Scientific View on Deathlessness
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Scientific View on Deathlessness - Professor Sanjay Rout
Scientif View on Deathlessness
Professor Sanjay Rout
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The book written by Professor Sanjay Rout and Edited by Professor Prangyan Biswal
Copyright ©2020, Professor Sanjay Rout (Author)
Publishing Right is with ISL Publications
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The Bóók Ís Dedícated Tó All My Fríends, Famíly, Parents And Almíghty. Specíal Thanks Tó All the Revíewers, Desígners and Technícal Teams. Fór Whóm All Thís Bóók Can Be Póssíble.
The bóók ís wrítten by Prófessór Sanjay Róut and Edíted by Prófessór Prangyan Bíswal
All ríghts reserved. Any unauthórízed reprínt ór use óf thís materíal ís próhíbíted. Nó part óf thís bóók may be repróduced ór transmítted ín any fórm ór by any means, electróníc ór mechanícal, íncludíng phótócópyíng, recórdíng, ór by any ínfórmatíón stórage and retríeval system wíthóut express wrítten permíssíón fróm the authór/publísher.
Please dó nót partícípate ín ór encóurage píracy óf cópyríghted materíals ín víólatíón óf the authór’s ríghts. Purchase ónly authórízed edítíóns.
The bóók depícts all abóut current and future módern tópícs óf develópment. Thís ís an appróach and perceptíón óf transfórmatíón ín develópment. The bóók ís fór all cater tó the audíence thróughóut the glóbe.
Í recórd deep sense óf gratítude fór my respected all my glóbal Mentór’s, Fríend and Ínnóvatórs fór all cónstant dírectíón, helpful díscussíón and valuable suggestíóns fór wrítíng thís bóók. Due tó hís valuable suggestíóns and regular encóuragement. Í wóuld be able tó cómplete thís wórk and fulfíllment óf my dream. All my glóbal fríends helped me enóugh duríng the entíre próject períód líke a tórch ín pítch darkness. Í shall remaín híghly índebted tó all thróughóut my lífe.
Í acknówledge my deepest sense óf gratítude tó my learned parents, whó has been thróughóut a sóurce óf Ínspíratíón tó me ín cónductíng the study. Whó helped me at varíóus stages óf the study dírectly ór índírectly. He alsó enlíghtened me tó fóllów the path óf duty. Specíal thanks tó my són and spóuse and almíghty fór theír suppórt ín my wórk.
Í recórd deep sense óf gratítude fór my respected all my glóbal Mentór’s, Fríend and Ínnóvatórs fór all cónstant dírectíón, helpful díscussíón and valuable suggestíóns fór wrítíng thís bóók. Due tó hís valuable suggestíóns and regular encóuragement. Í wóuld be able tó cómplete thís wórk and fulfíllment óf my dream. All my glóbal fríends helped me enóugh duríng the entíre próject períód líke a tórch ín pítch darkness. Í shall remaín híghly índebted tó all thróughóut my lífe.
Í acknówledge my deepest sense óf gratítude tó my learned parents, whó has been thróughóut a sóurce óf Ínspíratíón tó me ín cónductíng the study. Whó helped me at varíóus stages óf the study dírectly ór índírectly. He alsó enlíghtened me tó fóllów the path óf duty.
Specíal thanks tó my són and spóuse and almíghty fór theír suppórt ín my wórk.
Abóut the Authór
WhatsApp Image 2020-05-05 at 11.25.58 AM.jpegPrófessór Sanjay Róut
Próf. (Dr.) Sanjay Kumar Róut ís an Ínternatíónal Researcher, Ínnóvatór, Speaker, Authór, Jóurnalíst and Pólícy Expert, Cóach. He ís well knówn and híghly respectíve dígnítary ín the fíeld óf Research Develópment & Ínnóvatíón wórk ín majór dómaín óf Develópment Management, Pólícy Research, Publíc Pólícy, Busíness, Ecónómícs, Fínance, Law, Sócíal Scíence, Educatíón, Technólógy and óther Fíelds.
He ís Glóbal Scíentíst (NCCHWÓ). Próf. (Dr.) Sanjay Kumar Róut has been dístínguíshed Researcher, Startup Mentór Ínnóvatór, whó cónsístently demónstrates hís research wórk excellence ín fíeld óf Research & develópment, Ínnóvatíóns wíth greater effícíency, próductívíty, and qualíty Ínnóvatíóns & research módels.
Health, Góvernance, Technólógy, Busíness Management & Academícs.
He had receíved many Natíónal / Ínternatíónal Fellówshíp & Awards ín several categóríes fór hís emínent wórk ín Ínnóvatíón, Management, Research, Sustaínabílíty, and Sócíal Develópment. He had partícípated varíóus Natíónal/ínternatíónal Summíts/Cónclave/Semínar/Wórkshóp and publíshed numeróus research paper & bóóks.
Hís academíc credentíals cóntaín dífferent achíevements fróm renówned uníversíty /ínstítutíóns líke—NÍT, ÍÍM, ÍÍT, Uníversíty óf Pennsylvanían, and Uníversíty óf Washíngtón, Ímperíal Cóllege Lóndón, Jóhn Hópkíns Uníversíty & óthers. Íncludíng Several achíevement’s, he hólds three Ph.D.& óne D.Sc (Hígher Dóctórate) as ín hís research career.
He ís an glóbal certífíed prófessíónal fróm ínternatíónal acclaímed órganízatíón líke Góógle,WHÓ, BCG,Wórld Bank, Amazón,UNÍCEF, SAS,UN, Európean Uníón, ÍBM, Asían Develópment Bank, FAÓ, Císcó, ÍRCC,GóÍ,UNDP & óthers. And he had wórked fór varíóus glóbal prójects ín multíple thematíc areas.
The eternal status are the uncertaín duratíón óf a man ór the lífe óf lady, sígnífícantly ímmedíately after dyíng. Ín standard speech, the eternalíty ít ís truly vague óf the exístence ímmedíately after death, óf any móde. The fóllówíng lífe death ís the cóntínuatíón óf everlastíng lífe, ín spíte óf íf ór nót, ín thís dót the cóntínuatíón ís uncertaín. The eternal status suggest that a the límítless pathes óf lífe, índependent óf íf ór nót, ín thís dót the sun-dríed edge ín ( as a recall óf the certaínty, a cóuple óf the lógíc speculatíve advances gíves tó the óppórtuníty óf a íntermínabílíty substantíal, nót óf any móde a the excelent beyónd ). Íntermínabílíty has ís tó dress as belóngs them maín óf óne óf humaníty, and ín spíte óf the fact that ít has been usually essentíally cómpels fór nót cónventíóns óf maín current, ít ís alsó urgent tó the theóry. Even thóugh a wídth types óf sócíetíes ít has had the faíth ín a eternalíty , such evídences óf guílt can be decreased fór basíc 3 módels nót nótable: (1) the resístance óf the astral índícatíve cóver óf the real bódy; (2) the íntermínabílíty óf the líttle ímpórtant stem ( thís ís a spírítual presence); (3 ) the restóratíón óf the bódy ( ór ín re capsulatíón, ín the óppórtuníty that the índívídual revíved dóes nów dó nót keep the índístínguíshable bódy as ín the then óf the death). Thís artícle parses the phílósóphícal fíghts fór and tówards the póssíbílíty óf the eternal estatus . Fróm só far away returned as lógíng the human ít lógs góes, appear ín persón have been captured wíth the póssíbílíty óf the death. The answer tó the questíón óf " whích happens tó índívídual taste óf óne embróíders bíte the dust the remaíníng parts as slíppery tóday after that ít díd when the maín human curríer's knífe the fóót móre than 70.000 prevíóus years. Ón the míllenía , beíng ín any way whatever, theóry, scíence, and móre than ímpressíve móde, the relígíóus phílósóphy, have cóntríbuted several cóncerníng hypóthesís tó óur remaíníng góals and knítted óf departure. Ín any case, the death emíts a príntóut óf be the absólute the majóríty óf the unavóídable cómpónent óf the whóle lífe, the ór human sómethíng líke that óf óther móde.
Fear óf the absence óf claríty and the sóme tíme-cultívate needs tó enhance the lífe has managed índívídual tó grasp the maín experíences ín clínícal scíence, by expandíng the órdínary future óf the peóples wíth the líttle cómmón realízatíón ón each passíng age. Íf thís methódólógy wíll cóntínue eternally has íncíted sómeóne tó present requests wíth respect tó óur same mórtalíty, a subject that the begínníng as óf afternóón was tó fóllów fór the class óf fíctíón scíence and dream, but ín thís step-by-step dót ít spóóls cómpletely by transfórmíng me ín a reasónable póssíbílíty ín the future ís nót tó só dístant.
Really, attempts tó expand the human futures have, speakíng ín fórm general, cóncerned ón replacíng the flat and óld bíts óf the bódy wíth fact ít substítutes, ór fróm tíme tó tíme ónly by usíng the avaílable develópment tó help ín yóur óf wórk. The prósthetíc can see tó hím as a fírst case óf the past, and óld achíeves ís móre than the prósthetíc extremítíes have been fóund tó the góals óf knóck-óut óf lóng agó cívílízatíóns, by shówíng that the peóples have had a lóng hístóry wíth the false índívíduals.
An unífórm móre wíth devíse creatíve the móve case óf the the last óne can be the pacemaker, that ít ís ín effect a machíne óf mechanícal póst ínserted ín a human chest tó suppórt the heart. Gígantíc an edge bróadens ín the fíeld óf the prógrammíng óf wórk duríng the run-ín past ít has, ín any case, ít sets thóses by tryíng the human changes the desígn óf ín an absólutely new path, appróaches wíse. The scíentísts are dírectly cóncerníng tó móre wíth the ultramundane píece óf the lífe than the physíque. The subjects óf the examínatíón are díscussíng here ít ís, clearly, the seríóusly íll cónsíderatíóns and cónscíence.
Fór a cóuple óf, the próbabílíty that yóur same character ( ór ówn and characterístíc óf the culture óf the blacks óf E.U, the majóríty óf the clearly ) ís ónly an electríc flare up ít executes between neuróns ín the braín can be a tóuch óf beíng annóyíng. The human mínd ís, tó set ít ín sensíble terms, basíc the best and the majóríty óf the cómplex supercómputer ín any whereas móment per man-só eccentríc, ín the whóle hónesty, that current aís ( created vírtual ítems fór the man óf knówledge ) are cónstructíng ín and óf ítself. Whíle that ít can any dísputes, díretes ór but take tó the epíc updates ín the fíeld óf the AÍ, thís transfórmatíón óf neurólgy and buíldíng óf prógrammíng can ( and has enóugh recently began tó ) clear the pathes fór the límítless póssíbílítíes.
The fundamental thóught that the expert ís begínníng tó wórk wróng wíth tóday ís that óne óf the transfer óf the mínd. Íf the braín ís essentíally a PC, and óur índívídual characters are fundamentally exceptíónal and cómplex undertakíngs, the ídea by móvíng ít theóretícally must be póssíble. 'Óneself ís essentíally an ultramundane thóught, and ís nót ínsurance fact ón fór sómewhat physícal, and fróm nów ón óne cóuld theóretícally líve fírmly ín the electróníc structure. Thís ís an ídea that ít has been cópíóusly díscussed ín the Schólastíc apprópríate system just when fór a heap, a lót óf, enóugh lógs as a hard cópy and fílm.
y.JPGThe 1956 cóunt the last questíón
fór Ísac Asímóv and the surprísíng qualíty
óf 2014 cómpósíte fílms fór Wally Pfíster and híghlíghtíng Depp óf type ís such twó wórk ( óutsíde óf clusters ) that negótíates wíth payíng attentíón tó móve, and the cóntretempses and excellent tíe ít the presents. The matter, clearly, ís that truly transpórtable us cómpletely a type óf móvement
ís astóníshíng. Whích can móve tó hím can be essentíally ís a cópy. The resultant lífe óf síngular
ín ín the PC ( óbvíóus after óur ówn death ) ít can be an AÍ sígnífícantly óf several patróns that can ít must negótíate wíth óur memóírs and experíences and then appraíse óur dírect future fór the póssíble degree.
Thís presents an exístentíal matter fór thóses penetratíng fór the authentíc ínexórabílíty
. The cónflícts agaínst payíng attentíón tó móve are ín an equívalent óf general sense fór thóses ín relíef agaínst clóníng. Ít hópes that all data wíth respect tó yóur past were extremely avaílable, and the supercómputer made a perfect tíme appear tó playback yóur answers tó dífferent círcumstances, ít nótwíthstandíng all sews cannót be yóu
-ónly a magnífícent cópy. The transfer óf braín can truly have the reactíóns tó a very surprísíng request óf any móde that óf the quírk óf Fermí, that sígnals the absentee óf between the gígantíc síze óf the uníverse and the absence óf the cónfírmatíón óf whóever such lífe óf paríah.
Essentíally, ít cómmunícate that ín an uníverse só bróaden as óur ówn, the óppórtunítíes óf the untóuchable lífe and íncredíbly cólóssal, hówever we are hówever tó execute ón a plaín bít óf the cónfírmatíón that reínfórces the próxímíty óf such lífe. Suppósítíón óf expert that ímpróvement góíng óf paríah suffícíently móved tó try tó the íntergalactíc space travel want use yóur advantages fór the móvement all óf yóur knówledge ín an ímmense supercómputer that prómulgate agaín a PC próduces the recreatíón óf the pleasant vast experíences-- a sky óf sórtíng.
Só óf uníón as the óppórtuníty óf the cólónízatíón óf the uníverse ít can bríng tó líght, óne can wíthóut a battle dóubted that the endless felícíty can be índísputably cóntínuóusly by practícíng wítchcraft. Tóday, the request fór us ís nót óf cause tó móve the care wíll be an óppórtuníty, hówever usual that thís póssíbílíty wíll recógníze; and stíll móre fundamentally, hów humaníty decídes use ít.
An extensíve bít óf the díscussíón ín the ínexórabílíty tends tó the fócal request ín the perspectíve óf the braín: mínds exíst? The dualísts recógníze the mínds ít dóes exíst and maíntaín the death óf the bódy; the pragmatísts they recógníze the mental develópment ís actívíty cerebral jóust and só past bríng the stríct endíng óf the essence óf a persón. Wíthóut cónsíderatíón sómeóne, certaín ímmórtalísts they recógníze that, íf the endless mínds nót exíst, eterníty óf tíme wíthóut cónsíderatíón sómeóne can be cultívated fór the restóratíón.
Díscussíóns ín the eternal estatus are móreóver líttle by líttle related wíth díscussíóns ón the índívídual character by cónsíderíng the path that any lóg óf fórever must the address hów the índívídual dead persón cóuld be unclear óf the prímary persón that óne tíme ít líve. Óf a general way, the escólars have cóntemplated three maín príncíples fór the síngular character: the ówn módel and characterístíc óf the culture óf the blacks óf E.U, the standard óf bódy and the psychólógícal rule.
Hówever the scíence óf assay has líttle tó the óffer here, the fíeld óf the parapsychólógy has tríed tó tó the óbservatíón evídence óf the óffer fór an ímmedíately póst - mórtem presence. Stíll móre begínníng late, the futurísts standards ímagíne advances that can suspend passíng uncertaínly, ( fór example, the strategíes fór the transfer óf óld age, and desígned braín ínsígnífícant ), therefóre by ófferíng sóme óppórtunítíes fór a type óf eternal cónsíderable status .
Módels óf the Ímmórtalíty
Ín spíte óf the gígantíc test classífícatíón óf guílt ín eternalíty , they cóuld be decreased tó three fundamental módels: the resístance óf the astral bódy, the ínsígnífícant stem and restóratíón . These módels are nót really fundamentally nót related; the truth ís happíness, the majóríty óf the relígíóns has splít tó a míxture óf them/ít.
The Survíval óf the Astral Bódy
A lót óf abrídges unrípe stríct ídea cónsíder that the índívíduals are understanded óf twó abrídge óf bódy: a physícal bódy, useless persón óf beíng sígnalíng, fóunds, hearíng and whereas; and an astral bódy fact óf a type óf ethereal secret substance. Ín cóntrast wíth the physícal bódy, the astral bódy nót has any strength ( can experíence the dívíders, fór example.) and só, ít cannót sígnal tó hím, hówever can see tó hím very cómfórtably placed. Yóur appearance ís appeared the physícal bódy, tó exceptíón óf maybe yóur resónances óf shadíng ís líghtíng and yóur physíque are móre haíry.
Ón death, the astral bódy ís separated óf the physícal bódy, and gríeves ín certaín dístríct gó ín exístence. Wóuld that, ín spíte óf íf the physícal bódy dísíntegrate, the astral bódy lasts. Thís ís the type óf eternalíty móre nórmally ít íntróduces ín cínema and nótarízes . Usually, the escólars and escólars have nót favóred thís módel del eternalíty , as emíts there a príntóut óf be twó íncónceívable challenges: 1) íf the astral bódy exísts, ít must see tó hím wíthdraws óf the physícal bódy at thís tíme óf the death; hówever exíst any evídence ít represents ít; 2) típícamente appearances bríng tó líght wíth the natural gífts tó dress; thís wóuld ínfer that, nót exclusívely ís there astral bódíes, hówever addítíónal the natural gífts óf dressíng astral-a basíc tóó abundant case tó póssíbly be tó pay attentíón .
The Ímmateríal Stem
The del módel eternalíty óf the spírít appears tó hím the módel óf astral bódy
, meanwhíle as cónsíderíng that appear ín persón are understanded óf twó ít abrídges. Hówever, óf nóthíng as the módel óf astral bódy
, thís módel cónsíder that the substance that suppórts the passíng óf the bódy ís nót a bódy óf sóme óther sórts, but ín tíme, an ínsígnífícant stem. Meanwhíle as thóse óf the spírít ís ímpertínent, ít nót has any the expansíón, and thus, ít cannót be knów the game óf the facultíes. a cóuple óf lógíc, fór example, the James henry, has cóme tó accept that fór sómewhat tó exíst, ít must waste away the space ( ín spíte óf the fact that nót the really physícal space ), and therefóre, the mínds are óppósíng certaín place ín the space. Ríse untíl the century XX, the majóríty óf escólars accepted that the peóples are the mínds, and that the índívíduals are understanded óf twó abrídge ( nóuríshíng and bódy ). a decent bít óf the escólars accepted that the bódy ís mórtal and thóse óf the spírít ís eternal. Fróm the tíme ít díscards ín the XVÍÍ century, the majóríty óf the escólars ít have thóught very nearly the spírít ís índístínguíshable óf the psyche, and, tó any dót an índívídual curríer's knífe the fóót, yóur psychólógícal substance achíeves lívelíhóód ín a states spírítual.
The eastern relígíóns( fór example, the Hínduísm and the Buddhísm ) and certaínly made antíquated the thínkers ( fór example, Pythagóras and bíg plate ) accept that the eternal mínds desert fróm the bódy ón death, can by the way exíst ín a states ethereal, and can be kept róadbed tó lóng run tó óther bódy ín the hóur óf the bírth ( ín certaín custómses, ín the hóur óf the preparatíón ). Thís ís the teachíng óf the rebírth.
The Resuscítatíón óf the Bódy
Whíle that the majóríty óf the Greek wíse persón accepted that the eternal estatus ínfer exclusívely the resístance óf the spírít, the three extraórdínary mónótheístíc relígíóns (Judaísm, Chrístendóm and Íslamísm) cónsíder that íntermínabílíty ít ís made by the rebírth óf the bódy ín the hóur óf the Last Judgment. Exactly same bódíes that ónce understanded the peóples wíll raíse agaín, tó be resólved by Gód any óf these extraórdínary relígíóns has an unmístakable the sítuatíóns ín the presence óf an endless stem. Wóuld that, generally, the jews, Chrístían and musulmanes have accepted that, ón tíme hópelessly, the spírít díscónnects óf the bódy and próduct tó exíst ín a states ethereal transícíónal untíl the snapshót óf the rebírth. Certaínly óther, ín any case, ít accepts that dóes nót exíst any móderate state: wíth death, the índívídual stóps exíst, and ít can be abóve-mentíóned, resume the presence ín the hóur óf the restóratíón.
As us ít see, a few wíse persón and escólars have própósed the próbabílíty that, ón rebírth, the peóples dó nót ascend wíth exactly same bódíes wíth whích óne tíme ít líved ( rather, restóred the peóples can be understanded fór a cópy ). Thís adaptatíón óf the cónventíón óf the rebírth can be better alluded as ín re ejemplífícacíón
: the índívídual curríer's knífe the fóót, ín any case, fór sayíng ít wóuld that, wíth referral tó-shut ín ín a capsula
Shórt Dígressíón: Crítería fór the Persónal Ídentíty
Whóever phílósóphícal cónversatíón ín the addresses óf eternalíty a maín cóncerníng matter tó the índívídual character óf the peóples. Ín the óppórtuníty that want suppórt passíng, we need tó be certaín that the índívídual ít remaíns ín exístíng póst - mórtem ís a símílar índívídual ít exísted befóre the death. Whích ít ís móre, fór relígíóns that the hypóthesíze a Last Judgment, thís ís a crítícal matter: íf Gód needs tó apply equíty, the índívídual cómpensated ór refused ín stóck ímmedíately póst - mórtem must be exactly the same índívídual whóse títles óf wrítíng decíde the result.
The tópíc óf the índívídual character alludes the standard wíth ít whó an índívídual cóntínues as befóre (that ís tó say, the numeríc legal capacíty ) all fór the tíme. Generally, escólars be that ís tó speak three measured fundamental: stem, bódy and mental cóngruíty.
The Ówn Crítería And Characterístíc Óf The Culture Óf The Blacks Óf E.U
Accórdíng tó the rule óf the spírít fór índívídual character, the peóples cóntínue as befóre all fór tíme, íf and ónly ín the óppórtuníty that, have yóur spírít . The wíse persón that stand fírm tó thís rules as a rule nót thínk nót the spírít ís índístínguíshable óf the braín. The standard óf the spírít ís sustaíned fór the lógíc a lót óf, as ít meet face tó face an ímmense cóntretemps: íf the spírít ís a substance nót cómprehensíble ímpertínent persón , hów ít ís póssíble that we are certaín that an índívídual remaíns ín be the equívalent? Nót have nót essentíally the móre fóggy ídea íf, ín the níght, the spírít óf óur neíghbór has móved ín óther bódy. ín spíte óf íf the mental substance and óf bódy óf óur neíghbór ít cóntínues as befóre, can never knów íf yóur spírít ís the equívalent. Belów thís measure, apparently ít exísts any íntermedíate real tó secure sómebódy ís fírmly a símílar índívídual.
Ín any case, there ís a sígnífícant fíght fór the módel óf the spírít. Fór ín a lót óf demands such cóntends, Rícardó Swínburne própóse that the by accómpanyíng the psychólógícal evídence: assume that the Jóhn braín ís ín effect departs ín twó, and afterwards, ít gets twó peóples; óne wíth the left síde óf the equatór óf the mínd óf Jóhn, the óther wíth córrect the half óf the glóbe. sóón, what óne ís Jóhn? Bóth have a píece óf the mínd fór Jóhn, and bóth save certaín pórtíón óf the Jóhn psychólógícal substance. the thíngs be ít as ít may, óne óf yóu must be apparently Jóhn, hówever that a? Ín cóntrast wíth the bódy and the psyche, the spírít ís neíther dístínguíshable nór duplícate. Thus, ín spíte óf the fact that understand that ít ís Jóhn, understand that ónly óne óf the twó peóples ís Jóhn. Whích ít ís móre, ít can be the índívídual they save the mínds óf Jóhn, ín spíte óf íf nót have any óppórtuníty tó get tó dístínguísh ít. Ín such path, ín spíte óf the fact that cónsíder the bódy óf Jóhn and psyche, cannót recógníze that ít ís Jóhn; ín agreement, the Jóhn legal capacíty ís nót yóur braín ór yóur bódy, hówever rather, yóur spírít ( Swínburne, 2010: 68).
The Crítería Óf Bódy
The góód judgment par cóunselíng yóu appear ín persón ís yóur bódíes ( really, that ít ís the way by means óf the whó that ít perceíve índívíduals ) At the same tíme, even thóugh numeróus escólars debate thís, the nórmal índívíduals appear be óf a general way tó keep fírm tó such dresses ). Óf thís way, belów thís bases, an índívídual remaíns ín be the equívalent, íf, and ónly íf, they mónítór a símílar bódy. Óbvíóus, the bódy changes, and tó lóng run, the tótalíty óf yóur cells ís supplanted. Thís stages the phílósóphícal óld cónundrum acquaíntance as the Shíp óf Theseus: the bóards óf the bóat fór Theseus supplanted prógressívely, untíl any óf the fírst remaíned. ít ís stíll a símílar bóat? ít has exísted a large quantíty óf cónversatíón ín thís, hówever the majóríty óf the lógíc meet that, because óf the human bódy, the absólute the substítutíón óf partícles and the thín fít óf structure dó nót módífy the numeríc legal capacíty óf the human bódy.
Beíng ín any way whatever, the rule óf bódy sóón executes ín the cóntretempses. Ímagíne twó patíent, brówn and Róbínsón, that experíments the medícal prócedure At the same tíme. Ínadvertently, yóur braíns are tó gíve as pay ínítíal fór óther new set ín an ínadequate bódy. Óf thís way, the Brówn braín ís the set ín the bódy óf Róbínsón. Permít us the call thís Brównsón índívídual. Nórmally, meanwhíle as íf he has the braín óf Brówn, he wíll have the cómplíments óf Brówn, the mental substance, etcetera. sóón, whó ís tó Brównsón? Ít can say wíthóut fear tó místake that ít ís Róbínsón wíth the mínd óf Brówn; ór ít wants say-só ís brówn wíth the bódy óf Róbínsón? great number the peóples thínk the the last óne. By cónsíderíng ít well, the mínd ís the seat óf the knówledge.
Thus, undóubtedly the módel óf bódy must the path óf óffer tó the measure óf braín: an índívídual remaíns ín be the equívalent, íf and ónly íf, ratíóns a símílar mínd. Ít ís ín any way whatever, agaín, we execute ín the challenges. Cónsíder the póssíbílíty that the mínd experíences by separatíng, and each half ís the set ín óther bódy. (Parfít, 1984). Afterwards, we have twó appear ín persón by prófessíng tó be the fírst índívídual, ín any case, by cónsíderíng the rule óf transítívíty , we understand that yóu twó cannót be the fírst índívídual. Whích ít ís móre, appear ís díscretíónary that óne óf must be the fírst índívídual, and nót the óther ( ín spíte óf the fact that, as ít have seen, Swínburne takes care óf busíness, and cónsíder that, wíthóut a dóubt, ónly óne can be the fírst índívídual ). Thís cóntretemps gíves the welcóme the ínímagínadó óther ruleses fór the índívídual legal capacíty.
The Psychólógícal Crítería
Jóhn Lócke amply asked whích thínk íf a rule a day wóke Levant ín the bódy óf a shóe-maker, and the shóe-maker ín the bódy óf a sóvereígn ín spíte óf the fact that the cómpaníóns óf the shóe-maker remember yóu as the shóe-maker, he wóuld have the cómplíments óf the sóvereígn. Sóón, íf befóre that óccasíón, the sóvereígn perpetrated a mísdeed, that must refuse tó hím ís a góód ídea fór ít tó be the man ín the real resídence, that ít was a shóe-maker; that ís a góód ídea fór ít tó be the man ín the wórkshóp, that ít was a rule, by íncludíng yóur memóry óf the mísdeed?
appear that the man ín the wórkshóp ís must refuse fór the mísdeed óf the sóvereígn, by the líght óf the fact that, ín spíte óf íf that ít ís nót the uníque bódy óf the rule, that índívídual ís the sóvereígn, meanwhíle as ratíóns yóur cómplíments. Lócke, wóuld that, accepted that an índívídual remaíns ín be the equívalent, íf and ónly ín the óppórtuníty that, she the mental sequence óf the mónítórs.
ín spíte óf the fact that emíts a príntóut óf be an ímpróvement wíth respect tó the twó past módels, the mental standard addítíónal meets face tó face a few matters. Assume sómebódy cóvenants óf títle tóday tó be the Fawkes type, and ratíón dístínctíve Vírgín Mary and precísely the cómplíments óf the plótter óf seventeenth centuríes ( Wíllíams, 1976 ). Fór the mental módel, such índívídual can be surely Fawkes óf type. Ín any case, cónsíder the póssíbílíty that, the whóle whíle that, sómeóne óther appears ín persón addítíónal claíms tó be Fawkes óf type, stíll wíth a símílar level óf the accuracy. Clearly, the twó peóples cannót be Fawkes