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The True Church
The True Church
The True Church
Ebook168 pages2 hours

The True Church

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This book reveals what heaven expects from the church. It reveals what Jesus meant by “I will build my church.” It is not a critique but a standard of spiritual measurement and divine alignment as to the definition of a true church. The true church (The Ekklesia) is not a denominational gathering of any kind, whether orthodox, charismatic or pentecostal. The true church is one, which has placed primacy on building the dispensational temple (the man) only according to God’s pattern.

This book will be a great eye opener for you. You will no longer strive in the flesh any more after going through this book. The issue of competition, comparison, sense of inferiority and superiority complex, which are some of the distraction and strategies of the enemy, will be exposed. Your work and ministry with God will never remain the same. You can't read this book and still retain your old mentality and operating system. Whatever you are building for the Lord from now on shall be to the Lord's glory and according to his specifications. Personal agenda will be given up. Deeper truths and insights are made available inside this book..
Release dateJun 17, 2015
The True Church

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    Book preview

    The True Church - Isaak K. Arikawe



    Jesus replied, "You are blessed, Simon, son of John, because My Father in heaven has revealed this to you. You did not learn this from any human being. Now I say to you that you are Peter (which means 'rock'), and upon this rock I will build my Church, and all the power of hell will not conquer it.

    Matthew 16:17-18

    He did this to present her to Himself a glorious church without a spot or wrinkle or any other blemish. Instead, she will be holy and without fault.

    Ephesians 5:27

    This book reveals the distinguishing identity traits of the true church, its positioning, working, operations and functionality. It is a continuation of the first volume-The Dead-Living Church. The first book reveals the concept that Jesus had in mind when he said to Pete; Now I say to you that you are Peter (which means rock) and upon this I will build my church, and all the power of hell (gates of Hades) will not conquer it (Mathew 16:18).

    The True Church reveals what traits should be looked for in any living or true church. There is a lot of glitz, glamour and competition in the church today and this has made people more confused in our generation. They find it very difficult to separate the true church from the Synagogue of Satan. The church as a spiritual entity has its earthly roles and responsibilities.

    The full multi-dimensional manifestation of the true church is carefully and comprehensively explained in this book.

    The purpose of the church can never be separated from her identity. This means that if the true identify of a church is lost, that church is dead. The truth is that since the third century the church has gotten it wrong and its state today is a serious concern of heaven. I believe this book will serve as a corrective measure and a source of great change in the operations of the church on earth. I equally believe that it will align men to the true purpose of God, and men would be ready to allow God take His place in the midst of the church. My earnest expectation is that at the end, the church would fulfill her earthly purpose, while preparing for the return of the King.

    This book is concluded with prophecies about what is about to take place. Make up your mind for total transformation that will come your way and ministry as you allow the Holy Spirit to guide you in studying the rich and powerful truths revealed in this book. May this work produce a testimony in your life.

    Isaac Arikawe K.

    Chapter One

    The Birth of The Promised Church

    The greatness of a man of God is not measured by the number of thousands that are answerable to him, but by the number of thousands he is serving with his life.

    For the son man came not to be served, but to serve others and to give his life as a ransom for many

    Matthew 20:28

    Church is the English translation of the Greek word, Ekklesia. Ekklesia has different shades of meaning. In ancient Greece, the citizens could relate with the term ekklesia, because they had constituted authority or the parliament, being the highest body that handled knotty and notorious issues of that period. See Acts 19:32, 39. Ekklesia means to call out of, or from, that is, an assembly gathered out of a multitude; viz. the Church of God; the congregation collected by God and devoted to his service. The Church of Christ: the whole company of Christians wherever found; because, by the preaching of the Gospel, they are called out of the spirit and maxims of the world, to live according to the precepts of Christ.

    Therefore, Jesus understood the meaning of ekklesia; it functions as a lawful assembly, one legally wonder some people thought that Jesus was coming for a political appointment, like the King the of Jews.

    Also, ekklesia does not in any form refer to a building or a structure made with hands, but a congregation of people, called out for a specific task, such as delegates, parliament, senate, council or a board of directors.

    Therefore, our denominational local assemblies or churches are not supposed to be independent assemblies as it is being practiced today, but interdependent. This means that though each assembly exists with its distinct and different flavour assignment, yet they function like a committee in charge of a particular issue within a central Assembly or Senate, which is the Body of Christ. Today, many have got drunk with personal vision or selfish ambition (called committeedenominational assembly) and forgotten the central vision, which is the Kingdom and the King that called us into the assembly of the called out, the Church.


    It is obvious that the scope and the workings of Jesus' promised Church is far beyond human comprehension and larger in dimension than what the Greeks were used to in terms of the word, ekklesia.

    In Acts chapter one, Jesus was emphatic in His command to the disciples not to leave Jerusalem until the Father sends them the Gift, i.e. the Holy Spirit, that He promised. Though John baptized with water, but in just a few days you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:5).

    This also reveals that the software that built up the Church of Jesus Christ are far beyond human imagination. It was not a product of the physical senses, but of the Spirit of God. The book of Acts in chapter two reveals the workings and deeds of the Spirit, when about 120 believers were meeting together in the house.

    On the day of Pentecost all the believers were meeting together in one place. Suddenly, there was a sound from heaven like the roaring of a mighty windstorm, and it filled the house where they were sitting. Then, what looked like flames or tongues of fire appeared and settled on each of them. And everyone present was filled with the Holy Spirit and began speaking in other languages as the Holy Spirit gave them this ability (Acts 2:1-4).

    We can see from the scriptures above that Jesus did not specify a particular house for them to gather together in Jerusalem. The bottom line was that they were gathered unto the Lord. The Bible says they (believers) were meeting together in one place. If emphasis on the place (building) of the meeting was critical, it would have been mentioned.

    Secondly, the sound from heaven like the roaring of the mighty windstorm that filled the house was not dependent on the physical building. It happened because the believers were gathered in obedience to the Lord's command. Therefore, if they had gathered somewhere else, the same experience would still have occurred.

    Thirdly, the Scriptures recorded in verse four, that everyone present was filled with the Holy Spirit and began speaking in other languages. This expresses the fact that it was not the building that was filled with the Spirit but the yielded vessels. The truth is this: the Spirit of God does not reside in any building; no matter how nice and sacred it may be to man, His Spirit resides in people who have made themselves available and ready for the experience. The experience is also not a by-product of religious practices.

    I find it baffling today, seeing men of God putting pressure on the people in a bid to amass properties for use as worship centers. However, they have placed less emphasis on the condition of dying men who come to worship religiously in that facility. I don't have a problem with a local assembly acquiring a befitting modern structure, fully equipped for worship, but it should not be at the expense of dead-living men who appear to have a form of godliness but deny the power of God.

    I have seen in many places of worship that men are no longer interested in the undiluted word of God and commitment to fellowship and true worship has depreciated. However, in these places they have perfected the art of raising money at all cost to build personal empires in the name of churches. These churches have misplaced their priorities. Eventually, the fire will destroy all structures of falsehood, but the structure Jesus was talking about is one built without human hands. I see many local assemblies (denominations) today competing on the basis of the buildings, which they are using for worship. This is foolishness and a distraction of the

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