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A Living Hell
A Living Hell
A Living Hell
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A Living Hell

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JUSTIN WILLIAMSON (13) is a typical small-town boy who is about to discover some of life's hardest lessons. Everything can change in the blink of an eye. Everything can be taken away.

Justin's parents have filed for divorcee and things are going to get interesting. It does not take long for things to be ripped ap

Release dateJul 27, 2020
A Living Hell

Wyatt Wilkinson

Wyatt was born and raised in Southwestern Ontario and currently lives in Windsor, Ontario. He is a certified chef for the coast guard and a Golf & Country Club. His background includes business management, union steward, and hotel/ restuarant management. He runs a small business on the side Walkerville Candles & Gifts which can also be purchased on Amazon. He is currently in a relationship for the last 18 years. His hobbies include scuba diving, cycling, working out and his family at home which includes 2 dogs and 2 cats.

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    A Living Hell - Wyatt Wilkinson



    Wyatt Wilkinson

    Copyright © 2020 by Wyatt Wilkinson


    All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or manner, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system, without the express written permission of the copyright owner except for the use of brief quotations in a book review or other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.


    Created in the United States of America

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2020910966

    ISBN:Softcover 978-1-64908-001-1

    eBook 978-1-64908-000-4

    Republished by: PageTurner Press and Media LLC

    Publication Date: 6/11/2020


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    A Living Hell


    The events in this book are fictional. The names of the people involved are fictional as well as the location. People do nasty things everywhere. It is a story of a small town filled with nasty little secrets if by chance any of the events strike close to home it is strictly coin cidental.

    To anyone who has been the butt end of a practical joke, the subject of ridicule, or disrespect- This one is for you. It does get better. I will tackle bullying, homophobia, judgmental religious bigots, hate of all kinds, and backstabbing. Some incidents are vile and despicable as well as offensive. These incidents are not intended to give you good ideas to torment someone. Please hold the judgment. They have a purpose. I wanted to make it as real as possible. The nasty things we do holds no bounds and neither did I in the following pages.

    The day will come when you are exonerated and sweet revenge can be yours. However, never act out in violence. Cuts and bruises heal. The fact that you have overcome and have risen to the top lasts a lifetime. Success is the weapon of choice. Use it wisely.

    Keep in mind that even the most putrid water becomes drinkable. People do change over time. The biggest twat you know may become a friend one day. If you are an asshole, you may become a better person too. We have all made mistakes and done nasty things to one another. We are in one point of view all assholes to someone.

    Nasty deeds can cause resentment, anger, hatred, and even worse: suicide or murder. It is unhealthy to dwell on them. You are not a defense attorney that will use past problems to justify the way you treat others. It is never an excuse and the pity party has to end sometime. The sooner, the better. Let them go. I will give the way I apologize and the meaning behind it in time. I know it is easier said than done. Some cuts are deeper than others but they heal all the same. It may just take longer but the scar remains.

    The scar is the memory of what happened and the lesson learned. Will you ever trust or talk to the person who inflicted it on you again? It is possible but not always likely. This is not intended to be a fantasy world where we all hold hands and sing songs together. That is just a lie and I won’t waste your time trying to feed it to you. Use your better judgment. We have all had enemies that became friends and others remain enemies or better yet, forgotten. Left to the side of the road like roadkill. Life is a highway, right?

    I wrote this book to be a guide. Imagine a new puppy, how do you want it to grow up and behave? Do you want it to be nasty and vicious? Easy way to do that isn’t it? Beat it, mistreat it, starve it, yell, swear and torment it. You’ll have your wish. I hope you have a kennel and sleep with one eye open. If you don’t, it will turn on you. Do you want it to be loving, loyal, and, great to be around? Train it, feed it regularly, give it attention, and reinforce the positive behaviors with rewards and you will have your wish.

    We get angry towards bad pet owners for raising vicious dogs and want to help every time an animal is mistreated. However, humans are the same. It’s amazing how many times we turn a blind eye to a child being excessively punished in public or worse. It’s none of our business. We even do it ourselves to each other and wonder why the guy in the office snapped one day. How did you treat him? Did you stop others from mistreating him?

    Have you ever bullied someone in school or at work? The kid that gets cornered and beat up at lunch because he is a little different can grow up and becomes hateful and wants revenge just like the puppy. Is he/ she going to get it whether it’s through passive-aggressive ways like losing your mortgage paperwork, giving the job your more qualified for to someone else, or setting you up for failure? Or even worse yet, an act of violence? They may even commit suicide. Or is he/ she going to move past it? Are you?

    This book is filled with incidents of bullying and revenge whether it is violent or passive-aggressive behavior. However, human nature is hard to predict. Blame the deed, not the breed is what we say for animals labeled as dangerous such as pit bulls. What do we say for the bullied when they lash out? They were odd, a loner, psycho and didn’t fit in. I’ve always wondered how they got there. Bullying and the way there were raised and treated? The fact is, they haven’t learned to get past it. How to move on.

    Remember: How do you want the puppy to behave? Better yet, How do you want others to treat you?

    Chapter 1

    Derry is your typical small town of 3,000 souls or less. A one traffic light town with a down town core that stretches 3 to 4 blocks in either direction. It will have a small hardware store, a couple of convenience stores, a library, a grocery store, three or four restaurants, a small furniture store, a bank, a mechanic, a gas station or two a coffee shop and of course a liquor store. It will have two schools with one being in town and the other just on the outskirts and of course three or four churches. Industry is usually small, perhaps a mill and maybe a fishery or two and maybe even a small factory.

    It’s a place where everyone waves and knows everyone else. They always seem to give off the Happiest place to be persona and are depicted as such in the movies. If you believe that, you probably believe in Santa and the Easter bunny too. Not everyone is going to like everyone just because you happen to live in a small place.

    Nestled on the North Shore of Lake McLaughlin, this quaint little town of 3,000 lives to boast itself as the Greatest Place To Be. With its nice beaches, great fishing, hiking trails, community boat ramp and nearby camping, it’s the Greatest Place To Be.

    I have so many memories of this place, it’s hard to know where to begin. Well, let’s start with me. I have the pleasure of being the dreaded middle child. Born in the mid 70’s in this sleepy dead end town. John Cougar Mellencamp always makes these places sound great. I still don’t get it but anyway ...

    We lived by the water on the opposite side of the street. My name is Justin Williamson. Like I said I am the middle child and man does it suck. The stereotypical middle child according to assortment says that the middle child typically feels neglected, insecure, and like to go with the flow. They are loners and have trouble with relationships and have trouble keeping them due to lack of interest. They are not over achievers and like to just get by typically in school and career. They are artistic and creative but don’t work well under pressure. They will start many projects but rarely keep enough focus to finish. A career in writing, journalism and creative out leads are the best career options. Anything with flexible hours and constant project changes are ideal for middle children. relationships are not always the best but however a last born maybe a good match.

    Ok I did the cliff notes version but now it’s time to tear it apart since it is placing everyone in one basket that happens to be a middle child. Let’s look at what is right in my case and my case only. Everyone is different so fortune cookie assessments aren’t always accurate. Ok neglected, insecure- yes. Go with the flow depends on the situation. I like to lead too. The loner part- please, this is strictly based on your environment and the lack of others your age and interest similarities in the immediate demographic.

    As for relationships, my current is 12 years and still going. Vague generalizations don’t really stand up, maybe the ones that were interviewed for the study (if one even took place) fit that category but then again not everyone is the same. I got by in some subjects in school that were mandatory but didn’t keep my interest. Everyone does that. Forget the generalizations.

    The creativity comment is a generalization that applies to everyone. Everyone has creative tendencies and abilities. As for pressure, there are lots of people who don’t like working under pressure. It depends what I am doing and what the pressure is. I know lots of people who stat projects and don’t always finish. Sometimes your interests change or your career and family take focus away from the projects. It’s based on priority. Your children and family should take precedence over finishing a bookshelf in your woodshop.

    * * *

    I remember taking the bus at a young age where I had a large fat kid and neighbor who used to take his lunch in a picnic basket every day. I dreaded getting an aisle seat. Within a few hundred yards of my bus stop, he’d get on. He’s waddle down the aisle with his picnic basket held out in front of him huffing and puffing all the way to the back of the bus bumping his fat ass into everyone who had the unfortunate aisle seat. Those ham hocks for legs and that fat ass stampeding down the aisle every damn day picnic basket in hand and there was always a smell that followed him. A lovely mixture of sweat and flatulence. Luckily for me, this was only for a year.

    Don’t get me wrong, some of my friends were considered fat and to get the record perfectly straight, I don’t have a problem with people being overweight. Sometimes they can’t help it whether it’s a glandular abnormality or a slow metabolism. There are those out there who don’t know how to cook other than premade, processed foods. There’s an array of issues. I may bring it into an argument or disagreement just as easily as a skinny person being an anorexic bitch. We all know the words and insults and have used them so spare me the judgment.

    Anyway, I didn’t have much interaction with him other than having his fat ass in my face every morning. Our dads didn’t get along from when they were kids and they still manage to hate each other to this day. I’ve always loved how parents tell their kids to get along with others when they are just as bad at holding a grudge. Life is full of hypocrisies and double standards, get used to it.

    We had a black lab and one day she was gone after more than 7 years of ownership. I was 12 years old at the time. I was walking down the street the one day and fat ass’s dad stopped me on the street.

    Hey kid, come here, he said from the edge of his yard. I went over. He was fatter than his son. The whole family was fat.

    Hi, I said

    I just wanted to let you know I shot your dog, he said smugly.

    No, she died in the field, she was old. I responded. That’s what dad told me anyway.

    Your dad told you that, didn’t he? That’s bullshit. I shot it. he said menacingly.

    No, you didn’t, I said giving him a nasty look. The nerve of some people. The gal to say that to a kid.

    Oh but I did and if I had my rifle now I would shoot you too. You better hope I don’t see you alone like you usually are. You probably will grow up to be a loser like your dad anyway< he said with a menacing grin.

    I’d rather be loser than a fat pig like you! I shot back fighting back I was scared. The look of shock on his face was priceless. I would have been in so much trouble to talk to an adult like that but in this case there would have been an acceptation.

    Oh you have a big mouth for a little twerp and it’s going to get you in trouble now run home before I go and get my gun, he said bent over to look me in the face. with a soft, menacing tone. It was creepy. He stood up and sneered and shouted. Go!! Get out of here!! I ran. There was no way that sack of shit could catch up to me without his truck.

    Now if that were today, things would get really ugly. After I punch him in the face and kick him in the gut on the way down. I’d push him over backwards to see if he would be helpless like a turtle on his back. Then the insults. Mission Impossible: Finding your penis. Isn’t that right fat ass? Kick him while he’s down and then punch him in the face again. Here I thought fat people were supposed to jolly. Another blow to the face.

    Now I know why you have such a long face. Your wife has to lift more than 100 pounds of fat just to find something the size of a pimple. You’re a fat piece of shit! I would punch his face a few more times and remind him next time will be worse. Now if I throw a twinky, will you leave? Follow with another blow to the face. Yes, I have anger issues. He shot my dog and rubbed it in my face. The fact is he picked on a kid because he didn’t have the guts to do it to an adult. The jerk off deserves to bleed and have bruises. Today, this is the type of spineless loser who would hide behind a computer and post nasty stuff online.

    I of course went home and told him what fat ass told me. He was pissed right off. It was true. Dad retaliated by shooting his 2 dogs. One messed up neighborhood. Luckily that dispute was over and I was never approached by the swine again.

    I have an older brother, Anthony, and a younger sister Kelly. We live on one of the most boring roads in North America. Nowhere near anything remotely exciting. There was a small woodlot at the end of the road across from my best friend’s house. We’ll call her Michelle. The woodlot was used mostly for the older kids to go in and smoke and drink behind their parents backs. There really isn’t much to do in a small town other than smoking and drinking. Yes, smoking implies cigarettes and weed. Sadly, substance abuse will grace the following pages on numerous occasions. It seems to be a trend in small towns. It’s really expected in large cities. I’ll blame the movies for that. Let it be a wakeup call for you. It’s everywhere.

    Inside the woodlot there were poorly constructed forts, lean-tos and make shift camping areas where you could set up a tent and party the weekend away. It’s a small town and there’s usually one or two cops maximum. In our case, there was one. The concern was mainly the downtown area and he worked days. There were patrols downtown on the weekend. They really didn’t bother with the rural areas. Nothing happens in the rural areas or at least it isn’t reported.

    I can remember growing up with these people and I didn’t really fit in with anyone other than Michelle, her twin brother Mike and older brother Alex.I’d go down to their house to play while my brother would hang out with his friends and my sister with hers. There were times I did hang out with my brother’s friends, that usually ended with me being the 5th wheel and then the subject of ridicule or some sort of practical joke or prank. If I didn’t go along with it, it was usually Justin, go home! I always shrugged and said, See ya. Jerks.

    You know that hollow, sinking feeling in the middle of your chest when nobody cares or you feel you aren’t wanted? That got to be my best friend. I think I know that feeling more than anyone. Every time I was victim to a mean spirited practical joke or prank. Every time I got made fun of for one reason or another. My little black hole would show up right on time and suck every ounce of happiness out of my life with every nasty comment, prank and rude gesture I got. Maybe if I had someone stand up for me once in a while, it wouldn’t have been so bad. When you get picked on or humiliated, it’s always a group effort.

    I fought with one of my brother’s friends little brothers on my front lawn. For clarity there’s only two years difference. He knocked me down and pinned me and rubbed me in the grass. That’s when I found out I was allergic. There were no punches exchanged or if there was it wasn’t hard. The itching from the grass was nasty.

    Give me a potato peeler and I would have peeled the skin off for some relief. Man the itching, then the bumps started forming on my arms. I bucked him off and ran in the house. Of course they started to tell everyone at school I ran in bawling. It was to clean up and stop the damn itching. Of course nobody believed me when I mentioned the itching and reaction. Forget the fact there wasn’t a bump or bruise anywhere on my body from the little skirmish. I got my ass kicked by someone’s baby brother. Isn’t it funny how stories change or are made up along the way. I still get the bumps on my arms after I cut the grass. Just follow the trail of clothing to the bathroom when I’m done.

    When I hung out with my sister’s friends, it was even worse. Dolls, makeovers and some other lame ass crap for a boy to do. You know who got the makeover. Yup, then the jokes. I just have one question. What the hell was I thinking? Yup, that’s one for the therapists.

    The other kids in my class at my elementary school were complete jerks. I didn’t want to hang with them at all. Mean sons of bitches would be putting it mildly. They were your typical white middle class blue collar working class offspring.

    The teachers had their favorites too. For gym class, the most athletic boys and girls were always elected as captains and rarely was it rotated to be fair. Usually within the same 6 people, class after class. They’d pick their friends and then work their way down the class and size selections of the class. Athletic boys first, the odd athletic girl followed by the fat kid, someone of another race or origin, the skinny kids and by the 6th and 7th grade, me. Dead last. I was the smallest boy by that time. Isn’t that just terrific? My attitude was if you are picked last, they really don’t want you to play anyway. Screw them, I didn’t. I spent my class warming up the bench. I had a gym teacher who hated me. They say they don’t hate any of their students. That’s a lie. Satan’s mistress hated my guts.

    There was a class where she set up the high jump and another student, Mike, went and jumped over the bar. She looked at him and smiled. Then the pressure was on for me to go. I ran jumped and of course knocked over the bar. She glared at me.

    Did I say it was ok to go?! she screamed at me in front of the whole class.

    They told me to go after Mike, I responded.

    I’ll tell you when to go! Get back in line and wait until I give the instructions!! she yelled.

    Cunt I said under my breath, rolled my eyes and went and sat on bench.

    For the record, this word is not only used as a vulgar description of female genitalia but also means an unpleasant or stupid person by Wikipedia. A contemptible person by another. Can’t Understand Normal Thinking as an acronym. A meaning I enjoy is for a mean or obnoxious person for whom you have contempt. Another definition is a person so vile without any redeeming features. Yes she is. Case Closed. I will limit the use of that word. If it ever loses its power we are all screwed. It is a show stopper.

    When you use the word, it has the genuine power of shock. Mostly everyone will stop dead in their tracks and stop whatever they are doing. One can hear a pin drop after its use. I love it. Now you have the their full, undivided attention. What you should have had in the first place before pulling out such a word. When it’s effects are non-existent, we are screwed.

    I have used it to describe gay males and it is held in high regard in that circle. I sometimes will offer the twat waffle (in lieu of the other word) answer to a question. Let’s face it, it will be sarcastic, condescending or brutally honest and you probably don’t want to hear it. It is a very useful word like fuck. I have friends where we call each other a cunt and it is a pleasurable. Seriously people need to stop being so sensitive. I worked with sisters who would call each other that word for no reason. I am not offended. Keep in mind in places like Australia, the word is used frequently and the most offensive word you can say there is mother fucker. They take it literally- you fuck your mother. For this you will die.

    My friends couldn’t believe it. What a bitch. She smiles at Mike and yells at me and berates me in front of the whole class. Satan’s mistress it is. Medusa would be jealous. My friends complained to the principal afterwards. I went home and told my dad. It turns out that Mrs. Winter’s husband worked with his and was a known stool pigeon and whiner and they didn’t get along at all. Now it makes sense. Can’t get even with dad, have the wife take it out on his kid. What a vindictive, spineless whore.

    This is where I think my behavior problems began. That bitch was rude, disrespectful and just plain mean. I should have called her that just to see the reaction and watch the fireworks. I have no respect for people like that and never will. I wouldn’t take her crap any more. I was a good kid until that point. Game on. I had one other altercation with her and this time I turned around and called her a fat, stupid pig right to her face. Disrespect me again. I was sent to the office and explained what I did and why. This is a behavior I still do to this day. I despise rude people especially if it isn’t called for. I am rude only when someone is rude first. Game on ass-hat.

    A meeting was set up and of course my dad went to it and laid it on the table on how she was just plain disrespectful and rude to me for sport. How he works with Mr. Winters and how they have their differences. I didn’t get anything for discipline. I think my dad was proud of me for standing up for myself. I didn’t really do that much. I was a doormat as a kid. It felt good telling her off. I did better in grade 8, we’ll get to that soon enough. Let’s just say it’s worth the wait.

    I can give instances when we were in grade 6 and if you stood up in class and gave a piece of news from current events, you could tell a joke. Clean of course, this is elementary school. I would flip through our English book because it had jokes in the bottom of the page in small print and use one of those. Cheesy but to a grade 6 kid, a little funny. I’d give the news and then deliver my joke. They didn’t find it funny or get it. The funniest part is, a couple of weeks later we got to it. The teacher read it from the bottom.

    Why do firefighter wear suspenders? To keep their pants up.

    It’s from a children’s grade 6 English book. The funniest part was it had to be explained to these idiots. The teacher at the time said it was funny because you are looking for a funny answer and there isn’t one. When he read, he laughed. It only took two weeks too. When I read it, he didn’t get it. Two weeks later, it’s funny. I wonder how long it’ll take for the dullards to clue in who I am really talking about. At the rate of memory loss and the rate of aging, I should be in a wheel chair and in a nursing home or dead before it clues in. By then they’ll forget it five minutes later or be on their death bed anyway. Let’s face it, I am safe either way.

    I am going to jab several insults at these people throughout this book, and I am not going to dummy it down so they get it. It’s more fun keeping the dimwitted in suspense. The vacant expressions followed by the feeble attempts to get the insult and by the time they do, you are already gone. Isn’t it fun to let them stew on it?

    I know I am being hypocritical when it comes to these people, however, I do have my reasons. They were mean spirited and cruel to whoever didn’t fit in with them or who they thought to be worthy. There was a girl we went to school with throughout and I didn’t get to know her until grade 8 when she was 15. Let’s call her Kathy. Kathy was from Mexico and immigrated to America with her family I n grade 3, I think. She didn’t speak much English at the time and was instantly a 2nd or 3rd class citizen according to the children of privilege. I was quiet and kept to myself and most certainly didn’t join in on the taunting, teasing and

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