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The Energy Principle: Decoding the Matrix of Power
The Energy Principle: Decoding the Matrix of Power
The Energy Principle: Decoding the Matrix of Power
Ebook257 pages13 hours

The Energy Principle: Decoding the Matrix of Power

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Jennifer and Stephen Edwards share their knowledge of psychic principles and healing, working with angels, and the world of spirit. They provide helpful signposts to understanding the power of our environment and interfacing with energies from the landscape to the far-flung cosmos. Anecdotes and heartfelt stories enhance the wisdom they share with the reader, to assist the journey of the soul to decode the matrix of power and intuitive living.
Release dateNov 11, 2015
The Energy Principle: Decoding the Matrix of Power


Jennifer and Stephen Edwards are Reiki and Seichim master teachers and psychic mediums. They have travelled the world, working with Earth energies and sacred sites and enjoy sharing the dynamic of spiritual development with students.

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    The Energy Principle - Stephen

    Copyright © 2015 Stephen and Jennifer Edwards.

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    ISBN: 978-1-4525-3045-1 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4525-3046-8 (e)

    Balboa Press rev. date: 11/05/2015



    Chapter 1 The Energy Interface - How life interacts with us

    Chapter 2 The Power to Heal - Removing obstacles to health

    Chapter 3 The Awakening Heart - Discovering the seat of compassion

    Chapter 4 Valley of the Shadow of Death - Life beyond the veil

    Chapter 5 The Spectre of Earthly Spirits - Understanding the astral plane

    Chapter 6 The Mystical Earth - Uncovering our planet’s mysteries

    Chapter 7 Angelic Energies and Nature Devas - How to onnect with angels and elemental frequencies

    Chapter 8 The Sacred Grove - Our intimate relationship with the environment

    Chapter 9 Cosmic Connections - Our Earth history and star origins

    Chapter 10 A Rare Medium - Living with intuitive powers

    Chapter 11 Attracting the Law of You - The Ultimate guide to finding personal power

    Chapter 12 Tapping into the Magic - How to decode the energy matrix, to create a meaningful life



    We dedicate this book to our beautiful children:

    James, Eleanor and Orion.

    And respectfully acknowledge assistance

    From the Lord Melchizedek


    F loating around in warm amniotic fluid as an embryo, we encounter one of our first opportunities to sense energy through our material being. As we develop our foetus form, senses awaken, and we hear the methodical thump of Mothers’ heartbeat, and the gurgle of her digestion. We become aware of the rise in her blood pressure, as adrenalin quickens and we find our mouth with our thumb, and learn how to suck. Lightness and dark create shades of reality as we are cocooned in the womb, and over the gestation time we come to know familiar voices, the nature of the mood of our parents and whether or not, we will be a welcome arrival.

    Soon enough, we are startlingly introduced to our external environment: Bright lights, electricity, rough cotton blankets and soft warm breasts, contrast with intrusive metals, commanding voices, suction tubes, and needle pricks. Pain and separation, cold air and brusque movements interplay with new smells, gentle curious voices, safe arms rocking and Mothers’ loving kiss.

    What a wondrous time to drink in the enormity of the principle of energy! At birth, we traverse the worlds between discarnate and the living. The veil is thin and we remember for a short time, what is available on the ‘other side’. We know we have power and authority to work with the many energy forms that exist in this world and beyond. The power of telepathy, the power to intuit or command and name, the power to understand the magic and sacredness that is woven through all of life. Before long, our innate memory of our power is fading, even though we are only a year old. Our sense of understanding is often replaced with the coarseness of mundane daily rituals and contrived sensory experiences with man-made objects. Conditioning roles of sexual orientation and behaviour modification in early years, further disassociate us from awareness of power. Added to this, the cultural norm of mindless television viewing, costs us heavily, as we continually become desensitized from our natural world and bombarded with institutional programming such as schooling.

    The price is the disassociation from our natural ability to sense, anticipate and participate in the energetic fields of light, which interplay through our daily existence as forms of vibrational frequencies. Every vibration is a self-contained package of information to help us go about our lives.

    Stephen and I have experience and expertise in the field of energy and energy healing, much of which has come through training in the healing modality of Reiki and receiving an attunement process at the Mastery level. We teach people how to call upon and identify many aspects of energy. Such as personal, environmental and higher vibrational frequencies. From our collective experiences we have noticed a big shift in people’s appreciation of their world when they are introduced to their natural powers.

    We have observed that many people are not aware of their own power or the power of the energy around them and, as a result, experience problems in their lives. When we don’t understand how energy works, we can experience everything from lack of worthiness and powerlessness to guilt, burnout or confusion. In this book, we bring together a broad range of philosophies to create a complete picture of how life works energetically and how we can participate in our lives in a meaningful way through understanding and applying the principles of energy.

    In this book, we reveal the intriguing power of how to find your name secrets, ways to form a relationship with the angelic realm and your own spirit guide, tips for making sure your habitat is safe and healthy, methods for interacting with inanimate objects and strategies for healing your body and keeping it correctly aligned. We also discuss the mysterious nature of our planet’s power points.

    By decoding this matrix of powerful vibrations that permeate life, we will endeavour to assist and develop your understanding of the world and re-instate your power to interpret all energy in order to heal and to communicate with nature and across the veil of existence, past death and to the galaxies beyond. When you become aware of what the energy around you is trying to reveal, you empower yourself to direct your life in a meaningful way. Welcome to really living.


    The Energy Interface

    by Jennifer

    E verything is energy. Energy is everywhere. You can feel it, see it, touch it, smell it, taste it, sense it, create it, expand it, change it, send it and extinguish it. The Creator is energy. Mankind is energy. We are all part of the one thing, together.

    As I did my morning exercise one day, inspirational energy from a higher source delivered some powerful words into my awareness. It said:

    "Every breath you take is Divine.

    Every tear you shed is part of ‘His’ ocean.

    We want everyone to stand in their Divine power

    And we will not rest until it is done".

    How do we stand in our Divine power if we don’t know what it is or how to get it? We need to remember, and we need to raise our level of awareness. As we bring our attention to the way life interacts with us and how we respond to it, we can garner the shift in consciousness required to enable us to live truly within the ocean of Divine energy – an energy that permeates every pore of our being and every form of life and matter that we share our planet with. Every rock, tree, scent, animal, cloud, song and thought are part of the vibrational frequency of existence. Each one has an energy signature of its’ own.

    Modern life has dulled our senses and our natural ability to always be able to interpret the energy clues around us. The culprits are many and varied and include poor diet, medication, stress, tiredness, busyness, artificial lighting and electrical overload (including computers, microwaves & mobile phones). Our bodies also suffer toxic effects from conscious ingestion of substances such as alcohol and drugs, and external environmental factors such as household chemicals and radiation.

    These factors can prevent us from sensing the subtle nature of many energy forms. Sometimes sensory information is blocked out all together. More and more, we are now recognizing the need to understand the laws and principles governing energy so we can direct our lives in a meaningful way. Yet for many people, it is normal to go about their lives with their sensory awareness either shut down or ‘tuned out’. While people may appear functional, they are more like programmed drones responding to a set of obvious triggers, such as alarm clocks, traffic lights, microwave ‘beeps’, doorbells, car horns and television theme songs. Without a more sensitive, aware approach, we may also find ourselves in relationship difficulties because we are more apt to misinterpret subtle clues and read situations incorrectly.

    Yet, we can become more attuned to this energy, which permeates our existence, interacting with us on a daily basis enabling us to respond more appropriately to life. We can literally feel the tension and stress palpating the air as cities come ‘alive’ each morning with busy workers rushing to catch transport, meet deadlines and fulfil obligations. An observer witnessing this rat race would easily notice our seemingly mindless scurrying back and forth like caged rodents. Having personally experienced many years of stressful commuting, city smog and competing for time and space with the overworked multitudes, I found it very important to re-energize myself with regular breaks to the countryside. As I would drive past the city limits and see green rolling hills, my body would relax visibly. I would take deep, gratifying breathes of air and feel my whole body come alive again instead of being on ‘auto responder’. I was free of phones, laptops and the obligation to respond to the invasion that is social media and the internet. In the country, my senses came alive as I interacted with nature, walked by the river, felt the fresh morning dew or sat by a campfire and breathed in the sweet night air. Out in the natural environment, I was at one with birds and animals and was more in touch with natural cues from my body for food and sleep. I can assure you that when it came time to return to the city and get ready for the Monday madness, my insides would scream in resistance. Being bombarded by a multitude of unnatural energies was wearing me down.

    The Many Facets of Energy

    As we shall see, the energies that interact with us daily take various forms. I think of them in the following three ways: personal human energy, natural environmental energy and thirdly, energies that interact with us from other sources and intelligence, such as angels. These three forms of energy form the matrix of energy that interfaces with us constantly to provide information we require to function.

    All energy can be initiated into action by our thought processes, from a prayer to the Creator to a plea to the sky for rain, a decision to do the washing or the desire for a kiss. Thoughts create the cohesion between intent and matter. Imagine standing on a trampoline. Until you send the thought to your brain to jump, no impetus is given to create the energy for the required action. Think about jumping, and the bouncing fun begins. Therefore, thoughts form the basis for the minutist engagement of the energy principles, from lifting your head off the pillow in the morning to grander creations, like sending man to the Moon!

    Intention, infused within the initial thought process, triggers energy. This sequence of events culminates in words or actions and, ultimately, consequences. CON-SEQUENCE! This word literally means a learned sequence. In other words, a relationship of cause and effect is created when energy is activated with intent. In order to create effectively, thoughts must be focused on a desired result. We can see evidence of our undesired results when our thoughts become tangled and we end up tripping over while walking. Unfocused, we can create unexpected outcomes, even when engaging in basic functions such as body movements. It is important to pay attention.

    So many energetic clues abound to help us navigate our way. On a simple level, we understand that body language and voice tone can indicate a person’s mood or attitude, but what about the things we haven’t trained our ears to hear or our eyes to see, like the auric field around people or their unsaid thoughts? We have sayings for this awareness, such as reading between the lines.

    In a great modern movie called ‘What Women Want’, the protagonist is so pre-occupied with his ego that he misses the clues all around him, which, if noticed, would reveal that women didn’t respect him. An unusual accident opens up his telepathic ability to hear women’s thoughts, and he learns that his interpretation of the world, and his grand place in it, has been shallow.

    Luckily, we don’t have to be electrocuted to become telepathic. It is innate within our being to be so, and I believe the majority of humans will become actively telepathic within the next century.

    We do know, on some level, that energetic information is all around us: we talk about a person or an opportunity as having a good vibe. This is a colloquial way of saying there is a positive or harmonious vibrational frequency perceived by the observer. While we are partially aware of the energy frequencies around us some of the time, we can pick up other clues in the words we use. Here are some other sayings:

    ‘You could have cut the air with a knife’

    ‘You could have heard a pin drop’

    ‘She gave me a dark look’

    ‘He’s feeling blue’

    ‘I was so angry, I was seeing red’

    ‘I get a bad feeling’

    ‘A little bird told me’

    ‘It’s on the cards’

    ‘I was just thinking about you’

    ‘What a coincidence’

    ‘I’ve just had de ja vu’

    ‘I could smell it a mile away’

    ‘It was written in the stars’. …And so on.

    Folk stories and the like have existed throughout time to illustrate the nature of energy perceived through different levels of sensory awareness. Do you remember Goldilocks and the three bears? Someone has been sitting in my chair! Could you tell if someone had been sitting in a chair in your house, whilst you were absent? If so, what sensory perception would you use to become aware of this?

    Speaking of sitting, I will never forget the time I went to the doctors’ surgery and unknowingly sat in the lap of an old lady. I didn’t see her because she was there only in spirit (a ghost, if you like). I could definitely feel the texture of her etheric form as she sat waiting patiently for her doctor’s appointment, which would never come. The woman had not realized she was dead and had continued with her usual routine prior to passing. I sensed her indignation, that I should sit on her, so I promptly apologized.

    Once at a course on colour therapy the teacher mentioned that she disliked public transport because when she sat on a seat in the train, for instance, she would perceive a lot of energetic information about the person who had sat their previously, which she found most disconcerting.

    Signature Energies

    Energy is a form of intelligence, a compact information package, like a blueprint or DNA. Interesting studies have demonstrated that if you call out Hey to a specific person on a crowded street, 80% of the time the intended recipient will respond to the call.

    People hold a vibratory sequence, or matrix, specific to them. In this way, we are able to recognize their energy through their name, held with the intentional thought of them. This principle is used in communal healing prayers. In a bizarre event, I realized this applies even when you don’t know a person. I was at busy weekend markets in a tropical tourist area whilst on holidays. I saw a sign advertising psychic readings, so I thought I would have one. The problem was, there was no one there to read, and I only had one hour spare before my booked transport took me home. I asked a nearby stallholder if he knew the readers’ whereabouts, and he replied, It looks like he is not coming in today. (a fair comment, by early afternoon!) A bit miffed, I waded back through the throng of tourists and shoppers at the bustling market. Halfway towards the exit, I saw a man – just an ordinary man battling the crowds, like I was, and I thought, Thats’ him. I walked up to him and said Are you the Reader? And I was right! He was just going to set up, so I turned around and joined him back at his stall for a very good reading, and still caught the train afterwards.

    How could I have known he was the reader? I wasn’t looking for him. I had to have recognized his energy. That is to say, his purpose and who he was formed an energetic pattern, which I interpreted. This story illustrates the power of our radar of awareness, to pick up clues and reassemble the information into verifiable facts. Such ability could be thought of as the foundation for intuition.

    Everybody leaves a signature and a trail of energy wherever they go.

    And wherever their thoughts go.

    And wherever their desires go.

    And wherever their astral bodies go.

    Nothing goes unseen or unnoticed - no murder, no lie, no theft, no kindness, no dream, no prayer and no donation. All things are recorded within the matrix.

    Angels everywhere see where our energy goes, and humans are now reinstating their innate power to sense the same. That makes now a really good time to learn to always be honest and live with integrity. It might be difficult to be a bank or a government once everyone gets his or her telepathic truth radars going!

    So powerful is our energetic signature, and that of animals, that Aboriginal trackers in Australia are able to detect the movements and actions of people and wildlife sometimes a long time after they have left the area. Other tribal people have similar abilities to tune into the energies left behind by others. This ability is used for hunting and safety indicating a natural human propensity for survival.

    People’s sensory systems are violated when their homes have been burgled because the perpetrator leaves his energy signature all over the house, imposing upon the owners’ sense of privacy and safety. In everyday situations, you need to learn to clear away unwanted energies imposed upon you and your immediate environment so that you can continue to perceive energy clearly, but more on that later.

    There are different ways to perceive energies. Sometimes we can smell the unseen. My deceased father’s presence is heralded with the aroma of toast. (It’s a family joke, because my mother had always rationed him to one or two pieces of toast for breakfast, but unsupervised, he would grab more!) From time to time the living might pay us a visit without their body through thought or astral projection (in their spirit body). Energetically, they impart a smell associated with them as a clue to their presence. One night I awoke to the smell of marijuana, which is a smell I dislike. I was immediately able to associate this signature energy with the ex-husband of an acquaintance whom I had supported that day at her family court hearing. The man was obviously resentful that I had been helpful and protective of her, as evidenced by the negativity he projected towards me, either subconsciously during his sleep or deliberately while smoking the drug.

    Using Energy Responsibly

    As all thoughts are energy, the ether is immensely polluted by people’s uncontrolled thoughts, desires, fantasies and manifestations. Thoughts of unrequited love, malice, jealousy and even self-condemnation all reach their targets. Most of us would be appalled to think we were sending out negative energy that could be detrimental to another person or situation. But what counts most with the use of energy is Intent. Where mal-intent is deliberate, you can be absolutely certain that the universal Law of Karma will come into play, and you won’t like the magnification effect of your creation returning to you big time! The ‘return to sender’ karmic parcel might look much worse than the one you sent. You might think it’s okay to wish a person bad luck or stick pins in someone’s photo, but would you do such a thing, if you knew that it would put you in a wheel-chair?

    I hope you get the gist of the potential consequences, because I would rather not belabour the point. I would prefer to tackle the positive potential. If you are ready to understand how to interpret and use energy for your greater good and the good of humanity, then you will need to be working out of a high level of responsibility and integrity. Moreover, you will also be rewarded, as different forms of energy and Beings of Light will reveal themselves to you if you do so.

    I think of understanding the principles of energy as engaging the ‘five I’s’: Intention, Integrity, Intuition, Insight and Inspiration.

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