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The Fly in My Eye: Musings of Mind and Spirit
The Fly in My Eye: Musings of Mind and Spirit
The Fly in My Eye: Musings of Mind and Spirit
Ebook116 pages37 minutes

The Fly in My Eye: Musings of Mind and Spirit

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The Fly in My Eye is a reflection of an illusion. It is the mirror of my creature self declaring itself as real to the eye of the beholder. Yet the human self would fade away into its parent nothingness but for the trance of the image it beholds. Enamored of its own appearance, regardless the truth of the echo, the affair with the dream continues. Narcissus sees himself time after time in the clouded pond and falls for it; hook, line and sinker. He is king in his own mind only. They say it's great to be the king, but of what, I say. If it be a ragged throne in a hellish realm, of what value to the soul is it? I have chosen to stand beside my King, instead of displacing Him. The position is not as exalted by the world, but instead of the king of hell, I claim Prince of the eternal Kingdom. I inherit now, and forever, the gifts of joy, peace, wholeness, and freedom. I relinquish title to the nightmare dream; giving up only pain, guilt, discord, and death. I choose to accept the reality of my eternal being and deny, once and for all time, the temporal, chaotic, and completely insufficient life of the world of man. I will stay for awhile, but only to convince you, my brothers and sisters, to join me and journey to a better reality. Know the fly you see in your eye is but a frail wisp of a dream, destined to fade away into the illusory mysts from whence it sprang, dissolving now as we lean in the direction of truth. Clear the reflecting fly from your eye and see henceforth with the one, eternal Mind that unifies us as brothers in Christ.
Release dateOct 1, 2010
The Fly in My Eye: Musings of Mind and Spirit

J. Michaels

J. Michaels is a longtime student of the human adventure. His writing challenges popular beliefs and expresses both the profane and the profound in a unique storytelling style, as evidenced in the Musings of Mind and Spirit poetry series. His novella, Treasure of the Mind, is a unique blend of prose and poetry based on the murder of his son. Reach him at [email protected] or see his work at

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    The Fly in My Eye - J. Michaels

    The Fly in My Eye

    Musings of Mind and Spirit

    J. Michaels


    The Fly in my eye

    Musings of Mind and Spirit

    Copyright © 2010 J. Michaels. All rights reserved. Except for brief quotations in critical publications or reviews, no part of this book may be reproduced in any manner without prior written permission from the publisher. Write: Permissions, Wipf and Stock Publishers, 199 W. 8th Ave., Suite 3, Eugene, OR 97401.

    Resource Publications

    An Imprint of Wipf and Stock Publishers

    199 W. 8th Ave., Suite 3

    Eugene, OR 97401

    ISBN 13: 978-1-60899-935-4

    EISBN 13: 978-1-62189-724-8

    Manufactured in the U.S.A.

    To all my friends and family

    who still can’t figure out just what the hell

    I’m doing working as a poet


    Impunity is defined as freedom from unpleasant consequences. If that is truly the case, then we all must live lives of unconscious impunity. By that I mean although we continually experience the consequences of the material life, we do so without being aware of the source of many of those consequences. We are then left to our own devices to try to understand the true causes of seemingly random effects. This is the proverbial blind spot inherent within the narrow confines of the human perceptual experience.

    We seem to be at the mercy of the world and all of its myriad and random occurrences: An earthquake includes us and we are its victim due to its seeming enormity and invincibility. A friend turns on us for no apparent reason and we are left to choose between blaming and rationalization. And although we spend an inordinate amount of time trying to control our lives and those in our care, we all know in the recesses of our mind that control is simply not possible in such a world, and it scares the crap out of us! Yet we cling to this vast uncertainty and continue to expect it to improve. But we know it won’t. It hasn’t for centuries and the same old uncertainty continues to rule the world. So we turn our hope to fantasies in an attempt to live better in that delusion, even though we know that eventually it will turn on us as well, one day fatally.

    It is quite ironic that we spend so much time indulging in fantasy (TV, video games, movies, pornography, nocturnal dreams, obsessions, wishes, etc.) but we are unable to accept the notion that the one remaining layer of our reality may be fantasy as well. If we are 90% immersed in dreams and fantasy, could we not be just as easily 100% immersed? The main tool of recognition in the material world is perception and it always represents as a subjective stance. Each seeming individual perceives the same time, space, object, subject, or situation differently, primarily based on their own perceptual filters culled from a limited knowledge and perspective. Is this not fantasy as well?"

    So along comes this old guy who tries to tell you that this entire

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