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Securing Strength to Prevail Through Fasting & Praying
Securing Strength to Prevail Through Fasting & Praying
Securing Strength to Prevail Through Fasting & Praying
Ebook110 pages1 hour

Securing Strength to Prevail Through Fasting & Praying

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Abstinence from food and drinks in any form, as well as pleasure reduces the influence of the flesh on the soul while it promotes the dominance of the Spirit of God which gave life to man at creation. God communicates with man through the spirit of man. Herein are the ways to sustain the body to fast and benefit from fasting and prayers. These are simple methods and tactics to survive through life by the spiritual strength of fasting and prayers.

PublisherXlibris UK
Release dateJul 20, 2012
Securing Strength to Prevail Through Fasting & Praying

Emmanuel Oghenebrorhie

Rev Emmanuel Oghenebrorhie can be described as a Paper-pulpit Pastor and Bible Preacher by publication. He is divinely ordained to teach, preach and publish the Gospel of Christ Jesus and has been teaching and preaching since 1994. He began to publish in 2004 and presides over Emmanuel Oghenebrorhie Ministries, that encompasses several arms. He operates Christ Redemption Publications, based in Ibadan, Nigeria. He has been published by other publishers overseas. He makes the working word of God relevant to daily living, to prepare the saints for heaven. He hosts a monthly Bible Seminar every second Sunday at his Nigerian base, Ibadan. His audiences often comment that he gives a realistic interpretation to the word of God in a way they never heard or read previously and that he directs the word of God to where it matters in a man’s life when it matters most. He can be reached on [email protected] or [email protected] or 234-7037825522 or 234-8182022262 or 07055989850

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    Securing Strength to Prevail Through Fasting & Praying - Emmanuel Oghenebrorhie

    Copyright © 2012 by Emmanuel Oghenebrorhie.

    ISBN:              Softcover                  978-1-4771-4330-8

    ISBN:              Ebook                      978-1-4771-4331-5

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    Unless otherwise indicated, scriptures are taken from Today’s English Version (TEV), New King James Version (NKJV) and New International Version (NIV).

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    1 Abstinence

    2 Seclusion

    3 Bathing and Sleeping

    4 Refrain from Energy Sapping Activity

    5 Avoid aroma of food

    6 Ask God for Strength

    7 Conclusion

    Author’s Other Published Titles


    Rev Biodun Adesina whose encouragement to write something on fasting and praying in the last decade nearly transformed into persuasive insistence. This dedication is with a great sense of appreciation for your persistent persuasion.


    All glory to God that this is available for others to read. Lord, a thousand tongues are not enough for me to express my gratitude for this unique opportunity to be a blessing to my generation and future generations. Surely, everything in this call and commission is your doing and it is marvellous in my eyes.

    God bless Rev Philip Olukunle and his family for his consistent encouragement. It is highly appreciated. May God swell your heavenly account richly, in Jesus’ mighty name, Amen.


    This could have been titled Source of Strength for Fasting to fortify Prevailing Prayers as well as Source of Strength for Christian Fasting for Prevailing Prayers or Sourcing Strength for Fasting or Source of Fasting Strength. There is this scandalous and sickening story told by a Christian brother. He said he attended a church earlier in his Christian life and dismembered himself because of one experience. The pastor proclaimed a congregational fasting and prayers. They were to fast and congregate at the church venue every evening. He was among the zealots who opted to stay in the church hall for the days the fasting lasted so they could wake up at night to pray. They were desperate for a miracle that would turn around their lives’ fortune permanently and thought this chance was a golden opportunity to prove to the Lord how determined they were to get a miracle from Him. Their pastor did not stay with them in the church all the time though the brother had hoped that he would, since he was the leader and was desirous that the church would quickly grow beyond leaps and bounds. He should set an example for the followers, the brother had thought but not so, if the Pastor stayed overnight, he would rush home the following morning while the brother and his colleagues stayed put. They used the few conveniences in the church premises to refreshen themselves every morning and had expected the pastor to sacrifice along with them. More so when he claimed during the announcement that God told him to proclaim the fast, he should be committed to it than any other member. Anyway, the end of the programme, not much happened by way of improvement in the lives of members and this pastor and the church generally. Then, he came up with the announcement that God has asked all the men to follow him to a Prayer Mountain for special prayers. They followed without realizing what God had decided to achieve with it. By the third day at the prayer mountain, it was time for the head of the prayer mountain to do one-on-one prayer session. Any interested person who went to pray there would kneel before the man who would declare whatever he believed God was saying concerning the life of the person. When it was the turn of this brother’s pastor, the prophet leading the prayer mountain said, he could never prosper with his wife in his life because she would never allow him. He said for instance, God told him to hold a special programme for the church recently but he did not keep the rules of the programme. Apparently, he was going home to eat. He and his wife had sign language with which he told her when to go home and prepare food for him to eat upon arrival. So each time he left the members in church to visit his home, he was going to eat and even had sex with his wife once in a while. He said the wife lacked the spiritual understanding and grace to encourage him to do whatever God would tell him to do to help his church and ministry to grow. This brother said, it was the last straw that broke the camel’s back as far as he was concerned. He could not stay under a man who could not sacrifice to let God bless them under his calling and ministry. God used the pastor to lead the congregation to the mountain to achieve two main things. First, to possibly help this man determine to do the right thing that would prosper his ministry. Secondly, to let the members decide what to do with their own lives with regard to either continue under such a pastor or move on to another church with a more reliable and responsible pastor. You need a Samuel to lead at the place of worship than Hophni and Phinehas. Otherwise, the heavens would be closed and it would prevent you to hear the word of God that you need to guide you into your God-assigned heritage during your sojourn on earth. I Samuel 3:19-21 says prior to Samuel’s emergence as the leader at the place of worship in Shiloh, God had ceased to speak to guide the Israelites. This means the misdemeanour of Hophni and Phinehas had made the Lord to stop speaking to the people at that place of worship.



    Abstinence from food and any form of drink is like drying a wood so that it would burn better when put in fire. It freezes or frees the spirit indwelling man from the influence of the flesh. The Spirit of God attaches to the human spirit to pass information from God to man’s spirit. The less of physical food one takes in, the less the flesh is empowered to dominate man’s senses and his spirit man is livened to influence his senses. Genesis 2:7, Job 33:4, Ecclesiastes 12:7 and Romans 8:12-16 say:

    Then the LORD God took some soil from the ground and formed a man out of it; he breathed life-giving breath into his nostrils and the man began to live.

    God’s spirit made me and gave me life.

    Our bodies will return to the dust of the earth, and the breath of life will go back to God, who gave it to us.

    ¹² So then, my brothers, we have an obligation, but it is not to live as our human nature wants us to. ¹³ For if you live according to your human nature, you are going to die; but if by the Spirit you put to death your sinful actions, you will live. ¹⁴ Those who are led by God’s Spirit are God’s sons. ¹⁵ For the Spirit that God has given you does not make you slaves and cause you to be afraid; instead, the Spirit makes you God’s children, and by the Spirit’s power we cry out to God, Father! my Father! ¹⁶ God’s Spirit joins himself to our spirits to declare that we are God’s children. (TEV)

    When the Lord punished mankind through Adam in Genesis 3, it meant that God allowed the flesh to dominate the man while he is on earth. When Satan deceived Eve, it was the flesh’s influence which Satan played upon in Eve. Satan stirred up the influence of the flesh to rule over the Spirit of God which gave life to Eve until she ate the forbidden fruit. It is like when Satan played on Judas Iscariot’s greed for money to betray Jesus and once he did it, Satan abandoned Judas who then realised the gravity of his action and opted for suicide. Every living person has the life-giving breath which God infused into man through Adam. The Spirit of God which is given to those who believe in God through Christ Jesus is extra spirit which attaches himself to the live-breath of God in man. I Samuel 10 and 16 confirm that King Saul and David got the spirit of God to lead their nation once they were anointed by Samuel. They were alive by the empowerment of the human spirit God passed to them from Adam through the generations to their fathers Kish and Jesse respectively. When they were anointed to be king, the extra or special spirit of God was added to the natural or common spirit so that they would be able to meet their royal responsibilities. So when Saul led the defeat of the Ammonites in I Samuel 11 we are told in verse 6 that the spirit of God took control of him. The same term was used when Judges 11 reports Jephthah leading the

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