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Icicle Child
Icicle Child
Icicle Child
Ebook52 pages56 minutes

Icicle Child

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About this ebook

You are a detective as you solve a case, there is the most disturbing murder that beckons your calling. When the city is in complete darkness for a month. As the light darkens you get caught up in the strains of family life and work with this new killer scaring the streets. Makes you lose sight for whats in front of him. Lucky for him the people around him keep him sane from the killers mind. The love of his daughter and wife keeps him coming home to normality. Trust helps her to know he has full control of this until something makes him slowdown and enjoy the family life a bit more. The legacy will forever be sealed as greatness even when there is a new born.
PublisherXlibris UK
Release dateNov 14, 2014
Icicle Child

Shaun Waller

The book will be a great read for the lovely people that spend their hard earned money on it. If it does good it would also be made into a film, game or both. He hopes you enjoy reading it as much as he has living it in the imagination. Look out for his second book coming soon.

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    Book preview

    Icicle Child - Shaun Waller

    Icicle Child


    Copyright © 2014 by Shaun Waller.

    ISBN:          Softcover          978-1-4990-8802-1

                        eBook               978-1-4990-8784-0

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    Any people depicted in stock imagery provided by Thinkstock are models, and such images are being used for illustrative purposes only.

    Certain stock imagery © Thinkstock.

    Rev. date: 11/14/2014





    1 Boiling

    2 Icicle

    3 Flames

    4 Frozen

    5 Hot

    6 Cold

    7 Heat

    8 Ice

    9 Warm

    10 Freeze

    11 Scorching

    12 Frosty



    As I am awoken to the sound of my crying baby, ringing through my ear drums peeping my eyes open. Julie my wife sitting up rubbing her eyes as she gets up off the bed. The bed creak’s as she walks up to the cot at the bottom of the bed. I shift my body upwards sitting up stretching my mouth muscles yawning. While stretching my arms upwards to hear them crack a little, asking ‘do you need a hand?’ she reply’s asking ‘what did you say?’ I repeat it again while I’m putting my left leg then my right out of the bed, feeling the soft fabric of the carpet between my toes. Standing up walking up to her as I am looking at my wife with my beautiful daughter in her arms. My voice echo’s through her ear drums as I say ‘you are a great mum I wouldn’t want my child in any other women’s arms’, she replies ‘same to you well apart from the women’s arms bit’ as she giggles. Looking at me with her brown eyes and brunette bed hair down to her shoulders as a little bit of light from the rising sun shines on Julie from the gap in the curtains. I brush her hair over her right ear while leaning in for a kiss as she kisses me back, our daughter lets out a little giggle as Sandy puts her fingers in her mouth. I look down at her smiling appreciating the moment for what it is, I kiss our daughter on the forehead. As my wife says ‘I’m going to change her nappies because she’s done a stinky’ smirking at her replying ‘ok babe I’ll be through soon to make you a cuppa also look after stinky bum, so you can get ready’ she replies ‘alright Hun’.

    I walk to the draws while stretching my muscles then clicking my neck. Opening the first draw to pull out a grey pair of socks sitting back on the bed putting them on left then my right foot. I stand up going to the second draw to get out a pair of stone blue jeans with white block righting on the left bum pocket, sitting back down on the bed putting the left leg then the right leg in as I stand up jumping to put them on stumbling forward thinking really what’s the need for that as I shrug it off, going down a draw. Pulling the draw open with my fingers through the ring. I pull out a black t-shirt with a red tick on it, going to the other side pulling out a black jumper with a gold eagle on the left corner of the jumpers front. As I stand there putting the T-shirt on looking at myself in the mirror, running my hands down the t-shirt ‘saying yep you look fine’. Then I pick up the jumper putting it on right first then the left arm in. I think right lets go and see what the day brings, walking to the toilet. While I’m standing there having a pee listening to the urine hit the toilet water while thinking that the last case took a lot out of me, maybe I should take it easy as I reach for my right shoulder then re-playing the bullet tearing through my chest. But we caught him so it’s a win also luckily having a month off to recover and spend with my family. As I

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