Christianity Uncovered: Viewed Through Open Eyes
About this ebook
It is not my desire to claim Christianity is wrong and that you should not believe in your god but I want people to think. Perhaps what you have been led to believe is wrong? Think
Why is it wrong for a Christian to deny the divinity of Jesus yet why do Christians turn their blind eye to Christians Missionaries trying to convert Jews against the basic tenants of Judaism?
Why is it that most all pictures of the different characters in Christianity have a sun-disk above their heads? The Church made its own spin on this calling them halos, but didnt the Church change Sabbath to Sunday, the day of the sun?
Who actually wrote the Christian bible that Christians all over the world swear it? The Church admits they really dont know for sure and only guessed. Did Jesus write anything in the NEW testament, or was his thoughts written by men who thought they knew?
Why did it take 2,000 years before the Pope acknowledged the Christian hatred towards Jews and the need for Christians to repent? Why all of a sudden were the Church wrong and the Jews right?
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Christianity Uncovered - Hugh Fogelman
© 2012 by Hugh Fogelman. All rights reserved.
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Published by AuthorHouse 05/22/2012
ISBN: 978-1-4772-0343-9 (sc)
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Library of Congress Control Number: 2011962946
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Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
img.jpgRepeating what I wrote in my first book, living in a Christian society too many Jews are assimilating into Christianity not because it’s a better religion, but because it’s so much easier to blend in. Friday night sports and dances mean fun
—more fun than observing Shabbat and studying Torah.
This reminds me of the Pinocchio movie in which Pinocchio was taken to this island of fun. All the children there were having so much fun while skipping their school lessons. After a while, these children turned into asses (donkeys). The same parallel applies to Torah learning.
This parable is very important—being Jews, God gave us a special mission in life—to be the light to the Gentile Nations (Isaiah 42:6). And we can only do this by being different—by being separate, and by studying and keeping God’s Torah.
The purpose of my book is two-fold; first, to prevent unknowledgeable Jews from converting to Christianity because of misinformation and deceptive tactics that have been perpetrated by cunning Christian missionaries by telling half-truths, and conjecture.
Second, because of the Christian respond to my website, many have told me that they too had these same thoughts that I posted but were afraid to bring them out into the open. They have been led to believe that all they needed was faith
and not to question. I call that Blind-Faith. Many said that being devout Christians all their lives they heard stories and opinions from their family about their religion and their family interpretations of the bible and didn’t think twice about what they have been led to believe, that maybe there might be another view, but after reading what I wrote in my website, they began thinking and light was shed and their opinions changed drastically. The key word here is thinking.
I opened their mind to think for themselves.
Man is defined as the rational being. To be rational means to think, and to think means to be inquisitive, to search. BLIND FAITH is not meant for thinking people. Blind faith does not create truth. To me, it means the blind is leading the blind because just who were the first teachers of Christianity? Who taught them? We know they were not rabbis taught from the rabbis of Moses.
With all my research and questioning on Christianity, I feel that I am capable to show the conflicting differences between Judaism and Christianity. As I wrote in my first book, I want to open Jewish minds that have been tricked into thinking they can still follow Torah and at the same time believe Jesus is their lord and savior.
I am hoping my two books will also make Jews and Christians alike to think.
Think, when buying a large purchase, like a car or TV, or playing the stock market most people will search around to find as much un-bias information on the purchase before buying it—the investor will not buy into any stock without first knowing what he/she is buying. The same thing should be said about religion, after all, are you not betting your soul on the right un-bias discussion?
Think, over a million people heard God spoke at Mt. Sinai telling them to listen to someone whom God said to listen to. Be honest, can any other religion make the same claim that God told its people to listen to their religious charismatic leader? This is such a very important point.
Nowhere in the so-called NEW testament did God ever tell the people to listen to Jesus. Yet, reading the Hebrew Scriptures God told over a million Israelites to listen to Moses (Exodus 19:9).
Two more things—Christians may feel uncomfortable with my discussions on Jesus and events mentioned in the NEW testament, and may think I am making war on Christianity. However, that is not at all the case—all I am doing is showing there could be another view of what expired. Besides, in order to understand Christianity, if something is printed that does not make sense, should I not be allowed to question it? If Christianity cannot take observation and questions, what kind of a religion is it?
Second—Throughout my two books Christianity Uncovered,
I continuously use the phrase the so-call NEW testament.
As I wrote, the term new
is a mental ploy by the Church to put into ones subconscious subliminally the thought that the old
has been replaced by something better and new (an old sales gimmick). Think, didn’t the old, as we say, the Original came from God, while the new
is only man-made by the redactors of the Roman Catholic Church. But, the Church has an answer for this. They claim God did make a new testament.
The Church puts a spin
on calling their bible NEW by misquoting Jeremiah 31:31 about a new covenant claiming Jeremiah clearly tells that God replaced the old covenant with a new one.
Think, since when is the word covenant
to mean the same as testament?
It doesn’t because they have two different meanings. Instead of picking and choosing and adding your own meanings to the words of the Prophet, continue reading what Jeremiah wrote just one verse over: "I will put My Torah in their inward parts, and in their heart will I write it; and I will be their God, and they shall be My people I will put my Torah within them" (verse 33 in the Hebrew Tanakh).
Notice, it does not say anything about a new Torah—instead, it is the same Torah that would become a permanent part of your heart and will not be easily forgotten. Does Jeremiah mention anything about a NEW anything?
Then the clincher to this false teachings that Christians love to quote is the very next verse: "No longer will they need to teach one another . . . for all of them, from the least to them to the greatest, shall heed Me, declares the Lord." Simply put, Jeremiah was prophesying of the messianic age when the whole world will know of the One God and there would be no need to teach about God because we will all know Him. If Jeremiah was correct in his prophecy, then there would be no need for Christians to go out into the world to tell people about Jesus.
Christians should read what verse 34 says and ask themselves—if Jesus was the messiah as Christian’s claim why did the early church write the ending of the books of Mark and Matthew, telling them to preach to the world about Jesus? There would be no need to, for as Jeremiah and other prophets have said, when the Messiah comes, the whole world will automatically know.
The bottom line is—there is no NEW testament according to God. Simply put, the so-called NEW testament is man-made from the ideas of men. Please don’t close your mind to this very important fact—don’t say; Don’t confuse me with facts; my mind is already made up.
Besides, as I said, the Hebrew word covenant does not mean ‘testament’. But who really cares, except those seeking the truth. All I am asking is for people to think for themselves, not to be led like sheep. Do your research and find un-bias facts, ask questions, and try to reason.
Finally, I wanted to end my book with a brief history of Israel, despite all odds with the help of God survived over four major wars by surrounding hostile Arab nations on all sides (just look at any map). Again, with the help of God, Israel exists today. The same God who at Mt. Sinai talked to the Israelites telling them that He would continue to watch out over them.
Chapter One
img.jpgIn my opinion, in order to discuss Christianity, one must first set the stage because Christianity didn’t just happen. In setting this stage, I feel that I have to go back to the age of idol worship. The image or idol is actually a symbol, a form with which the mind can relate to, to be connected with and concentrated upon. An example would be the Golden Calf incident/circumstances that led to the making of the Golden Calf idol during the Exodus (Exodus 12:37). Centuries before the Exodus, those people were subjected to statues of the various Egyptian gods in form of wood, stones and animals, and because of that experience, it was natural for them to desire a god, an image they could see. The result was the Golden Calf.
POLYTHEISM—many gods
With this in mind, God created the stars and the heavenly bodies placing them high above the earth. At the same time, God also gave man free will
to think. The rabbis teach there were 70 families from the seed of Noah with 70 paths to follow, each forming their own government. Since it was God who formed the universe, the stars and the moon above, when the seventy nations grew these nations thought it was appropriate to praise the heavens above. This, they felt, was the Will of God; to elevate and to honor that what could be seen and even made up stories regarding them.
Therefore since the stars and the moon came from God, these nations felt it was proper for their people to ask favors from those awesome sights. Once Polytheism established this idea of honoring the heavenly bodies, they began building temples to the stars and thought by bowing down, humbling themselves before them it would satisfy the will of these gods for those special favors.
When they saw that didn’t work, they thought perhaps the gods needed sacrifices to show how serious they were to gain their favors. Ultimately, they figured the gods needed human sacrifices. The more favors they needed, the more gods they felt they had to worship. This was getting out of hand and soon people forgot about God Himself, and they literally end up worshipping these other forces
thinking for example that the sun and the moon were gods. Thus, the sun god
and moon god
concepts were born.
Judaism was the first religion that believed in just one God. One of the basic messages of the Ten Statements, commonly known as the Ten Commandments is contained in the fact they begin with I am
etc. which Egypt the profound principle of monotheism, that was unheard of in those days of idolatry that was dominated by the polytheistic culture of Egypt. However, when the ex-pagan Constantine chaired the Council of Nicaea, he continued his pagan ways and right away changed the Jewish Sabbath to honor the pagan sun-god and developed the concept of the Trinity.
The Christianity concept of a religion based upon one man is nothing more than a compilation of pre-existing pagan doctrines stolen from Mithras, Zoroaster, Tammuz, Adonis, Krishna, Osiris, Isis, Attis, Dionysus-Bacchus, Buddha, Hercules, etc. each claiming to be the Son of God who died in the winter (December 25) and was reborn in the spring—each having a human virgin mother who mated with a god that produced a demi-god that performed great miracles and restored life to dead people, who was Divinely inspired and became a deity and later worshipped.
Each of those pagan religions had initiation by baptism, and had communion with the God through a holy meal that represented the flesh and blood of their dead god. Each had a Holy Spirit, and the immortality of the soul was all core beliefs of many ancient faiths.
Christianity simply plagiarized ancient Mediterranean pagan culture, such as Mithraism.
Christianity did not destroy paganism; it adopted it.
—Will Durant, The Story of Civilization, Vol III
Getting back to the Golden Calf story, with that in mind, Paul, coming from a city where the religion of Mithraism was the major religion understood that to recruit his new followers to his new religion, he understood this need for imagery of an idol, and gave the Romans the idea/concept of a man dying for their sins (a guilt feeling), that was implanted in their minds, an image they could relate to, as told in the Book of Acts in the Christian bible, the so-called NEW testament.
Now the stage had been set. The ex-pagan ruler of the vast Roman Empire accepted Paul’s concept of this new religion based upon the myth of this one man named Jesus, and at the Council of Nicene bullied his concept of the pagan Trinity onto the Church Fathers. Under Constantine’s influence, the majority of the bishops Constantine summoned ultimately agreed upon a creed, known thereafter as the Nicene Creed. It included the word homoousios, meaning consubstantial
, or one in essence.
It was then Jesus was made into a god!
But be careful, if one accepts the premise that God has a physical form, it becomes easy to justify any form of idolatry. In other words, with this same concept any new religion can justify their god by making images and proclaiming this is their god, and their god coming to earth in a human body. Any religion could then make their own idol to worship. To me, it’s like in the legal field, called, the slippery slope.
While the Christians mistakenly hold that the Trinity is the same as the Judaic and Islamic singular divine being view of God, the distinction is sufficiently huge. Christianity’s Trinitarian doctrine conflicts with Jewish and Muslim concepts of monotheism. Islam and Judaism reject the incarnation of God in the so-called Greek word Christ
; that is the defining feature of the Christian religion, in which salvation is based on a doctrine of accepting Jesus, the man-god as your Lord and Savior, and if you don’t accept Jesus, your soul would be sent into the world of darkness.
It is obvious that bowing and kneeling before a statue of any sorts even though spin doctors
may entertain widely different conceptions of what the image is and what it signifies, such as Jesus and Mary in the Catholic church, the end result and outward attitude is the same—bowing down in worship before a statue with divine influence for favors—something that God warned us about.
• You shall neither prostrate yourself before them nor worship them, for I, the Lord, your God, am a zealous God, (Jewish Chabad Exodus 20 3-5)
This is why God repeatedly made the prohibition against idolatry, one of the worst of sins.
Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.
(Exodus 20:4 and repeated himself in Deuteronomy 5:7-9)
Even though Constantine accepted the Pauline concepts of Paul’s mission to the Gentiles, it appears that Paul never thought of Jesus being part of any god-head. Paul insists that only the Father is declared to be the one and only God. In 1 Corinthians 8:4-6, Paul wrote; there is but one God, the Father, of whom are all things, and one Lord Jesus Christ.
Jesus was secondary.
This would have been the ideal spot to mention the Trinity. But Paul is still unaware of the Trinity when he says in Ephesians 1:17; That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ… .
Even in 1 Corinthians 11:3 Paul does not depict Jesus as coequal with God. On the contrary, God is of superior rank to Jesus because Paul wrote; the head of Christ is God.
Paul clearly separates God and Jesus in 1 Timothy 2:5; For there is one God and one mediator between God and man, the man Christ Jesus.
This places a considerable strain on Trinitarianism.
From the writings in the Christian bible, even Peter did not believe in the Trinity. 1 Peter 1:3; Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
This concept is restated many times throughout the New Testament—God is the Father of Jesus. All one has to do is to think, God cannot be split in three (God, the Holy Ghost, and Jesus and still be the father to Jesus.
The authors of these Gospels didn’t believe in the Trinity idea: Mark did not believe—10:17-20 & 13:32 and the author of Matthew did not believe in the Trinity (20:20-23 & 26:39 & 26:53).
The author of John even had trouble associating Jesus to being the one and only God as he had Jesus insisting that the Father is the only true God
. In the Gospel of John, Jesus spoke: Father, the hour is come; glorify your Son—as you have given him power over all flesh
John continues: . . . know thee the only true God and Jesus Christ whom you have sent
(John 17:1-3).
Time and time again, Jesus showed that he was separate from God by having a God above him—a God whom he worshiped and a God whom he called Father
. Jesus made statements such as: The Son cannot do anything at his own pleasure, he can only do what he sees his Father doing
(John 5:19). Jesus states that he and God are two separate beings as he said: I am one that bear witness of myself, and the Father that sent me bears witness of me
(John 8:18). As the Son of God he could not be God himself, for John says: No one has ever seen God at anytime
(John 1:18).
The so-called NEW testament is very clear about the relationship of God to Jesus and therefore Jesus could never be co-equal with God in power or strength. Why would John say Jesus told Mary that he considered her Father as his Father and her God as his God? Touch me not, for I am not yet ascended to my Father… I ascend unto my Father and your Father and to my God and your God
(John 20:17). The author of John sums it up when he wrote, I (Jesus) go unto the Father, for my Father is greater than I
(John 14:28).
Who do you think Jesus was talking to in Hebrew 5:7-8? The unknown author writes; Jesus offered up both prayers and supplications with loud crying and tears to the one who was able to save him from death.
If Jesus was part of the Godhead, why did he even have to pray to save himself?
Besides, when the idea of the pagan trinity was first brought about by Constantine at the Council, many bishops opposed this idea.
This should alert the student of theology. Jesus was not God, or any part of being God. It was a man-made concept. Think! If Jesus was God, why was it kept a secret from Jesus? With all the bickering among the Bishops only proves that Jesus being God was a man-made idea. Why the confusion? If the Trinity were true, it should be easy to understand. Why would God want to confuse everyone? Wasn’t God trying to teach everyone His ways? Didn’t Paul write; God is not a God of confusion
(I Corinthians 14:33). Oh, now Trinitarians all of a sudden don’t believe Paul?
Arius was the leading force of not believing Jesus to be part of any god-head. Because of his role in the Arian controversy, a great fourth-century theological conflict rocked the Christian world and led to the calling of the first ecumenical council of the Church. This controversy centered upon the nature of the Son of God, and his precise relationship to God the Father.
It is believed that Arius was influenced in his thinking by the teachings of Lucian of Antioch, a celebrated Christian teacher and martyr. Like many third-century Christian scholars, Arius was also influenced by the writings of Origen, widely regarded as the first great theologian of Christianity. Arius clearly argued that there was a time when the Son did not exist, and that the Logos had a beginning. Arius’s contention that the Logos was of a different substance than the Father, and owed his existence to his Father’s will.
The question that Arius was raising had been left unsettled two generations previously; if in any sense it could be said to have been decided, it had been settled in favor of opponents of the homoousion (the idea that the Father, Son and Holy Ghost are of the same substance and co-equally God; the position adopted by the Trinitarians who opposed Arius).
Bishop Alexander called a local council of bishops and sought their advice. This council decided against Arius and Alexander deposed Arius from his office, excommunicating him and his supporters. But Arianism
could no longer be contained within the Alexadrian diocese. By the time Bishop Alexander finally acted against his recalcitrant presbyter, Arius’s doctrine had spread far beyond his own see; it had become a topic of discussion—and disturbance for the entire Roman Catholic Church.
According to many accounts, debate at the council became so heated that at one point, Arius was slapped in the face by none other than Nicholas of Myra, who would later be canonized and became better known as "Santa Claus. The council was a stormy one, for not everyone was prepared to accept the trinity, some on theological grounds, others believed Jesus was not any divinity and others feared it resembled too much the pagan deities of the contemporary religions of that day, like the popular Mithras.
But the powerful ex-pagan Constantine won out—under Constantine’s influence, the majority of the bishops ultimately agreed upon a creed, known thereafter as the Nicene creed. It included the word homoousios, meaning consubstantial
, or one in essence
, which was incompatible with Arius’ beliefs. On June 19, 325, council and emperor issued a circular to the churches in and around Alexandria: Arius was to be deposed and exiled. However, Arianism continued to be a religious force until the end of the 700’s especially among barbarian tribes.
Christianity for the most part rests on Greek heritage (it was not written in Greek for nothing), this trinity was worked out, and created as a Christian dogma, by three powerful thinkers (Gregorius of Nyssa, Gregorius of Nazianze and Basilius the Great). They did so because, AFTER the council had decided at Nicea (325 ce.) that Jesus were to be God, and they found themselves in big trouble with the concept of Monotheism. This became all the more an issue AFTER in 381 ce. (Council of Constantinople) the Holy Spirit also became a member of this God. So this concept of the trinity was developed between 325 and about 400 ce." (The Encyclopedia Americana)
It was basically the previously pagan Constantine and his puppet bishop, Eusibius Hieronymous (aka St. Jerome) that outvoted and outmaneuvered Arius and his followers to declare the concept of the trinity and the deification of Jesus at the Council of Nicaea in 325. Other pagan ideas were introduced into Christianity at this time, too. This was, in no small part a larger political move, in addition to being a religious decision. This political/religious decision made Christianity more palatable to the pagans in the Roman Empire, since it was declared the official religion of Rome.
Fourth century Trinitarians did not reflect accurately early Christian teaching regarding the nature of God; it was, on the contrary, a deviation from this teaching". After the death of the apostles, pagan beliefs began to invade Christianity. It was from those pagan religions that the Christians had drawn their sources. Jesus, like all other mythical saviours, had been given a virgin birth, thus being a god-man, he needed to have been given a similar nature. Like Mithra who was a trinity with Vohu Mana and Rashnu, Amen who was a trinity with Mut and Khonsu, Osiris, Isis and Horus who were also linked together as a divine trinity of Gods, so Jesus was made to be a trinity with the Father and the Holy Ghost.
Keep in mind, the Trinity concept developed during the rule of the pagan Emperors Constantine and Theodosius who worshipped the Unconquered Sun and pagan gods, which were grouped in threes, or triads. Throughout the ancient world, this practice was common. That influence was also prevalent in Egypt, with the Triad of Horus, Osiris and Isis; and in Babylon with the Triad of Ishtar, Sin and Shamash. Therefore, the Gentile nations understood the concepts of a Trinity and also of earthly women being impregnated by gods and other heavenly spirits.
In the fifth Century, the Christians in Eastern Syria, Persia and Central Asia detached themselves from the Catholic Church on account of the teachings of the trinity. These Asiatic Christians are known in history as the Nestorian church.
Strange, in the so-called NEW testament Jesus never understood the concept of the Trinity. He was too busy praying to his Father in heaven. When Jesus was crucified, there is no mention that any Holy Spirit came down to comfort Jesus, or to reinsure him of his mission to die.
As a matter of fact, the word Trinity
is not found in the entire New Testament. Is this an important point to bring up?
FOOTNOTE: (2) The Encyclopedia Americana notes that the doctrine of the Trinity is considered to be beyond the grasp of human reason
. This confusion is widespread. Thus, A Dictionary of Religious Knowledge wrote; Precisely what that doctrine is, or rather precisely how it is to be explained, Trinitarians are not agreed among themselves
. The Eastern Catholic Church believes that the Son comes from the Father and the Spirit comes from the Father through the Son. However, the Western Catholic Church believes that the Spirit comes from Father and Son together (page 365, The World book Encyclopedia).
Again I ask, why the confusion? If the Trinity were true, it should be easy to understand. Why would God want to confuse everyone? Wasn’t God trying to teach everyone His ways? Didn’t Paul write; God is not a God of confusion
(I Corinthians 14:33).
So this man-made concept of the trinity was developed between 325 and about 400 ACE. However, even today the idea of Jesus being god is accepted by most Christians.
Chapter Two
First of all, I do not hate Christians. I have married two lovely Christian ladies, and some of our best friends are Christians. But, as for Christianity, aka the Vatican, and aka the Roman Catholic Church from all my research I cannot find anything good about Christianity in regards to how they handled and are handling the Jewish problem.
Jews know as fact that the Church, especially the Christian Baptists, the Chosen People Ministries, Jews for Jesus, and Mormons has had an ongoing agenda since its inception to convert Jews and replace Judaism with Christianity as the true universal faith.
Why do Jews deserve all this attention? Do any of these Christian groups go out to convert Muslims, Hindus, or Buddhists? In my opinion, it is not showing Jews Christian love, but instead showing us once again Christian arrogance and hate.
In 2002 Jews had to defend themselves against the Jews for Jesus cult in their massive Jesus crusade against the Jews. Again, in March 2012 Jews had to defend themselves from the Chosen People Ministries whose goal was to enter Jewish communities and try to convert as many Jews as possible. Jews for Judaism report, Christian missionaries will flood Jewish communities before Rosh Hashanah (the beginning of the Jewish New Year) with a torrent of missionary propaganda.
In 2012 the Christian Chosen People Ministries have raised enormous sums of money to launch a major missionary crusade targeting the Southern California Jewish community. This million-dollar campaign included billboards, free book distribution, radio, newspaper, door-to-door proselytizing, on line advertising, and a 30-minite History Channel-style television program
in hopes of making Jews think that Jesus is the only way for salvation.
Over the past decade there has been an alarming increase in the influence of evangelical Christianity. This growth has been accompanied by an astonishing increase in Christian missionary activities which target Jews for conversion. The annual budget for one such missionary group, Jews for Jesus,
is over $12 million (yearly). Well over 1,000 missionary groups, which actively work to convert Jews worldwide, spend over $250 million each year on their efforts to convert Jews. They sponsor hundreds of full-time missionaries, as well as television and radio programs, and have created over 400 Messianic synagogues,
which strive to appear Jewish but are, in fact, Christian.
Christian missionaries are also busy in Toronto, Canada when in May 29th, 2011two new missionary groups, Life in Messiah Ministries and New Covenant Forum was aggressively targeting Jews for conversion. They, along with the old standby missionaries, Jews for Jesus and the Christian Jew Foundation were passing out their propaganda pamphlets.
Jews have been told that Christians feel Jews think they are superior because God told them they were His favorites. This is so untrue, because Exodus 19:7 clearly states that Israel (Jews) would be His chosen
[not favorite] people to be the light to the Gentile nations with God’s Torah. Is this why these Christians have such a strong desire to convert Jews down to their level?
I therefore have to ask a few questions about the bloody Christian religion:
• On October 14-15, 1965 the Vatican rescinded its accusation of the Jews as ‘Christ-killers’ The Second Vatican Council of the Roman Catholic Church has repudiated the ancient charge of collective Jewish guilt in the death of Jesus.
So I ask, why did it take the Pope so long in telling its people that the Jews as a whole did not kill their Jesus?
A claim Jews always knew was not true.
Think! What happened before that date in 1965? Didn’t the Church still hold onto its dogma that the Jews indeed killed their Jesus? For over 1,900 years didn’t the Church told its flock the Jews were Christ-Killers, and then magically, overnight the Church cleared the Jews of that claim. This makes no sense, either the Jews killed Jesus, or they didn’t. In my opinion, it just shows Jews how wrong the church was. And, if the Church was wrong on this very important item, how many other untruths have the Church been telling its people?
• On March 7, 2000 Pope John Paul II asked forgiveness for the many past sins of the Catholic Church, including its treatment of Jews, heretics and women. Also in March 2000, the Roman Catholic bishops acknowledged that the church failed in its obligations toward the Jewish people
during the Nazi era. We are asking for forgiveness—we regret—and we confess,
said Bishop Kurt Koch.
Think about it, why did the Bishop’s have to tell their people that they were wrong and sinful in turning over Jews to the Nazis to be put to death in those death camps? Then in September 8, 2007, the Los Angeles Times wrote Pope Benedict XV1 admitted Jew hatred from the Church asking for repentance from the Jews for the Church’s responsibility for the Holocaust. Even though these Pope’s only represent Catholics, especially Roman Catholics, European Protestants (see Martin Luther’s writings that influenced Hitler) also are responsible for the suffering of the European Jews, something Jews have known and been claiming for hundreds of years.
And before the Holocaust, in Medieval Europe, didn’t Catholics know that it was wrong to burn men, women and children alive for the sake of not believing in Jesus? That’s a pretty harsh punishment for a religion preaching love.
Saying you’re sorry, and being apologetic sounds good to the aggressors and those people who created those horrible acts upon innocent people. It’s like trying to remove guilt—to me it’s like a husband confessing to having years of affairs thinking these words forgives his actions. But, how does the wife feel? Substitute wife for Jews. Words are cheap and meaningless if nothing has really changed. And nothing has changed.
Do you really think anti-Semitism has stopped when Christian Evangelicals are still spending millions of dollars each year to convert Jews, and they still read from the same book of subliminal hate, called the so-called NEW testament.
As Benjamin Disraeli once said, The Jews are a nervous people. Nineteen centuries of Christian love have taken a toll.
Over 1,700 years, Christians have killed MILLIONS of Jews from the Crusades, the Inquisitions, and Church government sponsored Pogroms, driving Jews out of their homes and country. It appears that this cycle of 50 YEARS Jews were forced to leave their wealth, in land and all possessions they could not carry to the murderous Christian’s kings in Europe.
If a Jew wishes to see a miracle today, he need only look at himself. The greatest of all miracles is that even one Jew exists in our day and age.
—Rabbi Bachya Ibn Paqua
And if left to the Church’s own desire, other than the handful of Jews to witness the Second Coming of Jesus, there would be no Jews left in this world—Jews would all be Christians. What did the Jew ever do to deserve this other than knowing the truth about their Jesus, and the Church couldn’t have that.
So, in order to expose Christianity as it really is, not what Christians think during Christmas, I decided to use their bible, the so-called NEW testament to cause doubts in honest Christians minds. My quotes are not made up, but instead taken right from their bible.
Since Jews have been the victims of this Christian love,
I wish to put Christianity on the defensive with logic, instead of Blind Faith.
On the cover of this book, I wrote: "Think about this—If the Hebrew Scriptures are false, why did the Church put it in the front of their Bible for authority and validation? The Original Hebrew Bible is either all false or all Holy.
Christians cannot pick and choose which parts of the Hebrew Bible they want to make Holy since the Church uses all of it to corroborate their own bible.
Christian missionaries will right away quote Paul addressing a pagan audience:
⁴For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes. (Romans 10 KJV)
Paul was saying that God’s Law, God’s Torah ended with Jesus. This brings up many questions. You first must realize just who Paul was talking to. Paul was talking to pagan Romans who had no knowledge, or very little understanding of God’s laws. Think, why would God’s Laws end when God said over and over again that His Laws are forever and everlasting. But somehow, the Church side-steps this point and quotes Paul thinking Paul knew better than God.
Somehow, the Church made their own spin
that Jesus fulfilled the Law thereby ending the Law. Just what Laws did Jesus fulfill? The exact wording what Jesus said, according to the gospel of Matthew was overlooked.
¹⁷"Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I did not come to destroy but to fulfill. ¹⁸ For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled. (Matthew 5 KJV)
The key words here are: till heaven and earth pass away.
Somehow the Church does not emphasis that point because it is clear that this means God’s Torah will be in effect until the end of time, the end of the Earth (whichever comes first).
Therefore, Paul was wrong—Jesus never meant to destroy any of God’s Laws or replace them. But for some reason the Church teaches differently. Probably because by destroying the Old Testament (OT = Original Text), this would lead the path for a NEW testament.
Then to make matters worse, reading the next verse, Jesus warned about people like Paul who wanted to destroy God’s Laws. Again, this is something the Church somehow side-steps and never goes into.
¹⁹ Whoever therefore breaks one of the least of these commandments, and teaches men so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever does and teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven. ²⁰ For I say to you, that unless your righteousness exceeds the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven. (Matthew 5 KJV))
As I wrote in my first book Christianity Uncovered, the 15th and 21st chapters in the book of Acts describes how the Jewish leadership of the Jerusalem Church was very upset with Paul’s teachings to the Gentiles in which Paul proclaimed that his new recruits were not required to practice the Law of Moses.
Paul’s new religion had the advantage of both worlds, per se. They could leave their pagan religions behind and learn a monotheism religion like Judaism but without all the Laws. This gave Pauline Christianity an awesome authority that proved attractive to Gentiles thirsting for one God.
Paul’s new doctrine, however, met with disapproval from James, the brother of Jesus who was the leader of the Jewish-Christians of the Jerusalem Church, who regarded the substitution for the observance of the Torah as a slip into paganism. It was when Peter visited Paul in Antioch and became aware of the full extent of Paul’s views that a serious rift began between Paul and the Jewish Christians in Jerusalem. At a second conference in Jerusalem Paul was accused by James, Jesus’ brother of teaching Jews and others to turn their backs on Moses
(Acts 21:21).
However, with the mighty swipe of the pen, the Church Fathers when redacting early writings all of a sudden made the conflict between James (the brother of Jesus), Peter and Paul go away. The Church wanted you to think they all kissed and made up.
"With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things.
But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion."
—Steven Weinberg
The big controversy in the United States is displaying the Ten Commandments in public places. The larger issue, in my mind, is which Ten Commandments? The original Statements found in the original Hebrew Bible, or the ones found in the Catholic and Mormon bibles, or those found in the Lutheran Catechism?
You see, these three religions divide up the commandments in different ways! Judaism considers I am the Lord, your God
to be the first commandment, unlike Catholicism and Protestantism who disregards this and has the 1st Commandment to be
Thou shalt have no other gods. Judaism considers the prohibition of idolatry to be the 2nd Commandment. Should Judaism’s sixth prohibition against murder be rendered as
Thou shalt not kill as in the popular Christian bibles, or as
Thou shalt not murder," which is a bit closer to the connotations of the original Hebrew? Judaism and Catholicism, considers the prohibition against coveting, as told in the 10th Commandment applies to both your neighbors house and wife, unlike the Luther’s Catechism that has the 9th Commandment to apply only to your neighbor’s house and the 10th to apply to your neighbors wife, manservant, etc.
The general misperception in this country is that the Ten Commandments
are part of the common religious heritage of Judaism, Catholicism and Protestantism, part of the sacred scriptures that we all share, and should not be controversial. This is simply not true.
Let me clear up a common Christian misconception and erroneous teaching. The Ten Statements
(Ten Sayings, the Ten Declarations, the Ten Words), commonly called the 10 Commandments by Christians, were given specifically to the children of Israel—NOT MANKIND!
And Moses went up unto God, and the LORD called unto him out of the mountain, saying, Thus shalt thou say to the house of Jacob, and tell the children of Israel; (Exodus 19:3)
As you can see, God was NOT referring to the Gentile nations. Notice God began His prologue to the Ten Statements by saying He gave it
to the house of Jacob; the children of Israel."
And the LORD said unto Moses, Come up to me into the mount, and be there: and I will give thee tables of stone, and a law, and commandments which I have written; that thou mayest teach them. (Exodus 19:12)
The word them
means the children of Israel, not the surrounding nations.
What do you do with the phrase tell the children of Israel when God said ¹²
Observe the Sabbath day by keeping it holy, as the LORD your God has commanded you. ¹³ Six days you shall labor and do all your work, ¹⁴ but the seventh day is a sabbath to the LORD your God. ¹⁵ Remember that you were slaves in Egypt and that the LORD your God brought you out of there with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm. Therefore the LORD your God has commanded you to observe the Sabbath day. (Deuteronomy 5)
This is why most Jews do not care that Christians use the Day of the Sun as their day of worship, because in reality, from Friday at sundown to Saturday at sundown God told Jews this was their period to worship.
The very FIRST Statement (Commandment) says: "I am the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage" (Exodus 24:25) in which God was only talking to the people at the base of Mount Sinai who left Egypt—not the people who stayed behind and didn’t follow Moses.
As you can see, no two religions agree on a single list. So whose list should we post in public places? These may seem like trivial differences to some, but they are serious issues to those of us who take these words seriously. When a government agency chooses one version over another, it implicitly chooses one religion over another, something that the First Amendment to the United States Constitution prohibits. This to me is the heart of the controversy.
SOURCE: The New American Bible—Saint Joseph Edition (Catholic)
The precise division of these precepts into
ten commandments is somewhat uncertain. Traditionally among Catholic verses 1-6 are considered as only one commandment, [verse 7 You shalt not take the name of the Lord your God in vain then would be the Second Commandment] and verse 17 [you shall not covert] as two.
The Jerusalem Bible (Catholic) explains; Exodus 20 is the priestly version of the Ten Commandments; another version, the Deuteronomic, is found in Deuteronomy 5 and it is the second which has been adopted by the Church.
Lutheran Catechism by Christopher Drewes Issued by Authority of Missionary Board of the Evangelical Lutheran Synodical Converence 4th Edition published 1926 Rudolph Volkening St. Louis
Christians have no idea what they are reading, or who is teaching them what to believe. They hear the word Jesus and right away think the writers in the so-called NEW testament were quoting all the words of Jesus verbatim.
As my two books, Christianity Uncovered
explains the Christian Church Fathers redacted all earlier books to influence the way they wanted their congregation to believe. This was confirmed by Father Eusebius before the NEW testament was canonized in year 381 CE.
Instead of relying on emotions, influences from parents, and what your clergy says, all one has to have is have an open mind and read the NEW testament through Jewish eyes, not the spin
the Church wants you to believe.
This new religion the Christian Church Fathers promoted centered on one person, the myth of Jesus, who by the way was not a Christian. As I explained Jesus had no intention of ever breaking with Judaism. It was the Church who made the separation.
According to the Church Jesus was supposed to be the Jewish Messiah, but those are easy words to spew out. Jews know what the Prophets told them of the requirements of the Jewish Messiah, and Jesus did not even come close to those criteria’s. As time went by, the Church realizing this and out of desperation told Christians to just wait and Jesus will fulfill those criteria’s in his Second Coming. And without thinking Christians believe that cop-out of a second-coming.
After all, would the Church lie? Thinking Christians will realize that nowhere in the Hebrew Scriptures would the Messiah have to come a second time to fulfill his requirements.
Secondly, the serious reader should think why is there so much Jew bashing in the so-called NEW testament of ‘love.’ Instead of going by emotions the serious reader should do some heavy thinking because Jews knew that God’s Laws, His Torah would stay in effect until the End of Days as Jesus confirmed. The Jews were always and still are a thorn in Christianity. So, in order for Christianity to be valid, the Church had to dishonor Judaism. In other words, both religions could not be