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Veil of Secrecy
Veil of Secrecy
Veil of Secrecy
Ebook162 pages2 hours

Veil of Secrecy

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About this ebook

My own grandchildren suffered from child abuse behind closed doors, but it's time to lift the veil on the secrecy and expose the epidemic of child sexual abuse.

One night, Alexander receives a phone call from his distraught daughter saying that her toddler had been sexually abused by her father. The disclosure from this little girl, and eventually her older sister, was sickening and soul wrenching, and yet their word, their cry for help was not enough to protect them. 

Veil of Secrecy unveils the shocking truth and details of the extraordinary lengths their father, a pedophile, went to in order to keep his wife and children trapped for six years in a vicious cycle of abuse.


What he did to protect his so-called celebrity status, all while being protected by his own family and even the police is unravelled. 

Alexander watched his family be destroyed by a Family Law Court system that was not able or willing to stand up and protect these young girls. He witnessed the flaws of the system and even took it upon himself to challenge the Prime Minister/s to address the issues.

His moving story and call to action gives a voice to the ongoing child victims who have a right to be safe.


'The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.'

Edmund Burke


Release dateFeb 1, 2021
Veil of Secrecy

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    Veil of Secrecy - Alexander Cook

    Veil of Secrecy coverVeil of Secrecy title page

    First published 2021 by Alexander Cook

    Produced by Independent Ink

    Copyright © Alexander Cook 2021

    The moral right of the author to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted.

    All rights reserved. Except as permitted under the Australian Copyright Act 1968, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior written permission from the publisher. All enquiries should be made to the author.

    Cover design by Maria Biaggini

    Internal design by Independent Ink

    Typeset by Post Pre-press Group, Brisbane

    A catalogue record for this book is available from the National Library of Australia

    ISBN 978-0-6450829-0-6 (paperback)

    ISBN 978-0-6450829-1-3 (epub)

    ISBN 978-0-6450829-2-0 (kindle)


    Every effort has been made to ensure this book is as accurate and complete as possible. However, there may be mistakes both typographical and in content. Therefore, this book should be used as a general guide and is not the ultimate source of information contained herein. The author and publisher shall not be liable or responsible to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damage caused or alleged to have been caused directly or indirectly by the information contained in this book.

    ‘Children are the future of our society and not the toys of society.’

    Alexander Cook

    To the sexually, mentally, physically and emotionally abused children who were not heard, I trust this book gives you hope that there are changes happening.

    Adding your voice and sharing your journey will assist in bringing the changes so needed in society.

    Our voices together need to be heard to ensure a better outcome for future generations.



    Author’s Note


    The Cover-up

    My Daughter Married the Devil

    Warning Bells

    ‘No Dadda No!’

    ‘It Will Never Stick’

    Cry for Help

    Veil of Secrecy

    The Intimidation

    Taylor’s Secret

    The Supervisor

    The ‘Interim Report’

    The Blackout!

    Lies and Deception


    The Family Report

    The Magellan Case


    Breaking the Silence

    The System

    ‘What a Disgusting Parent?’

    Touch Not This Cat



    There are so many people who have had an impact on me in putting my story onto paper, and I would love to acknowledge those people by name but are unable to because of the restraints of the Family Law Act Section 121, which has been placed upon people such as myself who attempt to talk about the archaic and dangerous system we have in Australia.

    I would love to name the people in the courts and law fraternity who operate and work within this system, as I believe if they were named, dramatic changes would most certainly come about.

    My wife, my daughter and my granddaughters whose strength through this ordeal was truly amazing gave me the purpose to fight the injustices and bring about awareness of this cruel system.

    I am eternally grateful for family and friends who gave support and who were there through the ordeal.

    The child protection and advocacy organisations that assisted and guided us shall always have a place in our hearts.

    To those past friends and family who walked away, who did not protect the children but preferred to protect the perpetrator, I trust you have found peace in your lives and live in harmony.

    Author’s Note

    In order to write this book, I have relied on my personal notes, researched facts, interviews, and ultimately called upon my memory of these events.

    I have changed the names of individuals and modified some details in order to preserve anonymity of the victims and their families as required under the Family Law Act Section 121.

    I have also omitted some events and people that did not impact on the veracity of this story.


    My story is one that I have really struggled with. I tried to find every excuse to not sit down and put it on paper, because it is horrid, disgusting, sickening and extremely painful to relive. I still lament with the fact that our family had to deal with this perpetrator and the ramifications that went, and continue, with this sick subject. I have walked away many times from writing this book, feeling completely distraught with having to remember what everyone in our family had to go through.

    Ironically, however, I found a strength that I never really knew I had.

    Perhaps our forefathers who came up with the family motto of: ‘TOUCH NOT THIS CAT’ knew the consequences for those taking on anyone in our family. It has been quite an experience to have been accused, abused and threatened by a pedophile who is a narcissistic psychopathic opportunistic liar and says anything without any conscience for whom he hurts.

    And it has been life strengthening to have known the truth and called him out on it, for the protection of two young girls, but then to continue to have to put up with the antics of this madman. Dealing with the actions and antics of this pedophile’s lies to protect his so-called public appearance made me more determined to ensure that the truth eventually becomes public, and that he and his protectors will be exposed, and that he will be held accountable for all his disgusting acts and perversions.

    The Family Law Act Section 121 prevents me from exposing anyone’s identity who was involved in this story, as well as my own. It is a law that has prevented the public from ever knowing about the most dangerous system that operates in Australia and leaves our children violated and unprotected by the Family Law Court system and in danger from those who operate it.

    My mission now is to protect children from sexual molestation, and I realise that what has happened is now enabling me to be part of a movement that will help protect children from trauma in the future.

    I now know that the events that happened, situations that occurred in my own life have been a training ground for me to take on this task with vigor. When your children and grandchildren are hurt, there is an awakening in you that overtakes your emotions to such a degree that you are willing to place your life on the line to protect them in any way you can, whatever the personal consequences are to you. I have found such a deep maternal instinct that is dangerous, and I must admit that I have had to learn such great self-control to keep rational and non-violent.

    The system that we have in this country, which is supposedly in place to protect our children and families, is quite abhorrent, and we as a society should hang our heads in shame that we allow such a cruel system to operate in our society. The lawmakers and the people who work within the law system, especially Family Law, and who live off the fat of the lamb and do not speak up against the system should one day stand in front of the victims they have represented and ask for forgiveness.

    Through this experience, I have learnt so much by being hurt, shocked, bewildered and disgusted by so-called friends and family members who walked away and became silent. I learnt that this subject was one that many people just did not want to talk about or be involved with, and they did not want to hear, let alone comment about it.

    And it has raised my intrigue as to why this is.

    Churches, ministers, lawyers, courts, judges, psychiatrists, psychologists, parliamentarians, social workers and other ‘so-called’ professionals have made me realise just how many pretenders/gutless wankers (a more fitting term I give them) there are in our society. Few, if any, are prepared to take a stand, although all are willing to take the money but not rock the system because they are dealing with problems that are just too hard – and besides, it is easy money. But even if it’s hard, shouldn’t children be defended? They can’t do it themselves!

    It is bewildering how people can be drawn in by lies, proffering, grooming, blackmail, bribery, false promises, grandeur and trickery. Is it also astonishing how organisations allow these abusive human beings to walk over them and take what they say as gospel, instead of questioning others.

    How we handled the situation presented to us could have been handled better, or could it, under the circumstances? The mixture of advice we received was staggering. But one thing within the system that was for sure was that if you want to protect the victims, if you want justice, you will be the one who will become the criminal. And if you are pulled into the system, be prepared to be ridiculed, tortured, and ostracised. If you can’t handle that, the only other option is to put up with the abuse of the perpetrator.

    My wife May, daughter Olivia and I are Christians with a strong background in the Christian faith. And even though our practice of Christianity changed over the years, we still held our beliefs and faith in God and believed that he is very much involved in our lives from day to day. Without this faith and security that we found in allowing God to be a part of our lives, there was no way any of us could have withstood the pain, lies and ridicule that was before us.

    Olivia, the mother of my grandchildren, would be expelled by friends, find out what it is to be a pariah, to be called evil, to be called a liar, to have friends and family turn against her, to be cheated, and to lose every material thing she owned; however, what was not realised by the evil creatures within the system was that they were dealing with a protective mother who had God on her side, and a family with a Scottish heritage with such a strong family motto of: ‘Touch Not This Cat’.

    I had never acknowledged before how true this motto relates to our family and how much strength we have when confronted by other mangy animals, and when our claws have to come out and with the protection we have because of our faith, we do not back down and we do anything to protect the young and innocent.

    My story and the person involved is a public figure, and I struggle to find words to best describe such an evil, disgusting, scumbag that fell so far into the depths of depravity that most minds can’t even contemplate.

    Research suggests that similar stories of sexual abuse are a common everyday occurrence happening to one in five boys and one in three girls in Australia. Our many years of anguish would have been a lot shorter if somebody within the Family Law Court system had been willing to listen, willing to investigate, talk to the girls and take protective measures to find out the truth behind the veil of two frightened little girls sworn to secrecy by their perpetrator.

    My daughter’s husband, who abused his own children, has threatened not only the girls but also my family, to scare us into staying quiet. But that is exactly why I shouldn’t, and why you shouldn’t. These threats are commonplace to abused children and are intimidating and frightening, yet if we continue to let fear stand in the way of the truth, our children will never be safe. I urge you to take courage from my story, and if you are also in a similar situation, don’t give up be the voice for the abused.


    The archaic system that is called the Family Law Court system and hidden from most of the public is the most dangerous system for our children and families. The damage it does makes ISIS look like babes. Our country has been infiltrated by such a heinous system that is destroying the moral fibre of our society, and that is our children and families.

    Our system needs urgent reform because the principal of ‘IN THE BEST INTEREST OF THE CHILD’ doesn’t exist in the Family Law Court

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