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The Human Conspiracy
The Human Conspiracy
The Human Conspiracy
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The Human Conspiracy

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When you live in fear and scarcity from one day to another, and when your awareness spans two channels on your TV set, you may perceive and understand society from one political party to the next and from one conspiracy to another. While your own servitude, ignorance, compliance, and subjection span the world, since it is the case with everyone else, forming in this manner the extraordinary conspiracy shaping and reshaping everything continuously, the Human Conspiracy. Because those who killed presidents and royalty throughout history, those who control stock markets, wars, oil fields, and alphabet agencies, and those who weaken and decimate humanity whenever they find it necessary are the same, acting on the same comprehensive conspiracy alongside you, while forming the Human Conspiracy. Because it never matters who rules the world and through what schemes, since they cannot do it without your help and compliance. While you agree and conspire making everything happen, you even take control sometimes along with everybody else, and when conspirators cannot abuse you harder, you take them down to bring in their place others who can.
This is the Human Conspiracy and it always relates to you, since it is meant for action, compliance, and perfect integration. It is the lack of reaction to everything dreadful that those in control do to you and to the world, as it is based on your continuous acceptance along with your continuous ridicule and rejection of those who do not abide. Because it is your passivity making all social schemes and conspiracies possible, and so you keep them coming, indefinitely. It is not their proclaimed effort, ingenuity, strength, and influence to count, but it is you conspiring to accept everything coming from above, as you endure and take it diligently while expecting more.
And now you see the world that you create, you still cherish and smile while you suffer in solitude, you still condemn those who complain as you know that it is wrong but you want to be safe, and so you endure and cherish, in ignorance. Because you conspire just to keep yourself covered, you gather the crumbs and you never complain, and this is the greatest conspiracy of all times, the Human Conspiracy.
Throughout this book, we identify, model, and understand how the Human Conspiracy takes place on all social levels, building this background comprehensive conspiracy capable to follow authorities alongside everything that they implement, control, exploit, and achieve in the world, while we focus on all premises and consequences, in all details and from all perspectives.

Release dateOct 12, 2016
The Human Conspiracy

Valentin Matcas

Valentin Leonard Matcas, M.Ed., is a Researcher, an Author, a Physicist, a Mathematician, and an Educator, currently studying, researching, and writing fiction and nonfiction. A graduate of universities from the United States and Canada, Valentin Leonard Matcas taught Physics, Mathematics, and English in Europe and in North America, while doing research in Physics and Mathematics.   Valentin Leonard Matcas created the following analytical models in Psychology, Biology, Physics, and Sociology: cognitive and social model for the human needs, models of modes of life, cognitive model for the human intelligence, model for this Reality, for other realities, and for the One, model for life in all forms and from all realities, study of the Human Civilization, study of the human status and rights, depiction of the hierarchy of intelligences, model for the human health and lifestyle, models for the human behavior, development, and developmental patterns, model for the human condition, models for the conscious, subconscious, highconscious, and classconscious intelligences, true model for the Human Society, model and depiction of the Human Conspiracy, models for the Higher Laws and for the Natural Laws of the Universe, study and depiction of human abilities, model of the Field and of our environment, model for Existence, study and depiction of timelines and lifelines of causality, and a lot more. All these form a comprehensive, greater model for you, for this world, and for your place and meaning in this world. As an enthusiast of Science Fiction, Valentin Leonard Matcas writes about terrestrial and alien civilizations, about life in the Universe and about the way it develops across galaxies. Valentin Leonard Matcas wrote ‘The Culling,’ ‘The Storyteller,’ and ‘Starship Colonial.’  When he is not writing, Valentin Leonard Matcas enjoys studying, hiking, swimming, kayaking, skiing, snowboarding, riding his bikes, listening to good books and podcasts, listening to good classical music, playing good strategy video games, and so on. Follow his research and discover all his books!

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    Book preview

    The Human Conspiracy - Valentin Matcas

    The Human Conspiracy

    Book 7 of the Human Series

    The greatest conspiracy of all, the Human Conspiracy

    Seventh Edition

    Valentin Matcas, M.Ed.

    Published by Valentin Matcas at Smashwords

    Copyright © 2016 - 2023 Valentin Matcas

    ISBN: 9781370863747

    All rights reserved

    Cover: Valentin Matcas

    This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This book may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    I dedicate this book to everyone eager to learn and develop continuously throughout life.


    1 The Human Conspiracy Spanning the World

    2 Social Human Conspiracy

    3 A True Conspiracy Built on Cognitive Grounds

    4 Beyond the Human Conspiracy

    About the Author

    1 The Human Conspiracy Spanning the World

    When you live in fear and scarcity from one day to another, and when your awareness spans two channels on your TV set, you may perceive and understand society from one political party to the next and from one conspiracy to another. While your own servitude, ignorance, compliance, and subjection span the world, since it is the case with everyone else, forming in this manner the extraordinary conspiracy shaping and reshaping everything continuously, the Human Conspiracy. Because those who killed presidents and royalty throughout history, those who control stock markets, wars, oil fields, and alphabet agencies, and those who weaken and decimate humanity whenever they find it necessary are the same, acting on the same comprehensive conspiracy alongside you, while forming the Human Conspiracy. Because it never matters who rules the world and through what schemes, since they cannot do it without your help and compliance. While you agree and conspire making everything happen, you even take control sometimes along with everybody else, and when conspirators cannot abuse you harder, you take them down to bring in their place others who can.

    This is the Human Conspiracy and it always relates to you, since it is meant for action, compliance, and perfect integration. It is the lack of reaction to everything dreadful that those in control do to you and to the world, as it is based on your continuous acceptance along with your continuous ridicule and rejection of those who do not abide. Because it is your passivity making all social schemes and conspiracies possible, and so you keep them coming, indefinitely. It is not their proclaimed effort, ingenuity, strength, and influence to count, but it is you conspiring to accept everything coming from above, as you endure and take it diligently while expecting more.

    And now you see the world that you create, you still cherish and smile while you suffer in solitude, you still condemn those who complain as you know that it is wrong but you want to be safe, and so you endure and cherish, in ignorance. Because you conspire just to keep yourself covered, you gather the crumbs and you never complain, and this is the greatest conspiracy of all times, the Human Conspiracy.

    Throughout this book, we identify, model, and understand how the Human Conspiracy takes place on all social levels, building this background comprehensive conspiracy capable to follow authorities alongside everything that they implement, control, and exploit in the world, while we focus on all premises and consequences, in all details, and from all perspectives.

    Why should you seek to learn of a mass conspiracy that you already implement well in the world yourself, having been doing it in excellence since you can remember? Because when you understand who you are, when you understand the world, and when you understand who you are in the world, you achieve to understand the outstanding power that you have over the world, directly and implicitly. This has always been the case wherever you are positioned in society, throughout the Brotherhood controlling the Masses as ordered from above, or within the Masses enduring everything. This is your passive power in the world, it is impressive in substance and it is very consistent, and if you do not identify and tame it, it turns around to harm you worse than all schemes, plots, and conspiracies coming from above. While it is your responsibility to manage your own social influence, because if you do not, it harms the world badly with you in it, including all Masses, authorities, and conspirators alike.

    The Human Conspiracy is wider, stronger, and it has by far more implications on all social levels than what you may expect, since the Human Conspiracy interconnects outside Earth and beyond this world we call Reality, to influence and alter life everywhere, exactly as it wants. Because the Human Conspiracy is part of other, more remarkable conspiracies beyond the human society, which should not be ignored. Therefore, in order to understand the Human Conspiracy, we have to study it on all levels and from all perspectives, while we have to break it apart into its basic drives and components. Yet know that the Human Conspiracy always functions both as a whole and in its discrete components as we have to study it in this first chapter. And this is the case because it is never you controlling, implementing, or profiting from the Human Conspiracy, regardless if you are from the Masses, from the Brotherhood, or from the Elite, but there are other forces, carriers, and beneficiaries involved, of all forms, natures, development, and status.

    Yet there is sufficient space throughout this book to study everything just the way it is, to learn everything about the Human Conspiracy, so let us begin this first chapter with an objective, empiric study of the Human Conspiracy. We start with one of the most powerful motors driving the Human Conspiracy, money. Yet there are other powerful drives engaging the Human Conspiracy besides money, and we will see them throughout the book.

    Money is your advanced mean of trading goods, and through these goods, it becomes your only mean of fulfilling your natural needs, lower and higher. It is done so on purpose, since the Human Conspiracy is capable of anything, even of turning your intrinsic meanings upside down, bringing your motivations outside, through fictitious orders and currencies, starting with your most inner needs and natural desires. This is how the Human Conspiracy has already managed to take over the natural human niche before you were born, and now you have to live in this fictitious society that it controls well, by its fictitious laws and requirements, with money itself binding you to your terms and consensus. Or this is the case if you are from the Masses, because there is a very strict order in the Brotherhood besides money governing you well, since many times, your Brotherhood assignments can hold you constrained even stronger, and so you comply.

    And this is the Human Conspiracy indeed, at both levels, Masses and Brotherhood, with you conspiring continuously to keep your social position instated well. Or if not, there are consequences, while many people just as capable as you can emerge from below to replace you at once, if you only seem to hesitate. Because you are in the Human Conspiracy just as much as they are, while they always want more, just as you do. And so you and everyone else conspire.

    You may certainly fulfill your needs through other means besides money, as harvesting your water from natural sources or eating apples from your own trees, yet there are always other means to use money in order to fulfill your needs, including buying bottled water and apples from the store. Your subconscious intelligences already know that you may always fulfill their needs through money, while they also know how much everything costs, and now they are the ones pushing you hard to spend extra hours at work to earn as much money as possible, only to be able to buy all goods and resources that they require. In other words, your need for money is extrinsic, since money is an extrinsic currency, yet it is intrinsic just as well, through the fulfillment of your natural needs only by using money, since money has gained the monopoly of your natural fulfillment. And this is exactly how the Human Conspiracy has you at your most vulnerable level, since through money alone, it controls the fulfillment of your most imperative natural needs, as your need to eat, shelter, travel, protect yourself and your loved ones, and even to reproduce, since no one wants you poor and incapable. And this is how you have to abide to the Human Conspiracy, and more, you have to excel in servitude, in order to have more. While it is not only your social constraint forcing you to integrate and obey, but your desire to get more in the world and to be more, all that you can be. And this motivates you to be part of the Human Conspiracy intrinsically, more than extrinsically.

    What is so characteristic about money, and why are you so determined to use money, save money, and make more money, always more? Because this is how life is, or is how the human nature is, this is how everything is supposed to be, you just want money in very large amounts, this is how everybody is, involved in making money always, and it cannot be otherwise, right? Which means that the world itself and the human society cannot exist without money and without your continuous drive for money, since it has always been in this manner.

    While you already notice that this is only the trivial answer, you accept it as an actual answer for your continuous drive for money and you never wonder why, since life and society have always been in this manner. And if you never wonder about your continuous, unconditional need for money, you never question your continuous involvement in the Human Conspiracy either. And it is about time to seek some answers, because this is what drives your life, while this is what wrecks your life along with the entire world.

    But do not worry, since no one blames you for wrecking the world, because we always point fingers to the corrupt politicians from TV, as they cause all loss, recessions, wars, pollution, and global warming, harassing you and oppressing you continuously, since they are scapegoats and are meant to take the blame. Yet is this right?

    Could it only be possible that you share the blame too? No, what an outrageous idea, since they steal by the billions while you only work at the bank and key in their transactions, getting your normal paycheck to take it home and use it to feed your child, just as everybody else. While without knowing, it is also a conspiracy to make you consider yourself innocent, only to keep you working at the bank. Since the Human Conspiracy is impossible without you, because you are the one doing the work, while those above only send you the orders and expectations, while gaining all profit. You have to make it possible for them, as they give you a small paycheck too.

    But do they key in everything at their computer too? No. But do they actually make all this money from thin air as all conspiracy theories state? No, since you do, at your computer, when you key in the numbers. While they only keep the money whenever they come back their way, all the money, with you responsible for everything dreadful happening with that debt at the bank. Furthermore, the entire world is responsible too, since money is only an agreement that that particular number from a database has a real value in the real world. While as it is the case with all agreements, all sides must agree on this real value, the rich at the bank who own the money, and the poor throughout the world using the money. As it is always obvious that the rich make a fortune while having a blast throughout life, while the poor toil an entire life at work to pay everything back. And now you may see the Human Conspiracy exactly as it is, because this entire financial agreement is sealed continuously, comprehensively, and unanimously in the human society by everyone in the world, rich and poor, Masses and Brotherhood alike. Since this is the Human Conspiracy, while it is very strong indeed.

    But this is only the conspiracy to keep you at the bank in the first place, at work, as stated above, and not your actual answer, while it is meaningful to know why. The question was what drives you to want to have excessive wealth, while the answer came out to relate to simple subsistence. Which is not exactly true, because simple subsistence determines you to have a minimum, limited amount of money, while in life, you always strive to have significantly more, even if you wreck the world in the process, alongside everybody else who wants significantly more just as well. While simple subsistence is never enough to keep you working at the bank for corrupt profiteers, and therefore, it is never enough to keep you engaged so strongly in the Human Conspiracy up to the point where you are ready to wreck the world just as much as everybody else.

    Since there is also a conspiracy to blame simple subsistence for everybody’s involvement in the Human Conspiracy. While simple subsistence relates to an enforced role in the Human Conspiracy, motivated by your continuous need for money to fulfill your imperative, natural needs, as your need for excessive wealth motivates you significantly more than simple subsistence, with the same Human Conspiracy blaming everything only on basic subsistence. Or at least this is the case if you are from the Masses, since the Masses always tend to have significantly less, yet the Masses themselves are very determined to accumulate excessive amounts of wealth just as the Brotherhood, even through an aggressive part in the Human Conspiracy.

    Therefore, our question persists, what exactly motivates so hard your need to accumulate excessive amounts of wealth at any social level, since this fuels indeed the Human Conspiracy the most, while you cannot understand the Human Conspiracy if you do not understand its drives and structure, along with its general setting and niches. And now, either we find an answer right away, or we have to wait for our model of the Human Conspiracy to reveal it throughout the book. If not, we have to continue with our trivial answer, that you are part of the Human Conspiracy yourself by default, motivated extrinsically and intrinsically, just because this is how everybody is, and society has always been in this manner.

    Yet you notice how you already have an answer, and it is in this double nature motivating the Human Conspiracy extrinsically through money, status, and privileges in general, and intrinsically through subsistence or through something else of a similar intrinsic, natural fulfillment, of a higher human substance probably, and now it is not too hard to identify it.

    It seems that money is a fair, proper, highly advanced manner of dividing goods and resources throughout society, according exactly to the way you contribute to the common good. Yet you also know that money is the eye of the devil, the mark of the beast, and the source of all evil. You know that money will always pull you back cognitively, to cause you to stagnate on lower developmental levels, so what exactly is going on here involving money? Is money good or bad? Can money be cursed? Is money the Devil? Let us see.

    As stated above, money is an excellent tool to help you work today and save the product of your work for later in life when you need it the most, when you or your loved ones get sick or old for example, and when you are not able to gather the goods and resources needed for your basic subsistence. Money is as a bedcover, keeping you covered continuously throughout life when you need it the most, when it is very cold outside for example. And the more you are capable to save, the more cover you manage to gather and stock up on top of you and your family in order to keep you warm at all time.

    This is just a basic example, since today, you will simply use your money for a new phone or car, always wishing you had more. Yet even these items are used for fulfilling basic needs, since everything that you buy and do in life you do in order to fulfill your needs.

    You may use money everywhere in the world, you may buy everything you need, while everybody does the same. Even when goods or services are exchanged directly without money, these still have a price tag attached, in money. Money is comprehensive, and this is the case with all major components of the Human Conspiracy, not only with money. Even more, since money relates directly to goods, workforce, commodities, and resources, money is always limited, constant, and conserved in the world, and in time. And this is the case only because money is used by everybody, and because it may be used to acquire everything. While everything that you may acquire is constant and limited in the world, and throughout time.

    This means that, if once you have thought that money was the most adequate tool to use, in order to make and save for later, while keeping you well covered throughout life, now you have to consider that you are not alone in society, but you sleep in a common bed alongside eight billion people, with everyone nicely covered as you are, otherwise they were not here to tell the story. While your financial bedcover is not exactly yours, but it is part of the common financial bedcover covering society entirely, with everyone in it. And this is the case because money is constant in the world, being based on constant workforce, constant time, constant land, and constant resources. This means that the more money you save for you and for your family to use later in life, the more bedcover you pull away from others to stock up on top of yourself to keep you fulfilled. While you actually take it away from those sleeping by the outskirts of the common bed, those who do not have enough to cover their own basic subsistence.

    In other words, you kill them. You. Yet since the great majority of people in the world does just the same, now you conspire with the rest of the people of the world that it is not actually your fault, and they simply died. Naturally. Too bad for them. While the Human Conspiracy is always capable enough to make it possible.

    And therefore, you subsist in this manner and you save some more money, killing in the process all those who cannot. All the poor people from the poor nations sleeping now by the edge of the common bed suffer of lack of food, water, shelter, clothing, and so on, many die, you kill them all, adults and children alike, and you keep on doing it, indefinitely, since capitalism allows it and even encourages it. And this is the extraordinary Human Conspiracy, or only a very small part of it, since there is more going on in the world when you are not responsible. While everything takes place in this manner with your full, tacit agreement. And then your children will do the same when they grow up, then their children will do the same too, indefinitely. Why? Because there is nothing wrong here, since it is even legal to do so throughout life, to have more money in life than anyone else, and therefore for others to have less. So what if those children die? Don’t all these poor, miserable children from the poor nations always die on TV? And therefore, isn’t it normal? Yes, isn’t it normal for you to spend another ten thousand dollars on your trip to Bahamas this weekend too, while those children still die on TV, as they always do? Or isn’t it normal to buy another expensive sports car just to impress the world some more, while taking the money itself through all financial machinations directly from those poor people on TV?

    Yes, isn’t it normal, and doesn’t Capitalism allow it and even encourages it? Yet we are getting closer to understand the Human Conspiracy, as it engulfs the world with you in it, through all money that you handle, and through all stereotypes that you always use. Because everybody behaves in this manner through a major stereotype, and so do you. Yet it is more than a stereotype, since it is already part of an entire conspiracy, the Human Conspiracy. Everybody ignores the fact that the increasing wealth of their own family corresponds directly to a decrease in wealth

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