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Greatness Is for Everyone: The 4 Traits of Greatness
Greatness Is for Everyone: The 4 Traits of Greatness
Greatness Is for Everyone: The 4 Traits of Greatness
Ebook119 pages1 hour

Greatness Is for Everyone: The 4 Traits of Greatness

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About this ebook

Just what we want to hear:
Thank you for a job well done or I really appreciate the kindness and patience you showed me or Your act of generosity helped me at a critical time in my life or You are a great example for todays young people.
These are the words great people hear time and again as they go through the everyday encounters of life.
You and I can build lives of greatness.
We can live by the four traits of greatness.
Greatness starts here and now.
Release dateMar 6, 2015
Greatness Is for Everyone: The 4 Traits of Greatness

Charles Childers

I am an unashamed lover of my country, the United States of America. From my teenage years, I have wanted to serve my country and make life in America better for myself and for the next generation. Life, as they say, got in the way, and what I thought might be a life in the military or in politics or even in religion became forty years of marriage, earning a living, raising children, and keeping busy. I have loved it, and thank God for my life. I worked as an automobile and truck technician, started and managed three repair shops, and I went to many school activities. Forty years later, I am still happily married with seven grandchildren, and I teach diesel technology in a community college. My desire to serve my nation has morphed into a message that I believe should be considered by all Americans. I want to say something to America, all of America. The message is be careful. Our nation is being tested by the freedoms we embrace. Freedom to choose can become freedom to rewrite our American way of life in unhealthy ways. Personal signifi cance and the growth into greatness is a path our forbearers wanted for every citizen of America. Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness is a goal to which each generation of Americans must aspire. This worthy goal has not been reached by most nations now or in the past. Likewise, not every generation in America has lived up to the responsibilities of liberty and justice for all. Now time has given to me and you our turn at the controls of our individual lives and our united life. Can we govern ourselves rightly? We will observe the signifi cance of each other and gain the greatness that is ours to grasp. Will I help my neighbor and will he help me? Can I feel good about myself, my family, my work, and my community? How will my freedom build a better place for the next generation? I challenge myself and every American to aspire to greatness. Greatness is for everyone! I believe that; this is our God-given ambition. Four traits of greatness are not steps of selfhelp; rather, these traits are the headlights pointing us into our future.

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    Greatness Is for Everyone - Charles Childers



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    © 2015 Charles Childers. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse 02/21/2015

    ISBN: 978-1-4969-6970-5 (sc)

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    Chapter 1 You And I Are Significant

    Chapter 2 What Is The American Way?

    Chapter 3 How Greatness Is Achieved.

    Chapter 4 Bo Was A Great Little Dog

    Chapter 5 Understand The Uniqueness Of America?

    Chapter 6 Is The American Way Relevant To 21st Century America?

    Chapter 7 Learning To Walk Without The Leash

    Chapter 8 W—O—W—A Values

    Chapter 9 On The 4th Of July, 2014

    Chapter 10 Work As Practiced By Max And Foxworth

    Chapter 11 Others Were Lili’s Life.

    Chapter 12 Crystal Was My Wealthiest Dog.

    Chapter 13 Following Max’s Example.

    Chapter 14 Andi Was And Is My Hero.

    Chapter 15 W—O—W—A Say It Again W—O—W—A

    Chapter 16 Let’s Be Great Again

    Chapter 17 An American Destiny

    Chapter 18 Significance Lives On And On

    Chapter 19 Everyone Loves An Underdog.

    Chapter 20 W—O—W—A    Applied

    Chapter 21 Living Indoors

    Chapter 22 Who Is The Alpha Dog?

    Chapter 23 To Those Who Disagree, I Say.

    Chapter 24 Greatness Is …

    Statement of Shared Values

    Author's Personal Information

    Just what we want to hear:

    Thank you for a job well done. Or,

    I really appreciate the kindness and patience you showed me. Or,

    Your act of generosity helped me at a critical time in my life. Or,

    You are a great example for today’s young people.

    These are the words great people hear time and again as they go through the everyday encounters of life.

    You and I can build lives of GREATNESS.

    We can live by the 4 traits of GREATNESS.

    GREATNESS starts here and now.

    **The last page is a copy of the Statement of Shared Values. This page may be reproduced and distributed as the need arises.

    To Marsha Lynn, my wife, belongs the kudos for the comprehensibility and professionalism of my crude writing. Her expertise and patience with me and this work is testimony to her sterling character. Any errors of understanding or communication are all mine. To God belongs the glory.

    Unless otherwise indicated, all scripture quotations are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version® (ESV®). Copyright ©2001 by Crossway Bibles, a division of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

    Acknowledgements: Much of this book was written in the Fairfield Inn of Monument, CO. The customer service extended to my wife and me surpassed excellence. I was able to witness individuals living the W—O—W—A life. I want to thank personally Tami, Daniel, Shannon and of course, Katherine and Cheryl who made our lives comfortable and safe during a time of difficult transition in our lives.

    Chapter 1

    You And I Are Significant

    While in kindergarten, I learned an important lesson regarding personal significance. I don’t remember much about going to the carnival that day but a photograph was taken of me riding the roller coaster. This event was long ago probably near 1956, so the carnival ride was not one of the multi-story size that we see at amusement parks today. However, a newspaper reporter standing near the ride thought it interesting enough to take a picture of the riders. The next day my picture was in the local newspaper. My teacher, Mrs. Issacson, saw the picture, cut it out, and mounted it on the bulletin board with the caption Who is this?

    Can you imagine the thrill in my young heart over the recognition? Perhaps her recognition explains why I can remember this minor event all these years later. That wonderful teacher on that day made me feel significant, not because of any innate special achievement or talent that I possessed. I was significant because of just being me. She merely recognized me and my significance.

    Years later, I was in a discussion regarding the importance of the local newspaper. The presenter was arguing that community newspapers will always have their place in America because it is in the local newspaper that individuals can be publically recognized. Just today, I noticed the list of high school graduates in my hometown newspaper. This practice may have changed now in major cities, but I would still argue that recognizing individual significance is paramount to America’s culture.

    In the Bible, we read long lists of obscure names; i.e., Uzziah begat Jotham, Jotham begat Ahaz, and Ahaz begat Hezekiah and etc. Why all the names? We tend to skip through the Biblical genealogies. Why are the individual names specifically given? It is because each individual is important to the story. God doesn’t make any insignificant people. No one is insignificant. God created you and me to be significant. Regardless of age, wealth, talent or lack thereof, or occupation or education, we are all significant with the potential to be great. Achievement is not the true, authoritative measure of significance. Each individual has the opportunity and the responsibility to utilize his/her freedom to cultivate GREATNESS from God given significance. The traits of personal GREATNESS are the same traits that our nation’s founders envisioned as the foundation and perpetual objectives for America. Freedom or liberty is the political soil of GREATNESS. The United States was uniquely created to maximize individual freedom.

    Personal GREATNESS is the everyday demonstration of our God given, significance living under the power of morality. However mundane each day seems, as we act in freedom and with values our lives produce GREATNESS. Within America, we are great nationally when we together promote and protect the freedom of each individual to be great. GREATNESS is for everyone. We need not be the best at anything, possess the most of anything, or attain the highest in anything. We are great as we abide by the values of GREATNESS.

    For example, meet Elias and Modesto, two great men who to this day speak to me of the priority of noble, personal values. I had the privilege to work beside them during my high school years on the golf course. They arrived at work every day at 4:30 a.m. so as not to be late for 6 o’clock. These men greeted their co-workers with joy and served their employer enthusiastically. Each man was an unsophisticated, honest, Hispanic man who personified GREATNESS for decades to their families and friends, of whom I was fortunate to be one.

    What are the values of GREATNESS? Possible answers are youth, wealth, beauty, talent, fame, power, etc. If we now choose these values, then GREATNESS and significance are NOT for everyone. Only a few select people would ever be great and for most, their GREATNESS would be temporary at best. I suggest that more permanent and

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