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Chasing of a Calling
Chasing of a Calling
Chasing of a Calling
Ebook31 pages32 minutes

Chasing of a Calling

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Chicago is filled with many homeless men and woman and Dwayne is just happy to be apart of this huge city. The question he has for himself is, will he ever sleep under a roof again. Dwayne Smith finds himself in a position that everyone in life tends to experience. The decision he has to make will impact his life forever. Not only is he suffering from Posttraumatic disorder; he has no one to run to in time of need. Until, he decides to call upon the one in which, His ears are never closed. So will this all-powerful man be the influence in Dwaynes life that he desperately needs? The devil preys around for individuals who he can deceive. So the question is, will the drink that tends to make his nerves relaxed be the solution or will he turn to the way of the truth? We go through trials and tribulations and people are placed in our lives for certain reasons. Will the people be recognized by the eyes of Dwayne or will he be blind at the moment to the angels in front of his eyes?
Release dateMay 22, 2012
Chasing of a Calling

Juliano Rivera

Juliano Rivera, is currently studying criminal justice at Trinity Christian College and hopes to one day become a police officer. He has written several short stories but Chasing of A Calling will be his first published book. He has two brother’s and is getting married in December of 2012. He currently lives in a Chicago suburb.

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    Chasing of a Calling - Juliano Rivera

    Copyright © 2012 by Juliano Rivera.

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    ISBN: 978-1-4759-1755-0 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4759-1756-7 (ebk)

    iUniverse rev. date: 05/17/2012

    It was dark and my vision was quite blurry. It pierced into my skin and rested on the bone. Their language was new to my ears and before I knew it, I was missing a leg. Blood scattered everywhere and the thought of dying appeared in my mind. The last couple years have taught me a lot about the country I live in and protect. The commercials are influencing just as good as the one on one meeting you may have with a representative. Of course you may get free education but then again you just could end up with one leg like me. The mission did not go as planned and when help arrived the mission was aborted. I found myself on a transportation fly through the air. A year back I lost the book that I truly depended on that held family information that I no longer knew. I grew up with foster parents and a younger brother (13 years younger Michael) but they were untraceable. That is what led me to where I stay now.

    Seeing each and every car past me up, I closed my eyes and began to think what if. What if there was a God and if so, why would he allow me to suffer knowing that I don’t want to? Was he testing me, and if so, why would he test me for so long? These streets have been my home for as long as I could

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