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What the H---?
What the H---?
What the H---?
Ebook59 pages45 minutes

What the H---?

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About this ebook

Have you ever wondered why weather can tear our lives apart? Yet the storms of life, through relationships, family, tragedy, work and everyday living slowly weighs us down. But, the truth is we have the opportunity to turn the storm into a perfect sunny day. "What the H---" will allow you to open your heart and your mind and actually feel the love and the miracles around you!
Release dateFeb 21, 2013
What the H---?

Dave Gumbel

They were officially cousins, but tied together like brothers. Their life took them in two different directions in their professional lives. They have now reunited and come together after years apart to fulfill their ultimate dream. Through their convictions, experiences and spirit of love they now share with you the opportunity to richly enchance your life. They believe nothing is impossible. Through the storms of life you can build a bigger and better you!

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    Book preview

    What the H---? - Dave Gumbel

    WHAT THE H–?

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    © 2013 by Tony R. Dyer & Dave Gumbel. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    Published by AuthorHouse 02/18/2013

    ISBN: 978-1-4817-1899-8 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4817-1900-1 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2013903170

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    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10


    Wow, Seriously? What the H–? We all have experienced in some form or fashion, the devastation of mother nature, but what happens in our lives when we experience the same form of mother nature, not in the form of devastation because of traumatic weather, but the devastations life breathes on us? Over the course of the next few chapters I want to correlate along with my cousin the realities and the truth of not only experiencing these devastations, but also sustaining the hope and reality despite these many traumatic storms we experience in life, life itself is still worth living. A great proverb once said, Life is great as long as we do not weaken! Isn’t it time we too become stronger, stand up as one and fight for not only life but the things that are important, the things we want, the dreams we share and recoup the most cherishable things we might have lost along the way???


    Chapter 1


    W hat happens when we look in the mirror and all of a sudden we realize, we’re caught in the eye of the storm? That storm is called life! We are taught early on in life to prepare for devastating weather. Sirens go off, the winds pick up, we pray the tornadic activity will not come our way. We take shelter, we protect ourselves the best we can, in a basement, in a hallway, in a tub, in a closet and hope and pray we have surrounded ourselves enough to stay out of the EYE of the storm! The truth is, we do the same with everyday living. We protect ourselves, we look for cover, when the winds of life become tornadic, we hope it does not alter or change our course of life, because when it does we need to know why, we need answers, we need definition, but what happens when there are none?

    Let’s back up. When do the winds really start howling? In the beginning it literally starts in the womb. A child begins to grow, we do all we can to prepare for a beautiful healthy child. We eat right, we live right, we pray and we hope that our baby is healthy, a natural birth. But what happens when the cord wraps around the neck, emergency c-section? What happens when the baby is born with an unexplainable handicap? We pour out the greatest love there is to give. We try to understand? We cling to our faith and our hope. The truth is,

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