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Escape Book: The Museum Heist
Escape Book: The Museum Heist
Escape Book: The Museum Heist
Ebook169 pages43 minutes

Escape Book: The Museum Heist

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Overcome challenges, solve puzzles, and uncover the true culprit in the fourth installment of the Escape Book series!

What started as a typical family vacation takes a turn for the worse when you and your grandfather, a security guard at the local museum, find yourselves at the center of a serious scandal. It turns out that one of the museum’s masterpieces was stolen on the same night you and your grandfather were taking an after-hours tour—since you were the only two people there, you’re the prime suspects! To prove your innocence, you must now find the stolen masterpiece by observing, analyzing, and investigating like a real detective! Are you ready for an adventure?

Release dateSep 28, 2021
Escape Book: The Museum Heist

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    Book preview

    Escape Book - Stéphane Anquetil


    This edition © 2021 by Andrews McMeel Publishing.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used

    or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission

    except in the case of reprints in the context of reviews.

    Published in French under the title Escape book – Vol au musée

    © 2019 by 404 éditions, an imprint of Édi8, Paris, France.

    Text © 2019 by Stéphane Anquetil, Illustration © 2019 by Maud Liénard.

    Andrews McMeel Publishing

    a division of Andrews McMeel Universal

    1130 Walnut Street, Kansas City, Missouri 64106

    ISBN: 978-1-5248-7403-2

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2021930959


    Andrews McMeel books are available at quantity discounts with bulk purchase for educational, business, or sales promotional use. For information, please e-mail the Andrews McMeel Publishing Special Sales Department:

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    Like every summer, you spend your vacation with your grandparents in a medieval town in Normandy, France. As if this weren’t unusual enough, your grandfather also happens to be a security guard at the local history museum. You’ve always loved the museum, and one night you tag along on one of his night shifts. But as chance would have it, that night there’s a theft! But what did they steal? And why did they steal it? Collect clues, question suspects, stay on the thief’s tail, and discover the mysterious treasure they’re seeking!

    Solve the puzzles, chase the criminal, and recover the treasure by exploring the medieval town and its history!


    On the inside of the back cover, you’ll find a museum map and a town map to help you find your way around. Both of them show you the main locations you can visit. You can move around freely using these maps. You don’t have to follow a specific order.

    Some numbers, however, have dotted lines around them. To get to these places, you’ll have to solve puzzles using your smarts—and sometimes specific objects. You’ll be told when you’ve unlocked access to them. And there are some locations that aren’t on the map. You’ll find them yourself over the course of your investigation.

    On your adventure, you’ll come across objects and clues in bold in the text. Like a magnifying glass, for example. You’ll want to make a note of each object in your inventory, located in the back of the book on page A3, and keep track of each clue on A4.

    When you are in a specific place and want to use an object, you can create a combination. You can find all the possibilities at the back of the book, on A2, and on the inside front cover.

    How do the combinations work? You’ll find some numbers in the tables. These numbers point you to sections in the book you can visit by using the corresponding objects. Some objects can be used in pairs, like a magnifying glass and a newspaper.

    If you want to use the magnifying glass, you can see what will happen by going to 140. If you use the magnifying glass and newspaper together, go to 141. To use the newspaper on its own, go to 142. Read these sections now to practice.

    Beware! If you don’t have an object in your inventory or it’s not given as an option in your combination table, you can’t use it.

    Throughout the adventure, your cat, Professor Whiskers, will be by your side. He’ll give you hints throughout the book. But this feline can be fickle, and his hints can be quite cryptic.

    As you may have noticed, this book is illustrated. For some puzzles, there are clues hidden within the images, so pay close attention to those details.

    Try to remember everything you can. . . . You never know what might be important! And don’t hesitate to make a note of the clues—there’s some space for this in the back of the book on page A4.

    Have fun!


    A night at the museum

    You wake up to meowing.

    Shh, Professor Whiskers! Let me sleep.


    Oh, that cat! It probably wasn’t the best idea to bring him with you tonight. Wait . . . that means you fell asleep on the job.

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