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Shot at Work for Drugs
Shot at Work for Drugs
Shot at Work for Drugs
Ebook33 pages34 minutes

Shot at Work for Drugs

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Armed thugs storm the place, leaving deads bodies behind and make off with drugs. This is the story of the men chasing them, and what happens to all who were there on the day.

Release dateMar 26, 2020
Shot at Work for Drugs

Crystal Tarling

I was adopted as young baby and had a wonderful life full of adventure and imagination.  Stories come naturally to me.

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    Shot at Work for Drugs - Crystal Tarling

    Shot at Work for Drugs

    Crystal Tarling

    Published by Crystal Tarling, 2020.

    Table of Contents

    Title Page

    Shot at Work for Drugs

    About the Author

    It was early morning on a Saturday and I had certain staff to come in and do a stocktake of the medicines we make and distribute.  Joe and I were working when we heard gunshots in the building, right outside the door to the room we were in. There was no time to hide, Joe pushed me behind him as the door flew open. Gunshots filled the air and Joe fell, knocking me flat and he landed on top of me.  I felt shooting pain and I heard a scuffle and voices saying take everything and hurry! and then everything went black.

    I have no idea how long I was out. I woke to the sickly sweet smell of fresh blood. Am I dead? I can’t move! It is dark. I tried to move but something heavy was on top of me and I remembered Joe pushing me and we fell. I froze when I heard gunshots further away outside and then I heard voices close by.

    Damn! We are too late! They all are dead! At least we got the bastards who shot them! Pete and Mike are chasing that last one but he will not get far as we had shot him in the leg. Just then there was another 2 shots. There! They must have him now! The voices were in the room with me now. I managed to move Joe slightly and open an eye. Police uniforms! Maybe I am safe now. Shit! The Judge is not going to be happy if no-one survived this. Let’s check each one to make sure there is no one we can save. Those bastards have taken medicines.  Kill everyone for some drugs?

    I managed to let out a croak and they ran over to me and lifted Joe off me. Here is a woman alive! Get the medics in here now! A voice said. Keep still please Ma’am, we need to check your injuries. It looks like you have been shot in the shoulder and your side. Just then there were another two men who gently checked me out and put me on a stretcher.

    Someone called Here is 2 more, badly injured but holding on. Medics! They left me and scrambled over to the others to check them out. The first man came back to me. Can you talk? Tell me your name and what happened here?

    Is Joe dead? The one who was on top of me. He saved my life! My other staff, how are they?  How many made it? I know many will be dead. I started to cry.

    Sorry, Joe did not make it but so far we have found 2 others alive. What happened? He came into

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