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The Gnome Guardian: Polly’S Adventure
The Gnome Guardian: Polly’S Adventure
The Gnome Guardian: Polly’S Adventure
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The Gnome Guardian: Polly’S Adventure

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A Young girl who was left an Orphan at as young Age was Adopted by two aunts she did'nt know about but soon found out something special about them they could do things out of the ordinary.
Release dateApr 17, 2012
The Gnome Guardian: Polly’S Adventure

Roy Price

Roy Price was born in Dawlish South Devon England in 1948. He enjoys Puzzles and Crosswords and although he took up writing late in life he really enjoys writing stories and poetry.

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    The Gnome Guardian - Roy Price

    © 2012 by Roy Price. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse 04/04/2012

    ISBN: 978-1-4678-9701-3 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4678-9702-0 (e)

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    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 1


    You might say that if Polly’s Parent’s, hadn’t died in a car crash that night, and Polly hadn’t been taken to the orphanage, the Peters sisters would not have been able to adopt her and this story would not have happened.

    Anyways, the Peters sisters lived in a disused railway carriage, that had been placed, on the edge of Luscomb Woods, they had cleaned it, repaired it, and had been living there for at least Thirty years, and were very happy, although anyone who knew them, thought them a bit strange.

    Polly was Thirteen when she went to live with them, she was a bit scared at first, but soon settled down and it wasn’t long before she grew very fond of the sisters and thought they were just a bit eccentric, but soon to find out differently.

    One Day Polly, sat at the table and watched the sisters prepare dinner running backwards and forwards between the kitchen and dining room, although you would have trouble, telling them apart as they were identical twins, and dressed alike as well, but Polly didn’t have any problem because the sisters had told her of the only two ways to tell them apart, and both of them could alter their appearance at any time.

    To Polly, they were known as Aunty Jean, and Aunty Jenny, both of them, standing at only five feet tall, and on the plump side, and always dressed in green, they were always Jolly and Laughed a lot, Polly did too when she was with them, side by side both sisters looked the same, but Jean’s favourite colour was red, while Jenny’s was blue and both always wore an hairpin of these colours in their hair, also when both spoke Jeans was low and deep like a man’s while Jenny’s the opposite.

    Soon dinner was over and Polly went out to play, while the two sisters cleared the table and washed up the dishes, once this was finished both sister’s stepped outside and seated themselves on the bench placed under the dining room window, they both watched Polly sat on the grass, under a tree, reading a book, they looked at each other and smiled, they seemed to be talking to each other although neither moved her lips and no sound was heard.

    Polly was sat there pretending to read while she watched her two Aunts, she loved them both dearly, but lately had noticed some strange thing happening, like now, Polly could have sworn they were talking but their lips weren’t moving and no sound could she hear, and at least once a day they’d both go for a walk in the woods, several times Polly had tried to follow them, but they had both disappeared, then about an hour later reappeared again as if nothing had happened.

    Polly watched them closely to find out, she was just beginning to think she would have to ask, when, she noticed that Aunty Jean was calling her across to them, Polly quickly got to her feet and ran all the way, perhaps she was about to learn what she wanted to know.

    The two sisters asked Polly to sit on the grass in front of them, they waited while she made herself comfortable as possible, then they looked at her, it was Aunty Jean who said well Polly, you’ve been with us for a few weeks now, and that you are beginning to get wise to the fact that some strange things are happening, and you are curious, so we have decided that today we will satisfy your curiosity for you, are you ready for a surprise, she looked at Polly’s face and waited.

    It was at least five minutes before Polly was able to understand what her Aunts had said, and with a nervous edge to her voice replied yes, Aunt Jean I have noticed but was frightened to say anything in case you sent me back to the orphanage, but I followed you into the woods several times until you vanished, I don’t know where, well said Aunt Jean, I suppose we will have to tell you the whole story and hope you understand it all".

    Both sisters stood up and took Polly into the house,

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