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A Year of Plague
A Year of Plague
A Year of Plague
Ebook58 pages42 minutes

A Year of Plague

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About this ebook

A Year of Plague is a sprawling story of survival and heart that winds its way across the world, from the streets of downtown Minneapolis during the #BLM protests to the plundered streets of Mombasa in the midst of the worst locust plague in over a century. Follow Elizabeth and Roland as they struggle to survive the most trying of circumstances

Release dateSep 1, 2020
A Year of Plague

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    Book preview

    A Year of Plague - Landon Rogers


    Elizabeth felt a wave of fear wash over her as she stepped out of the chaotic streets of downtown Minneapolis and into the quiet art gallery. She scratched at an itch between her fingers as she removed the mask from her face.

    Kenya shut down all flights in and out due to COVID19, Elizabeth said to her husband, Roland, who was busy arranging a display of local surrealist art in the front corner of their gallery.

    Sarah still stuck there? Roland asked.

    Sarah, Elizabeth’s sister, was a missionary and her husband Bruce was a doctor. They worked in coordination with programs like Doctors Without Borders to provide aide to underdeveloped communities. They were supposed to be back stateside this spring but continual shutdowns due to the plague of COVID19 that had swept across the nation had stranded them in their tiny village near the Somali border and they were struggling to survive.

    Yes, her and Bruce are still stranded. Elizabeth replied. What’s worse is that they are completely out of medicine since the borders are also closed. Food is short too. Sarah said some of the guardsmen told them if things don’t get better they will need to leave their outpost soon and go back to one of the other outposts in Nairobi or Mombasa.

    Sorry, Roland replied as he took a step back to look at the display. How does it look?

    Elizabeth looked at the display and shrugged, she wasn’t that interested. She didn’t really care for art that much anyways, funny as it sounded, seeing as how her husband owned the gallery.

    I don’t know babe, you’re the artist.

    I used to be an artist, he reminded her. He hadn’t painted in years; his only surviving work was almost hidden on the back wall. It was an oil painting of a cityscape, a painting he didn’t consider worthy to be in the gallery, but Elizabeth had persisted. Roland was meticulous in the presentation and layout of art in his gallery. To Roland, a gallery is a microcosm of the world. That’s why his gallery, his microcosm of the universe, didn’t showcase his work, but rather the worthier of the local artists, as well as some scattered prints of Picasso or Matisse and the off and on Kandinsky giclees he felt were notable.

    I have to admit, Roland said, eyeing the display, this arrangement looks good.

    It does look good, Elizabeth agreed. But I think it’s time you cleaned up your brushes and started painting again. Your stuff was way better than this.

    You’re too kind. Roland replied. You must be trying to persuade me in to taking you out for dinner.

    No, I mean it. But now that you mention it…..dinner does sound good. Elizabeth smiled.

    It does, Roland agreed.

    So, they put on their masks as they left Roland’s safe and neatly arranged microcosm and ventured out into the uncertain macrocosm, where box stores churned out mass produced but ‘unique’ widgets. Where celebrities gave religious advice, where sports figures were worshiped as religious figures and where actual religious leaders dressed like sports figures. The real world, where restaurants sold frozen dinners for fortunes. Where looters looted each other, and where coronavirus was scrawled in big letters across the screen of every channel on every television.

    The real world.

    Where thieves lay in wait for couples out to dinner.


    Elizabeth and Roland walked together down Columbus Street, just a block away from the art gallery. The streets were mostly

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