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The Heroes
The Heroes
The Heroes
Ebook84 pages1 hour

The Heroes

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About this ebook

Emma was an ordinary girl with an ordinary life. Then, an unordinary letter came into her life. She ignored it at first, but ten letters came flying in her bedroom window. When she trashed all ten letters, twenty came flying through the window, then, when she trashed those, thirty came.
You get the point.
Finally, Emma opened one letter and it said that she had a power inside her that no one else knew about... yet. It also said that the camp expected to see her attend the camp. After pondering for a long time, she decided to leave for the camp.
When she arrives at the camp, she meets her dream boy and she meets her worst enemy. As she stays at the camp, she sees that things aren't really normal around the camp: people glitching, too many "blood tests", and the teachers lying.
Chaos takes over…
Will she be able to survive the camp?
Or, will she succumb to the "dark forces"?

PublisherHannah Hwang
Release dateJul 21, 2014
The Heroes

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    Book preview

    The Heroes - Hannah Hwang



    I was in a mess this whole week because there was a mail attack! I started to panic when I read these letters. They gave me a little heart attack when I saw about a thousand of them coming through my bedroom window!

    Okay... let’s take this slowly, so you can understand. I’ll take you back to when it all started: We were getting ready for my uncle’s wedding...



    It was just 10:00 in the morning, fresh and cold, when I got out of bed. I could barely open my eyes. It felt like boulders were on my eyelids. I was very tired, but I still managed to stand up.

    Emma get up! We have to go to the wedding! We don’t want to be late! Geez, kids these days are so lazy. That was my mom. She can be a pain sometimes. My mom was one of those strict/kind moms. She always needs to be on time for everything!

    Mom has a great sense of humor. I really love how she always tries to make my brother and me laugh at least once a day. Her jokes are actually pretty funny. She has long, wavy, blond hair and she has blue eyes.

    I heard that mom! I yelled back. Mom, do I really have to go?

    Of course you do. If you don’t, who do you think is going to watch over you? My mom yelled back.

    Cant I just stay home alone?

    Emma, are you out of your mind?  You are only in the ninth grade! My mother said.

    Okay, geez. I was so annoyed.

    I wore my beautiful white dress. I curled my brown hair. It was very difficult, but I managed to do it. This was the first time I did my hair by myself. I tied half of my hair up and left half of it loose.

    Emma, come down! We’re going to be late! My mom cried.

    I ran down the stairs and I almost tripped on my dress.

    My mom ran to the car while holding the flowers and she almost tripped over a rock.

    Where’s dad? My brother, Spencer, asked.

    He wanted to help your uncle with some stuff and he wanted to see how the wedding looked like. So he left first. My mom replied.

    We all got into the car and rushed to the hotel. We saw our uncle. He was in a neat tuxedo and was standing next to his bride, talking to an old man. 

    We waited in the line to get into the room. It took about fifty minutes to get inside. I noticed that there was another short line. There were only like ten people in line while there were like thirty people in this line!  My uncle and my aunt had so many friends! My legs felt like they were almost going to fall off! When we finally got to the counter, we told them our names.

    We are part of the groom’s family. My mom told them.

    Oh, really? the woman asked while laughing a little. This line is only for the people who are not related to the groom or the bride. The other line over there is for the relatives. Oh my, I am very sorry for making you wait for such a long time. Next time, we will tell you that this line is only for the people who are not related to the groom or the bride.

    Hot blood rushed up my face and I blurted out, Okay, lady. Let’s get this straight. First of all, there is no ‘next time’ because my uncle wouldn’t marry twice!

    Second of all, you guys should have thought of putting up a sign or something. Nobody likes to stand in line for almost an hour to get into a stupid room! I yelled.

    Actually, I have already stayed here for three hours now. She said.

    But, you were sitting down the whole time! You wouldn’t want to be standing out here for an hour if you were- My mom cut me off with a light tap on my back that indicated that it was time to stop.

    Calm down! She whispered with a smile on her face. We are fine, miss. But what my daughter is trying to say is that you should have just put up a sign somewhere to signify which line was which.

    That is just the nicer way of saying it, but you should really- My mom covered my mouth and dragged me into the room.

    That is enough! Stop yelling at that lady! She was only trying to help! If you want to complain, don’t complain to her, you should complain to- My mother stopped when she saw my uncle coming toward us.

    Hey, Tom! How have you been? She asked while giving him a hug.

    Hey guys! It was great especially since I had Jessica on my side! How have you guys been? My uncle said in reply.

    Great! We haven’t done much over the summer vacation but it was okay... My mother explained.

    My uncle walked up to us and hugged us, really hard. My eyeballs almost popped out of my eye sockets.

    That was a tight hug. I said.

    Well, I have been working out lately. He said while flexing his arm.

    You don’t have to brag about it. I said.

    What? Wha- wha- I did NOT show off right now! Ha-ha! Emma I think you are out of your mind! Are you okay? My uncle said, placing his hand on my forehead.

    After that awkward conversation, my uncle started to stare at something for a really long time. He seemed very interested at it. He stared at it for like ten minutes now without even blinking! Since I thought it was super- interesting for him, I thought it would be interesting to me too.

    So, I obviously turned around but saw nothing that was interesting. I kept looking for the thing but I couldn’t find

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