The Housing System: (Discovering)
By S. K. Oddoye
About this ebook
Consider, for instance, that it is the Bible that says there are different types of Christians (1 Corinthians 11:19). Also, if heaven is the reward for all Christians who receive the free gift of salvation, then who are the Christians who are forcing their way into the kingdom of heaven, and what is the difference? (Matthew 11:12). Or could the clue to this be hidden in Leviticus 10:10 and Romans 9:21?
Martin Luther was right to reform the church in the sixteenth century. We too must do the right thing now, for God is showing this ministry many things reserved for the end-times, which call for us to go beyond mere reformation and be transformed into a glorious church.
S. K. Oddoye
Schweitzer Kojo Oddoye is a sixty-one-year-old British Ghanaian who pastors a small house church in Accra, Ghana, called ‘Beth Yaquob’. Widowed, with one daughter, Alanna, and recently engaged to Pastor Karen, he insists he is proof that God has indeed “chosen the foolish things of the world to shame the wise”!
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The Housing System - S. K. Oddoye
© 2015 S. K. Oddoye. All rights reserved.
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Published by AuthorHouse 11/21/2015
ISBN: 978-1-5049-9121-6 (sc)
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Chapter One: The Housing System and Requirements
Chapter Two: For Unto You a House is Given
Chapter Three: The Embalming Process
Chapter Four: Initiation, Implementation, and Fulfillment
Chapter Five: Water to Wine
Chapter Six: Telling it in Parables and Bearing Fruit
Chapter Seven: Preparing the Temple
Chapter Eight: A Tale of Two Covenants
Chapter Nine: God’s Family of Recovery and Restoration
Chapter Ten: A Measure of God
Chapter Eleven: The Tree of Life
Chapter Twelve: Ashdod, Beth Shemesh, and Jerusalem
Chapter Thirteen: Jezreel, Hephzibah, and Beulah
Chapter Fourteen: Evolution Forewarned and the Point of No Return
Chapter Fifteen: From Famine to Harvest
Chapter Sixteen: Benefits and the Last Word
Appendix A
Appendix B
This book is
dedicated to
My beloved Alanna
Once again, my love, thank you for giving it a try.
Forever yours,
Glory to God for making all things possible:
"With your mighty arm you redeemed your people, the descendants of Jacob and Joseph"
(Psalm 77:15).
To: Beth Yaquob (The House of Jacob), Accra, Ghana; St. McCartins Cathedral, Enniskillen, Northern Ireland; Royal Brompton Hospital Christian Group ’94 –’96, London, England; Karen; Alanna; Richard; Gifty; Anna; Phanuel; Leslie; Miriam;
Pastor Jimmy Dowd and family; John and Lesley Clarke; Muriel, Aaron and family; Winston, Francine and family; Yahya Esakji.
It’s God’s will that we should all have life and that in abundance (John 10:10). Many have taken this to be one and the same thing, whereas it’s actually two separate and distinct processes. When you are born again, you get life with only the potential for having it in abundance. For example, consider the three basic life requirements of food, clothes and shelter.
As a Christian, is your food going to be simply the bread of life
(John 6:35,48), or the bread of life and the Word
(Deuteronomy 8:3; Matthew 4:4)? As a Christian, are your clothes going to be simply garments of salvation
(Isaiah 61:10), or garments of salvation and a robe of righteousness
(Isaiah 61:10)? As a Christian, is your shelter going to be simply a house built on rock
(Matthew 7:24) with wood hay and straw (1 Corinthians 3:12) and made of flame (Obadiah 18), or a house built on rock (Matthew 7:24) with gold, silver, and costly stones (1 Corinthians 3:12) and made of fire (Obadiah 18)?
The Housing System
seeks to distinguish Christians who have life
from those who have it in abundance,
mainly through careful study of the analogy of shelter as revealed principally in the book of Obadiah.
Just as there are two testaments in the Bible, so too are there two houses in the body of Christ. Sadly, there is also a third house, which exists outside of the body of Christ. In the Bible, the Old Testament is a type and foreshadow of the New Testament, offering promises of a gift to come. In the body of Christ, the House of Joseph is a type and foreshadow of the House of Jacob, offering promises of rewards and an inheritance to come.
One of the greatest dangers in Christianity is to fall for the notion that all Christians are treated equally in the sight of God. The need for this book, I believe, is borne out of the need to correct this misconception so that God’s harvest might be plentiful.
The initial seed of knowledge for me came around the year 2004 from teachings regarding the topic perfection is possible,
which Pastor Olubi Johnson had given my then pastor, Yemi Balogun. Later Pastor Johnson himself shared it with me and a group of other Bible students in a series of seminaries in his ministry in Ibadan, Nigeria. This seed was watered and made to grow by the Holy Spirit initially through the book of Obadiah, and subsequently through other scriptures and revelations.
Finally, around Easter 2009, the Spirit of God nudged me in the direction of writing this book. It seemed an overwhelming task, given that I had never written before. However, I succumbed to the challenge after floating the idea in church and committing it to prayer. Clearly God does not want His mysteries to remain hidden forever (Romans 16:25, 26; Colossians 1:26). The argument, I guess, is that Christians cannot aspire for what they do not know exists. By establishing beyond reasonable doubt that there are separate houses
for those with life
and those with life in abundance,
this book hopes to exhort all to enter through the narrow gate and into the upper house
—The House of Jacob!
Q What about the eternal destination of the Jews?
A Outside of Christianity the only faith group included in God’s redemptive plan is Judaism. Neither the Housing System nor indeed the cross is complete without the Jews and as a result it receives the dedicated seriousness it deserves in the sequel to the Housing System titled ‘One Nation under One King’.
Q Is ‘Once Saved Always Saved’ true?
A No, yet this insidious teaching commands the loyalty and allegiance of the vast majority of Christians today. Again we shall deal with it properly in a book of a similar title to this question and publish it as a follow up to ‘One Nation under One King’.
Q Christians being different and having different eternal destinations sounds like blasphemy or heresy to me. Why should I believe The Housing System?
A No one is under any obligation to believe the Housing System anymore than anyone is obliged to believe the truth but we do owe it to ourselves to examine the evidence presented in this book to see whether it stacks up or not. Whether you believe in magic or not, for example, is unlikely to affect your eternal destiny directly but your response to this book is more likely to bring to bear eternal consequences of the most profound magnitude.
Consider for instance, that it is the bible that says Christians are different – 1 Corinthians 11:19.
Also if heaven is the reward for all Christians who receive the free gift of salvation then who are the Christians who are forcing their way into the kingdom of heaven and what is the difference? Matthew 11:12. Or could the clue to this be hidden in Leviticus 10:10 & Romans 9:21?
The truth is Christians are either born of water (the word by which we talk) or of water and the Spirit (by which we talk and have power). The kingdom of heaven is the same as the kingdom of God but different from heaven alone and now the difference is clear – 1Corinthians 4:19, 20
Christians who are forcing their way into the kingdom of heaven are those who have been born of water and the Spirit!
In Matthew 24:20 why is Jesus so emphatic about the consequence of different resurrections? If there are different resurrections are they likely to lead to the same destination?
Martin Luther was right to reform the church in the 16th century. We too must do the right thing now for God is showing me many things reserved for the end times which call for us to go beyond mere reformation. The saints must be prepared and ready to be transformed into a glorious church.
The fact that there is more than one resurrection (Heb 11:35); the difference between those who are ‘invited/called’ and those who are ‘chosen’ (Mt 22:14) and also the difference between ‘the elders on thrones’ (Rev 4:4, 10) and the anonymous ‘multitudes standing in heaven’ (Rev 7:9) all lend in some way to understanding this truth.
But perhaps the right place to begin is at Hebrews 11:16. We must ask ourselves why God distinguishes so emphatically between ‘country’ and ‘city’ in this scripture. Could it be that the country is indeed ‘heaven’ and the city ‘the New Jerusalem’? Rev 21:10 – according to Rev 21:2, 3 God dwells with men in a city and not in any random country. Why would God perfect a glorious church and have a better resurrection if ultimately He intends to live with all Christians anyway? Scripture makes it clear that the city is for His Son’s wife. Are we seriously contending that all Christians marry the Christ? That would be preposterous indeed for it is written ‘many are invited but few are chosen’!
Or perhaps it would help to consider the city from another perspective. Supposing heaven were a field and the Holy City hidden treasure in that field, would that make the city the kingdom of heaven/God? According to Mt 13:44 – YES!
And supposing because Christ is a king who like all Christians, must be equally yoked, His wife must also be of royalty or nobility, would that as a matter of necessity make His wife of noble character and would she also have to live in the city? Well according to Pr 31:16, 23 & 31 – OF COURSE!
So then let us now make our focus the city which we now know (contrary to popular belief) to be that which God refers to as the ‘kingdom of God/Heaven’ (because that is the domain and dwelling place of the King and of all those who have become like Him):
The kingdom of God/Heaven
Just as truth is not a concept but a person (Jesus Christ) so too is the kingdom of God not a concept but the dwelling place or domain of our King (God) in heaven (The Holy City).
To see the kingdom of God (John 3:3)
When you are in heaven you can see the kingdom of God (The Holy City). To get to heaven you must be born again of water. Jesus is the Word made Flesh (John 1:14) and His Flesh gives birth to our flesh in order to regenerate our human spirit. This is referred to as birth by water because the Word is symbolized by water in the bible. Eph 5:26 & 1Pe 3:20, 21
To enter the kingdom of God (John 3:5-8)
When you are in heaven and if you qualify, you can also enter the kingdom of God (The Holy City). To enter the kingdom of God you must be born again of both water and the Spirit. Once your human spirit has been regenerated by water, the Holy Spirit can now give birth to your human spirit to reproduce your soul. 1Pe 1:9 God also calls this circumcision of the heart (Ro 2:29)
Living souls live in the Holy City (Eze 18:4) whilst Living beings live elsewhere in heaven. (Ge 2:7)
Those who are born of water and spirit are like children who themselves represent lambs. They have become like Jesus the Lamb of God (Eph 4:13 & Rev 14:4) and can enter the Holy City (Mt 18:3). Christians who fail to qualify as firstfruit (children) are sheep and not lambs.
The reason the blood the water and the Spirit testify (1Jn 5:7, 8) is because (a) blood atones for sin (b) water regenerates our human spirit and (c) The Spirit reproduces our soul from our regenerated human spirit. (a) and (b) came out of Jesus’ side at Calvary to give us the free gift of life but (c) is earned when you work out your salvation (the salvation of