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Christianity of Blasphemy: A New Gnostic Lie
Christianity of Blasphemy: A New Gnostic Lie
Christianity of Blasphemy: A New Gnostic Lie
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Christianity of Blasphemy: A New Gnostic Lie

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This book is a dire and urgent warning for every Biblical Christian and YHWH fearer still standing. This is a revelation of a cancerous spiritual deception so subtle, ingrained, and invisible, causing many good brothers and sisters to turn to Satan one by one. The current apostasy is paving the way for many to easily receive that horrible death mark from the Beast, as it comes to fruition in a false Christianity.

Because it has rejected the whole truth of Scripture, today's post-Biblical church has turned to an ancient form of Gnosticism. However, the worst is yet to come as this ancient gnosis takes on a new twist from the doctrines of Satan. This new doctrine will merge the Gnostic serpent of enlightenment and experience with a "false Jesus" already being worshipped.

Unfortunately many churches, ministries, and universities have already replaced the true Son of YHWH, Yehosua the Savior, with a false god, just like ancient Israel replaced YHWH with a Golden Calf. Many in the modern church believe they are worshipping YHWH/Yehosua when in fact they have replaced Him with a pseudo-god or antichrist.

Now, in a short time, many will align with the Gnostic “good-god-serpent” of the Garden of Eden boldly declaring that he and their false Christ are one and the same deity. It is coming, and this will be The New Gnostic Christianity of Blasphemy!

Release dateJul 27, 2014
Christianity of Blasphemy: A New Gnostic Lie

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    Christianity of Blasphemy - PV Villa Nuevo

    Christianity of Blasphemy: A New Gnostic Lie

    By Paul and Linda Villanueva


    Published by Fifthook Media Digital Publishing at Smashwords

    Copyright 2014 Fifthook Media Digital Publishing

    ISBN 978-1-942019-01-5

    License Notes

    This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment. It may not be re-sold or given away to others. If sharing this book, please download an additional copy for each recipient. If you have this book without purchasing it, then please purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the work of our authors.

    Book cover design, Christianity of Blasphemy, created by Justen Faull Designs at licensed for use by Fifthook Media. All Scripture quotations are taken from the King James Version of the Bible.

    Discover other works by Paul and Linda Villanueva at,


    Table of Contents

    Foreword by Marcos Dutra


    Chapter 1: Satanic Offer

    Chapter 2: Delusion of Illusion

    Chapter 3: Old Gnostic Lie

    Chapter 4: Brotherhood of the Serpent

    Chapter 5: Genesis Three

    Chapter 6: New Gnostic Lie

    Chapter 7: Gnostic Christianity

    Chapter 8: Two Prongs of Original Gnosticism

    Chapter 9: Death Conundrum

    Chapter 10: Gnostic Christianity of Blasphemy

    Chapter 11: Gaffing Grace

    Chapter 12: Concluding Thoughts

    About the Authors



    The timing of this book is providential. Gnosticism, the first lie of Satan spoken to Eve in the Garden of Eden, is all around us. The promise that we can be gods is delivered today in movies, books, and music videos. Even children are now targeted in this initiation, as seen recently in blockbuster movies, and written in illustrated Kabbalah books for kids.

    The church is not prepared to deal with this threat. Most pastors and believers seem to expect an atheist new world order where religion will be outlawed. This could not be further from the truth, since one of the major aspects of this coming global structure will be religious. We have to understand that Perennial Philosophy, a doctrine that says that all faiths have a kernel of truth inside them, is behind the move to create the one world religion.

    Religions will not disappear so we can have only one dictatorial church. Instead, religions will be considered cultural, ethnic exoteric (with an X) receptacles to a universal esoteric (with an S) Gnostic common faith. This common Gnostic faith proclaims we all can develop spiritually in our own way and become gods, through the use of mystical occult practices.

    It will be acceptable to present yourself as a Jew, Muslim, Hindu, or Christian, like national athletes in their colorful folkloric garb in the Olympic ceremony, as long as you conform to the common Gnostic paradigm. Only fundamental churches, which believe in a God who is distinct from His creation, will have to be eliminated by the new world order. If the Gnostics have their way, the name Jesus and the concept of Christianity will be so diluted that they will not hold any true meaning anymore. Eventually, a man will claim to be the most developed being in this quest for godhood, and will require that the whole world follow his leadership and worship him. This is surely a religion!

    Paul and Linda

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