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Oneiro III: Illusion of Chaos
Oneiro III: Illusion of Chaos
Oneiro III: Illusion of Chaos
Ebook480 pages5 hours

Oneiro III: Illusion of Chaos

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The gripping third volume of the sweeping Oneiro tetralogy.

An audacious contingent desperately casts off the miraculous island of Oneiro in the midst of Earth’s agonizing worldwide death throes. They set themselves on a bold course for a star seven light years distant, confronting an interstellar voyage approaching decades.

Their destination: Kosmas Kentrikos. An incredible planet, home to millions of years of immeasurably advanced study and the titular center of the galaxy.
Their vessel: Gauntlet. An interstellar world-ship. The most astonishing space vehicle ever navigated by man.
Their Captain: Philip Carr, a human unique to planet Earth, soon to be unique to the galaxy and perhaps all the cosmos themselves.
The Kosmains: Tens of millions of advanced beings from throughout the galaxy united by a common calling and all united by a vital interest in Captain Philip Carr.

Their prodigious journey enjoys an idyllic beginning. Life is nearly luxurious aboard Gauntlet permitting its crew to develop and create exceptional diversity.

Captain Carr is then absented by a mandatory two year geriatric sleep. Upon returning he discovers a disturbing new Gauntlet under his command. Dark changes were wrought throughout the world-ship, some threatening to the success of their mission and the very survival of the few remaining vestiges of mankind. With supreme urgency Phil is called to draw upon his gifts, risking his life to actualize his inherent ordination to evolve into Verteror ... one of the very few of such among the untold trillions of sapient life forms that pass through this universe.

Humans were far from the sole envoys within Gauntlet’s crew and compliment. A contingent of life forms, known and unbeknownst to Carr pervades Gauntlet at many levels. The Captain commanded the quintessential motley crew, as each entity pursued its own machinations, while Phil’s command grew daily more threatening and labyrinthine.

Oneiro leads the reader from the beautiful shores of a halcyon Aegean island, under the sea to the interior of an extinct volcano, through deep space to the limits of the galaxy and the veritable edge of space-time itself.

Release dateDec 9, 2015
Oneiro III: Illusion of Chaos

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    Oneiro III - John Stuart Goldenberg

    God be between you and harm in all the empty places you walk.

    Blessing of the 18th Egyptian dynasty

    We bear many titles in the course of our lives.

    Mr. Philip Carr, formerly of New York, bore more than most. Certainly the strangest and most diverse: President, Chancellor, Councilor, CEO, Proprietor, Ambassador, Captain, Consul, Qadyme, Questor, and ultimately, Verteror.

    Verteror: The most dangerous job in the universe. Dangerous for the Verteror and dangerous for the universe.

    Many titles, many roles, many places, ranging from the killing pressures at the bottom of Earth’s numbingly dark oceans, to the freezing hard vacuum of deep space light-years from the scorched cataclysmic charnel that had once been planet Earth.

    Phil’s incredible odyssey began with a seemingly innocuous mandate handed down by his law firm in Manhattan:

    Travel to an island in the Aegean.

    Give the island’s Directors whatever they want.

    The fees involved beggared all other concerns, so Phil caught a plane.

    On arrival he quickly determined their want.

    They wanted him.

    After an intense familiarization, he accepted, assuming command as Chancellor of the University, CEO of the island’s governing corporation and ultimately as President of a new and soon-to-be autonomous island state.

    Philip christened the new nation and the hitherto nameless island, drawing upon the Greek term for DREAM: Oneiro

    Oneiro: A rugged Greek island rising dramatically from the sea, hidden amidst the thousands comprising the Aegean Archipelago—resplendent isolation at the confluence of the Mediterranean, Ionian and Aegean Seas.

    Oneiro was founded specifically to home a lavishly funded university and its laboratories. A university unique in human history, staffed with exhaustively vetted experts, drawn from all academic disciplines, united in the single-minded pursuit to actualize human ANUMEN.

    The Founders, faculty and students of Oneiro are united in the commitment to human ANUMEN, convinced it equates to no less than survival of the human species itself. Incipient humans purged of their inherent predilection for self-destruction, capable of adaptation and survival on a celestial scale.

    Their ultimate goal:

    A human genus no less immortal than the heavens themselves

    Remarkably, they began to succeed. At its apex, Oneiro’s population amounted to some 24,000 souls—the best educated, happiest, physically and mentally well adapted, and gifted population in all of contemporary man’s 250,000 years.

    Not delusion.

    Not gasconade.

    Empirical, observable, provable fact.

    In terms of evolution—predicated upon brood inception series, genetic drift and gene adaption, as well as intelligence, fitness and psychological testing—Oneirons were conservatively gauged to be from one hundred and sixty thousand, to nine hundred and fifty thousand years advanced beyond Earth’s anthropic population. Such was not overtly self-evident. Instead it was exhibited in a hundred diverse ways.

    Phenomenal leaps revealed themselves in exceptional manifestations of ANUMINA; and Oneirons were only beginning to plumb their limits. A complex hybrid of all extant human specie evolved as their congenital ANUMINA expanded at a near exponential rate.

    Perhaps the most stunning, and disturbing phenomenon was the spontaneous eruption of a totally alien language, far beyond the grasp, or even the vocalization of non-Oneirons. This strange language ultimately insinuated nearly every aspect of Oneiron life: art, music, design and far more—in forms capable of imparting madness and even death to non-speakers. In fact Philip Carr nearly died the first time he witnessed one such painting; and stringent steps were taken to insulate non-speakers from dangerous contacts. Oneiron science finally hypothesized that non-speaker attempts to follow the convoluted patterns inculcated in these works generated an intense feedback loop in the frontal cortex of the viewer. Should a viewer’s mind prove insufficiently robust to end the loop, an agonizing, mindless, drooling death would soon result.

    Oneirion developments in human learning, syncretism, food production, energy and genetics inevitably acted to the perplexity of world powers—their hegemony suddenly threatened from a mysterious unknown source. Accordingly, Oneiro maintained strict anonymity throughout their development and philanthropic dissemination of aid and technologies hitherto unknown on Earth.

    With their power and wealth slipping away, leviathans of industry, government, and most especially religion, erupted in smoldering ire. To their great frustration there was no distinguishable cause, or identifiable entity to condemn or attack. No defense or offense against a phantom benefactor.

    All dressed up and no one to kill.

    No sanctioned target.

    No target at all.

    Inevitably they did identify their nemesis and they struck out with an unspeakable reprisal. This was but the savage dawn of Earthly horrors.

    In those dark days, Phil was forced to engage in acts of hideous barbarism—his only recourse, given the survival of Oneiro and perhaps mankind itself. Blood poured like water through Phil’s crimson fingers and he prevailed for a time, despite the monstrous cost.

    Lofty motivations notwithstanding, his acts cost him dearly, driving him to a disconsolate inner retreat, where he would forever seek a solitary refuge from memories so distressing as to threaten his sanity. The noblest purpose, regardless of import, despite repugnance, is never immune to self-loathing borne of its execution.

    Meanwhile Earth emerged a seemingly happier, safer, more prosperous, albeit bewildering world. Even sea creatures exhibited bizarre behavior. Despite widespread improved quality of life, many cultures found this new world immensely unsettling. Unable to adjust to a world of intriguingly curious anomaly, life became a fragile time of precarious transition. A new world. Not a brave new world—a tediously old and timorous world—unworthy to confront the daunting new elements within, or the wondrous future materializing before them.


    Oneiro was founded by a brilliant scientist: Dr. Craig Webber. He sought an anonymous retreat for his studies in human development, devoting the majority of his energies, personal fortune, and ultimately his life to the project. His vision was very straightforward: create a University where his cadre could freely advance human development based on the processes he innovated, without intervention by sectarian governments. Webber had developed an inculcāt that allowed him to compress generational years into months, ultimately days and even hours under certain conditions.

    Of equal import, he was able to incorporate, with absolute equity and mathematical precision, proportional representation of all extant races of modern man. A stunning achievement in congenital eugenics. The absolute abjuration of the genetic bigotry that had poisoned mankind in the 19th and 20th centuries. A profound departure from man’s monstrous past perversions of the science of eugenics and the quasi non-sense-science practiced by murderous bigots and charlatans throughout contemporary history. An unequivocal validation of his genius and vision.

    It was his hope such advanced and enriched Homo sapiens would demonstrate superior abilities, the ability to quite literally survive the ages: ANUMINA.

    Indications thus far: his vision was flawlessly brilliant.


    Unknown to anyone save Webber himself was his ultimate dream. Removed from the ANUMINA project, a project Dr. Webber labored upon in solitude. A super secret project imbedded within the already secret ANUMINA project:

    To foster a mitotic cell capable of immediate and independent evolution, extending to whatever advanced degree it and only it desired.

    Single celled self-determinism.

    Such a vision appeared utterly fanciful until he happened upon a journal which described a discovery that certain cancer cells could literally modify their form and signature, adapting to a new environment within its host, thereby avoiding the attack of specialized topical antibodies. The trigger, method and mechanism were unknown. A single, deterministic ‘intelligent’ cell.

    What could provoke such a wonder?

    Webber believed the critical element lay at the moment such a cell migrated the blood barrier to a specialized organic ambience. At these sites an adaptive immune response was activated by the incursion of a foreign body. The answer seemed straightforward:

    Parody the ambient chemicals used to mask such cells from the immune system.

    This indeed proved to be the key, the starting point and ultimately the solution. He developed a ‘wash’ of the desired enzyme catalyst, simulating the chemicals unique and resident in that area. In effect, he was ‘re-masking’ localized chemistry to fool the healthy mitotic cells into an adaptation of the cell it would be compelled to affect.

    Although the solution was straightforward, it needed many long years to perfect a wash capable of imparting:

    1) Genetic intelligence supported at various levels in specialized base pairs

    2) The ability to radically modify its form

    3) The ability to repeat and modify this process ad infinitum, and

    4) Manipulate peripheral quanta in a sort of micro-twisted-pair.

    As it turned out, when he had achieved 1), the cell itself demonstrated self-realization of 2), 3). Certainly 1) was the most difficult, in fact impossible, until he looked to quanta. If he could chemically organize quanta in such a manner it could store information at a deep sub-atomic level. It would process such information. It would draw conclusions from it and act upon it at any level of granularity. If he could accomplish these things, he might just succeed.

    He succeeded. At least partly. He had yet to coax 4) from his new super cellules. The solution was elusive and probably far beyond the grasp of even Dr. Webber. Some other stronger, far more advanced agent was needed; and Webber could not begin to fathom the nature of such a catalyst. Among other difficulties, Webber refused to subscribe the concept of a twisted-pair. He suspected that inadequate instrumentation led to the logical trap of false cause. Instead he believed that immensely tiny sub-atomic objects indeed exist both as particles and waves (eg: photons), thus lending some credulity to his hopes for 4).

    Even Dr. Webber was unable to project the implications of such an organelle. It would represent a totally incipient life form, unpredictable and uncontrollable, with unimaginable potential.

    He designated this once and future life form: Eos


    With each achievement, each breakthrough in language, philosophy, religion, art, science, music, nutrition, communications, the Oneirons found themselves immersed evermore within their deepest sub-particulate Numina. A profundity undreamt of by contemporary physics, or even metaphysics.

    University cadre suspected the prime catalyst provoking these wondrous attainments was the new language borne in the span of a single day, perhaps a single instant. Confined only to native Oneirons, commencing with a given generation, they called the new language Oneirion—a language soon to be re-named Kosmas—under extraordinary circumstance.

    A simple carrier wave. An amazingly focused, narrow band EM pulse 2,620,000 kilometers distant, directed precisely at Oneiro’s communications center. A race called the QAVL. The QAVL had maintained a synchronous solar elliptic relative to planet Earth for more than 2,000,000 years, observing and studying Earth both on-site and remotely. Time and location having quite literally no import for the QAVL, they were content to hold their position for an indefinite period, chronicling Earth’s myriad life forms as they duly passed their allotted measure from incipience unto extinction—among their innumerable other occupations. The QAVL have maintained such studious vigil at millions of planets for millions of years. They await one prime event: the achievement by any indigenous life form of the cosmic language, Kosmas, on behalf of their protégée planet, Kosmas Kentrikos

    Inhabited by: Kosmasians

    Kosmasians: Hundreds of thousands of advanced beings from throughout the galaxy united in a common abstruse quest.

    Their mission: Kosmas Nisus

    Kosmas Nisus. Their ultimate goal: comprehension of existence itself

    Oneiro, and ostensibly Earth, became the newest constituent of an emergent consciousness, as transcendent as the universe itself.

    There was much to learn and much to do and much danger—from Earth itself. A vast journey. An infinite voyage without respite.

    The ascension of humankind into galactic congress.


    Well removed from either Oneiron or human genotype is Philip Carr.

    Equally well adapted to aquatic and terrestrial environments, capable of achieving ocean depths well beyond the reach of but a few marine creatures, invulnerable to killing pressures and numbing temperatures. Neither Philip, nor his doctors, nor the scientists of the University of Onerio have explained this phenomenon to anyone’s satisfaction. Although a reasonably credible working premise had been advanced.

    Phil commands a memory capable of summoning previously unknown information, deeply cached at sub-cellular and infinitely granular subatomic levels. Despite the extraordinary abilities of the Oneirons, their prowess is dwarfed by those of Carr. And his talents continue to reveal themselves. The critical skill he lacked was mastery of the universal lingua galatica: KOSMAS, spoken in innumerable ways by sufficiently advanced species throughout the galaxy. Using Oneiron technology, the assistance of the QAVL and his own strange abilities, Phil acquired Kosmas at great risk and great suffering, nearly at the expense of his life—the only non-genetically-inherited being to ever accomplish such a feat in all of human history, perhaps all galactic history as well.

    Oneirons ultimately suspected their imponderable micro-corporeality held the great common anima mundi, the great anima universitas of the cosmos themselves. The ancient link between the animate and the inanimate. Philip Carr the first and most accomplished of their kind. An insight as old as the universe itself.


    They were right.

    The tiny island of Oneiro was now the center of the Earth and soon to be central to the entire galaxy.

    Granular Flow: The Cosmic Cue-Ball

    The QAVL were extraordinary beings: incorporeal in form, tripartite in their mature bonded form, immortal and indestructible. Infinitely scarce respective to protonic life. They were also profoundly wise and gentle, as well as ostensibly much given over to humankind. Their true allegiance lies with Kosmas Kintrekos however, the galactic center for study and amalgamation of knowledge. The most advanced such foundation in the galaxy.

    Eons ago Kosmas embraced an unambiguous axiom:

    The universe is infinite in infinite ways. Its depth and reach are infinite. Matter is composed of particles that unendingly wane to the infinitely small—dwarfed unto forever by the perception of quanta, elegantly expressible mathematically—progressing forever to the infinitely large, dwarfing the known universe itself.

    Such particles were created and set in motion by the immense inauguration of existence.

    Every particle and anti-particle is undeviatingly impelled in its ballistic trajectory, set at the explosive creation of space and time itself,

    Entropy & Uncertainty Principles notwithstanding [/\X * /\P ≥ h / (4 * pi)] *

    Exacerbated by Schrodinger Ψ(x, t) = Aei(kx−ωt) **

    * Heisenberg’s original equation expounding his uncertainty principle

    ** Schrodinger’s equation describing the transience of waves and ultimately matter



    All actions, objects and thoughts are manifest of the precisely predictable interaction of these particles. And as the movement and interaction of particles were—and must have been—predetermined at the birth of the universe, then it must follow that all events in the universe are predetermined.

    All movement, the accretion of nebulae and stars and planets, the rise and fall of immense civilizations, the end of the universe itself. An individual’s tiniest thoughts, actions, emotions. The blink of an eye, the twitch of a finger, the taste of an orange, the pirouette of galaxies. All these things—everything cumulating upwards and cascading downwards—unalterably predetermined by the immutable velocity, direction, azimuth and interchange of particles ascending and descending to the infinite—in unwavering compliance with immutable astral-mechanics.

    The normal interaction of particulate mass—magnetic, gravimetric, chemical, fission, fusion, inertial and so on—is entirely consistent with this model. Were there to be deviations from this model (chaos) then what could be the source?

    Certainly nothing in our universe.

    Is causality embodied in something external to our universe? Nothing in our known universe is superior, or exempt from the model’s implications. Therefore, it is reasonable to conclude the model is a universal absolute. The same axiom applies to physical laws. In fact, they are one and the same.

    To date no external or supra-universal force has been detected, or even remotely conjectured. Hence no object, real or imaginary, would account for an intervention capable of propagating an anomalous (i.e. random) deviation from a particle’s 14 billion year old trajectory. All things considered, a Draconian cosmic reality the QAVL describe in human terms as the Skuldian-Ballistic (Skuld, after the three Norse goddesses of destiny). Accordingly:

    Chaos is illusion.

    Randomness is fiction.

    Free Will is delusion.

    Such can not, does not, nor will ever exist.

    Initially humans railed against these realities, arguing that phenomena such as weather were truly chaotic; a specious argument which is easily rebuffed simply by demonstrating if all variables were known (down to individual atoms), weather behaves with a precision equaling the contact and subsequent angle of deflection from the impact of two billiard balls, factoring in the effects of the sun, the moon, the solar system and even the cosmos. The human inability to create a coherent paradigm in no way equates to chaos. This same absolute applies to astral bodies, the seas and the planets themselves … in fact, the totality of the universe.

    Such revelation was crushing for those humans au courant. The bitterest pill. Beyond belief or comprehension. Beyond faith. Beyond philosophy. Beyond human reason.

    This monstrous truth brought forth in such humans a profound despondency and a dark premonition of submissive, meaningless death and non-existence. An oppressive shroud of futility. Submission to the universe itself. Submission to physical laws and destinies conceived eons before man’s rise. Submission to the cruel reality of man’s very existence. A reality over which man has no ascendancy.


    Relinquish control, honor, courage, faith, hope, goodness, and any responsibility for man’s own actions.

    Conceivably this might reflect the manifestation of a creator, or whatever entity set this colossal precision in motion. Kosmians equivocally refer to this icy transcendent force as GENITOR.

    A dispassionate creator indeed.

    Don’t drop in ardor.

    Just drop.


    As with all inhabitants of this universe, any given process may be reliably observed only from without. Denizens of creation that we are, regardless how advanced any may be, all look from the inside out. All creatures in this universe exist as goldfish in a glass bowl, struggling to understand the incomprehensible, invisible boundary that confines it and isolates it from comprehension of the transcendent wonders lurking just outside its aqueous thralldom.

    The Kosmians, despite a vast body of unparalleled knowledge, are eons from achieving such understanding, if ever. In this respect they share a common deficiency with humans.

    However, emanating from studies spanning millions of years, the Kosmasians have deduced a meager few thousand individuals—so rare as to statistically approach a zero sum. These unique life-forms appear to possess the ability (albeit empirically unproven as yet) to effect deviation in the preset movement of a given particle. Were this true, the implications would be shattering.

    Chaos and free will would be wrested from the rigor of space/time, and sentience itself would cast off its hitherto perceptive predestined bonds. Beings throughout the galaxy would ascend another step toward understanding. Another step towards a universal sanctity, approaching the dominion of the gods themselves.

    Eventually a few such specimen were encountered.

    Accordingly, such beings were prized beyond reckoning. Sadly they are thus far tragically short lived. With every attempted particle deviation, a digressive impulse is propagated known as Resumptive Reticulation (explosive restoration). Essentially the particle in question resumes its speed and trajectory, with unimaginable resumptive power. These unfortunate individuals are referred to as Verterors. Kosmas dispatched a race uniquely qualified to comb the galaxy seeking potential Verteror, which they have done eons before man strode the Earth.

    The QAVL

    Amongst uncountable other worlds, the QAVL studied Earth. After two million years they happened upon Mr. Philip Carr. Perhaps happened upon is a misnomer. The QAVL had expended great time, energy and method in the assiduous search for Philip. The Kosmians had deduced the arrival of Phil as an immensely promising Verteror long before he was born. Accordingly they closely observed and even discretely manipulated his genesis in the laboratories of Dr. Webber, along with every aspect of his life since long before he relinquished his swaddling.

    The QAVL delegated an Ambassador to Earth. QASI. Charming, gentle, wise and constant. QASI and Phil became fast friends. QASI had ensured from orbit that Oneirons were equipped with The QAVL DOCUMENT. Twelve million pages containing some of the most advanced information in the galaxy. Among their vast repertoire of information, the QAVL provided the plans for a fabulous sphere capable of carrying some two hundred Oneirons seven light years to Kosmas at a maximum speed of .77 light-speed in great comfort and safety, housed within a lavish Earthly domain, a round trip journey of well over one hundred Earth-relative years.

    The ostensible objective of the voyage: carry the first contingent of humans to join with the legendary world of Kosmas.

    Work on the vessel began almost immediately and was completed (with extensive help from the QAVL) in a remarkably short time.

    Phil accepted the title: Captain

    The vessel they christened: Gauntlet

    Gauntlet: The most fantastic vessel in all of human history

    Preparations progressed at a frenetic pace and launch was soon imminent.

    In the midst of this tumult, an old love of Phil’s, Aiyana ATSILA (Aiy for short) inveigled herself into Oneiro, for reasons unclear and potentially sinister. In truth her father was colluding with and ultimately fell hostage to those powers wishing to destroy Oneiro. She herself would soon become prey to these same elements, suffering unimaginable torture and mutilation—leaving her at the very point of death or endless catatonia.

    Based on reports submitted by their operatives on Oneiro, these powers astutely concluded that a skillfully engineered release of the hitherto unknown QAVL DOCUMENT, with all its implications, would incite worldwide insurrection. Their plan worked beyond their wildest expectations.

    Man’s world caught fire and man was immolated.

    A savage war arose. This was truly the war to end all wars. Ending mankind as well.

    Phil ordered the immediate launch of Gauntlet, never to see the Earth he knew again. In fact no human would ever stand upon that same Earth again.

    Thus began the most epochal voyage in human history, aboard the Interstellar Star-sphere Gauntlet.

    Lift Off

    The planned launch of Gauntlet was rushed forward at breathtaking speed. At nearly the exact moment the war reached Onerio, they launched a submersible colossus—the most advanced underwater vessel in history—equipped with nearly any manner of propulsion—intended for advanced scientific study. She was also deadly capable in combat.

    The submarine was named JAEKEL. Her mission commander was Captain Philip Carr, acting in the stead of her permanent Captain, Hicky. Phil would lead her through the hazardous and violent crossing from Oneiro to Anastasios Island, as vicious attacks roared in from every direction and JAEKEL proved herself a extremely formidable war-boat.

    Anastasios Island was the home, construction site and launch-point of Gauntlet.

    The boat’s yours now Captain. Treat her right. We may need her back someday.

    Aye Captain. She’ll be waiting for you.

    After a smart salute Phil found himself descending JAEKEL’s portside gangplank. His shadow long and sharply etched as the submarine’s blazing onboard lights backlit his passage down the offload ramp into the darkness. Before stepping onto the beach he turned and saluted again, this time her stern. A time-honored gesture of respect not lost on those few submariners crowded onto the conning tower. As he began the long walk to Gauntlet’s entry-point, the corner of his eye informed him the crewmen had smartly returned his salute, heightening an already poignant departure.

    His walk across the beach was surreal. It had the forlorn feeling of crossing a tarmac, or a platform, or a pier to board a plane, or train, or ship late on a dark lonely night. Now he was crossing a rocky beach on a moonless night to board a craft no man had voyaged before. Factoring in relative time and time to be spent on Kosmas, they were leaving for more than a century, yet they carried little if any baggage. Phil carried nothing.

    Having traversed the beach, Phil made his way through the enormous on-load tunnel entering the colossal sphere’s monumental access hatch.

    He examined an imposing brass plaque he’d ordered installed above the giant hatch:

    From this day to the ending of the world,

    But we in it shall be remembered,

    We few,

    We happy few,

    We band of brothers,

    For he today that sheds this Earth [sic] with me this day …

    Shall be my brother.

    William Shakespeare

    Henry the Fifth

    His reverie was interrupted by a youngish voice. Captain Carr?

    Yes … ah, Ensign?

    The man was in Class-A uniform. His rank designated by one pip on his tunic. He smiled Ensign Nelson sir.

    The Lieutenant stood in rigid expectancy. Phil continued. Permission to go aboard sir.

    Permission granted sir. The man smiled broadly and saluted.

    Phil returned the salute. I hope we won’t have to endure much of this. It could be an unbearably long voyage.

    Naval protocol that had seemed so natural aboard JAEKEL minutes ago—a deadly underwater war-boat—was now nearly anachronism. There was more of country club than combat vessel in this mammoth sphere.

    Am I to accompany you?

    Yes sir, if you would. What with all the recent installations and changes, we were concerned you might have problems finding the bridge; and you haven’t been issued your new DIT/Com bracelet, which I have right here sir.

    Phil slipped his unit onto his wrist.

    Contrary to any sort of intuitive logic, QAVL gravity engineering facilitated their way up the path, defying gravity with each movement. Fighting vertigo with every step. Behind him, Phil heard the huge entry hatch being dogged and sealed. Moments later profound vibrations rumbled through the ship underfoot as explosions destroyed the huge access tunnels. Strangely, he hardly heard a sound other than an extremely low frequency rumble that seemed to be the basso lowing of a gigantic bull. They were now irrevocably committed to their voyage. The only exit now lay light-years in the future.


    The sphere was vast. Thus, in conjunction with minimal anti-grav emissions, they were allowed to move as a fly up the wall, without disorientation and progressively lessening vertigo. Soon walking about the sphere would seem as normal as a morning stroll on Earth.

    Arriving the Gauntlet’s capital city, they QAVL-Gated to its largest building, home to the ship’s most critical command functions. The official designation of the building was Gauntlet Central Command—lovingly referred to as GEECEC. Each floor was dedicated to a specific command function, Tactical, Engineering, Navigation, Communications and Strategic Command.

    The top floor housed the huge open-air, therefore weather exempt, Command Bridge. The floor just below the Command Bridge housed the Captain’s quarters, skillfully engineered to ensure the Captain’s total privacy. Nothing interior or exterior to his residence was visible from either above or below.

    Phil’s quarters on Onerio were specifically designed to officially portend the residence of a head-of-state, receiving and entertaining other heads-of-state. The Captain’s Residence on Gauntlet had an even more important mission to serve. Accordingly, private VIP entrance(s) were accommodated at the prestigious leeward side of the building. Size and ambience being demanding requirements, special efforts were made to facilitate such needs within feasible human and rational non-human proportion.

    Lightening the feel of the massively imposing building, the ground floor was given over to shops, bars, restaurants and such, out of the view of future visiting VIPs. None knew how such mercantile might be viewed by alien eyes.

    Adjacent to GEECEC, sharing the enormous Onerio Plaza, were buildings housing the Gauntlet Medical Center and an array of Science Centers specializing in nearly every branch of human research.

    All seemed pretty much unchanged to Phil. He could have found his way alone easily, but all the same a little help this one time was not altogether unwelcome. They entered the immense lobby, taking a gravity chute to the Command level. Phil was initially surprised not to find the standard lift he’d used on his first visit.

    Among many improvements made by the QAVL prior to launch, they replaced the many elevators throughout Gauntlet with what they termed gravity chutes. The chutes had several advantages over elevators. They were lighter and quieter, literally maintenance free, velocity adjustable by user. They could transport a nearly unlimited number of passengers. They consumed nearly no energy and were immune to ship’s turbulence.

    Phil assumed his station at the center-stand on the immense Command Bridge as sixty sets of eyes followed him from some thirty duty-stations, surrounding his command console in an enormous, perfectly circular amphitheater.

    He was well aware he had the expertise and technology to Captain Gauntlet through any situation. He had consumed his GAUNTLET Bar (an advanced version of the JAEKEL Bar, imparting total expertise

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