About this ebook
The Kanta Chronicles covers two generations of the Royal Family of Braria, a fictional country in a land much different than our own called Bolfodier. Both generations have to deal with the pressures of being rulers, while also dealing with love, revenge and the god and goddesses that created Bolfodier. Hearts are broken, healed and filled with love and hate, loyalties tested, secrets (societies) revealed as each member of the Royal Family is tested and proven in the eyes of their family and subjects.
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The Kanta Chronicles - Nick Sutcliffe
Thank Yous:
Frist and foremost to my wonderful parents Maureen and Brian, whose patience with this project is only surpassed by their patience with me. Secondly, my siblings Chris, Val and Pam, for without them this book would never have been possible. Thank you to my many aunts and uncles including but not limited to Dave and Dolores, Val and John, and Barry and Chas. I’ve got too many of you to name everyone, but I thank you all nonetheless and appreciate your support throughout the years. To my cousins Greyson, Lyle, Greg, Erik, Rachel, Cameron and so many others who helped promote, finance and create this book, I’m truly grateful for your support through this entire endeavour. To my teachers, especially Mary Philp, whose guidance and encouragement have helped not only mould myself as a writer but as a man as well. To the various artists (visual, musical or dramatic) who have helped inspire my works. Bolfodier would not exist if it wasn’t for your profound impact upon my life, and I cannot express my deepest gratitude, appreciations and love for your works that not only bring life to Bolfodier, but to all those who experience them on a daily basis. Every word I write creatively can be traced back to one of you, and I’m truly grateful to have you in my creative conscious. To my friends, Stu, Shaun, Devo, Gilbert, Bilal and all my Windsor crew, thank you for being my friends and loving me despite of how much of an asshole I can be. Thank you to all the readers who loved this story online enough to read it and read it again in print. I’d be remised if I didn’t thank all the others who helped support this book by donating to the Kickstarter campaign online; without you all, this truly would not be possible Thank you to everyone in my life who has been antagonistic towards me, for you helped bring me to the infinite realms of fantasy. And thank you to you, reader, who have taken the time to read this book in its true entirety. Lastly, but certainly never least, I’d like to thank my Heaven-sent grandparents, Jim and Rosalie, for their unending love, devotion and pride in me. The two of you keep me going when I’m at my lowest and have made me (as well as the rest of our family and friends) a better person simply just by being in my life.
About Bolfodier:
The world of Bolfodier is quite different from our own. Most importantly, it has magic and the existence of their divinities is never in doubt. But what really sets Bolfodier apart are these facts: the sun rises in the north and sets in the south; the days are 25 hours long, each hour still being 60 minutes, all other units of time are the same, with the exception of there being 14 months in a year and each month is 30 days long; and finally, the more north you go the warmer it gets, and vice versa with the south.
Part One: Panken
Chapter 1: What Do I Choose?
All alone he sat in his cave; he looked out from his favourite thinking chair, a rock that had been warped by all the times he and his ancestors had sat on it. Panken looked at nothing in particular, but took in the hidden path that led to the small clearing in front of the forest caves. He didn’t notice that the sun was shining, nor that nature was in perfect harmony around him. He only thought about what it’d be like to be a care-free man, like those back in Terang who called him ‘Prince’. But out in his family’s private forest of the first outer ring of his home, care-free he was not.
Just when he thought he couldn’t decide, he heard a noise - someone was coming. Looking to see who it was, Panken noticed a flash of sky blue in the green of the forest. The woman, for he could tell by the way she constantly had to untangle her dress from the shrubs covering the path that she was a woman, clearly didn’t know the path very well. But Pan could tell that she had been down it at least once before, for she was heading right towards him. When she finally did step out into the clearing, he recognized the dark haired, skinny form of his mother. Surprised to see her away from his father’s side, he asked her what she was doing here and offered her a spot on his thinking chair once she’d reached the cave’s entrance.
I couldn’t take being in that room right now; so I decided to go looking for you. I’ve been to that shop Shade’s been carving wooden figurines for, his and Marina’s house, the Nosiop Inn, your room. I should have figured you’d be here; the males of the Kanta bloodline have always been drawn to these caves.
She paused before she continued, her dark hair blowing in the wind. But her blue eyes weren’t on her son as his expression darkened and a disgusted shudder ran through him at her last comment. I came to apologize.
Really…for what?
he asked in distracted confusion. Was his family’s darkest secret the answer to his problem?
All this fighting we’ve been doing these past few months. Your father and I want you to be happy, even if that means abandoning the throne for a girl.
But I want to rule as well! Why can’t I take Sabrina as my wife and queen; we love each other and the only thing that seems to be stopping you from letting us be together is some prophetic ‘curse’ that’s ages old! ‘Danger will arrive with the red emeralds; the only way to escape this curse is to remove the red from the sight of green.’ What does that even mean? It makes no sense!
Panken argued the same argument.
I don’t know what it means. Over the years the family has hired knowledgeable wizards, prophets, sorceresses and anybody with a fragment of a guess. While on occasion one idea has been agreed upon, no one’s been able to say with certainty. And until we know for certain, we aren’t taking any chances.
So I’m being denied my happiness because of a stupid riddle no one understands!
Panken yelled, his anger now rising.
No, we’re denying that so that we may continue to serve this wonderful land we call home.
His mother’s patience was clearly running thin.
But why do I have to give everything for this problem? Why must I suffer to become king? Did you ever think that this ultimatum you’ve given me is how the ‘curse’ will be completed?
Yes we have thought of that. But do you think your father and me to be heartless, that we don’t care if you suffer as long as you deny your love and take the throne?
She was yelling at him now. It pains us to have to do this to you. We’re positive that Sabrina is a lovely woman; we just don’t want you to get hurt when we’re gone. We want you to be forever happy with your life.
But then why do you forbid that from happening? I am happiest when I’m with Sabrina; can you not see that?
Yes we do, but-
Then let me love her!
We are! Don’t you think that if we didn’t want you to be happy we would’ve killed her by now to ensure you take the throne?!
Pan sat in stunned silence for a moment before he could react to this comment. I hadn’t thought of that. Thank you for that. But this choice is impossible for me to make. What would you do if someone made you choose between me and Dad to die? That is the choice the two of you have given me.
First of all, no it’s not. Second, I’d choose your father - he’s lived his life and you have only just fallen in love; you still have lots of life to live.
I’ve lived more than you think I have.
You are just twenty-four, Panken. Lying with a woman for the first time is not all there is to life, my son.
His mother smiled at the small look of horror that quickly crossed her son’s face.
That may be, but I know I haven’t lived long enough to make this decision. Only a wise man can make it, and I’m no wise man - I’m just a smart lad.
His mother smiled at his cheek, which made Panken smile; a rare occurrence of late.
I know, but might I suggest that you talk to a wise man who was a lover and a ruler; someone whose opinion you can count on and trust.
Father will be dead by the end of the week and I-
I was talking about your father.
Panken looked to be struggling with something. But he’ll try to get me to take the crown - it’s what he wants!
Not if you ask him to tell you of love and rule separately; he’s always been able to balance points from different perspectives.
Pan could see how she hoped this would get him to talk to his father.
And he is renowned for that fact.
Heaving a sigh, he continued, You’re right; I’ll be forever mad at myself if I don’t try to break this fight before he dies, and I could really use his advice right now.
He stood to go.
Standing as well, and giving him a comforting hug, his mother said, OK, let’s go see him and hear what he has to say.
They left the cave arm in arm and headed back for the castle.
Chapter 2: Bloodline Web Curse
Back at the castle, Panken and his mother entered from a servants’ entrance at the back that led to the cellars. From there, the pair climbed a set of stairs that led to the kitchen before parting ways. His mother stayed with the cooks to ensure that the king’s midafternoon meal was being prepared, while Pan took the servants’ stairs and went straight to his chambers. He, like his mother, loved to take the servants’ stairs simply for the company and the tales they heard the servants tell one another.
Upon reaching his room in the Royal family’s private quarters, Pan dressed himself in his most modest attire - a pair of old mud-covered and faded brown pants and a green shirt that was more patches than shirt - before he fixed his appearance in the mirror at the back of the room. His brown hair was getting too long for his liking as it was starting to cover his ears and matching brown eyes, but Sabrina had requested that he grow it out a bit; she’d thought it would make him look like the fabled old kings of Ginok, the birthplace of hereditary royalty. While walking to his parents’ chambers, he bumped into a petitioner.
Oh, I’m sorry.
The petitioner, a girl, was no more than twenty, if that, and had shoulder length brown hair. It’s OK, I wasn-
The girl’s pale blue eyes had fixated on a point behind Pan which he knew to hold a portrait of him and his father in Brarian ceremonial robes. Prince Panken!
She immediately fell to her left knee, crossing her left hand to grab her right ankle, while her right hand wrapped around her back in a fist, her head bent forward to give what was known as the Brarian Salute.
Knowing that the position was uncomfortable in itself, not to mention being awkward when wearing a dress, Pan tried to get the girl to stand immediately upon seeing her take this position. Please miss, get up, there’s no need for this. We’re alone; you don’t have to do this,
he said as he tried to lift the girl up, but she would not budge. He hated it when people did this sort of thing; the Brarian Salute was an ancient practice from before Pan’s family had come to power in Braria and it was meant to denote the weak and pathetic. It was a barbaric practice adopted from the position prisoners in Ichmensch accused of treason were executed in.
But she wouldn’t move, so Panken resigned himself to what must be done. Rise, but remember your place.
Finally, she stood but kept her head bowed. Miss, please lift your head - I wish to speak with you. And I request you tell me your honest opinion, even if that means yelling at me and/or speaking ill of my family, ok?
My Lord-
The girl shied away from his touch as he tried to lift her head, and still wouldn’t raise her head to look at him. It was then that Pan noticed the girl’s hair was wet in places, as if she’d washed it quite recently; and that her clothes, though clean, were more tattered and torn than his. Her pale yellowish brown dress looked as if it had been retailored at least a dozen times and was of a style Pan hadn’t seen worn since he was a young child. The shirt she wore under the dress was the colour of dried out dirt and her sleeves were cut a little too short and too frilly for women in Terang. And her corset, somehow, seemed to be too loose on one side of her body but too tight on the other.
I wish to know your views on how my family runs Braria. Please tell the truth, not what you think I want to hear.
Yes Prince Panken,
she said in timid voice, meekly accepting the task he requested of her.
Simply Pan will do, miss
she said finally looking at him, allowing Pan to see the resignation in her eyes. But there was also the tiniest hint of resentment; whoever this girl was, Pan had to admire her inner fire. I’m part of a very insignificant family from the border town of OJA; I couldn’t call you as your friends do.
Wait, you’re from OJA? Are you a Lex?
How had Sabrina described the family she’d spent a year with?
Yes that is my family name. Why do you speak it with respect, rather than disgust like everyone else?
The look in the girl’s eyes told Pan that nobody outside of her family had ever spoken to her with even the tiniest amount of respect.
About two years ago, your family gave shelter to a woman from Vagala, her name was-
Her eyes absolutely shined at the mention of the name. You know Sabrina, sire?
Yes, I know Sabrina.
Really? H-how is she? Is she ok?
Well, she’s a little upset right now, Kailee but she’s fine.
She told you of me? What troubles her, maybe I can help.
They were still standing in the archway that led to the private chambers of the Royal Couple. There was a small table nearby surrounded by chairs which Pan now led her to. Yes, she told me of you, Kailee. She spoke most highly of you and your family; she says you became like her sister. As for her troubles, that would be me-or more accurately my family. You see, Sabrina and I wish to be married but my parents won’t let us due to an old legend. Which brings me back to my original point: how do you think my family has ruled and treated its inferiors, such as yourself and others in OJA?
Pan thought he saw a frown cross the girl’s face as he mentioned that he and Sabrina wished to be wed, but once he again asked his question there was only a small smile on her face.
My Lord, I offer my sincerest congratulations and sympathies at these events. As for my views, I hear nothing but praise for how the House of Kanta rules Braria. But sire, I live in poverty because of my family’s history and how people think we earn the little money we have.
But why is that such a hindrance, Kailee?
Do you not know your own family history, Prince Panken?
she asked with an unbelieving look on her face.
No I don’t actually,
he replied knowing she didn’t mean the history he did know of.
Well about a thousand generations ago my family was a wealthy one. The head of the house had worked very hard to get where he was: a royal adviser and suitor for the then princess. Rumours at the time said that the then king was going to remove his family from power and give it to one of his three trusted advisers.
A thousand generations ago, my family didn’t rule Braria. So how does this deal with my family?
"I’m getting there, sire. When the time came to choose which adviser would rule the country, my ancestor wasn’t chosen, but yours was. This greatly upset my ancestor, but at the request of both the former and new king he and the other adviser stayed on to be advisers.
"But my ancestor wanted to rule. So he schemed how to kill the new king and steal the crown for himself and his new wife; who, by the way, wasn’t the old princess. Someone found out his plan and told the king. The king was very surprised to hear of this treason; the two had apparently been friends since they were children.
He told the informant to try and join my ancestor, so as to know when he would strike. My ancestor was caught; many demanded his death but your ancestor had a more, er, interesting punishment in mind. His wife was to become a whore and be the only source of income for the family. He was also forbidden to be with his wife, as man and wife, except for every five years on their anniversary. To ensure he didn’t pleasure himself without his wife, the rest of the time he was forced to wear a chastity belt.
The way she said the punishment in a monotone voice made it seem so much worse.
My god, I’m so sorry, that’s really harsh.
Don’t go trying to re-write the past, it’s impossible. Besides,
she said with a tentative smile, the score was settled, for they had a son. The son grew up in the aftermath of his father’s mistake and seeing that his parents were only happy every five years. He grew angry and resentful about what had befallen our once great family. He saved his life’s earnings and paid a credible sorcerer to enter the servitude of the Royal family and curse them, so they would lose their rule. A year later, the sorcerer was executed for cursing the family.
Pan couldn’t help it, his anger boiled over and he lost control. WHAT?!
he bellowed. The small wooden table they were sitting at exploded as his anger unleashed a surge of magic into it, causing splinters to rain down on the two of them. Kailee shrieked out in fright, crawling away. That’s why we were cursed? That’s why I can’t…?
W-what’s wrong, sire?
Kailee asked in such a weak voice that Pan could barely hear her. Her hands were covering her face from the falling pieces of the table.
Seeing her cower in fear brought his senses back to him. That curse is what troubles me and Sabrina, it’s the reason my parents won’t let us wed,
he said calmly, but the anger was still present.
Still very frightened by the outburst, Kailee spoke, nearly pleading, Prince Panken, please forgive me; I didn’t mean to bring up what is now clearly a sore subject with you. Perhaps I should come back at another-
She stopped at feeling Pan’s gentle hands on her shoulder, lifting her back to a standing position.
It’s ok, Kailee,
he said calmly, looking into the girl’s pale blue eyes. It’s not your fault nor is it your problem. You answered my question like I asked you to: honestly. Now answer this for me in a similar fashion. Since the curse was placed, has my family ruled fairly - in your opinion and that of your family?
Sire, my family has accepted we’ve fallen from grace; we are happy. Yes, there is the odd one of us who gets mad and ends up dead. But it seems our luck is changing; shortly after Sabrina left, the mayor’s son began courting my sister Jayne, and she seems to like him as well.
Well it’s now I, who offers congratulations. But that doesn’t answer my question exactly.
No it doesn’t,
she said with a thoughtful look. Like I said, we are occasionally angry at what has become of us; which I think understandable, considering. But we seem to agree with most everything the House of Kanta does.
No complaints at all?
Well, taxes are a little too high; my mother has had to take a job as a courtesan at times for us to just get by.
She shied away from his gaze as she revealed this.
I’m sorry, but I’ve tried to talk to my father about that; trying to make him change it from a certain amount to a certain percentage of a household’s monthly income. But he never does anything about it.
Everyone complains about taxes; don’t lose sleep over it.
That’s true.
Have I answered satisfactorily, my lord?
Please call me Pan. And if you answered me honestly, then yes, you have.
Kailee said shyly.
It’s ok; most people take a while to get used to it. Now I believe you came from the public entrance, which means that you came to visit my father. What is it you need?
Well, I heard that there was strife in the Royal family due to ‘the past coming true.’ I wondered if it had anything to do with the curse. So I came to offer my assistance in removing it.
At hearing these words, Pan’s face brightened. But then he remembered what he needed. And how do you plan on doing that? I was under the impression that to remove a curse as strong as this one we needed a few things that are a bit hard to come by now, it being so long since it was cast.
There’s one more part to the story. The night before the curse was cast, the sorcerer wrote to the son who hired him and explained what type of curse he was placing on the Royal family. The letter says he placed a Vicetz Curse on your family.
Are you sure, a Vicetz Curse?
Pan asked, thinking that a Vicetz Curse wasn’t nearly strong enough. Vicetz Curses were used to cause one’s deepest desires to drive them mad. And while this could lead to a loss of power, it would have no effect on Pan twenty-five hundred years later.
Yes I’m sure; I have the letter right here.
She handed a small worn piece of paper to him. It was a short letter, but its impact on Pan was much bigger. Face fallen, he sunk into a nearby pillar. Is everything alright, Pan?
Kailee asked with a worried look.
No. The curse place upon us wasn’t a Vicetz Curse; it was a Bloodline Web Curse. Something that is much worse.
Bloodline Web Curses were certainly powerful enough to still be troublesome after twenty-five centuries. Like a spider spinning its web, this curse was patient, working through the generations, causing the cursed to be led to its conclusion.
But the letter said it was a Vicetz Curse.
I know, but sorcerers have a certain way of writing that sheds the truth of their words. Few people besides sorcerers know this and fewer know how to read it. You see the two threes and two in the signature, that’s how you know which words to read to understand the truth of what the sorcerer has written. I’m thankful your family has kept this letter for so long, but this complicates things to the point that it might be impossible to remove the curse.
Why is it impossible?
"It’s nearly impossible. We now need a descendant from that sorcerer that happens to be a witch. Yes, it has to be a witch; the complications of magic," explained Pan.
But why can’t you use another sorcerer?
Because the Spell of Undoing requires the gift that is opposite to the one who cast the spell in the first place. That’s why it’s extremely rare that spells are undone. And Bloodline Web Curses bind the families of the cursed and caster so that only the caster’s descendants can remove the curse.
So you need the caster or one of their descendants?
the girl asked.
Yes, very good Kailee.
She smiled at having understood all this. Again, thank you for bringing me this letter, even if it brought bad news.
You’re welcome Pan, I think.
Now I ask you to go visit your friend. Sabrina is staying at the Nosiop Inn; it’s just inside the part of town that looks like you’re going to get attacked if you enter it. Don’t worry, you won’t get attacked; I’ll give you a small entourage. Once you two have caught up, tell her all that has happened here and that she must meet me at the caves - she knows which caves. It has been a pleasure Kailee, but I must go. Hopefully this will be over soon and we can meet each other properly. Now go!
And with that he left for the castle’s Blackreich; its magical armoury and storage area.
Chapter 3: Kailee and Sabrina
Kailee just stood there stunned; confused by the sudden dismissal and order to go visit her friend. But just as she made up her mind to go and follow Prince Panken, two men appeared at her side. They were clearly castle guards, judging from the matching leather armour dyed a deep blue, metal helms and arsenal of handheld weapons strapped to their bodies. She thought she recognized them from when she’d entered the private chambers of the Royal family.
Ms. Lex?
the one on her right asked. He was the bigger of the two, but had a kind face about him. His partner simply looked at her with the same look she’d seen men give her mother: lust, as if she were just a tavern whore. It was men like this that had made her turn to the charms of her own kind.
she asked nervously.
My name is Gideon Vanto, and this is Freddie King. Prince Panken asked us to escort you to the Nosiop Inn. Please follow us.
Reluctant, but eager to see Sabrina again, she agreed. They led her out of the castle, taking her out of the Royal family’s private chambers, down the grand staircase that spiraled down into the centre of the entrance hall, and finally out the large wooden doors to a small stable at the side of the castle courtyard. There they convinced her to get into a small carriage. Its door was engraved with the Kanta family crest: two intertwined ‘K’s. If Kailee hadn’t known better, she would have thought they were meant to appear to be made of broken bones. Kailee had never ridden in a carriage before and was inwardly impressed at the gesture Panken was making - even after she had given him a complete shock and made it nearly impossible for him to be completely happy.
The trip was quite comfortable and short; people obviously didn’t bother the Royal family, or those in their carriages. The door opened and there stood Sabrina, a look of surprise on her face. Kailee jumped out and gave her friend a hug.
What-how-thought Pan…
Sabrina stuttered after she was released from the hug.
It’s good to see you too. I will explain everything after we’ve caught up with each other,
Kailee said with a huge smile. Sabrina’s long red hair still came to the curve of her bottom. Her emerald eyes matched the simple dress she wore perfectly. Her skin was still marble white, and her lips were still as red as her hair. She still looked so beautiful.
Yes, it is good to see you too, Kailee.
The smile Sabrina gave her made Kailee’s stomach flutter and heart ache. And I should hope you explain, you have a Royal escort, and knew I was here. But you’re right, we should catch up first.
So the girls went inside and up to the room that Sabrina was renting. It was big for an inn this size, with a fair sized bed, wardrobe and writing desk; apparently being the paramour of the prince came with good accommodations. Sitting the both of them down, Sabrina and Kailee told each other what had happened to them since Sabrina had left the Lex home and OJA. Sabrina was thrilled to hear about Jayne being suited by the mayor’s son and what this could mean for the Lex family. Kailee was astonished to hear about Sabrina meeting Pan and falling in love with him, how they had been with each other on several occasions and the trouble they were now having. Hearing of her friend’s trouble reminded Kailee of the other reason she was here.
Sabrina, I believe I owe you an explanation of my being here.
Yes Kai, you do.
Well I left OJA because I heard that the House of Kanta was in an uproar about ‘the past coming true.’ As it turns out, it was you this strife was over. When I arrived at the castle, I literally bumped into Pan. He asked me what I thought about how they rule. I told him and then he asked why I was here. I told him I came to help with the strife if I could. I told him of our connected past and showed him a letter from the sorcerer who was behind the curse. After he read it, he claimed that his family was under a Bloodline Web Curse. This greatly upset him as he thinks it nearly impossible to remove. He gave me an escort so I could get you and tell you this and that he wants to meet you at the caves. He said you knew which caves.
Did he say when?
Sabrina asked with sudden seriousness.
Thanks Kai. But I must go, Pan is surely waiting. Stay here, I’ll be back to talk more - I just don’t know when. Wait for me please, sister. Go wherever you wish until I return.
Walking over to the writing desk and opening a drawer, Sabrina produced a pin Kailee had seen her wearing in OJA that looked like a crude drawing of a fish. Handing it to Kailee, she said, If you leave, wear this pin - it’ll protect you. I love you and we need to talk more. I’ll be back as soon as I can.
With that Sabrina gave Kailee a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek and left.
Chapter 4: Desperate Measures
Following the hidden path by memory, Pan studied the book he carried as he walked to the clearing outside the caves. Pan had barely gotten there with his spell book and pouches of black and white sorcerer’s sand when Sabrina arrived. After a brief embrace, Sabrina gave him a worried look; she’d seen the book he brought: The Mantras of Power. The half-moon gave off enough light for them to see each other clearly.
Pan? What are you doing? You can’t use those spells; they’re the oldest spells in history! The spells Nina taught to the Ancients, Lilith’s chosen few! You, you don’t have that kind of power, my love.
Sabrina, I’m trying to rid my family of this curse, so we can be together. I’ve read this book and it tells of a power that will allow the one who uses it to make all those he knows do whatever he wants. I just have to make it my own.
"Are you talking about Erised Mamagneta?"
Pan said, bracing himself.
"Are you insane?! NOBODY can handle that spell! That power is even stronger than love! And how do you ‘make it your own’?" she asked in a shrill voice that was much higher than normal. The moonlight made her moist, green eyes shine, both with concern and exasperation.
I’m desperate! Prophecy tells of one who’ll be able to control that power - and it sounds a lot like me. I just don’t know how to make it my own.
Panken, I know you’re desperate; I am too! The prophecy only speaks of a ruler in love - there are many of those. And if you don’t know how to make it your own, how do you plan on using that spell? Besides, you can’t force someone you don’t know to do your bidding. You need a descendant who is a witch. There are very few witches in this world and most live below the North Divide in the Antiqus Gelus Empire or in Vagala: two places you can’t or won’t go. Please find a different way, love. I can’t help you if you do this.
It doesn’t say the person bent to my will has to be living,
Pan said with a manic voice. I can dig that bastard who cursed my family up and force him to remove it. And I would go to those places, you need only ask. And you can help me: you can cast the spell on me.
"I-I couldn’t. I’d turn you into a monster. Panken, please don’t do this. Not even for me. I love you, but you’re scaring me with this talk of using The Mantras of Power. Just come to me and love me…I need you."
Panken walked over to the woman he loved and held her to him. Sabrina had started to cry when she realized what he was contemplating; but within his loving arms she calmed down. He kissed her fiercely.
Pan, I want to be rid of this curse just as much as you, but I don’t want to destroy you to get it. If I can only love you from afar then that’s what I’ll do, even if it kills me.
My dear, you don’t have to love me from afar. I won’t use the spell, but I need to find the witch descendant, if she exists.
You don’t even know if she exists?
Sabrina shrilled. Yet you’d kill yourself in an attempt to find out if she does?
No, I’d kill myself in an attempt to have our love be approved by my parents.
Why can’t your parents be dead - then we wouldn’t have this problem?
I’m just kidding. But you know it’s true.
Panken heaved a sigh. Yes, I know it’s true. But I won’t kill my parents just to settle this. You know, they actually seem to really like you - besides the fact you bring a curse.
Really? We’ve only met once and I thought that I’d left a bad impression.
Thinking back to the first and only time Sabrina had met his parents, Pan realized that it wasn’t the greatest first impression. The night had started out well enough with Shade and Marina joining him, his parents, and Sabrina for dinner, but had quickly deteriorated when his father had laid eyes upon Sabrina. Well, I think it has more to do with the fact that they think I’ll fall in love with someone likable.
Only likable?
she asked with a raised eyebrow.
"They only have to like you; I’m the one who has to love you." At this jibe, she gave him a look of mock shock and poked him in the shoulder. He was glad to see her restrain her smile, knowing she could smile at a time like this.
"Have to?"
OK, choose to. But I also choose to be rid of this curse. It’s all I can think about; I’m obsessed. Help me please.
My love, you know I’d help if I knew how to, but I don’t. But what if…
she trailed off.
What if what?
Now, don’t judge me on this but, what if you stepped down as Prince and I…
No! I’ve wanted to be king since I was a child. And besides, that would bring the curse to fruition. I couldn’t put my parents through that; it’d kill my father prematurely. I-
Your father won’t see the next moon. I know you don’t want him to die but Hados is calling his name - and nothing can stop that. Go spend his last few days with him. I’ll be fine, I’ve got Kailee.
I can’t; he’s so angry with me. He-
He’s your father. He won’t want the last memory between you to be a fight. Trust me, it’ll be fine. Now go!
You’re right. I’ve got to ask him a few things anyway.
Women usually are right, you know,
she joked.
Rolling his eyes, but giving her a hug nonetheless, he picked up his spell book and sorcerer’s sand. With one last kiss, he left for his father’s bedside for the second time that day.
Chapter 5: The Foolishness of King Leo
When he arrived back at the castle it was midnight. Considering it was so late, Pan decided his talk with his father could wait until morning. They both needed their sleep.
Inside his room, Pan took off his clothes and flopped onto his bed. Having had little sleep over the past few weeks had finally caught up to him and he was asleep before his head even touched the pillow.
Panken woke the next morning to the sound of banging on his door. After a second set of bangs, the door opened to reveal Shade, Pan’s best friend. Dressed in black pants and a burgundy shirt, Shade shut the door before turning back to Pan. His blackish brown eyes, which matched his close-cropped hair perfectly, leveled at Pan as a smile pulled at the edges of the goatee he was struggling to grow. And as always, in his hands were a small piece of wood and a small curved blade that he used to carve the wood in his hand. Oh, it’s nice to know that the future of the kingdom cares so much for it that he’s spent the entire morning sleeping, rather than at the bedside of his dying father. Has his highness reached a decision yet?
Shade asked in his unique mixture of joking sympathy, as he had every day for the past few weeks since that fateful dinner.
Pan said, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. Wait, did you say it was midday?
Pan asked in a panic. Shade simply nodded his head. Realizing how late he’d slept, Pan immediately got out of bed to get dressed. Thanks for waking me,
he said to Shade as he rushed to get dressed. Make sure you pick up your shavings when you leave.
But before he could exit the room, Shade called him back. Pan, wait. There’s something I need to say: I’m sorry, I never meant for all this to happen. I didn’t think that your father would actually get so upset when I mentioned the curse. You know I’d never try to hurt you, right?
Gone was the cheerful banter, and only sincere remorse was in its place.
Pan simply nodded with a hand to his friend’s shoulder and a small smile to say that all was forgiven. Seeing Shade’s returning smile, Pan left his room and rushed to his father’s. Upon entry, Pan noticed only his mother was there, sitting at her husband’s side, holding his hand and looking like she hadn’t slept in days. The energy she’d had yesterday was gone; seeing her husband so ill had taken its toll.
Mother, you look exhausted. Why don’t you go get some sleep; I can look after Father for a while.
Jolted out of her thoughts by his sudden appearance and voice, the queen silently agreed and left for the master chambers.
Father, can we speak?
The king’s eyes opened as he weakly beckoned his son to his side. Leo Kanta, his father, once so strong and energetic, had been reduced to something so feeble that a conversation was the extent of his energy. His mother had comically attempted to have the king look his best; she’d cut his greying brown hair and trimmed his greyer beard. Taking his mother’s chair, Pan rushed to say all that he could before he was interrupted. Father, I’m so, so very sorry for what I’ve done. I know the curse can’t be lifted but I want so much to rule with Sabrina as my queen. Why do you ha-
His father raised a hand to stop Pan’s babbling.
My son,
he wheezed in between coughs, I know how you feel. It pains me so to make you choose between your two greatest desires. I’m sorry too. I know Sabrina is a lovely woman and that you are quite happy together.
Seeing his son’s look of curiosity, he explained. I keep a very close eye on the things that are most precious to me. I also know that you’d love nothing more than to rule. I can only imagine what the battle inside you right now is like: the Prince and the romantic. If only you had siblings, we wouldn’t have this problem.
His father was visited by a strong fit of coughs now.
We don’t need to have it in the first place; you can let Sabrina and me rule together.
I’ve always considered that option, but I fear for the future. Forgive me, but I don’t want my grandchildren growing up in an uncomfortable home.
Just because it’s not a castle, doesn’t mean it’s uncomfortable; look at Shade’s and Marina’s house.
I know, but why risk it.
So I can be happy!
He was getting tired of trying to get this point across.
People everywhere suffer!
Anger had crept into his father’s voice but he shoved it away before he next spoke, still with regular coughing fits. Pan, I love this country and I don’t want to give it over to someone who’ll run it to the ground. I know you’d never let it come to ruin, you care more fiercely about it than I do! Am I to assume you’re here because you’ve made a choice?
No, I haven’t made a choice yet. It’s too hard.
"My son, I’m sorry but you’re acting like a child: ‘it’s too hard;’ life is full of hard choices, no matter who you are. It’s time you come to terms with life."
What do you want me to do, Father? Both paths lead to disappointment with myself; and you know how much I hate disappointing people.
Yes I know. And I want you to choose before I die. I still have to appoint the next king, and I’m running out of time. I want so much for it to be you, but I can’t force the crown to your head. But I also want to personally wed you to a woman you love. I know I’ll never get to do one of these things and that is half the pain I feel at this ultimatum.
We don’t have to feel this pain, Father. Release me and give us what we all want.
Pan was now grabbing at straws.
I won’t jeopardize the rule of the House of Kanta over a girl!
his father shouted. The force of his voice startled Pan the slightest bit, as it gave him a glimpse of the man his father had used to be; the man Pan had loved all his life.
Pan stood to leave and walked to the door. There he turned back. Our rule will eventually come to an end. We’ve already angered our subjects into cursing us. Your spies should have told you that if Sabrina ever becomes angered with us that we could be dead in a heartbeat. But she’d never do that because she has more respect for life than anyone I know. She won’t force you out of this ultimatum for she respects that she can’t have people do only her will. She’d make an excellent queen in war or peace! I know the threat is credible but you’re acting like a scared, old fool. Last night I nearly killed myself trying to grab the last hope I had at ending this curse. I’d be dead now if she hadn’t stopped me. So I ask you, Father, does a woman like that seem worth the risk of our rule?
Without waiting for an answer, Pan left.
Once he was gone, the queen came rushing in. She had tears in her eyes. "Why?! Why did you have to make him angry at you again, Leo? He came here to ask for your help and forgiveness and you gave neither and called him a child! He’s your son and he’s in a position none his age should be in. You’re dying, Leo; do you want his last memories of you to be this argument?! He knows that he has to make difficult decisions in life, but he can still ask for help!" She started to cry and couldn’t finish her outburst.
Evelyn, come and sit,
he said kindly, a pained expression on his too pale face. I know I’m dying and that this fight isn’t what we want our last memories of each other to be. He can ask for my advice, but I fear even I am too biased. I know he loves this girl but I won’t have him throw the crown away for her! He is right though: ending this ultimatum would make us all happy.
Then why don’t you?
Even if I did, he couldn’t marry her - she’s a commoner. And she’s Vagalian!
So? Who cares where she’s from? She’s a good person; surely your spies conveyed that to you! And what does it matter if he loves her? Being of ‘royal blood’ is just something the fabled old kings of Ginok made up so people would go along with their takeover - you know that!
Yes I know that! But the public doesn’t! What would happen if they saw him marry a commoner; they’d see the truth, that’s what! And then riots would break out all over. Nobody wants that.
Saying this reduced him to a fit of coughs.
You know your son is right: you are an old fool. Sabrina is a damelin! Even you, the most magically ignorant person ever, know that means she comes from a long line of magic, which was once the basis for rule; so she has a form of ‘royal blood.’
Why do you support him? Don’t you like being a queen?
Yes, I like being a queen. I’ve spent my entire life in castles and palaces, but that doesn’t mean I find the idea of not living in one repulsive. I’m not going to sabotage my baby’s chance at happiness or love to stay queen and live in this castle! That’s why I support him: because he’s my son; and he’s yours too!
With that, Evelyn made to leave but was stopped by her husband grabbing her arm. For a dying man he had a strong grip.
I love my son! I’ve always supported him in everything he’s done, even if I’ve disagreed with it. Being his father I think I should be able to…to give him a test so that I can rest in peace knowing my boy is a man, a good man. Being able to make major decisions is my way of testing him. We have always been people of authority, and I won’t go to Hados and tell thousands of my ancestors that we no longer rule or have any political sway!
He released her arm but she didn’t go to leave; she just stood there staring at him with a look of shocked horror and incredulity.
"Goodbye, Leo. I hope your pride helps you tell your ancestors what you want to, and not the truth: that you threw away the crown!" And with that, she left her husband king to the pains of death.
Chapter 6: Feeling Better
Kailee had spent the past hour pacing