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Liberalism is an essay about the causes of poverty in the world, the

atavistic conditions which maintain it, and a description of available

resources to permit the humankind a well to do living, in peace and harmony.

During the last two centuries a supposed science have maintained permanent

expectation about the necessity to eradicate the poverty. The economy, a

bluff with science cover, induce the world to permanent restlessness; two

big wars have been occurred since the economics ideas have been over the

counter, to oppose the laissez faire laissez passer and the moralist

orientations espoused by Adam Smith. Many debts have been accumulated by

most of the governments, running the nations as private properties,

following "macroeconomic" ideas.

Due to provoked wars many necessities have been created, more weapons

needed by nations and more disabled and mutilated to be attended by the

productive people appear, cutting the familiar income and charging to the

poor all the cost of a cumbersome system. The created interests maintain

separated the peoples, making of each nation a property land, divided zones

to take advantage of the governed areas and excising tax on it inhabitants,

taking to poor it products and saves to maintain an oppressive system which

cause poverty and discontent.

The governments and religions, it role to induce the separation and

conflicts which divide the world in parcels or lands inciting the

nationalistic fanaticism and religious creeds, each one looking for it's own

interests, are exposed in details.

The ancestral influence that religions exercise over the peoples due their

tendency the be protected, specially between ignorant people, exploiting the

natural afraid to the unknown, condition which prevail in the ignorant

masses, made use of it by politicos and religious to impose their

overwhelming power to the world.

The most relevant of all economic matter, the governmental cost, must

always be supported by the poor peoples of each nation, all taxes and

monetary devaluation, which consequences the economist call "inflation", are

paid by the poor around the world. Everywhere, all taxes and governmental

expenses relapse over the articles and services prices, which are sold and

consumed. The industry, the bank, the professional, dealers and merchants

all them charge to the price all cost or expense, the consumer must absorb

them when buying or using anything. Nevertheless the consumer who sell or

offer something has the opportunity to charge any overhead or new price to

the items or services he offer, not the poor but who has nothing to sell, he

can't charge any overvalue but absorb the new cost paying more than before.

In a government directed economy competence does not exist and the poor

always receive and pay all inflation and inflation never stands stop.

Those things are analyzed in Liberalism, each prevailing condition,

maintained by governments and religions, taking advantages of the peoples

fanaticism, are exposed in this book and possible correctives suggested.

PublisherXlibris US
Release dateAug 10, 2000

Dario Melendez

Dario Melendez is identified by his writings plenty of realism, his contributions to local papers with many readers and comments in it own country and abroad. His opinions are commented in international magazines and his biography appear in many biographical publications as Marquis Who’s Who in the Word (1982/83); International Who’s Who of Intellectuals (1987), Dictionary of International Biography (1990/91) IBC Cambridge; Community Leaders of the World (1986), World Biographical Hall of Fame (1988), International Directory of Distinguished Leadership (1989), ABI, Raleigh, N.C., and more. In his essay “Liberalism” the author expose the cause of poverty and the available resources to make a prosperous, easy and fair world.

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    Liberalism - Dario Melendez

    Copyright © 2000 by Dario Melendez.

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    Chapter One

    The Lash to the People.


    Second Part

    Free and Prosperous Existence



    To the humankind, among those that count

    my wife, children, descendants, family,

    friends and other related,

    with fervent desire that they can enjoy

    a prosperous, ease and happy life.


    The human being keeps atavistic habits, as orthodoxy rules established since the prehistory, leading to a political status quo.

    Prying into what the population wants, what their desires are, cunning politicos manage those craves, observing with sagacity the widespread tendencies, assuring to the peoples that, running the government, they will have the necessary means to reach those desired objectives.

    The mankind has stayed this way, from political promise to government failure, and of government’s change to social frustrations, whose consequences have been immanent misery and endless discords. Regrettable attitude that constitutes ballast for the progress of the civilization.

    Through it existence, the history register only short lapses of tranquillity and progress; in extensive, the history is about wars and conquests of one or another country, with winners or conquered, the conquered ones recover and they return to fight, in an endless interest of taking out commercial advantages, imposing its will to the opponents.

    What does the peoples win with the wars?

    A question that each individual should ask to himself, not to their leaders and to be given himself the answer.

    To ask if Egypt, Assyria, Babylon and other Asian nations, cradles of the civilization, had motive to fight, until making disappear their integrity, or if they should unite to coexist and progress. To reason if Persia and Greece achieved some benefit in their insistent and successive confrontations or if they annulled their existence, giving place to the emergence of Rome. If Attila and Gengis Kan contributed well being some to their peoples and if Stalin or Hitler favored Europe.

    Reasoning that the human intelligence should not ignore, neither to contemplate to the slight one.

    The war never solves anything, it violates and destroys everything.

    Through the history the people have bent to the will of megalomaniac commanders, thirsty of wealth and glory, always willing to the most loathsome ends to reach their objectives, without taking into account if, with their designs, the collectivity is wounded, battered or destroyed. The recent crisis of cold war in which each two warlike superpowers pointed mutually with their atomic missiles, and after countless negotiations and treaties, which conclude in nothing, dissolved but in frivolous events, gives an idea toward where drive to world the trivial political diatribes.

    While the situation became heated and it turned red hot, nobody imagined that the dissidence was going to solve for its own will, without an agreement neither concession and, in the interim, the humankind and its millennial civilization lolled of a fragile thread whose rupture would incinerate, in hours, and sweep from the layer of the earth all vestige of life.

    Does the humankind follows the natural laws that surround him?

    Maybe the animals and the plants, being irrational show good sense, when adapting better to the natural laws.

    What a powerful interest exists which incites the human being to such adventures, put in danger the whole world, induce to the confrontation of nations like it happened to Greece and Persia, mutually being destroyed without explanation that justifies its disagreement?

    That powerful and destructive interest, to which the modern doctors of the statism call it macroeconomics, it’s more contradictory and more discordant apple than the heady one Paris throws to the goddesses of the Olympus. Wise and judiciously, considered by the sages of the antiquity cause of all the warlike confrontations in the world, it continues being main cause of the human miseries.

    The macroeconomics, or the handling of the wealth by the governments, is the culprit of most of the wrongs that the societies suffer.

    Nothing cause so many wars, damages and sufferings to the peoples as the administration of the state treasury, resources that abusively the rulers snatch the poor to cause them all the inconveniences and misery.

    So that there is peace and well being in the world, the governments should not manage wealth at all.

    The taxes, to which have gotten used almost all the inhabitants of the world, except those that do not suffer that lash, having been free societies, it is a way to subdue the human being with the pretext of offering him security and well being; rising, for their interest, revolutions and coups and, as for the sought well being, it is only possible to enslave communities to some faulty and monopolized services, whose existence and handling is cause of the miseries that afflict to the poor classes, which never find where to receive the services that, for its diligence, they deserve.

    The macroeconomic is a gold vein handled by paladins of endless wars, glorified by poets and singers, highlighted by historians and beloved by beautiful women, with fateful for those unfortunates that face in wars to be killed. To be killed so that drones with sting—as Plato describes them—monarchs or dictators be erected and be awarded the easy revenues of tributes that poor peoples pay.

    People are only free when they do not pay taxes.


    Chapter One

    The Lash to the People.

    1. Fiscal coercion

    From the prehistory it gravitates on the peoples, subdued by eventual conquerors and for their rulers the enormous bale of the tributes.

    Tribute constitutes the worst lashes suffered by the human being in all his existence.

    Leaders and saviors arise which seize streamers and signs, to demand conquests and recoveries in favor of other segments of the society and in detriment of the community. They take like pretext to favor to the neediest and these, do not understand that them, the destitute ones and nobody else, they always finance the tributes, and they always load with all the expenses that, with prodigality, spread political and rulers among their followers.

    Imposed by the strongest, in exercise of their dominion or command of the majorities, the peoples accept the exaction as a necessity to maintain the facade of an administrating state of social services.

    The sufferings that such a system cause and the economic inconveniences that it creates are countless. Taxes bleed the resources, subtract indispensable means for the normal sustenance of the families.

    Andorra, a tiny country located in the Pyreness Mounts, between Spain and France, it affirms that there is not poor amongst its inhabitants, same thing Monaco can say. In those countries they do not pay taxes, their citizens are free persons.

    For the maintenance of a sovereign state, government demands civic tribute. It’s considered that the maintenance of an internal order and the external security require of wide resources. Tax and death the North American people in their traditional slang say, and they admit a justification in their welfare, their imperial army and influential currency, able to impose their power in the whole universe at onerous tax cost.

    A North American or European employee hardly perceives 50% of his wage, the state appropriates more than half of his production value to cover state expenses, supposedly to offer him social services that each person can buy cheaper and better if their resources are no subtracted by the government taxes. That’s the reason for there is it so many poor in those nations, in spite of having incommensurable resources.

    According to information there are in the United States territory thirty six million poor.

    In the underdeveloped countries the tax burden is horrible, the salary earner and the common citizen see diminished its revenues and doesn’t have the smallest idea why, the prices rise absorbing the squalid productivity, condemning the common persons to a miserable existence. They must sustain an opulent and prodigal regime, a white elephant.

    This way, the poverty will always be main characteristic in these countries, governed by ostentatious and tyrannical regimens.

    Since the beginnings of the civilization, the human being, to defend of his enemies, should congregate in hamlets or urban nuclei, whose organization depended on a leader, boss or commander, attributions that relapsed in the strongest and hardened individual, in the drone with sting, as Plato qualify it, the customs persist.Today’s Russia established that way. The Persian, Greek, Syrian and others they established the Russia Country. Slavonic and Ukraine residents suffered continuous pillaging of the Vikings, Celts, Teutons and other barbarian tribes; to subsist, they hire Viking champions that defended them, later on, the payments to the guardian became taxes.

    In most of the countries that primitive habit stay with some exceptions, a copy of the system that reigns in the wild forests. The more rural and underdeveloped a population stay, or the more to be able and wants to show magnificence the nation to that one belongs, more his adhesion is to the extortion regime, the one that, precise of nationalism at all cost, and such a considerable economic power, as much as demand his political necessities always based on the oppression and the subjugation of the neediest. The neediest, entertained with faulty social services or by mean of some political promise, in a permanent misery they live.

    Bread and circus, Juvenal affirmed, it is all that the ignorant people need.

    Tax coercion and government persecution that the powerful ones support at the same time that they avoid. Trade of influences and economic advantages that such a business bear, are the most effective political weapons. With them, the most overbearing and degrading regimens maintain the power. The opposition, when it exists, it lacks resources to counteract the forces of the regime and if the opponents win the power they inherit, with the system, the established taxes and them additionally impose their own.

    When the opponents to the regime occupy governmental position get transformed, from critical to fervent defenders of the government, the official position and the money involved in it transforms them.

    Prevaricators bet on purpose in tax collector positions with instructions to act overbearing in order to scare the candid taxpayer, inducing him to negotiate a bribe or to succumb in front the overwhelming weight of the unbearable taxes, so unbearable that if a person were according pay as established he goes directly to the economic ruin. This affirms it openly the same politicians when they are in the opposition but when they assume the power they don’t make anything to reduce them, on the contrary, they subject new tax laws every time that they have opportunity to make it. Once in the arks of the public treasure, the enormous accumulated resources are objects of multiple deceitful maneuvers.

    The regimen, to stay, promotes and supports prevarication. In the Dominican Republic a law exists that authorizes the intendants to get a 10% commission in all that they buy or negotiate on behalf of the State, the positions of intendants are of those more coveted in the country.

    In Latin America a very well known slogans exist: Shark takes a bath, but it sprinkles. An allusion to the typical government of these countries that takes a bath in the government wealth and it spreads crumbs among his followers.

    2. The economists and political’s work

    The rescues that in the past settled down pirates and conquerors, to the taken cities, they become substituted nowadays by taxes. Taxes and devaluation, by means of sophisticated economic programs devised by the modern claque of theoretical that they make call economists, first line persons in the government staff.

    The programs made by the economists constitute governmental plans in which the politicians base their rhetorical addresses to the peoples. As can be appreciated in Brazil, Argentina and Venezuela, and in the same United States the results are onerous loads to the people. In those nations, with enough resources to enjoy tranquillity and looseness, the states are of such a high cost that maybe they never end up economically recovering.

    On the seventies, the United States, following some economic recommendations, make to devaluate the dollar twice, without any benefits.

    The economists recommend and advise the governments that pay their services very well, they only serve to governments and companies intimately related with the states, they don’t settle down neither they administer personal business and if makes it, they would ruin with their ideas all business that they administer. Going this way from bad to worse the state finances, always to the suffering taxpayer’s coast and in deteriorate of the national production.

    So rapacious system has many followers. Besides the wise economists that propitiate it, all the members of a party winner or of the ruling group, the followers favored by the regime, those which contribute resources for the proselytizing campaigns and the international organisms sponsoring of state financing with loans and help to the governments, in negotiations of contracts with the states’ friends, all them get profits.

    To negotiate with the governments of the Third World and their dependencies it is highly advantageous. To the state is sold at high prices that include juicy tips, commissions, bonuses and sinecure for both parts in business. The president who guarantees the loan receives a part for his politics, to the officials who actuate, in lateral chain and from top to bottom, each one receives a quota, the same as the organism moneylender’s agents, which make possible the business, all is object of gifts and valuable donations.

    Who pay?

    3. The influences of the religion

    The religious institutions don’t lag behind, each one claim for their part in the cake. They stay primarily of the revenues that the system provides them and its cost always relapses on the destitute ones, whose devaluated incomes, when losing value of change the national currency; the governments offer help them, for supposedly to compensate.

    The wealth accumulated by the religions in the entire world is incommensurable, it overcome those of all the states together; are nonnegotiable, inalienable, paralyzed and static properties which standstill and lack of circulation deduct a great part of the world wealth.

    In the cathedral of Toledo there is, in a chapel, a gross gold ingot of 320 kg. weight, probably fruit of the spoils made in America by the conquerors. Pure gold not used, is it only there static, exposed without being known with what end. In the Vatican and in all the churches of the world, there are gold, silver, jewels, precious stone, sculptures, paintings and many other immense valuable things.

    For what reason do they serve?

    A resident of New York City affirms that the island of Manhattan belongs to the Anglican Church, the buildings built there they don’t have own land.

    The Latin American states, guided by the Catholicism, control as many properties they can no selling neither permitting to negotiate them.

    The new liberal current has taken out to glitter of governmental deficits due to ruined and unproductive business and public debts, caused by the regimens whose inapt administration can not retain them for the enormous losses it accumulates.

    Who pay all those losses, debts and international loans are the destitute ones, helpless poor of these countries, without realizing when neither how.

    In all the cases those deficits will urge the consumption and the cost of the goods and services that the population uses, while the economist calls to that government abuses inflation and the union leaders take it like pretext to claim wage increases, elevating the costs and still making worse but the endemic misery of people.

    Those onerous economic loads are inherent part of the system, system sustained by all the political and religious ideologies of the world; in that way, the ignorant people are naked, defenseless in front a regime that the prevalent ideologies justify and they maintain without a liberation glimpse can be seeing.

    The Catholic Church, by means of its new catechism, considers serious sin not to pay taxes to the governments. In Germany, by means of a law, 8% of their income are discounted to the salary earners, for the maintenance of the church. There the priests live very well.

    The newspaper of Spain El Pais. dated 24 of May of 1998 points out: On 1988 (the Church) has received from the State but of 43,000 million pesetas of direct financing that were not given voluntarily by the taxpayer. They left the Budget of the State to reach those approximately 20,000 annual millions made a pact in the agreements of 1979 between Spain and the Holy See.(Rumbo, 8 Jun. 1998).

    In the Dominican Republic and possibly in the whole world, the church is the richest institution, its properties are incommensurable. In all the countries, the most powerful and influential partner that the businesses of the state have is the church. The religion and the armed forces are the most powerful pillars that sustain the governments. The church removes and it puts new governments.

    According to information proceeding from people close to the Trujillo regime, the overthrown Argentinean president Juan D. Perón, being granted asylum in Santo Domingo, he presented to the Trujillo office to thank him his hospitality and at the same time to inform him that he would move to Spain. According to hearsay the dictator asked him why lives the Dominican Republic, to what Perón answered:

    -It has just arrived here the apostolic nuncio Salvatore Siino, that individual was the one that overthrew me in Argentina and I notice that you can run the same luck.

    It happened that way, a coup replaced Trujillo government while Salvatore Siino stay as nuncio of the Vatican in Dominican Republic.

    The Christian Church is a communist institution. its internal organization, its congregations and its doctrine are communist since its creation. The Gospel, fundamental doctrine of the church, settles down:

    FACTS 2-44 And all those that believed were together; and they had all the common things; 45 and they sold the possessions, and the country properties, and distribute to all, as each one there was need.

    Later on also: FACTS 4-34 That no needful had among them: because those that possessed estates or houses, selling them, they brought the price of that sold 35 and they put it to the feet of the apostles; and it was distributed each one according to that there was need.

    The same one chapter FACTS refers in 5 paragraphs 1—10 the case of a called person Ananías and his spouse Safira that they sold a property and only taken to Saint Peter a part from the money, to what the apostle reproached accusing them of having lied to God, falling dead both for that sin.

    That, according to the Bible, although it doesn’t mention if some forensic physician or judge acted in the case. Neither it points out the Bible other incomes, once spent the product of the estates or sold house, nor there was not other who contributed the valued of other properties or made them fructify. An angelically life indeed, of course doesn’t fit doubt, only it is a utopia but, one more of so many that exposed around the world.

    Nowadays the goods of the church are not distributed to each one according to that there is need, like it the gospel says, all the goods and properties of the church, immediately that it acquires them they are inalienable, it can not be negotiated neither to pass over, they are untouchable.

    The church sustains, as she preaches, in the poor to those it says to protect, the poor are the wealth of the church. The priests say if they didn’t have poor the church it would not exist; that is to say, to exist, the church has to make misery.

    That is one of the reasons for which the churches oppose to the family planning. The families of many members, with many children, are poor, each offspring is very expensive and as more children are born the family patrimony decreases. The family becomes poor, being forced to request to God that helps them in their misery, the church it attracts this way and it maintains the families in its flock. A good part of the blame that there are so many poor in the world they have it the religion’s propitiator of poor for their flock. The Gospel says: Easier it goes a camel by the eye of a needle that a rich one enters to the Kingdom of God.

    4. Free societies

    To live in places where the resources are monopolized, frozen or pilfered by overbearing powers, cagey religious and political institutions have been refused by some societies. Their convictions have induced them to establish remote and independent districts, far from the medley statism.

    Andorra, Monaco, Liechtenstein, they are among those districts, also some small Antilles far away from their mother nations. Those societies reject the fiscal abuses, they don’t admit them and have been able this way to eradicate the poverty of their land and to live in peace, enjoying their industry in full harmony, because the poverty is the worst of the wrongs that the humankind suffers and the one that causes bigger conflicts. For their side the religions entertain the peoples with the fear to the death and paradisiacal promises for those that suffer, what nobody has been able to verify.

    Bases of the empires, from the prehistory, the ancestral habits to control and to make depend on the state the wealth and commercial transactions, took bigger peak and splendor in Europe during the reign of Luis XIV of France, the bloom that showed his reign with it overbearing absolutism this monarch achieved, it impressed the world notably, at the time sank in the prone misery of the Middle Ages. Such prosperity was ephemeral due to it overbearing and absorbent system, soon it collapsed even if that monarchy last in France until the coming of the unavoidable Revolution.

    Meanwhile in England that had already suffered a similar crisis, Adam Smith exposed the social realities of the modern world in its rehearsal on The Wealth of Nations, sustaining in his thesis that the humankind has the natural means to live in harmony and to enjoy well being without intervention of the state in economic affairs. Smith was contemporary with the founders of the United States of America; Benjamin Franklin, at that time in England, met those ideas and brought them to America. This way the North American Union, of citizens that love freedom, constituted on the economic principles exposed by Smith. The Smith ideas had given place to contradictory and insidious ideologies trying to reform the principles exposed by the Scottish essayist, all looking to maintain and to justify the interference of the state in people’s business and in all the countries productive activities, having been fateful as it demonstrated, in a special way, in the course of the XX century, with two world wars and its destruction sequel and death.

    5. The fateful political economy

    At the end of the twenties, the socialist currents prevalent in Europe, governors of an overbearing statism, reach land in the United States, at that time enjoying enviable prosperity during Calvin Coolidge’s presidency, which gave up it not stops to adopt the emergent political ideology that so much peak took in the old continent, it influence caused that the North American capital frightens, looks for refuge in Switzerland and other nations where the communism was incompatible, resulting in the great economic recession of 1929 that contributed to the devastating World War II.

    In Latin America, the economic system tour around the socialist exchequer and the fiscal bribe the one that in turn constitutes, in most of the cases, more than 60% of the economic movement in the countries of the Third World.

    In the Dominican Republic, the government expenses, detailed in a budget, surpass the two thousand million dollars annually, (that not registered can surpass that cipher), managed directly from the Presidency without any functionary can take in his hands an official negotiation that there is not been previously granted by President Balaguer, who always acts as owner and master of all that orders and the State buys.

    Prevailing in the official power the relatives negotiate in hiding fabulous transactions with the private sector.

    With the economic power in their hands, without keeping in mind the national budget, promulgated by pure formalism, the shift ruler buys the wills of followers and opponents, distributing favors and benefits by means of appointments in employment and awarding, without auction, public work contracts or simply monopolizing articles so that the shortages overvalue them, like it has been the case of cement, sugar and other items.

    The business with the government, without control, they are the main bribe source and dilapidation of resources. Not only in the government is observed the bribery, the political parties, especially in campaigns, they waste millions bying followers and getting support by selling in advance benefits and official positions. In occasions the press publishes accusations where affirm that up to 40% of the fiscal revenues is whisked away by officials and relatives through works and public investments.

    Those resources and economic contributions managed in politics are collected by different fiscal means from the family budget of the destitute ones, over and above the costs of all that they use or consume. That’s the reason why there are so many poor whom see the prosperity of those close to the regime and they look for, as only form of thriving, to adhere to the official train by means of an employment in the government, reducing this way the productive population of the country.

    The habit comes from far away; an anecdote that in 1959 referred in Washington mister De Reuter. De Reuter, administrating the airport of Panama and jointly with who this writes, received training in the United States, describes the behavior of the Dominican regime picturesquely. He told that his friend, a Panamanian, visited Trujillo accompanied by some foreign investors looking for a government contract and, with fear, he observed how much as emphasis and insistence the dictator, hitting the palm of his left hand with the edge of his right hand while he repeated one and another time:—Here it is necessary to make the clear things and into order, everything inside the rule.

    Later on, the dictator offered a reception and conversed, in frank companionship, with the cortege of investors’ visitors. The Panamanian took advantage for, with the biggest courtesy, to inquire him if the previous day, while it directed them the word being hitting the left hand with the edge of the right, he was angry and tried to recriminate them some fault or error in that somebody of the group has incurred.

    -No—the dictator told him—it is not fault or error some, my expressions were clear and precise, they indicated that all business here should be with of cutting for me the half, portions that it always corresponds me.

    It is this way in our country and the population is, in great majority, in accordance it has this way to be.

    The almighty president is owner and master of all that there is and takes place in the country, he can make to undo and to prepare at his will because he is the owner.

    When it is necessary in some place an assistance everybody requests to the President that contributes of its pecuniary the necessary thing to attend economically. The ruling successors of Trujillo have maintained the same system. The whole politics behaves this way and most accepts it.

    Supported by the international organisms the official financing works by means of bribes, the economic helps from foreign governments operate in a similar way.

    The system comprises many advantages and most of merchants oppose to decrease the taxes, especially the import tariffs that constitute the thick of the fiscal revenues. Tariffs being indirect taxes, the population doesn’t have conscience as the pay, seemingly they are the importers those that pay the tariffs. As other obligation that loaded to the imported goods, whose sale price adapts at the final cost, the population believes that the rich importers pay all taxes involved. They don’t know, neither they imagine that besides loading the consumers all the taxes, in the custom handling of merchandize there are involved unimaginable commercial benefits as big as they don’t fit in the mind of a common citizen.

    A tariff official, of the highest range, receives a wage smaller than a thousand dollars monthly and it appraises imported goods whose taxes often reach millions of dollars.

    An importer that should pay one million dollars or more in having imposed tariff by its periodic imports, knows well how the public administration is managed, the one which the same President of the Republic, in his speeches in front to the Nation expressed that the public employees are bad paid and therefore they should complete their revenues with bites or the accustomed bribe, with all easiness assigns one or more tariff officials a salary of more than a thousand monthly dollars that the employee surreptitiously receives, for to facilitate the taken out of shipments. Such facilities are only within reach of the big importers that can pay them, the small importers result abusively penalized, to compensate the taxes left perceiving from the big imports; also having to bribe employees of smaller category, so that their bill don’t stop in any of the countless desks that intervene in the handling of the imported goods.

    The problem reaches a depressing shade when it relates to raw materials or machinery’s parts for the small or medium size industry. The regime doesn’t distinguish among the import of raw material for manufacture and simple products ready for sale. The government’s interest is to capture fiscal revenues to buy followers and nothing else.

    A small industry that it must import raw materials, machinery or parts for the same ones has to travel the bitter one via crucis to face prevaricators that cause him practically impossible the recover of his purchase, retained by the customs personal. Goings and comings to that government dependence, of an employee that loses days and months in it looking for some piece for a machinery, which maintains paralyzed the production of a factory and, it is hidden by one of the custom employees, when the administrator is forced to look for the piece personally the custom employee that retains it rebukes him—it is that you don’t give even to get gasoline.

    One of the ways that some affected adopt, in the face of such an abuse, is to negotiate that somebody of the same customs withdraws the piece and when it gets it he pays to who brings it.

    This whole tangle has its reason of being, it goes in benefit of the great importer that can solve its problems easily when having officials to salary that facilitate him everything.

    It is the reason for which the importers oppose to that the import taxes are eliminated, they constitute its best source of business in all orders, it eliminates the possible competition of the national product and on the other hand the state, with its great purchase power, is the best client; with bite and everything, pay the highest prices.

    No ways of the government hierarchies that have free door in all the customs of the country for their high investiture, for those there are not problems, their goods go directly from the ports or airports to their warehouses or directly negotiated through established merchants or not with which they associate.

    The best businesses carried on associated to some hierarchy. The big existent commercial fortunes in the country are acquired by means of to import and to distribute or to sell foreign products worldwide grateful and credited.

    It is practically impossible to compete in an underdeveloped country, in front of all the obstacles and restrictions that the regime imposes to impede the competition by the local producer, does the government, patron of the strange commercial powers, represented by the local economic interests that sustain to the regime, impose those reefs.

    Local industries running for twenty, thirty, fifty and more years only subsist, braking even, still capable managers administer them.

    The specialized immigrants that come from Europe and other nations in occasions, prefer to import and sell, no to produce still when they are industrialists or qualified technicians with specialty to manufacture.

    The established tariff regime for the protection of the local production is the worst obstacle, the biggest reef found by the local transformation industry. In front to that reality, some countries of the area have devised the free industrial zones, small industrial centers to which free import of raw materials and parts is allowed in order to export manufactured articles and create employment.

    Recently, the local press has published that the government ceased perceiving thousands of millions of Dominican pesos in taxes, due to these tax-free free zones. The national interest is tax no production.

    Countless intentions have been made to liberate the local production of the inconveniences caused by customs, but as laws are being made by the government-representative of the powerful economic interests those laws will always rotate around the fiscal revenues that in turn nurtures the big business, advised by economists that find in the government and in the bound companies to the regime their only job source, because they don’t know how to make anything else than to get government jobs. This situation persists and no change is in sight.

    In most cases, it is cheaper to buy in the local market imported products that could be elaborated locally due to the fact that those products are hand made or of simple manufacture, their production could actually be found attractive in the country, nevertheless taxes and necessary permissions to manufacture impede to produce it here. It is a system made to fit the class that imposes and manages the regime.

    On 1982, being Executive Director of Industrial Development, the author proposed a bill to the Congress to establish tariff and tax free to the raw materials and industrial equipment. A ferocious opposition from the established industries protected by the Law No. 299, voids the bill, which intended promoting the countries industrial development. (See Frank Moya Pon’s Empresarios en Conflicto).

    If it is proposed to certain raw materials, machinery’s or parts for the industry—that never before have been imported are established a lower tariff, the regime and importers consider that the government assumes a fiscal sacrifice.

    The interest of the State is above all national interest, following Plato’s theory blindly all civic right ceases when it is the interest of the state, to the end that if for some reason, be clearly demonstrated excessive collection of taxes, there is not right to claim refund some neither appeal that it is worth, when the law prepares this way it. The government doesn’t return charged taxes neither it can be object of judicial demand.

    In all the government departments it is the same thing, the inspectors, supported by the President’s suggestions, of the bite, they arrive to the establishments claiming tips before any inspection and proceeding to coerce threatening to make a serious subjection for all the found irregularities or the left fiscal tributes of paying.

    Talking about tributes, the same ones are so exorbitant and excessive that any business to which be forced to pay them falls in bankruptcy.

    It is the most powerful means to scare, to coerce and to subject to obedience the dissidents or contrary to the regime and with them the whole society. As much the big importer as the small and medium merchants, they are staunch defenders of the taxes, they understand and it is this way, that the government is the main client and all taxes are holy matter.

    The common citizen strives working, fighting to survive far from the political medley, out of the distribution and of the government gifts, accepting state impositions, paying endless tributes and welcoming with patience the sways that so much ruling as opponents they prepare for his cause, without who obtain the privilege of governing they understand that those governed are no human beings and they must suffer stoically how many official impositions be demanded.

    Since Christopher Columbus disposed that each inhabitant of this island must contribute a full cascabel with gold, the one which being impossible to obtain it full, reduced it then to half cascabel—according to Bartolomé de las Casas—from that time so far anything has changed.

    In front of those incongruities, not to call them extorts, it fits the question: Do the right politicians have to maintain the pending country of some in favor negotiations, sterile and Byzantine discussions that don’t go him or they come to the citizenship?

    Give me the Liga and I give you the Junta, give me the Camara and I give you the Contraloría. Is it that way as is it sought to continue governing this Republic? They maybe believe did promoters of dialogues that they attend some right to distribute the government of the Nation like who inherits a parcel.

    To deify supposed leaders that become obstinate in maintaining a foot in the XV Century and another in the XVII Century, to the door of whose offices they affirm the internet stop, using the flag and the hymn every time that they feel politically penned, trying to exercise the bulls of the Middle Ages, without nobody is able to convince them that they should take a step toward the modern era, while the population, imbued in supposed benefits offered from the state, lives absent-minded, believing that they give what has to pay amply when they devaluate the currency, the taxes increase, the cement, the sugar or the fuels increase their prices in an evident demonstration of candid civic ingenuousness.

    Rancid style to make political that doesn’t change, in exercised of the cunning and the cheat like expedite way of government business who deceives but he knows and who gives people support him, in Olympic scorn of the civic morals and without keeping in mind who pays the expenses of so costing banquet.

    The ignorant becomes satisfied with a little portion of the cake, but the society in its group it is not only populace, in the country some families respect themselves and they feel wounded when being whipped and driven like sheeps. It is no longer so easy to deceive ignorance with promises of a well being made to the measure from a demagogue government. The Cuban Revolution created many romantic hopes that still dreamers believe in it.

    A reality demonstrate that from government’s only emanate illusion and drags painful disappointments.

    The governments are that, governs, and to govern means to impose tributes that the population has to accept and pay, to receive the monopolist state services when and how the public employees or officials want to offer them to their way and convenience. The example shows it the medical doctors paid by the State, without thinking of its oath they go on to strike leaving in orphanage the whole destitute population, in hope of a supposed state protection.

    Who thinks with his head tries not to depend on the Government. The medical doctors of private centers can not go to strike, the citizenship should ask to be allowed to go with its own money to private hospitals, without decimating its family budget by means of taxes to pay bureaucrats.

    The poverty disappears this way when permitting each individual to make use of their resources according to their desires and necessities.

    The bosses owed to think of the natural right that attended the population, to allow to the Nation a rest by means of a substantial reduction of the state cost, not to demand the full with gold cascabel, as Columbus imposed it, while show imaginary fight against a corruption intrinsically grateful and accepted in all state administration. So political felony tires, the means of public opinion should be in charge of useful topics and guidance, not to be devoted to highlight political sketches, exposed with so bad pleasure as to stage, causing that officials foreign has to come to put the points clear, making us the laughingstock of the conscious collectivity, that observes with pity how some is in favor to scrambles and rejects the norms, maintaining forgotten the Constitution and the national laws.

    6. Express’s

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