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Release to Grow: Letting Go Opens the Door to a New Beginning
Release to Grow: Letting Go Opens the Door to a New Beginning
Release to Grow: Letting Go Opens the Door to a New Beginning
Ebook101 pages1 hour

Release to Grow: Letting Go Opens the Door to a New Beginning

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About this ebook

Reverend Gwengale J. Parker is a woman of God. She attended various Georgia colleges where she obtained a BA in business administration and accounting, and a masters degree in divinity. She is an ordained minister of the gospel of the Baptist faith.

She is the wife of Charles Parker, the mother of Marcus, Crystal, and DeWayne, and the grandmother of Crystal, DAsia, and Elyse.

The author does not see or understand the importance of credentials gained on this earth. Therefore, she describes herself as a servant of God, all about doing her heavenly Fathers will. She enjoys preaching and teaching the Word of God. She strives to take Christians out of a building called church and put the church where God intended it to be: in the hearts of men.
Release dateFeb 3, 2015
Release to Grow: Letting Go Opens the Door to a New Beginning

Gwengale J. Parker

Reverend Gwengale J. Parker is a woman of God. She attended various Georgia colleges where she obtained a BA in business administration and accounting, and a master’s degree in divinity. She is an ordained minister of the gospel of the Baptist faith. She is the wife of Charles Parker, the mother of Marcus, Crystal, and DeWayne, and the grandmother of Crystal, D’Asia, and Elyse. The author does not see or understand the importance of credentials gained on this earth. Therefore, she describes herself as a servant of God, all about doing her heavenly Father’s will. She enjoys preaching and teaching the Word of God. She strives to take Christians out of a building called church and put the church where God intended it to be: in the hearts of men.

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    Release to Grow - Gwengale J. Parker

    © 2015 Gwengale J. Parker, M. DIV. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse  01/29/2015

    ISBN: 978-1-4969-6754-1 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4969-6753-4 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2015901606

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    Scripture quotations marked KJV are from the Holy Bible, King James Version (Authorized Version). First published in 1611. Quoted from the KJV Classic Reference Bible, Copyright © 1983 by The Zondervan Corporation.



    Chapter 1   We Are Purposed

    Chapter 2   A Divine Invitation

    Chapter 3   Baggage Check

    Chapter 4   The Wounded Can Be Healed

    Chapter 5   Release To Grow

    Chapter 6   Let It Go

    Chapter 7   Do Not Be Deceived

    Chapter 8   Worship in Spirit and Truth

    Chapter 9   Come to the Feast

    Chapter 10 A Renewed Spirit

    In loving memory of my father, Aaron Jones Sr.; my brother, Reverend Wendell N. Jones; my sister, Marian L. Jones; and my mother, Elestine G. Jones. In the last years of her earthly life, Elestine Gates Jones taught me so much about the importance of knowing how and when to let go of the past. She taught me to treasure the matters of the heart but not allow those treasures to control my destiny. The most important lessons she taught me were to always put God first and to let the love of God be seen in everything I do.


    We are living in a season of restlessness. In this season, it is easy to become consumed by unimportant things we believe are very important to our survival. We are becoming more and more consumed with the things of the world. Many have an overwhelming desire to be in total control over what is believed to directly affect their well-being. God revealed this book to me during a very special time in my life. I was busy working in the church, but I still felt empty. I felt as if I was missing something. I wanted more of God. I had an overwhelming desire to move to a higher level in my walk with God. My desire was more than a desire; it was a need that exploded deep within. I needed to feel His presence all the time. The need to be closer to Him and to be a better servant for God grew stronger every day. Instead of praying for God to move me to that place of intimacy with Him, I tried to hold on to where I was. As I desperately grasped for more, I was holding on to things that I needed to release. At the time, I didn’t realize I was hindering my spiritual growth by holding on to things from the past.

    God showed me that just as I was holding on, there were many people who wanted to be closer to Him but were doing the same thing I was doing. They needed to strengthen their relationships with family members, and they needed to improve the quality of their lives. We often fail at achieving this goal because we don’t know what things in our lives we need to release in order to move to the next level. We must let go of the things that are hindering growth. There are times when we have to let go of things and people. We must learn to let go in order to fulfill God’s purpose for our lives. We must learn which things to let go of and when to let go of them in order to live our lives fully.

    This book encourages self-examination. Are you living your life based upon past hurts and disappointments? Are you looking for approval from others? Are you walking in unforgiveness, hatred, and jealousy? Are you controlled by the desire to gain material items? There comes a time when negative things must be released for growth. There is no way to receive what God has for you if your hands are already full.

    On my lunch break, I picked up a large tea, hoping it would last me for the remainder of the workday. When I first purchased the tea, it was very dark and sweet. As the day progressed, every time I took a sip, the sweetness was fading. By the end of the day, the tea had lightened and lost its sweetness. With time, the tea lost most of its zest. It tasted more like water with a hint of tea and no sugar. Some believers allow their lives to become watered down and diluted by the junk they carry around. The junk causes our thoughts to become those of the world, and they overtake our inner strength. We watch and read things that we should not watch or read. Because our minds become watered down to the ways of the world, we are deceived into believing we are in control of our lives. We should not allow our decisions, mistakes, and feelings of failure to weigh us down. We must release them in order to soar like eagles.

    I pray that something in this book will have a positive impact on your life. I pray it will assist you in understanding what things need to be released in order to move to the next level.

    Chapter 1

    We Are Purposed

    Therefore, brethren, we are debtors, not to the flesh, to live after the flesh. For is we live after the flesh, ye shall die: but if you through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live.

    —Romans 8:12-13

    Reading through Romans 8 encouraged me to take a very close look at my life and what God has purposed for me on earth. From our mothers’ wombs, we begin with a purpose already set forth by the Creator. How do we know God’s divine purpose for our lives? It starts with the ability to hear God. Being in a relationship with Him allows us to know our Master’s voice.

    Once we hear from God, we must be obedient as we walk in His will. Romans 8:12-13 reminds us that the body is no more than dust. Although we are walking and breathing, we are dying little by little every day. Soon we will dissolve into nothing more than a handful of dirt that will be blown away by the wind. Therefore, we are not to get so caught up in the flesh or things of the flesh. We are not obligated to the flesh because the flesh ties us to the world. We are reminded that our service is to God through our spirit lives. We are not debtors of the flesh; we are debtors of Christ and to the Holy Spirit. Although we all have different callings in our lives, we all have one common purpose. Our first and foremost purpose is to worship and praise God. God put this purpose in place when He created man. Your purpose cannot be known unless you know who you are in Christ.

    And God, said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. So God created man in his own image, in

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