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Sista Chat: Sista's, Lets Chat
Sista Chat: Sista's, Lets Chat
Sista Chat: Sista's, Lets Chat
Ebook79 pages1 hour

Sista Chat: Sista's, Lets Chat

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About this ebook

Why is is that you always seem to be meeting up with Mr. Wrong?
What is it that keeps going wrong in your relationships with men?
You know of women who are not as pretty as you or in as good shape
as you are. Or even in your opinion, as interesting as you consider
yourself to be. Yet they seem to be happy in their male/female
relationships and dont seem to have diffi culty maintaining good
long term relationships with men that actually treat them good!
Why them and not you? Just what is it about you that keeps this
negative cycle going? Is it really possible to get off and out of this
negative cycle? How? Start the journey to the one and only place of
possibilities, the place of change and peace. Start the journey to the
you that was ment to be.
Release dateJul 20, 2011
Sista Chat: Sista's, Lets Chat

Cassandra Iphigenia Williams

The Author of Sista Chat currently makes her home in Southern California. Since this is her first book she still keeps her day job as a Registered Nurse. She currently lives with her Husband and two of her three Son's along with their pet rabbit Cadberry, and her beautiful pupy Missy.

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    Book preview

    Sista Chat - Cassandra Iphigenia Williams

    Table of Contents

    The Journey

    Road Map

    Make a List

    Three Strikes Rule or Red Flag Rule

    Navigating the Waters

    Mama’s Boys

    Married Men

    Predators In Church


    What Does Change Bring

    Take Time to Think

    Life Lession

    What and How I Learned


    I have to dedicate this book to my Husband Paul! Not only for giving me the idea and encouragement to complete this project. But also for the love,encouragement and fun we have had through out our 27 year marriage.

    Thank you Bobula!


    The word Sista in this book refers to the kin- ship of all my Sister’s in the world. Not just for the Sista’s of color. We as women have so much in common. Unfortunately we as women make many of the same mistakes that bring sorrow to our lives. Especially in the male/female relationship department!

    This book is meant as a wake up call to all my Sista’s. It’s purpose is not only to shine a light on the most common mistakes but also for the light within you to began shinning so that it may be noticed by others. If you are in need of truthful in your face advice, open the pages of this book and take the journey

    If you are a confident women in a happy,productive,loving relationship, this book is not for you. What ever your doing,, keep on doing it girlfriend! If you and your Man are doing well, continue on. You don’t need my advice and as a sidebar, take no advice from anyone who’s relationships are always in turmoil. How can they give you any advice when they can’t help themselves!

    On the other hand, if your the one who keeps falling for Mr. Wrong, or can’t seem to find a good Man or who’s male/female relationships are always troubled, then the advice I give you sure as hell can’t make things worse.

    Who am I? And who do I think I am to be giving you advice? I think that I am very special. In fact I feel I have been given a gift! (I think everyone has special things about themselves to offer the world if they just take the time to discover them). All my life, I’ve been one of those persons others have come to in order to confide in. For a long time, I wasn’t sure why. But in speaking to a Friend one day, He pointed out that is was something in my spirit they recognized. He stated You seem to really listen and try to understand what it is others feel. I also believe that every hurt,regret disappointment and mistake we make in our lives also serve to teach us something we need to know. We can also take advantage of the mistakes that others have made and learn from them. You don’t have to fall off the same bridge that your friend fell off of to know that when she hit the ground, it hurt!

    I am the wife of one Man for 27 years now..The Mother of 3 handsome young Men and the Grandmother of the most beautiful boy in the world. I have a loving,caring Husband who lives with me in knowledge. In fact, it was my Husband who encouraged me to write this book. He often tells me that I should charge my girlfriends for all the advice I give them. He said I should open up a web site called I just may do that in the future. On more than one occasion I’ve been told by my girlfriends that I wish I had what you and your Husband have together. After hearing that more than once,it caused me to stop and think. Just what is it that my Husband and I have and how can I use that knowledge to help others? How can I share that knowledge with others. Not my Husband of course, but what it is that we have or do that could be passed on to others. I believe that God has given me a type of wisdom. A gift, a type of talent for putting things in a way that relates to others situations. A type of common sense. We all have a type of common sense but some of us just don’t use it. Some of the advice I give you may seem old fashion but you know what? Wisdom remains wisdom through out the ages just as truth remains truth. Times may change as well as clothing but as the Bible says There is nothing new under the sun.

    This book is called Sista Chat but is not meant exclusively for Women of color. But for Women of all ages, creeds and colors. It seems to me that women (no matter the color) make the same mistakes when it comes to Men and are in need of some enlightenment. Someone needs to shine a light on the most common mistakes we as women make. And if possible show a way around them. Well tighten your seat belt, because the journey starts now. For some of you, it will be a bumpy road. Here we go!

    The Journey

    The journey begins and ends with You! The destination is a better understanding of the knowledge and depths of yourself. You may ask, what does knowing myself have to do with how to get and keeping a Man? What is it about knowing me that helps me to have a happy, productive relationship? Those of you who did ask the question are the ones in real need of my assistance. As you know, through out time, Women have been the nurtures .Expected to give of themselves, to be unselfish.

    Some of us have taken that role too far. We feel incomplete without being able to nurture something and rarely take the time to nurture ourselves. We tend to look for something outside ourselves, usually a Man in order to feel complete. This is a falsehood and needs to be buried here and now! No one can complete you, but You! Stop looking outside yourself for something that can only be found and come from inside you! The person you need to respect and care for before you can really care for another, is Yourself! Some of you should actually take a vacation from men for awhile.

    Take a

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