Still Standing; a Survivor’S Story
About this ebook
Hope Concordia was a homeless child. She endured horrific acts of violence at the hands of those entrusted to care for her. Hope was molested, raped, and mentally and physically abused by the tender age of five. Hope ran away, only to find refuge on a street corner. At fifteen, she was scouted by an agent and quickly became a professional high-fashion model. Her newfound career took her off the streets but transplanted her into another dimension of international child sexual exploitation.
Hope married the same type of man she ran away from as a child, except he was from a very prominent family. She found herself living in a coveted environment known only to the elite of society, enduring the same types of abuse she had experienced on the streets.
A divorced mother of two children and without a college education, Hope ended up in a battered womens shelter in an attempt to rebuild her life and stop the cycle of abuse. She graduated from USC with her masters degree while on welfare.
Hope radiates inspiration! Her story is one that you will never forget! Soup kitchen to socialite and back again, Hopes resilience is remarkable!
Her positive energy lit up the room.
D. Evans, OC Register
Effervescent and stunning.
A. Gutierrez, OC Register
This book has been added to the California state mandated Domestic Violence Advocate Training curriculum. Still Standing will speak to survivors, family, friends, and experts.
M. Presley, Lauras House
We are so proud of Hope Concordia and her selfless desire to help others. Her compassion and courage exemplify our Schools mission to serve, to lead, to help and to heal.
Pinchas Cohen M.D. dean of USC Davis School
Hope Concordia M.A. BSW
HOPE CONCORDIA MA, BSW is a keynote speaker on domestic violence prevention and education for Laura’s House of Ladera Ranch, California. Hope earned her master’s degree from USC in gerontology with concentrations in complementary medicine and counseling. She also holds bachelor’s degrees in psychology, sociology, and gerontology.
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Reviews for Still Standing; a Survivor’S Story
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Still Standing; a Survivor’S Story - Hope Concordia M.A. BSW
Copyright © 2013 Hope Concordia M.A., BSW.
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ISBN: 978-1-4525-8501-7 (sc)
ISBN: 978-1-4525-8502-4 (e)
Balboa Press rev. date: 11/14/2013
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Screaming in Silence
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Hey Bully, Enough Already!
In Conclusion
For my beautiful children …
Always remember who you are … magnificent, powerful, worthy, kind, compassionate, loving, forgiving, unstoppable children of light.
Namaste and all of my love!
For my siblings …
Always remember, love should never hurt.
I believe we choose our parents while we are in spirit form in order to learn life’s lessons. I also believe that Hope chose to come into this lifetime with two parents who would commit multiple acts of violence and neglect so that she would be able to best serve as a source of light to others. On her soul’s journey, Hope endured torturous acts of violence in order to be able to authentically advocate for victims of crime.
Through my own survival and with my career with Laura’s House, I have met many diverse victims and survivors. I have seen the effects of child abuse and domestic violence firsthand. I have heard many stories, watched the scars heal and the bruises fade, and witnessed broken bones mend, but Hope’s survivor story is different! What makes Hope’s survivor story unique is that she first experienced abuse while still inside her mother’s womb. She was conceived in darkness and led into more darkness by others who would abuse and manipulate her. Some survivors blame others but not Hope—she has survived without blame and radiates grace and dignity.
Still Standing is an inspirational and multifaceted story that has parts I am familiar with, parts I have heard in my travels, parts I have observed in others, and parts I have been made aware of by colleagues, friends, and family, but I was not aware that all these separate terrors could actually happen to one person. I had no idea that one individual could endure such horrific abuse and yet break the cycle of violence and be brave enough to tell her story. Hope exemplifies resiliency tenfold.
Still Standing is familiar yet unfathomable. This story must not be kept silent; it must be told. Hope’s will to survive is astounding! She has broken the cycle of violence in her family and continues to advocate and volunteer with battered men, women, and children. She is educated in the red flags
of an abuser and knows why victims stay and why abusers abuse. Through all her life lessons, Hope has acquired an abundant supply of passion, empathy, and compassion.
When we blame a victim of domestic violence, rape, sexual assault, or dating abuse, we forget that we have a victim. Still Standing will speak to survivors, family, friends, and experts. It will force others to face the truth and to act. I will add Still Standing to the California state-mandated Forty-Hour Domestic Violence Advocate Training curriculum, and I will look at it as a reminder that the silence is over and that it is indeed possible to live in harmony after enduring a lifetime of trauma. I am glad Hope is still standing, because many are not. This is an inspiring story about the capacity of one girl’s super-human spirit!
Marissa C. Presley
Prevention Education Specialist
Laura’s House
999 Corporate Drive, Suite 225
Ladera Ranch, CA 92694
Ending the Silence of Domestic Violence
Take the Pledge:
Years ago, an agent of mine named Bonnie Liedtke asked me to write a book. She knew I was a homeless child who made it in the fashion world, and Bonnie thought my story was inspirational. But there was more to my story than street kid to cover girl.
I was too ashamed to tell her about all of the abuse I endured in my youth and in my career and was still enduring in my relationship, so I filed away her idea of sharing my story in print. I trusted that if I was to ever disclose the unspeakable, the universe would reveal the divine time to unveil my facade of normalcy and display the terror of my existence for all to see. That time finally arrived when I was a mother in my late thirties, sitting in Laura’s House Domestic Violence Shelter. For once in my life, I was safe. And I began to write this book in the shelter that saved my life. Thank you, Bonnie Liedtke, for planting this seed of Hope.
Mark S. Kosins, MD—for your courage
Karl J. Gebhard, MD—for your friendship
Edward H. Guillen, MD—for your bravery
David S. Cannom, MD—for saving my life
Terry McKeever, BSN, RN—for taking me under your wing and helping me reach my potential
Elaine Gotro, MS—for teaching me about FROG (fully rely on God)
Peter Allen Hands, Esq.—for your compassionate heart, dedication, and honesty
San Clemente Police Department—for coming to court on my behalf
California Child Support Services—for advocating in court for my children
Pastor Kris DiLeo—for standing beside me through the lengthy judicial journey
Marissa Presley—for encouraging me to write when fear paralyzed my fingers; for educating me on the cycle of domestic violence and providing a platform to share my story at the shelter
Dara Zane Scully—for reminding me to breathe; for lifting me up when I was in the fetal position on the floor and encouraging me to stand up; for walking through the fire of hell beside me
Paula Holm Augenstein—for watching the children so I could obtain an education; for believing in me when I did not believe in myself; for always being there when I needed you most
What would you do? In retrospect, I know my path was outlined and protected by the universe from which I came. Many thoughts passed through my subconscious, urging me to answer their magnificent call, but fear, lack of better judgment, and not trusting the process delayed my