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Red Palace
Red Palace
Red Palace
Ebook407 pages6 hours

Red Palace

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Delilah is being held hostage in a Middle Eastern palace. Her fate is now in the hands of a group of werewolves who aren't afraid to die. She needs to escape, but who will come to her rescue? Believing Boone is dead, Delilah isn't sure of her future or how she will live without Boone, the love of her life, her soul mate. But is Boone really dead? Only Delilah's father has the power to change their destiny. Will he answer Delilah's prayers or continue to keep her and Boone from being together? How do Red Palaces, Russians, and werewolves fit into Delilah's past, present and future? Will love triumph over death?

Release dateMar 13, 2014
Red Palace

Rebekah Shelton

Rebekah is an empty nester living in the Southeast with her husband, Jeff. Taught to read at a young age, she cannot remember a day without a book in her hand.After dreaming night after night of a tall, slender, blonde girl walking down a dirt road in Africa and the dream stopping at the same place, Rebekah started writing down the dream. Six months later, Emerald Eyes and the Legend of the Snow Wolves series began.The second series, The Red Wolf Chronicles, is about a rogue wolf who makes a living hunting down and capturing the most heinous criminals. His biggest competition is a female bounty hunter who ends up being a...oops, that's the best part.The third series is The Battle for Zarcon Saga, a futuristic tale involving space travel and alien species who attempt to coexist on Earth. While not a romance, the two principal characters are a male and a female. He is an up-and-coming Captain from the slums. She is the spoiled rotten Cadet thrown together by her father, a high-ranking General in the Intergalactic Command Exchange (ICE). The only love between the two is that they love to hate each other.After finishing Battling Avon, Rebekah's husband, Jeff, knew the story could not end there. He knew Jax had to return to Earth as a deserter and rebel. Together they wrote the outline for Operation De-Ice during Jeff's forty-mile drive to work, and he subsequently co-authored the book.Address for Murder was inspired by an actual event. A woman had problems having packages delivered to her post office box previously rented by an FBI agent. Wondering what would happen if the box was used by a CIA agent whose life was in danger because of a double or triple cross, Address for Murder was born.

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    Book preview

    Red Palace - Rebekah Shelton

    Chapter 1

    Delilah woke. She slowly opened her eyes and blinked as she struggled to focus. Delilah tried to move but quickly detected she was being restrained with wide leather straps in an oversized, medical-style chair. Looking around, she saw floor-to-ceiling-sized cages containing male children between the ages of six and twelve.

    Who are you? Delilah asked the boys looking at her.

    We are the nameless, the oldest boy answered.

    I remember being put in a room last night with caged werewolves, Delilah muttered. She labored to focus on her surroundings and endeavored to remember how she got to the room.

    That was us.

    Delilah closed her eyes and frantically shook her head from side to side, trying to recapture reality. Delilah was confused. She was perplexed because she had been captured and had not yet been rescued. She was bewildered because the cages that last night held werewolves were now occupied by children.

    I don’t understand, Delilah replied while looking at a dozen young naked, thin, and malnourished boys.

    We are the nameless, the oldest boy repeated. Bastards, orphans.

    I have heard of the nameless, Delilah confessed and became silent.

    The girls are sold into prostitution or slavery. The boys are used for research, scientific experiments, the boy continued. All of us have been turned into werewolves. We guard the palace grounds at night.

    Delilah remained silent, not knowing what to say. Just hours ago, she didn’t think she could hate the country more than she already did, but each hour uncovered another horror. Women were stoned, girls sold into prostitution or servitude, and now she was learning boys were being turned into werewolves.

    Delilah looked at each of the boys, all with big curious eyes. Eyes that were dark and lonely. Eyes that showed remorse.

    We are sorry that we attacked your friend, the boy continued. But they never feed us. Trespassers are our only food. We did not eat last night. We were not fast enough. He got away.

    I understand, Delilah replied with a sad smile. Despite the fact they attacked Boone, she understood why they had. I’m glad he didn’t kill any of you.

    We are glad, too, the oldest boy added. Trust me, it was not personal, but we have not eaten much in days or weeks. We lose track sometimes.

    Do the others speak? Delilah asked, looking at the other boys who were silently listening.

    I am the only one who speaks English. I worked in the kitchen when I was little. I was the first nameless to be turned into a monster.

    Delilah fought back her tears. I don’t believe you want to be a monster. I have the feeling you have a huge and caring heart.

    The boy sniffled and choked back his tears. Sometimes I just wish they would kill me. Then I could be in heaven with my mother.

    Delilah could barely contain her emotions. She was more frightened for the children in the cages than by them. She was more afraid for them than for herself.

    I’m hoping someone will come to rescue me, Delilah announced while testing the leather bands that restrained her at the wrists and ankles in the large metal chair. She quickly realized she would not be able to escape the bonds.

    The doctors will be back tonight to give us another shot. It is the drug that makes us turn into werewolves.

    So, you are not controlled by the full moon?

    No, without the drugs, we don’t turn into monsters.

    That is good to know, Delilah smiled, but the smile did not reach her eyes. How long have you been here?

    Since I was six. They wait until the nameless boys are six. I’m worried about what will happen to the little ones when I go, the boy frowned. I try to take care of them. Teach them right from wrong. When I’m gone, there will be no one.

    Gone? Delilah asked with her eyes hooded.

    I heard the doctors talking. Soon I will be too old. Once I become a man, they say the drug will no longer work. They will have no need for me. I will be killed.

    When you become an adult or when you reach puberty? Delilah questioned the boy.

    Puberty? I do not know this word.

    It’s when a boy grows body hair under his arms and between his legs, Delilah answered as inoffensively as she could. She didn’t want to embarrass him.

    Yes, puberty, the boy nodded. I will be too old when I reach this puberty.

    How old are you now?

    I think I’m eleven, maybe twelve. I will join my mother in heaven soon.

    Delilah took a deep breath to calm herself. Anger, sorrow, hatred, fear, sympathy, and so many emotions overcame her mind and soul.

    Delilah held no ill will toward the boys in the cages. They were only trying to survive.

    Your friend should have killed us, the boy stated stoically. We do not deserve to live.

    Don’t you ever believe that! Delilah snapped, horrified. Not all supernatural creatures are monsters. You are not a monster. You are a sweet boy. I can see your love for your mother and for the other boys. You are a good person, a loving person.

    The boy looked down as if ashamed. Do you have a name? the boy asked.


    De-Lie-Lah, the boy repeated as if her name was a song. The way it rolled off his tongue was nothing short of poetic. "I’m called number one."

    In the Bible, the first man was called Adam, Delilah stated while looking at the boy with sympathy and admiration. I will call you Adam.

    Ad-am, the boy repeated, testing it out. I like Adam.

    I like Adam too, Delilah replied sweetly. I like the name and the boy.

    Delilah glanced around the room again as if looking for something. She saw her scarf and Arab-style dagger sitting on one of the counters. Boone. Where is Boone? Delilah asked. Did he escape?

    Your wolf? Adam asked, not sure who Boone was.

    Yes, my wolf, Delilah asked anxiously, filled with fear. Boone had been in his wolf form as he laid over her to protect her from being shot.

    I’m sorry, De-Lie-Lah, Adam said sadly. Your wolf is dead.

    Delilah screamed as if her heart had been ripped out of her chest. She no longer had the will to live. She could not imagine living without Boone at her side. Delilah felt the wind leaving her lungs, her heart aching as if it could not beat again. Delilah’s eyes fluttered, and she fell unconscious.

    Chapter 2

    Boone was trying to figure out a way to reenter the palace. He had to find Delilah. He had to rescue her or die trying. Oh, Daddy, Boone cried out in agony to Odin. "I need your help. Your baby girl needs your help. Please help us.

    Was this your plan? Is this our destiny? Is this your way of tearing us apart? Boone screamed to Delilah’s father. Delilah is not a goddess. She has no special powers. Delilah can’t heal herself or push people. She can’t read minds. Delilah has nothing but that stupid rope and her poisonous nails. You have to help her, if not for me, then for her. Damn it, Odin, help her!

    Boone paced back and forth in Logan’s apartment. He was alone. He had watched Logan escape out the palace window with Lucy. Logan's mission was to escape from the palace with Lucy and travel across the border. As far as Boone knew, they were safe. Delilah was not.

    Boone knew Delilah was still alive. It was as if he could feel her in his soul. But he could not reach out to her, connect with her, or let her know he was alive. Boone was afraid Delilah was hurt or, worse, being tortured.

    The memory of Delilah lying unconscious on the floor with blood flowing from her head nauseated Boone. He had to fight the urge to vomit. He hoped she was awake. He hoped she was not in pain. He hoped she was not being beaten or tortured. The next thought caused the bile already in his throat to hurl out of his clenched jaw. He prayed they had not raped her.

    Boone rinsed the remnants of vomit from his mouth and looked at the blood-covered shirt lying on the bathroom floor. He looked at the seven small but healing scars on his stomach, side, and back. He had been shot seven times. Even as a wolf, Boone could not recover fast enough to save Delilah. He cried, remembering how he had laid atop her to protect her.

    Boone felt bruises on his ribs where the guards had kicked him. The cracks had already healed, leaving only colorful marks on his body. Hours after losing consciousness, Boone woke far from the palace, back in human clothes and form. He climbed out of the pit filled with dead rotting bodies, both human and animal, and made his way to Logan’s apartment. He didn’t know where else to go.

    Most of the plan had gone flawlessly. Boone recalled kissing Delilah just before they climbed the wall surrounding the palace. Boone had just slipped a diamond engagement ring onto Delilah's finger, and she had agreed to marry him as soon as they returned home. After breaching the palace wall, Boone had called out telepathically to the dogs and led them away from the other four of the rescue party. The guards on the palace rooftop were taken out by Logan, Berto, and Diego using state-of-the-art laser-style weapons, Rummies, while Delilah ran to the palace. The guards were stunned but not killed. They had agreed not to kill anyone unless absolutely necessary, even though they knew the guards would not hesitate to use lethal force.

    Boone was still surprised the royal watchdogs were not dogs but smaller versions of werewolves. None was bigger than a Great Dane. None was as large as the werewolves he had seen in movies. All he could remember was their hunger, raw and feral. They didn’t want to kill for the sake of killing. They wanted to kill because they were hungry. Boone had thought it strange at the time but did not dwell on it as he allowed them to chase him until the others entered the palace. Once he realized he was about to become their next meal, Boone made his way to one of the entrances. Entering, he locked the mini werewolves outside while he chased after the rest of the rescue party through the palace.

    The rescue mission ran on a never-ending loop in Boone’s brain. The other four were already in the palace ahead of him. They had taken out each guard, stunning them one by one. Slowly they made their way to the room where Lucy was being held hostage.

    Lucy was only sixteen and sold by her trillionaire Mormon father to one of the twin princes, Omar, who resided in the palace. Lucy’s father claimed she had run away. However, Boone and Delilah had learned the truth. Usually, both worked as bounty hunters, but they took the assignment because Boone had a hunch Lucy's father had not been telling the entire truth.

    Boone and Delilah, along with Logan, had come halfway around the world to rescue Lucy. Logan worked for the other twin brother, Prince Oman. Boone paused. He wondered again if Logan had known about the werewolves. He wondered again if Logan had betrayed them for the half-billion dollar reward for Lucy’s return to her mother. Boone shook the thought from his mind for the seventh time. He had to believe Logan would not do that. He had to believe Logan was trustworthy and honest. At least, it was what his wolf was telling him. His human conscience was slow to believe anything.

    Just before Boone lost consciousness, Delilah pushed the recent events to him.

    Delilah had diverted the guard's attention so they could be stunned. Delilah was tall and beautiful. Even in her native Middle Eastern attire, her voluptuous figure showed through. The guards were intrigued by her beauty as she removed the scarf from her face and let it fall around her shoulders. They stared at her silky brown hair, naturally red lips, and pale icy-blue eyes. It was just what the others needed to subdue the distracted guards.

    They rushed into the room and saw Lucy tied to a chair in the middle of the suite. They knew instantly they had walked into a trap. Delilah looked into Lucy’s wide blue eyes and watched the tears silently fall down her face. And then all hell broke loose as more guards ran into the room.

    Delilah ran to Lucy and, with her talons, quickly sliced through the ropes securing Lucy to the chair. She grabbed Lucy and started to run. They had only made it a few feet when Delilah was hit in the head with the butt of one of the guard’s rifles. Boone had run as fast as he could through the palace. He had caught up with the team just as Delilah was hit.

    Boone grimaced again, remembering the pain that quickly overcame Delilah just before she fell to the ground. Boone remembered seeing and smelling the honey-scented blood oozing from the wound and down Delilah’s beautiful face. He remembered Delilah whispering to him, 'I love you, Hooxei,' just before she lost consciousness.

    Hooxei was the Arapaho word for wolf. Boone’s mother was half Arapaho. Boone’s official Arapaho name was Hooxei Bo’ooneih, Red Wolf. He had adopted the English name of Huxley Boone. Everyone just called him Boone. Most people thought it was his first name, not his last.

    Delilah was the only one who called him Hooxei. It was her term of endearment for him. He melted like hot butter whenever the word crossed her lips. It was like a litany, a prayer, a psalm. He cried, remembering her last words to him.

    As Delilah’s eyes closed, Boone did the only thing he knew to do: protect her from further harm, from being killed. He watched in slow motion as Berto and Diego targeted the guards with their Rummies now on the kill setting. Logan grabbed Lucy and, throwing her onto his back, made it to the window. Moments later, Logan lowered himself and Lucy to the ground using a grappling hook and rope. Boone could only assume they had gotten away safely.

    More guards had entered the room and opened fire. Berto and Diego were killed within minutes. Boone had watched both of them jump into the line of fire, effectively shielding Logan and Lucy as they escaped through the window. Berto and Diego seemed to smile without a care in the world as they returned fire.

    Boone tried not to laugh as he remembered Berto’s last words, 72 virgins, here I come. Maybe now, Berto would get his wish to impregnate someone.

    Boone couldn’t protect Delilah while human. So he turned wolf as he leaped across the room toward Delilah. He lay across Delilah to protect her from the gunfire, his gigantic reddish-tan wolf covering her body to shield her. Boone tried to shield Delilah while the bullets kept flying around them. He felt the pain and burn as each bullet entered his body, but he did not move. He would rather die than see Delilah dead, and he had.

    Chapter 3

    Delilah slipped in and out of consciousness time and time again. She couldn’t discern what was real and what she imagined while she slept. Delilah remembered being hit in the head. She remembered Boone turning wolf to protect her. She remembered the weight of his body as he lay across hers. Delilah remembered the sound of the guns and the pain Boone growled out as every bullet hit him.

    Even unconscious, she cried. Not just for the loss of Boone but for being forsaken by her family. Why hadn’t her father come to help them? Why had her sisters and her brother abandoned her? She felt truly alone. She felt genuinely terrified.

    Delilah slowly opened her eyes again. She heard a tiny voice calling her name. De-Lie-Lah, a six-year-old boy in one of the cages said softly.

    Adam noticed Delilah open her eyes. Will you help me and the other boys to escape? Adam asked.

    Will you help me? Delilah asked in reply. She wanted to escape as much as they did.

    Yes, De-Lie-Lah, Adam smiled.

    Tell me about this room. Tell me what happens here during the day. I need to know everything so we can escape.

    Adam translated everything Delilah was saying to him to the younger boys. All nodded in agreement. All agreed to help Delilah escape.

    We will die for you, De-Lie-Lah, Adam told her calmly while nodding at the other boys.

    I do not want you to die for me. I’m not asking you to die for me, Delilah cried with real tears streaming down her face. The thought of children dying was unconscionable to her. In her one hundred and fifty-one years, she had seen a lot of death, and the death of children weighed the heaviest on her heart.

    We have nothing, no place to go, no clothes, Adam replied as if it did not matter if they stayed or left.

    I will find a way to help you, Delilah insisted. We will all escape. We will find a way.

    Thank you, Adam replied. He knew it would not be easy. Adam knew he and the boys would be hunted down and killed for helping Delilah. But neither he nor the other boys cared. They would rather die than continue to live the way they did now.

    It will be evening before the doctors come back, Adam started. They will take blood from us. Then they will inject half of us with the drug to make us monsters.

    Half? Delilah asked.

    They like to keep us hungry. They like us to be hungry, so we will have to kill to eat.

    So after they give you the shot, then what?

    It takes a few minutes for the shot to work. We enter the tunnel, and they lock us out of the room. We go outside through the tunnel to patrol and look for food. Sometimes we are lucky and find a stray animal or a rat. We eat whatever we find, Adam explained.

    Adam stopped and translated what he had told Delilah to the boys. One of the boys, who was around ten, said one word, Sabi.

    Yes, Adam replied and turned back to Delilah. There is a young girl my age, a servant girl. She sneaks in sometimes and brings us roti. It is not much, but it helps.

    Do you think she would help us? Delilah asked hopefully.

    Maybe, if she comes. She does not come every day. It is too dangerous. If she was caught, they would beat her, maybe kill her.

    We must pray that she comes today. She may be our only chance. Maybe she has heard about me or the other girl escaping, and she will be curious, Delilah suggested.

    We cannot pray, Adam replied, almost fearfully. We are the nameless.

    The gods hear everyone’s prayers, Adam, Delilah rebutted. She couldn’t comprehend the nameless were forbidden to believe in God or to pray. You just have to believe.

    Do you believe, De-Lie-Lah? Adam asked. His voice was soft and sincere.

    It took Delilah a few minutes before she replied. Her heart was breaking. She had been captured. Boone was dead. Her family had forsaken her. She looked down at the diamond engagement ring Boone had given her the night before. She could feel his lips on hers. She could feel his breath on her neck as he whispered, I love you. For a moment, she wondered if their declaration to wed as soon as they returned home had angered her father. Was this revenge? Was this retribution? She shuddered at the thought. No, she thought silently. Daddy would never hurt me like this.

    I believe in a lot of things, Delilah finally replied. I was raised in a very different world. I have seen a lot of things. I have seen the beauty of love and the splendor of a perfect sunset. I must believe the gods smile on us, all of us.

    We know nothing of this world you speak of, Adam retorted, looking around the laboratory. This is what we know. This is how we live. We have rarely seen a sunset. And the sunrise only reminds us it is time to return to our cages and another day of hunger and imprisonment.

    I’m sorry, Delilah said sadly. Her heart broke for the boys and how they were treated. No clothing, no food, no humanity but most of all, no love.

    Do not feel sorry for us, Adam replied. Someday, we will join our mothers and have love.

    Delilah could barely keep from crying. The boys felt their only way to happiness and love was to die and enter heaven. Even as the nameless, they believed in life after death. It was their only hope for a life different than what they had now. Delilah silently prayed for their safety despite how they were forced to live and survive. She prayed to her father.

    Chapter 4

    Adam and the others were surprised when Sabi showed up early in the afternoon. She brought a tray of food for Delilah with her. Speaking in her native tongue, Sabi talked to Adam. After Adam responded, Sabi turned to Delilah. He says you are honest and will not betray us.

    We are all prisoners, Delilah replied. That makes us family now.

    Sabi smiled as she placed the tray on the table near Delilah. I convinced the guards to let me bring in the food. I often come to see the boys, so they trust me.

    Sabi reached under her tunic and pulled out a stack of roti she had wrapped and hidden for the boys. I have extra, she announced proudly. I saved for three days.

    The boys smiled as she handed each of them a whole piece of roti. We normally have to share, Adam explained as the younger boys quickly ate their portion.

    Delilah watched as the boys ate. She could see they were starving, literally starving. Give them my food, Delilah instructed Sabi without hesitation.

    No, De-Lie-Lah, Adam rebutted. You must get well.

    I’m fine, Adam, Delilah insisted. I will eat later. I want you and the others to have my lunch.

    Adam? Sabi asked.

    De-Lie-Lah has given me a name. She calls me Adam.

    I like the name, Sabi giggled. I will call you Adam also.

    How old are you? Delilah asked Sabi. Sabi was small, slightly over four feet tall, and relatively thin. Her hair was long, worn in a single braid halfway down her back. Her clothing was simple, devoid of ornamentation, and showed they had been worn for several consecutive days. But her smile was big and bright, and her eyes twinkled when she looked at Adam.

    I’m the same as Adam. We are thirteen.

    How do you know Adam is thirteen? Delilah asked.

    We were born the same day, Sabi smiled.

    Delilah’s eyes became hooded and thin. You are twins?

    Oh no, Sabi laughed. We have different mothers and fathers. We are not related. My mother told me how Adam was born and brought to the palace to work. My mother has worked in the kitchen since she was a child. I am the bastard child of the Prince.

    Your father is one of the princes?

    Yes. Prince Amin.

    And they allowed you and your mother to live?

    The world inside the palace is different than in the city, Sabi tried to explain. My mother is beautiful, and the prince protected her from my grandfather, the king.

    So you are royalty?

    Sabi laughed and shook her head from side to side. I could never be a princess. My mother is but a servant.

    But your father is a prince, Delilah rebutted.

    It does not work like that here. I was born of a servant and will die as a servant.

    Delilah gritted her teeth. It was an age-old argument that would never be resolved. Instead, she listened while Adam and Sabi spoke again in their language.

    Adam has a plan to get you out of the palace, Sabi announced. I think it will work.

    Adam, what is your plan? Delilah curiously asked.

    I will have Sabi loosen the straps. When the doctors return later and let some of us out, we will attack them, and you can escape through the tunnels.

    Won’t it be dangerous for the boys? I don’t want them to be hurt, Delilah squealed.

    The tunnel will be unlocked just before we get the shot. We will wait until we are given the shot. Then you will jump up and run for the tunnel. We will keep the doctor away from you. All you have to do is run through the tunnel and out of the palace. If you try to escape during the day, the alarm will sound, and you will not make it to the fence. They will kill you. But doing it tonight, it will work.

    You make it sound simple, Delilah mused.

    We have never given the doctors any reason to fear us. We act tame so they will not hurt us. Now is our chance to help you and maybe get away ourselves. It is time, De-Lie-Lah. It is time for us to escape or join our mothers in heaven.

    I cannot have anyone die for me, Delilah begged. It’s not right.

    We promise we will not die on purpose, Adam rebuked. We will try to live. But we promise you will escape and return to your home.

    Home, Delilah repeated with a sad look. With Boone gone, I’m not sure I want to go home.

    You loved your wolf? Adam asked. His eyes showed sorrow and curiosity. Adam had seen Delilah's wolf turn human. It was as if he and the wolf were alike. The idea of Delilah loving what he considered a monster intrigued him. It gave him hope.

    Yes, I loved him very much. He was my best friend. He was my life, Delilah cried with tears streaming down her face.

    Then live for him. You will be happy again, Adam insisted innocently.

    I hope so, Delilah sobbed, trying to stop her tears.

    I will release you, Sabi offered after she distributed Delilah’s lunch of roti and rice amongst the boys. And I will get you water.

    Where are the keys for the cages? Delilah inquired.

    The doctors have the keys, Sabi replied. No one else.

    Show me the tunnel then, Delilah requested.

    Sabi released Delilah from her bindings. She walked to the far end of the room, past the cages to a locked metal door. The tunnel leads to the back side of the palace. Go to the back fence, not the one closest to the road. Stay close to the fence so they cannot see you. The guards will not know the werewolves are still inside, so they will not follow on foot.

    What will happen to you and the boys? Delilah asked.

    I will be beaten, Sabi replied stoically. But I’m used to it. Do not worry about me.

    I can’t have children do this for me. You are all too young, Delilah started crying again. Just leave me my knife, and I will find a way to do it alone.

    No, De-Lie-Lah, Adam rebutted. It is time for us to escape too. If everything goes right, we will be free. I want to be free. So do the other boys.

    I want to be free, too, Sabi announced. If Adam goes. I will go, too.

    No! Adam bellowed.

    We were born together. We will escape or die together, Sabi insisted. I will go with you. I will wait at the end of the tunnel, and we will leave together. I will wait for you.

    How do you know Adam will get the shot? Delilah asked.

    Because I always do, Adam replied. I am the oldest, number one.

    Delilah didn’t know what to say. She was wrestling with the chance of children, not yet old enough to know life or love, dying for her.

    Delilah walked to the first cage and motioned for the boys inside to come to her. She held her tears at bay as she watched the emaciated, naked boys walk toward her. Delilah reached down and kissed each one on the cheek. Thank you, she told each one before moving to the next cage.

    Once Delilah had finished, she walked to the steel table and picked up her dagger. She returned to the chair she had been confined in for over twelve hours and sat down. Nodding to Sabi, Sabi came over and loosely buckled the bindings.

    I will see you in the tunnel, Sabi told Delilah.

    Then Sabi walked to the cage that held Adam. I will be waiting. Sabi kissed Adam on the cheek and retrieved the empty food tray. She knocked on the door to let the guards know she was ready to leave. Taking a quick glance over her shoulder, Sabi smiled at Adam and left.

    Chapter 5

    Boone sat in the palace's parking lot, trying to determine his next move. During the daylight hours, no werewolves were patrolling the palace grounds. However, the number of human guards quadrupled. There was no way to get into the

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