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About this ebook

This story is about a man going on a fishing holiday to Scotland who meets a stranger on a train journey. The stranger tells him about an event that happened a long time ago. The story would stay with him for the rest of his life, but it has meaning for our day, as struggles between good and evil continue and will for some time, but good will always win in the end, the struggle will continue. The end could be a while in coming.
Release dateMar 10, 2017

Paul Brackenfield

Paul Brackenfield is married with children, A quiet man who loves history -who we are, where we came from, and where we are going. But history and great events have spaces, holes. They are like dots on a drawing which I like to connect, to give a fuller picture. Although we weren’t at these great events of history we can only imagine what it was really like. I hope that this book will give a flavour of these events. Always wanted to write a book, hopefully this will be one of many.

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    Book preview

    Equanimity - Paul Brackenfield

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    © 2017 Paul Brackenfield. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse 03/02/2017

    ISBN: 978-1-5246-7828-9 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5246-7839-5 (e)

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    The Journey Begins

    The Stranger Begins The Story

    A Strange Event

    The Visit To Timnah

    Wedding Preparations

    The Fox’s Revenge

    A New Challenge

    The Test Of Love

    The Final Deceptions

    The Final Test Of Deception

    The Long Journey To Enslavement

    Samson’s Revenge


    To those who helped with the preparation

    With special thanks to Lilian Fulker,

    with help in proofreading

    this book and the credit to the Creator

    who had this story recorded in is His Word


    I was ready for my holidays; it was time for a break. The turn of the century was an exciting time, with new inventions. The future was looking bright- then the Great War came, leaving great tragedy in its wake. The World now would be a different place for all time, and would carry that sadness in the memories of men. But for me work was always a necessary burden, and like most I did my duty. Working in accounts can be a demanding and tedious role, and sometimes the mind can wander to far off places. But duty would always pull me back. Considering this, to take some time away and enjoy life you need a holiday; and now it was my time. Just a few days in Scotland would do the trick. I made my way through the hustle and bustle of people to the train station. The holiday had now started, I was on my way. A journey which would be life changing, with my fishing gear and suitcase I was ready.

    Tickets sir, if you please said the ticket collector, and where are we travelling to today?

    Scotland I replied For the salmon? He smiled and chuckled as he noticed the fishing rods in their carrying case.

    Yes, or to catch any fish that would come along I said.

    Right you are then, the train is there waiting for you on platform one.

    I made my way down the platform examining the ticket and looking for my coach, first-class of course. You should always travel in the best surroundings, I thought.

    The noise was tremendous, people rushing about as if it was the end of the world, only interrupted when the great engine let off steam, which reminded everyone that it was time to go. I noticed in this great chaos, one lady had lost her hat and she was busily trying to catch it as it flew down the platform. Being already seated, watching this event through the window I felt I couldn’t be of any assistance. Some have said that the holiday begins when your journey starts, I had to agree with that. It’s always exciting to hear the great engine blowing off steam before a journey. Looking out of this window gave great entertainment, and then to my surprise I was joined by a tall man who sat down opposite. He looked like a studious man, stately in appearance, he smiled and then took out of his pocket a small black book which he started to read.

    Dickens? I said inquiringly.

    No he said in a soft voice still holding his place. Then he lifted the book so that I could see what it was. Ah, the Good Book I said, he nodded and turned his head and gazed out of the window at a billboard advertisement pasted on the wall. It was an elephant

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