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Ebook156 pages6 hours


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Earth has final begun to evolve with the signs of human life on the horizon...
The group of highly advanced lifeforms have set themselves up on the planet to make sure that the human timeline is no effected by outside forces, their job is to observe the current flora and fauna making sure that the planet is perfectly prepared for the Human Race. But with a surprising visit from an alien race all of that becomes a bigger issue, the shadow monsters decide to explore and make themselves known and it becomes a bit of an issue when both races come face to face... Shadow verse the light and Earth is the price.
When the team meant to protect Earth is given an ultimatum they are forced to give a sacrifice for the shadow race or the shadow race would do all they can to mess with the planet, as a team they try to think of a way to get out of the trade but sometimes there aren't always too choices.
Will Earth survive...

PublisherJacob Davies
Release dateMay 23, 2020

Jacob Davies

My name is Jacob and I am a aspiring writer,Yes I know we all say that and then we end up in one of those jobs that pays the bills, but I love working in Childcare, so I got the happy job. I love my job, but my passion is writing and has been since I was eleven year old and was running around my adopted family's property yelling and screaming, acting out my pages. I fell in love with story telling and always forget how to spell 'Story'.My other interests are graphic art, childcare, photography, music, movies and video games. I would refer to myself as a happy go lucky socially awkward geek who likes to makes others laugh... therefore I aplogise for all the death in my books and future books.... and pretty much everything I write. I know I am weird and different and I have embraced that in my books, so please enjoy!

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    Primordial - Jacob Davies




    Years passed…

    Life evolved becoming a better image of what it once was, its body parts morph and test the limits to become the specimens they need to be to protect themselves from weather, other creatures and the pressure of heat and oxygen. The Human Race had not yet formed on the planet, and its lesser form of the monkey had not yet evolved into its final form, the world was populated by a large number of different species of a collective called the dinosaur, showing certain characteristics of future animals; feathered, winged creatures, the reptiles, the amphibious water fiends and the long-necked animals. At this point in time, I myself had not a clue what they would grow to be; I had never heard of a kitten, a rabbit or even an ant. All I noticed when I appeared on planet Earth with my team is the environment we were introduced into, was as hostile as they come…

    65,999,672 BC

    JANUARY 8TH, 02:46 PM




    The dinosaurs though large in size seem to be mainly herbivores… Although we did happen to come across some of the more dangerous species of dinosaurs that preferred the taste of meat, they have not yet attempted to attack my team and seemed to be more interested in hunting the weaker ones of their species. This seems to be a natural act for them, especially the use of violence when another species is to enter the vicinity of their young. Their young being hidden away in large eggs, they lay the eggs, and after a prolonged period of time, they form in the fluids. Then they finally hatch…

    My Team and I are of the race known as Lytheans, and we decided to set up base near the edge of a cliff, constructing three rather large buildings out of the material transported through the time portal that crossed over to our world. Once we were done with the building, we were able to make a device to move a time portal to a safer environment. I had only received five other people to help me on my mission; personally, I didn’t think I needed anyone to finish my tasks and yet I got stuck with five people that possessed skills they were yet to master.

    In my team were; Kellar, Wren, Tya, Eve and Derek… Kellar was a gynomorph who would collect samples from the dead dinosaurs in the area, experimenting to test their DNA and look into how they have been able to adapt to their environment so well. Tya worked very well as a warrior but had a small passion for creating things and had been quite helpful in the upkeep of the base as well making sure the security stays at an appropriate level. Derek was the same, he would make sure everything inside of the base with up to a standard level of use and could pretty much fix anything he got his hands on, he also helped with the security and often went out on scouting missions. His twin sister Eve was more into using the computers than fixing them and often was left at the base when the team would go on missions, she was our communications advisor and would record all of our progress to send to our world. Lastly, there was Wren who is an interesting person, he is more of a healer and takes care of the animals, surveying the flora and fauna even though it is forever changing. I would be their leader if I was to give myself such a title, I am Tuckeril Harroon, and I am more of the guardian when it comes to my team. But I do enjoy exploring the world around me; climbing cliff faces and inching up the trees, going diving and other recreational activities.

    This was the team the Lytheans decided to send to Earth, to make sure that the Human Race had a chance and we were it's only like of defence against any unexplained force. Especially when the race hadn’t even appeared on its own planet…


    65,999,672 BC

    JULY 8TH, 07:39 PM




    It was night time, and I was experimenting on sulphuric acid’s effect on animal flesh, I had to create my very own piece of dinosaur to do the testing on and also because I didn’t want to actually harm an actual dinosaur… It would have been a risk to the balance of evolution. The food chain needed to take its own course; naturally, I was staring into a magnifier watching the effects as I dripped drops of the substance on the piece of artificial skin, I looked closer trying to figure out the process as it burned through the skin and even deeper through the middle of the flesh. Suddenly I heard the slow shutter of my door as it opened slowly and Tya walked in with a curious expression; I turned around slightly to her in the corner of my eye.

    Tya… I hope that you are feeling well… I am currently finding the effects of sulphuric acid when used more as a weapon, strange that even the skin of the strongest beasts can be broken down with a liquid concoction, I started to speak as I looked back down at the green, bumpy chunk and then turned to look at the notes that I had previously written down. Tya moved closer, holding something cylinder shaped in her hands, she also seemed to have a small device that she used to track the movements of anything around our base.

    Yes, I am very well. Finding it hard to sleep at the moment… I awoke and thought that I would look into some security checks before I went back to sleep or attempt to do so… Though while I did, I came across something rather strange. The readings of the security perimeter are picking up something, and at first, I thought it was something a little simpler, but when I had a closer look, I saw the readings were from off-planet. I believe the perimeter check picked it up in one of the security checks of the solar system; I know they aren’t done very often… I believe that the object will come in contact with Earth in around four to five hours roughly, I wish I could be more precise with the timing, Tya explained as she walked over to my side, beating herself over no having a strong enough device to measure the impact time of a foreign object. I had to admit I did notice a minor irregular in the readings a while back and her I am sure she was competent in her timing, but there was no clear sign of the object making contact with Earth. Maybe there was a change in its trajectory, but without knowing what the object was, there was no way of assessing the threat level.

    I see… Well, I think it is best that you get me a report as soon as possible so we know how to assess the situation and I then I can plan for the threat level. Tya after that, you should go back to have some rest and if there is anything to worry about I will wake you, I stated it the best that I could with the time that she came to me, I could tell that she was not exactly thrilled by my answer to her query. She left the room without saying anything and left me to continue my study, what I hadn’t told her is that I was already scanning the object to figure out what it was, but it was taking time… Had to get a perfect print of the object to get more definition.

    I pulled out a pair of tweezers and picked up the piece of skin examining it carefully and seeing that the acid had indeed burnt away most of the material without much hassle… Sulphuric Acid is certainly an interesting substance; it looks like water and is quite a dangerous weapon. But as soon as I glanced over to the 3D printer, I noticed the shape that it was recreated, I almost dropped the piece of skin and leapt out of my chair… It was not just a threat; it was danger zone red level or whatever the highest level of threat is. I stared down at the shape, it was not a meteor or comet, a colliding planet or even a fragment of metal, it was a spacecraft, and I only name it that because it was a craft that is used in space… That was impressive, especially because someone would have to build them, and the Human Race was an extremely long time away from… Well, breathing.

    Very interesting, I murmured as I picked up the printed model, holding the small object in my hands and examined it up close. I placed it down on my work station giving myself time to clean up my experiment and write the last of my notes on the effects of Sulphuric Acids… God, sometimes I wonder what people think me, do they think that all I think about are exploring the world through scientific discovery.

    I picked the object back up and walked out into the moonlight, holding it tightly; I wanted to examine it at my desk in my living quarters… All my tools were there, and I thought if I had some sort of reference of different mechanics from a different race, I could have at least been able to try to identify what the craft was and what race created it. I walked through the camp noticing the only light was that of the moonlight and the trillions of stars, I felt uneasy, and I have never been fond of the darkness.

    Tucker? Tucker, what are you doing outside? Wren called out from his quarter’s door, him calling out was a lot louder than a whisper. I spun around facing in his direction and saw Wren peeking his head out of the door wearing canvas shorts, he looked a little cold and like he wasn’t sure what was going on… How could he though.

    Just give me a second, I will be right over, I responded. I then looked up to the sky to all of the stars and could see a small flickering light that was a different colour from all of the rest, even though it was the same size as the rest I could tell that it was the spacecraft. The small yellow speck in the dark night sky, twinkling and moving ever so slightly to the left, the only difference was that it seemed to be a dark orange rather than an off yellow… I know, I am explaining stars to people who have probably seen all them and know all they need to know about the stars… Plus what you call stars are not actually stars, they are just distant planets that you can not see. Makes you wonder why a distant planet shines in the distant, is there a glow around every planet that gives it an almost fluorescent look… Makes you think.

    Tucker? Wren called out again trying to snap him out of his trance…

    Yes… Yes, I am coming, I looked back down and began to walk towards the living quarters building, my brain was starting to feel a little overwhelmed with all the topic I was trying to research and internally discussing all to it at once. As I got to the door, I realised that Wren was only wearing shorts… No other garments… Just his shorts. It was not something he really needed on my mind while trying to identify a spacecraft heading towards them. At least since it was a spacecraft and not a meteor, the worst thing to happen would be having the spacecraft crash and destroy a small patch of earth, destroying the environment in that area… A meteor, on the other hand, would be more destructive than a nuclear weapon… Oh wait, I forgot you don’t know about the nuclear war, sorry… I know I just spoilt things a little.

    What were you doing out there, and what is that thing? Wren asked being overly curious; it was one of his traits that I found a little less desirable. I looked down at the recreation of the ship and thought about whether or not I should share the information about my discovery… But in the corner of my mind, I had this nagging sensation that was telling me that it was better sooner rather than later, I felt like it was somehow dishonest.

    Well, there was a strange reading… Up in space… I started to explain it but wanted to be inside of my room before I continued as not to wake or be overheard by any of the other four trainees, I looked at the readings to get some sort of closure into what it was and whether it would be a high threat… What I found out was surprising, to say the least. There is currently an object in space, and this is a render of it… I decided to keep moving towards my side of the living quarters building as I spoke, and unsurprisingly Wren followed after me clutching at his sides and shivering. We made it to my door and Wren was polite enough to close the door after we entered, giving me time to place the object down on my desk. I faced the desk lamp in its

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