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Where's Cleo?
Where's Cleo?
Where's Cleo?
Ebook78 pages1 hour

Where's Cleo?

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Wheres Cleo? is an interpretation of a depressed mind. It talks about things that people go through and things that they hide. Depression, being the horrible monster that it is, can lead people to think and do some really bad things. These are the things that you dont always see.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateNov 26, 2014
Where's Cleo?

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    Where's Cleo? - Xlibris US

    Where’s Cleo?

    Miko Reva

    Copyright © 2014 by Miko Reva.

    ISBN:      Softcover   978-1-5035-1982-4

                   eBook        978-1-5035-1981-7

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    Any people depicted in stock imagery provided by Thinkstock are models, and such images are being used for illustrative purposes only.

    Certain stock imagery © Thinkstock.

    Rev. date: 11/21/2014





    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight

    Chapter Nine

    Chapter Ten

    Chapter Eleven

    Chapter Twelve

    Chapter Thirteen

    About the Author

    To everybody that has

    done everything they have

    to keep me here,

    Thank You.

    Chapter One

    When thinking of a person who people might consider to be a loser, one might think of a person who always got picked on in school, a person who is doing absolutely nothing with their life, a person who probably feels worthless, a person who might’ve not fit in with anybody, a person who was just hard to be friends with. The horrible truth is that those aren’t the only things that might be thought of.

    My view is that people consider losers to be a combination of these things, not just one or more of them like they are some sort of basis for a checklist.

    The loser, that is often portrayed as such, is not a loser in reality. Instead, they are just a misunderstood entity. I believe that the term loser is a fallacy. This societal judgment is followed so easily because no one wants to take the time to see past the vision that they have for the so-called normal type of person.

    Even the best people can be thought of as losers.


    I am going to tell you the story of Cleo Overton.

    For me, it was the beginning of the seventh grade. First days, I have always found that they are always a little terrifying. I was new to the school and did not know anyone; I had just moved to a small village in a new school district.

    Walking into the new school, I was worried whether I was going to get lost. I walked into my first class of the day and I was terrified of whether I was going to be able to impress the teacher with my knowledge of the subject.

    Good morning Class, and welcome World Geography. You can call me Mr. Avery, he bellowed from the front of the classroom as all of us kids sat in our seats anxious to see what was coming. Although, I was slightly intimidated because I thought that he was a giant statue that was making noise.

    Today, we are going to see what you know. We are going to play a round of Jeopardy, he declared.

    I leapt inside because I love playing Jeopardy; I love the competition and difficult questions. Although, he intimidated me at first because of his stature, I put that aside when he said we were going to be playing my favorite game of academia.

    We were split into four teams of four. The categories were: Capitals, Countries, Oceans and Seas, Continents, and Places on a Map. I was the captain of the first team. I was on edge and ready to get the game started just to flash my knowledge to the rest of the class.

    Roll of a die to decide who goes first. Team captains pick a number, and no, you can’t choose the same one, joked Mr. Avery as the team captains chose their fates. And the winner is, Team Two, you will be going first. Cleo, since you are team captain, it’s your choice for the category.

    Capitals for five hundred please, she demanded quickly. I look to the side to notice a girl, who I presumed to be Cleo. I had never seen her before but, similar to me, she was wearing boys’ jeans and a button up shirt under a colorful plaid sweater vest.

    What is the capital of Bolivia? he asked.

    I know this, I thought. However, I was not quick enough to the button.


    I hear the ring as Cleo is already on her buzzer to answer the question.

    Yes, Cleo, the answer, Mr. Avery directed.

    And the answer, to the trick question, she answered facetiously as the whole class chuckled a little, Is that there are two capitals of Bolivia: Sucre and La Paz.

    This brought a look between anger and laughter upon the face of my teacher.

    Aha, you caught me and that is correct. That is five hundred points for Team Two. Cleo, again, your choice, declared Mr. Avery.

    I just sat back in my seat astonished that someone had beaten me to the punch, let alone having done it with such great sarcasm.

    I thought, Hey, I’m going to like this girl. I sat up straighter in my seat with my hand wavering over my buzzer; I was going to make this a competition.

    Countries for three hundred, requested Cleo.

    The Falkland Islands are a territory of what country? asked the teacher. I buzzed in before he even

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