt great about the obstacle course. There were no butterflies in his stomach, no jittery nerves. He just felt at peace. As he walked up the path to school, he saw Drillbit setting up the obstacle course.

    Far out, does this guy ever sleep? Hunter thought as he watched Drillbit finish setting up the obstacle course about forty minutes later.

    Later on in the morning, Hunter’s friends approached Hunter and started to talk about the obstacle course. Hunter told them how he had watched Drillbit set it up in the morning. While Hunter agreed it looked short, something still felt off. Not able to put a finger on it, Hunter focused his attention on the challenge ahead: Beating Drillbit at his own obstacle course. In the morning the entire PE class assembled in the Gym. Drillbit was there, looking smug.

    Hunter physically shuddered as he crossed the threshold of the gymnasium. He felt targeted. He felt like someone was watching him with such strong intent he could actually reach out and touch it. A whisper from a classmate brought Hunter’s attention to the various bins of dodge balls. Then Hunter spotted some people marching into the gymnasium from another door. By the looks about forty marines. Seasoned ones too, judging by the weathered looks on their faces.

    ‘Oh. I get it now’, Hunter whispered aloud.

    Drillbit shot a glare at Hunter which would’ve withered a healthy houseplant. Hunter, however, returned the look with a gaze that seemed as empty as the eternity of space.

    Drillbit then went on to explain that he has recruited some ‘friends’ to assist with the obstacle course. He then went on to explain that the marines will try to hit students with the dodge balls. Any hit would add three seconds to the end time. Gasps could be heard, as well as the occasional dark muttering.

    ‘Sir, what’s your time?’ Hunter asked.

    ‘With an obstacle course this length, eighteen minutes’, Drillbit replied.

    ‘Under the same circumstances?’ Hunter asked, knowing the answer.

    The glare Hunter received almost caused him to step back, but he stood his ground.

    With a short blow on his whistle, Drillbit got the class to line up.

    ‘On your marks, get set…’, he started.

    ‘Wait!’ Hunter shouted.

    ‘What?’ Drillbit snarled.

    ‘When you completed this obstacle course, you were by yourself correct? Why can’t we have the same footing? Unless you think that one of us could beat your time fair and square…’, Hunter responded, baiting the teacher.

    ‘Fine’, Drillbit responded. ‘But you go last’.

    Hunter started to respond, but conceded the point. Secretly happy that this is what happened, Hunter stepped to the side. His friends looked at him with regret, but they were surprised when he winked back.

    ‘Sir, is it okay if I go for a walk while the class proceeds?’ Hunter asked innocently.

    Drillbit waved him off and grunted an affirmation. Hunter then walked around the school, patiently waiting his turn. Shouts and curses echoed through the school. Hunter smiled. He felt like a kid the night before Christmas. He managed to retain some calm, knowing he could easily get into trouble if he pushes Drillbit too much and the repercussions would be catastrophic.

    After about an hour, Hunter sauntered back to the obstacle course. He watched as his friends attacked the course. The marines were ruthless in their throws. Aiming for the head to disorient them, or their legs to try and trip them up. Drillbit was still smiling, so obviously no one had beaten the time yet. Hunter watched his friend Tony get knocked off the monkey bars again. Most of the kids who attempted the course were lying down on the ground groaning.

    Hunter winced as Tony collapsed on the ground after a brutal headshot. Drillbit laughed at this and this raised Hunter’s ire.

    ‘Yo, Drillbit Hanson’, Hunter shouted.

    Hanson snapped his glare onto Hunter. The rest of the class watched like it was a tennis match.

    ‘Hanson, I will go next. Since you will not let dodge ball back even if I do beat your time, which I can, I challenge you to sudden death at Dodge ball. First person to get hit loses’.

    ‘Squad!’ Hanson shouts to the marines around the obstacle course. ‘The primary target is about to enter the target zone’.

    A coy smile spreading across his face, Hunter removes his T-shirt because he knows that it could snag a ball and hit him. With his lean, slightly muscular frame exposed, Hunter felt his mind focus. He began to see the obstacle course in a different light. He seemed to understand the placement of the troops around it, and why each piece was there.

    ‘Ready? Set! Go!’ declared Drillbit.

    Hunter instantly dropped to the ground as four balls flew at him. With those projectiles gone, Hunter pushed himself up and started running. His stride was irregular, and he seemed to have trouble standing, but Hunter knew if he kept a steady target he would get nailed by a ball. Getting to the monkey bars, Hunter leapt as high as he could and caught the bars. Using all his momentum, Hunter swung his body up and managed to get his lean frame through the first hole in one smooth motion. His body poised like a needle balancing on its head, Hunter let his weight pull him backwards towards the end of the obstacle. As he began his descent, his legs began to separate from being held together. His left leg reached the bar first and he began to let himself up waiting for the next shots.

    As he brought himself up, he kept his hands out ready to retaliate. Two simultaneous shots shot towards him; at the last possible second his hands shot out and caught them. He ran to the end, jumping over the shots and narrowly dodged a couple of head shots.

    Getting to the end Hunter jumped high into the air, launching into a flip with a spin. At the apex, Hunter whipped his body around and threw the balls he still held. One marine managed to catch the shot, but the other one was not so lucky getting hit in the forearm. Landing hard, Hunter winced as the ground shock shuddered through him.

    Another ball flew at him from behind. Hearing a slight gasp from a classmate was all Hunter had to hear, darting to the side at the last second. Racing to the climbing net, Hunter knew he would be in trouble climbing this while trying to avoid getting hit. So Hunter improvised a different climbing strategy. Focusing on one set of rungs, he climbed for a step and then would leap aside, and he kept switching, narrowly avoiding many shots while he was vulnerable. At the top, Hunter threw his body over, catching a shot on the way down.

    Hunter increased his pace as he starting running towards the tyres. Waiting for the marine to his right-hand side to throw his shot, Hunter threw his ball to force the marine’s shot to recoil straight back to the thrower. As Hunter ran through the tyres on the ground, his instinct told him to duck.

    Without thinking, Hunter ducked as a couple more shots flew past. As he started moving again, Hunter jumped up again, spinning in the air narrowly missing another shot aimed at his legs. Hunter landed and raced through the last of the tyres. As he approached the last obstacle, Hunter realised he was in trouble. Hunter raced up to the edge of the crawling net and just before he got to the edge came to a complete halt. Doing a jump split kick, Hunter dodged a couple more shots aimed at him. Hunter then started to take a slight offensive. He caught the next four shots aimed at him and was able to eliminate five marines with a fluke double hit on his last throw.

    Cheers from the class erupted at this momentarily distracting the marines. Hunter dropped to the ground as a ball flew at his head. He then started to crawl along the ground as fast as he can, knowing that this is the part where he couldn’t dodge the balls that were being rolled at him. Hunter took three shots in the legs. Hunter crawled as fast as he could and got out.

    As Hunter got up, he caught a shot to the head. Shaking off the momentary shock, Hunter took off for the finish line. Balls came flying at Hunter without pause. Hunter was able to dodge these shots, waiting for the shot he knew would be coming. As he approached the finishing line, he glimpsed Drillbit with a dodge ball. Drillbit aimed and threw as hard as he could. Hunter feigned apathy until the last second. Hunter skidded on his knees like a soccer player celebrating a goal. Hunter caught the ball and threw it at Drillbit, forcing him to duck the shot.

    Hunter crossed the line. He only got a few hits against him, and Hunter felt confident he made the time.

    Drillbit glared at him. ‘You were right Hunter, if someone did beat my time, I wouldn’t let dodge ball back in-’.

    ‘Good to know what a marine’s word is worth, Sir’, Hunter replied without thinking.

    A marine who heard Hunter’s disrespectful remark threw the ball he held at Hunter. Without looking Hunter caught the ball and held onto it. Drillbit saw this and his furious glare softened.

    ‘Dodgeball is back

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