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Ebook150 pages2 hours


Rating: 2.5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

There’s a legend of a monster that preys on Salem University students—and now there is deadly proof that it’s real

Abby McDonald works harder than anyone to keep her straight A’s, along with her scholarship, even at the cost of not having much of a social life. Her understanding boyfriend, David, wants her to relax a little, but Abby is driven to succeed. She can’t let her emotions get in the way.
Plunging into a demanding schedule, she blows off the rumors of a vicious monster on campus—it must be a fraternity prank or drama club performance. The only time left to tackle her annoying chemistry project is late at night, which happens to be when her strange classmate Stan likes to work too. It’s better to be with someone than to be alone . . . right?
When the monster attacks someone close to her, Abby can no longer deny the rumors and discovers the shocking truth.
This ebook features an illustrated biography of Diane Hoh including rare photos and never-before-seen documents from the author’s personal collection.
Release dateAug 5, 2014

Diane Hoh

Diane Hoh (b. 1937) is a bestselling author of young adult fiction. Born in Warren, Pennsylvania, Hoh began her first novel, Loving That O’Connor Boy (1985), after seeing an ad in a publishing trade magazine requesting submissions for a line of young adult fiction. After contributing novels to two popular series, Cheerleaders and the Girls of Canby Hall, Hoh found great success writing thrillers, beginning with Funhouse (1990), a Point Horror novel that became a national bestseller. Following its success, Hoh created the Nightmare Hall series, whose twenty-nine installments chronicle a university plagued by dark secrets, and the seven-volume Med Center series, about the challenges and mysteries in a Massachusetts hospital. In 1998, Hoh had a runaway hit with Titanic: The Long Night and Remembering the Titanic, a pair of novels about two couples’ escape from the doomed ocean liner. She now lives and writes in Austin.

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    Book preview

    Monster - Diane Hoh


    A soft rustling sound broke the silence around Varsity Pond. The couple sitting on the park bench, enjoying the soft spring night, thought nothing of it. An owl, left homeless when the old Peabody gym had burned, had moved into a hollow oak tree near the pond. Bird-watchers from the Biology I class kept an eye on the tree, hoping the bird was nesting.

    The girl snuggled close as the guy she was with stroked her hair with gentle hands. His first kiss was soft, lingering.

    A groan from behind them caused her to pull back, alarmed. A musty smell grew stronger, became rotten, like a skunk long dead.

    The low growl sent shivers throughout the girl’s body. Her chest squeezed, leaving her struggling to breathe. She wanted to scream, but no sound left her open mouth.

    Before she could get to her feet, before they could run, the beast roared, attacked, slashing out with long, razor-sharp claws.

    Everyone had joked about the monster stalking students on the campus of Salem University. Everyone thought it was a prank by the Sigma Chis.

    The couple could testify that the creature was no prank.

    They had evidence that the creature was real.

    They could put the rumors to rest.

    If they lived.

    Chapter 1

    College is for geniuses, Abby McDonald announced to the friends walking to the library with her.

    Are you still behind? Jerry Todd teased. You had all of spring break to catch up.

    Believe me, she spent it studying, too. David Waters grimaced, but he put his arm around Abby’s waist and squeezed.

    Abby couldn’t believe that David was still speaking to her. She had been a total drag lately, turning down all of his great ideas for dates and parties. He had even invited her to go to Florida over break, courtesy of his parents’ generosity, and she’d had to say no. After four years of going out with Abby, he should be used to it. Maybe he was. Or tired of it? Maybe he was that, too.

    How can it have been only two weeks since classes started again? Abby moaned. I have a history paper to write, a book to read for my English class, and that dumb lab project to do for my intro chem class. I’ll never keep up.

    You mean you might not make straight A’s. David smiled. Would the world come to an end?

    Abby winced but said, No, but my scholarship might. And without that money, I’d have to drop out and work in the cafeteria full-time instead of part-time. And my parents would kill me.

    Now we get to the real worry, David said. They’re too hard on you, Abby.

    Gina Putnam shook her head. "You did this to yourself, Abby. You’re taking chemistry, a lit course — where everyone knows you have to read a million books — American history, freshman comp, and working part-time? Give yourself a break. Nobody could keep up with that load their first year in college. Or even their fourth year. Have you never heard of easy classes? Like drama? Or communications? Gina pretended to faint. I’m going to be a movie star, make a ton of money, and let someone else mix my chemicals." She started tickling Jerry and he turned on her. Both of them ran ahead laughing.

    Children. David smiled. Want me to wait for you until the library closes, Abby? They had just reached the huge building. David brushed back the dark hair that kept falling over his forehead.

    Thanks, David, but I’m going from here to the chem lab. Doctor Curruthers said Griswold Hall would be open and if I could find the janitor he’d let me into the lab.

    When are you going to sleep, Abby? David looked truly worried. You’ll make yourself sick, and then you really won’t keep up. David had the most handsome face. Abby hated to see it marred with a frown.

    She reached out and touched his smooth cheek. What else can I do? I’ll get used to the pace. I’m sure I will. College is just so different from high school, and classes are so much harder.

    So is spending time with you. David leaned over and planted a quick kiss on her lips. The gesture said one thing. His tone of voice said another.

    Abby felt heavy inside, and it wasn’t all due to staying up late studying. David was getting impatient with her. If she didn’t find some time for him, he’d find another girlfriend. They had been going together since they were sophomores in high school. She was thrilled when he decided to come to Salem University with her. Who else would put up with me, she thought. I know I’m too serious. I know I study too much.

    She sighed. She just didn’t have time to worry about David. She glanced around, found a free seat, and hurried to the shelves.

    By the time she’d finished writing her paper, the library was a half hour from closing. She was almost the only student left. No one else was working this hard. But at least she’d finished.

    She turned to stand up with her load of books and the top one started to slide. Before she could grab it, she spilled everything in a noisy avalanche. Oh. She slumped in the hard, uncomfortable library chair and wished she could curl up right there and sleep.

    Spinning around, she found herself looking down on a head of curly, dark red hair. Oh, you don’t have to do that.

    I don’t mind, he said, looking up at her with a gorgeous smile.

    You’re a lot nicer than most guys, then, she told him.

    I’m not most guys. His blue eyes twinkled.

    He sure wasn’t. And he wasn’t a freshman either. Wouldn’t Gina faint for real if she saw boring, studious Abby with an upperclassman on her arm?

    What was she doing? Just a few hours ago she’d been worrying about David getting tired of her. Now she was flirting with another guy.

    Thanks, she said, flipping her reddish blonde hair over her shoulder and taking the load of books he handed her. Abby McDonald, natural-born klutz. She slid a few fingers out from under the books.

    Careful. He laughed and squeezed her hand but pushed it back under her notebook. I sort of guessed you were from a long line of Irish lassies. Martin Beecher, at your service.

    Well, thanks a lot, Martin Beecher. Now I have to run. Suddenly she felt her face heating up and her tongue getting numb. She didn’t want to say something stupid.

    She set a fast pace out of the library. But as she crossed the grassy commons, something made her look around. He stood on the library steps, watching her. She jerked her head around and hurried on. Maybe studying makes a girl beautiful. If that was the case, she should be drop-dead gorgeous by now.

    Within minutes of leaving the lights of the library, she wished she’d told David to wait for her and walk her to Griswold Hall, the science building. Or that Martin Beecher would have said, I just happen to be going your way.

    Maybe it was too late to work on her project after all. The campus was completely deserted. And she didn’t remember it having so many trees. Or being so dark once you left the main sidewalks.

    Griswold Hall snuggled into a pocket of land beside a small lake, really a pond, called Varsity Pond. The closer she got to the water, the deeper the shadows seemed. To her left something rustled in the bushes. Wings fluttered and a dark shape swooped past her, raising the hair on the back of her neck.

    That was an owl, Abby McDonald. Have you never seen an owl before? No, she didn’t think she had. And she had certainly never heard the sharp squeak that abruptly stopped the rustling.

    Now she heard footsteps behind her.

    Slowly she twisted her head, the same way she imagined the owl moving. Her body kept going forward.

    There was no one behind her. Her own steps echoed through the thick night air.

    She ran the last few feet to Griswold, drawn like a moth to the lights glowing on either side of the door. She yanked open the door, clutching her books in front of her as if the heavy volumes would protect her. Protect her? From what? Her imagination?

    Inside, the silent front hall was almost as scary as outside in the darkness. There was a dim light, but the hall gave off hollow echoes as she walked up the stairs and towards the lab. Doesn’t anyone else study at night at Salem University?

    Oh! She jumped back as a tall, slim man came around a corner towards her. Dressed in overalls, he carried a mop. His long face held a scowl as if he hated his job.

    Are you the custodian? she asked. Doctor Curruthers said you’d open the chem lab for me. I have to finish a project.

    He stared at her until her knees wobbled. Had no one ever come here at night to work? Finally he turned and walked towards the lab door. Taking out a huge ring with dozens of jingling keys, he selected one carefully, turned it in the door with a click.

    Pull it shut when you leave. It’ll lock itself. He hurried away.

    Yessir, she whispered, sliding into the lab.

    The door creaked and banged closed behind her. Strong chemical smells filled her nostrils. Yep, this was the chem lab. She froze, leaning on the cool door for a moment. Then she headed for her table.

    What are you doing here? a voice growled from one dim corner.

    Abby jumped. Her books slid away again with a whoosh and a crash. Great.

    And of all people to be here, after her wishing someone — anyone — would show up, the class creep makes an appearance.

    Stan Hurley looked like a comic book version of a mad scientist. Or a young, disturbed Albert Einstein. His hair was a peculiar shade of blond and was steel-wool curly. Jerry had dubbed him Professor Brillo Pad their first day of class.

    She wished Jerry were here now, making her laugh.

    Word was he really was a genius — Stan, not Jerry — and one of her classmates had whispered that some people thought he was just a little bit crazy. Over the first three months of the semester, she’d heard several strange stories about him.

    He was short but looked as if he lifted weights in secret. He was certainly no ninety-pound weakling. He wore those glasses with no rims. Now, with a

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