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About this ebook

Duania Hall has featured at various poetry venues in Los Angeles County and hosted the soulful poetry spot in Inglewood, CA. Speak Out Loud. Her magnetic delivery feeds the artistic appetite of those within the sound of the roaring execution of her custom made poems. She courageously delivers the truth with a spirituality that resonates loud from the mountain top. Through this book she publicly shares her gift with all those who will read it, love it, embrace it, ponder it, or even criticize it. It's all good. Just as long as you unwrap this gift which was given to her, that she freely gives to you. Open this book and encounter UNINHIBITED.
Release dateJan 19, 2012

Duania K. Hall

Duania Hall has been writing and performing poetry since she was 12 years old. She's known on the poetry scene as "The Owner" as she takes ownership of the attention of her audience. She is a captivating poet, motivational speaker, and passionate advocate against domestic violence. Her expression of real life situations is a mixture of street clamor and soulful anthems that once heard, will leave you with nothing short of an unforgettable experience. UNINHIBITED is her first published book and one that cannot disappoint an open mind.

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    Uninhibited - Duania K. Hall

    © 2012 by Duania K. Hall. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    First published by AuthorHouse 01/12/2012

    ISBN: 978-1-4685-3893-9 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4685-3892-2 (ebk)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2012900004

    Printed in the United States of America

    Any people depicted in stock imagery provided by Thinkstock are models, and such images are being used for illustrative purposes only.

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    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.


    The Tribute

    The Pledge

    Poetic Image

    Good Morning Lord,

    More than Words

    Need You

    My Love for You

    Who You Are

    My Lover

    Where Would I Be

    1 Corinthians 13:4-7

    The Way You Love Me

    Can Get Right

    Coming Back

    My Next Move

    Just Be

    Need to Get a Piece

    For A While



    Within the Clouds


    Part 1


    Part II

    Check The Tag



    Watch Your Mouth

    Dark Clouds

    Painful Observation

    It Happens

    The Same Blues

    The Secret

    As I Say

    Laura’s Tears

    Victim’s Impact Statement


    A Celebration of US

    US 101


    Just US

    The Races of Racists

    Black Man

    The Wrong One

    Something New

    Not Easy

    False Equation

    Is this what love has become?

    What Does It Mean

    Dear Love,

    Wish List

    Love Me Like

    The Truth

    You and I

    One Man Band

    This Is What You Do

    Can I

    In Ways


    No Place Like Home

    1-2 1-2

    1-2 1-2 REVELATION

    A Poem For Tanya

    The Preacher’s Prayer

    God Said Now

    Take A Piece Of Me

    The Perfect Blend

    The Dream of Bri

    Still Holding On

    For Olivene

    The Dance

    The 2nd Secret



    Elephant Man Mentality

    In the Bank

    The Pursuit of Prominence

    He’s Just A Man

    Public Announcement

    I Am


    Came To Say Good Bye

    Excuse Me

    Sequel Sneak Peak

    Soul’s Man



    When most people hear the word UNINHIBITED they automatically think of wild sex, which is not a subject of opposition. Many have allowed themselves to indulge in the freedom that comes through the escapes that intercourse provides, but I want you to elevate your mind to think of the very things that you’ve indulged in that kept you from truly being free; be it a person, place or thing.

    What has put a restraint on your expression, handcuffed your self-esteem, or vibrated your pain till you became numb to it’s reign? What has gagged your confidence, whipped your manhood or womanhood like a slave being stripped of their very right to just be? What harness or rope caused your head to hang low? What swing caused your emotions to travel in deep circles?

    What has seized your artistic virginity from its beautiful release, causing you to take off your dance shoes, block the melodies from leaving your vocal cave, let your paintbrushes dry, allow dust to collect on your camera till it looks like its been covered with snow that blocks the driveway of your visions, put your pen down, leave the stage, let the hot combs and curling irons grow cold, close your makeup kit, pawn your saxophone… abandoning any type of performance zone?

    Was it that man, that woman, that mother, that father, that sister, that brother, that child, that job, that co-worker, that church, that rape, that abuser, that past failure, or that fear of criticism? Whatever IT was… . .Let It Go… . .Bury It and allow yourself to be UNINHIBITED in the things that God created you to do… as only you can.


    The Tribute


    To my Brothas and Sistas in Poetry,

    All due respect for your variations of floetry. You speak and it causes me to grow and know; I have new levels to peak if I seek to leek God’s reality. Stroking the mic with verbal penetrations. Prophetic power can’t be faked and must awaken sleeping spirits; who aren’t on the right track but are near it, and can reach it if they drop the fear. I got an inspirational twitch. There’s uninhibited deliverance in your words so slick. My hand starts to itch for its pen and then my thoughts roll in like tidal waves; just some nourishment from the energy feeding tube you gave, that helps me mentally runaway from the plantation of bullshit like a slave who found her freedom papers. You provided a home for my inner visions without the need of intent circumcision. Under the lights you see me and still let me be me. Yall be polishing the mic sorely. Lyrical pimps demanding increase of spoken currency. Don’t mind being your whore overtime. Working every corner of lost minds so nothing learned via this expression is ignored. On a mission that will set others free, as your greatness goes before me.

    With Love and Respect,

    Duania aka The Owner

    Shades of Africa, The Poets’ Jazz House, Word Play Live, Oralgasms, Still Waters, Boutique Divas Underground, Speak Out Loud, S.W.A.M., and Sankofa’s Word

    The Pledge


    I pledge allegiance to Spoken Word

    Of the poet’s society of Amerikka

    And to the founders for which it stands

    One nation under God

    Who gave US this gift of the tongue

    Indivisible from our purpose driven reality

    Exercising the liberty to tell it like it is

    Fighting against unexcused absence

    Of consciousness

    And striving for self-love that transforms

    To one love for all

    Poetic Image


    There’s something beautiful about the imperfection of a picture that has captured a moment in time never to return

    Something most intriguing about the allowance of a third eye that breeds life in ways that some can only or never dream of

    Something sensual about what dwells

    beyond the surface of a pupil

    Something enchanting about creation

    that is singled out through one human’s perception

    Something within this box that pushes

    our mental abilities to the edge and

    literally changes how we thought we used to feel

    Something so mystical about a stolen space in time

    that causes one to ask Is this real?

    Something puzzling about the many pieces

    that inhabit this which is saved on a negative

    that shoots out a positive life form-

    like a first born whose cry awakens the senses

    of all those within range

    Something spiritual about the journey an image takes you on that calms even the wildest beast within us

    Something captivating about the many expressions of a child that stands as a caption of who they may become

    Something political about the hierarchy of our souls

    that decides which pose or prose gets overthrown

    and those you deem as the one

    Something poetic about photography

    Inevitable relationship between unspoken and

    spoken word as they both reveal a biographical outlook on the Creator’s subjects

    Teachers of what life can otherwise bring to sodomy

    Its growth won’t allow for monotony but opts for tonal variations that serve as markers for history in motion

    True potion that frees what’s inside of you

    that which you hide in you

    that which needs to breathe lest it die in you-

    no matter which side of the lens or mic you ride it through

    Euphoric manner of composition that

    demands your values reposition

    This art gives you courage

    with no need for the liquid

    It’s readers are breeders of new readers who

    are fortunate enough to encounter its 1,000 words

    Agents of those whose situation yearns for broader investigation as theirs are stories that need and must be told

    Something extraordinary about this channel

    through which the freedom of creativity

    connects with the God in me and the God in you

    There’s something


    Good Morning Lord,


    I am here to acknowledge your presence which I so often do not do at the start of my day. You declared me worthy of life once more, yet routinely I rise and begin my first breath with the worrying of the coming chores. Horoscopes have not the insight your relationship with the future entails; yet I hold a Masters in sleep walking for fear of those things at which I may fail. Tell me why I repeat this tortured meeting of both sides of my mind? Harder and harder I grind but a resting place for my wrestled soul I cannot find because I opted to follow the wrong mankind. Sequels changed my diamond status to a dime. In empty pockets, one could conduct an endless search for a treasure that even if full, was there never; because monetary value has no value in the spiritual world. You can’t buy your way into Heaven, yet I scouted things that took me further away from He who created days 1-7. Lord I’m sitting here thinking about you like a woman who just met the man she knows is her forever. Through every endeavor, you have kept me even when protection was necessary from within. Lend me your continuous mercy when my eyes were blind and could not see that you are my constant. You go beyond all the nouns and verbs I’ve ever written. You love me without beats missing, like a man who is smitten over a dream he never thought would one day speak back to him. When you make plans to bless me it is more than just a Genie’s bottle fondling ceremony. It is a gift designed for me only and it is better than anything I could wish, think, or feel. It’s sealed with your divine stamp so I know it’s Real-ly the moment you allowed to occur despite countless detours. You’ve loved me in a way that makes no sense as I have yet to create a twin love of its manner… banner over me… no conditions required. A rechargeable battery of no turning back with me. Free is how you intend for me to be, but I switch things up like Jonah. Sometimes I think I know what’s best for me or truth be told, just too scared to give the rest of me—not understanding that withholding has been holding me back. So I’m ready to come out of the belly of the fish. Jeremiah told me that you have plans for me. The perfect fate that will literally change lives on different dates, mine included. So how do I get back to where Adam and I were rooted? Lord I love you but I do not always behave in ways that speak this truth. Sorrow precedes me with thoughts of breaking your heart with matching pieces of mine. It’s time to stand firm in this. No more wiggling worm with this. You are the epitome

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