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The Prometheus Tree
The Prometheus Tree
The Prometheus Tree
Ebook591 pages8 hours

The Prometheus Tree

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Teo, Aldaris' Prince, and Nalis, a factory worker in the Republic's bitter Wasteland, are pitted against dark forces that have unleashed a deadly virus. In a land where perfection is attainable for the right price, they use their power and wit while overcoming their deep seated prejudices against each other. As the investigation unfolds, their eyes are opened to the an evil lurking within the walls of the Holy Republic, forces which, if left unchecked, could bring the very world to it's knees.

PublisherE. S. Smyth
Release dateNov 1, 2016
The Prometheus Tree

E. S. Smyth

E. S. Smyth was and raised in Kalamazoo, Michigan and later moved to Phoenix, Arizona. Always a storyteller even as a child, there were many nights he’d spend scribbling in notebooks into the wee hours of the morning. What began as a passing interest in writing stories blossomed over time into a genuine love of well made, compelling stories that transports the reader far away from reality. At the age of seventeen, he finished his first complete novel, The Midas Project. Over the following years, he’s completed a number of smaller personal projects, working continuously at sharpening his own skills as a writer. In November of 2016 he completed The Prometheus Tree, which he self-published through Amazon KDP. Writing has been an avenue of expression for Evan over the years that few other joys have afforded him. He aspires one day to share his work on an even larger scale. In upcoming works, he delves into his thoughts on prejudice, perception, and social responsibility.

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