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ridiculous 2/2: koans meditations thoughts remarks ridiculous
ridiculous 2/2: koans meditations thoughts remarks ridiculous
ridiculous 2/2: koans meditations thoughts remarks ridiculous
Ebook132 pages34 minutes

ridiculous 2/2: koans meditations thoughts remarks ridiculous

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

The texts and poems in the book "ridiculous" are dedicated to all seekers. The seekers know that the identifying search should be abandoned. The compulsion of searching by the ego comes endlessly again and again. The thoughts of the ego and the identification with the liberating teachings usually come endlessly again and again.
We are constantly caught by new thoughts. Meditation and contemplation help: to free oneself again and again, to dissolve the mental hardenings and aberrations again and again. To deal openly and freely with one's thoughts, also with these short stories, poems and aphorisms, can perhaps be a small help on the path of life.
Release dateMar 24, 2021
ridiculous 2/2: koans meditations thoughts remarks ridiculous

Miku Kumiko

Miku Kumiko studied art, especially conceptual art and various branches of Buddhism. Today Miku Kumiko works almost exclusively in the artistic field and also works as a consultant for art and cultural projects.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Great and fascinating! :) The texts help to transform and to see things in a new way.

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ridiculous 2/2 - Miku Kumiko

Table of Contents

And the day is already wasted

The end is already near

Or do you have me and are you popular

Find and try

Look to the near future when you wake up

Go home and be the night

Sure well done


That makes sense

And sometimes get lost

Give me a kiss

I hear you



You can't change it

And the temple bell rings

And sometimes you get visited

And yet you lose yourself

And you are dead

Too deep


All holiness disappears in prayer

To let

Rapture and slip

The farewell is particularly comforting

Everything makes sense

And we keep looking


And go when you want

The beginning has been made again


The nest is empty

The singing sounds high

Be deactivated

How well can you wait

Days and evenings die off


What is it then

There is no mercy

Or at least it goes on

And abdicate at some point

A fertile mind



Or have you already become perfect

Because the rest is appropriate there

Die slowly

The stomach growls

And a new beginning

And respect decreases

And hopefully you dissolve

What a sentence

Or even old age


Alone now

And I didn't think of anything more for the day

And watch out

The day ends


Thanks and amen

But that's good

Maybe eat too

All conversations in the head are free

Or not

But the head has a hole

Summer is already here

You are just

An eternal repetition

Or everything will be fine

And run in circles

The backpack just gets heavier

Good sentences are not lost

Delivered new

And nothing else

The toilet paper is used up

And the rule was broken again

Laughed briefly

And you have the sleep

Anyway and done

And yet everything is fine again


An insatiable worm fights its way through

There is enough to look forward to

At least for a couple of days

Sing a song

Have fallen well

Get lost in feelings


And nodded

A real nod


The pleasure disappears

Some things are good

Have swallowed well

And fall asleep

Wind up the daydreams and then go out




Now the now is no longer good

It often comes to a quick end

And it comes to an end

The beginning has been made

The heart calms down

Or lose

In any case


You are something

From the good hours

Take everything with you and unite

It remains a hit

And tomorrow it will come again


Then the day would be perfect

I promise it

Where is the final


And why don't you admit yourself

Why not

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